O2 Living September Newsletter 2010

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September 2010


September is a great month to start re-evaluating our bodily O2 GROUP
intake. While transitioning from summer to fall, we must be in tune
with changes in foods. Connecting to the rhythm of the seasons can JUICE FAST
be achieved through cleansing our bodies and starting new diet regi- 3, 5 and 7 Day
We have such a selection of fruits and vegetables that come Seasonal cleanses at O2 Living are very important
out of our gardens and local farms. I chose corn for this month’s news- as they are an increasingly popular way for people
letter, because it is a food we think of as not “clean.” This has to do with to remove dangerous toxins from their bodies.
the fact that factory farming processed
food industries have turned this into a Starts Sunday,
bad choice. September 19th @ 6-7pm
At O2 living we enjoy freshly Juice Fast Introduction
picked local corn from non-genetically
Juice Pick-up
modified plants on the very day of har-
vest at the peak of this short season. The program has been professionaly designed to
O2’s local corn is perfectly clean and cleanse dangerous toxins from your body.
delicious and is the main ingredient in
our newest salad! Program will include:
Health benefits of corn include fiber, folate, vitamin B12 (most 4 Daily O2 Signature Greens Drinks
vegans lack in B12). Corn, when fresh, is absolutely cleansing, as it is Nutritional Consultation w/ Jodi McGinty
so rich in fiber. Enjoy an ear everyday during the fall season or after 60 min. Swedish Massage & 30 min. Reflexology
your O2 Juice Cleanse this month. Daily Yoga (beginners welcome!) & Meditation
-Rosemary Devlin, Founder Replacement Supplements, Skin brushing,
Tongue brushing, pH Testing, Daily Tap-water
News & Info. from the Front Desk Enema’s, Colonic Hydrotherapy (optional)
Optional Hikes & Exercise Recommendation
Labor Day Closings: Special accomodations available...
Saturday, Sept. 4, CLOSING @ 2pm Personalize your cleanse!
Sunday, Sept. 5, CLOSED- Yoga as scheduled
Monday, Sept. 6, CLOSED- Hot Yoga only at 9:30 w/ Alison Space is limited for each session, so please
sign-up to receive your schedule and protocol
September Yoga Schedule, 4 days prior to start date.
Now Posted! Sign-up with laura@o2living.me
New Fall Arrivals in O2’s
or call 914.763.6320
Eco-Friendly Boutique! If the 19th doesn’t work, start on another Sunday:
9/26, 10/3, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24, 10/31

6 Yellow Monkey Village, Cross River, NY 10518 914.763.6320 914.763.6322 www.o2living.me

Upcoming Workshops & Events Kitchen Corner: Seasonal Drinks
Fall is right around the corner and at O2 Live Food
Friday, September 10 Café we are ready to transition you in to autumn full of sea-
10am-2pm sonal cleanses and additional beverage items.
Our newest drink is the O2 Kiwi Elixir, perfect for your
Dr. Hauschka, Complimentary Consultations post Yoga experience! Kiwi’s origins are from Italy, New Zea-
land, China, Japan, India and yes, the United States. This
Saturday, September 18 fruit has an amazing source of Vitamin C, Calcium Oxalate,
2-4pm high dietary fiber and it’s most valuable attribute, Alpha-lino-
Men’s Yoga for Golf lenic acids.
ALA is an organic com-
Sunday, September 19 pound found in many plant and
vegetable oils and in Omega 3
Intoduction 6-7pm fatty acid. Our bodies need this
JUICE FAST RETREAT as “essential fatty acids;” mean-
ing our bodies will not produce
Wednesday, September 22 this as a bi-product of an Omega 6 fatty acid. We cannot
6-8pm convert an Omega 3 fatty acid to an Omega 6 fatty acid, thus
Andrea Candee we must take them in addition to our daily diets.
At O2 Live Food Café, the Kiwi Elixir is paired with
Lyme Disease- Integrative Approach an Amanzi Sencha Green Tea and blueberry juice. The com-
bination of these items includes high-powered anti-oxidants
Friday, September 24 and electrolyte balancing components. This drink is designed
11-11:30am to increase your energy levels and the amounts of ALA and
Ronni Pitiger dietary fiber.
Health, Diet & Beauty Information Session Aside from losing weight, getting fitter and improv-
ing your health, this new beverage will expand your sense of
wellbeing and balance.
Basil Jones
Have you stopped to consider that maybe your di-
Exploring the External Restraints of Yoga gestive troubles are from the food you’re eating? People
tend to blame digestive problems on related medical condi-
Creating a Yoga Practice of Peace
tions that need to be treated with prescription and over the
Asana, Book Study & Meditation (All Levels)
counter drugs.
Take a look at your diet. What kinds of foods are you
Three-week Yoga Workshop
putting in to your body? The best way to help with digestion
Tuesdays, 4:30-6pm is to be aware of exactly what’s in the food you’re consum-
9/28, 10/5, 10/12 ing. From there, you can evaluate and bring in an integrative
approach for healthier digestion.
Limited Space, sign up today 914.763.6320 Certain drugs target the problem at the time and only
$45 Per Session. Pre-Registration Required. work when taken. Eating proper foods with help you live an
easier life, free of digestive problems and discomfort. This
Sign-up to buy a seasonal share of fruit and vegetable doesn’t mean going on a strict diet for a few weeks and then
produce harvested at local farms. going back to the way you were eating before.
4 Monthly Distributions (Dec.-Mar.) at 02 Cafe Eating to better your body is a lifestyle that anyone
Call O2 Living @ 914-763-6320 for details. can grow to love. Especially when you are free of toxins from
drugs and digestive problems.
6 Yellow Monkey Village, Cross River, NY 10518 914.763.6320 914.763.6322 www.o2living.me

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