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Go to >Desktop Integration Manager

Create Integrator :
Interface Name – XXDOV AP Invoice Interface Integrator
Internal Name - XXDOV_AP_INT
Application -Payables
Enabled – Yes
Display in Create Document Page - Checked

Click > Next

Create Interface :
Interface Name : XXDOV AP Invoice Interface
Interface Type : API – Procedure
Procedure/Function : LOAD_PRC
API Returns : FND Message Code
Click >Apply > Next

Skip >Contents > Click > Next

Create Uploader

Uploader :From Template

Click on Create

Uploader Name - XXDOV AP Invoice Interface Uploader

Click on Next
Create Importer
Importer type : PL/SQL API
Importer Name : XXDOV_AP_IMPORT

Click on PL/SQL API Call plus button to add our custom procedure
Enter following information
API Type : PL/SQL Procedure
Procedure Name : IMPORT_PRC
API Returns : FND Message Code
Click on apply and then submit button

Query the integrator Name >

Create Layout
Define Layout >

Click > Next

Click > Apply

Create Components >

1. Organization:
Display Name :XXDOV_AP_ORG
Internal Name :XXDOV_AP_ORG
Application : Payables
Component Type : Table LOV

table-column-alias : Name
table-column-sort : ASCENDING
table-columns : Name
table-headers : Organization
table-select-column : P_ORGANIZATION
window-caption : Organizations
window-height : 400
window-width : 400
2. For Invoice Date :
Create Component:
Display Name: XXDOV_AP_INVDT
Internal Name: XXDOV_API_INVDT
Application: Payables
Component Type : Calendar

table-columns : P_INV_DATE
table-select-column : P_INV_DATE
window-caption : Invoice Date
window-height : 210
window-width : 350

3. For GL Date :
Create Component:
Display Name: XXDOV_AP_GLDT
Internal Name: XXDOV_API_GLDT
Application: Payables
Component Type : Calendar
table-columns : P_GL_DATE
table-select-column : P_GL_DATE
window-caption : GL Date
window-height : 210
window-width : 350
4. Supplier :
Display Name :XXDOV_AP_SUP
Internal Name :XXDOV_AP_SUP
Application : Payables
Component Type : Table LOV

table-column-alias : vendor_name,segment1
table-column-sort : ASCENDING
table-columns : vendor_name,segment1
table-headers : vendor_name,segment1
table-select-column : P_SUPPLIER_NAME, P_SUPPLIER_NUM
window-caption : Supplier
window-height : 400
window-width : 400

5. Terms :
Display Name :XXDOV_AP_TERMS
Internal Name :XXDOV_AP_ TERMS
Application : Payables
Component Type : Table LOV

table-column-alias : name,description
table-column-sort : ASCENDING
table-columns : name,description
table-headers : name,description
table-select-column : P_TERMS
window-caption : Terms
window-height : 400
window-width : 400

6. Payment Currency:
Display Name :XXDOV_AP_PCUR
Internal Name :XXDOV_AP_ PCUR
Application : Payables
Component Type : Table LOV
table-column-alias : currency_code
table-column-sort : ASCENDING
table-columns : currency_code
table-headers : currency_code
table-select-column : P_PAYMENT_CURRENCY
window-caption : Payment Currency
window-height : 400
window-width : 400

7. Invoice Currency:
Display Name :XXDOV_AP_ICUR
Internal Name :XXDOV_AP_ ICUR
Application : Payables
Component Type : Table LOV
table-column-alias : currency_code
table-column-sort : ASCENDING
table-columns : currency_code
table-headers : currency_code
table-select-column : P_INVOICE_CURRENCY
window-caption : Invoice Currency
window-height : 400
window-width : 400

8. Line Type

Modify Integrator Attributes:

Val Type : Table
Meaning : MEANING
Where clause : lookup_type = 'INVOICE LINE TYPE' and (enabled_flag = 'Y' or
trunc(nvl(end_date_active,sysdate)) <= trunc(sysdate)) and language = 'US'

Payment Currencies :
Create Attribute:

>Interface > View Group > Define Group

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