Hindu Editorial 09012018

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Topic - Contested history - January 9, 2018

In the Manipur hills-valley conflict, memory and mythare often confused

with facts

The article “ Unmindful of History ” ( The Hindu , December 29, 2017) makes some fine critiques of
Chief Minister N. Biren Singh’s Bharatiya Janata Party’s government in Manipur, but it misrepresents

Revisiting the Lushai Expedition (1871-1872) would put things in perspective. I will refer only to
British records and not the Manipur royal chronicle. Alexander Mackenzie’s monumental work, History
of the Relations of the Government with the Hill Tribes of the North-East Frontier of Bengal , first
published in 1884, is a good place to start. There are also memories and myths to depend on in
reconstructing history, but memories and myths differ from people to people, and from community to
community, as insecurities and desires often influence facts.

The Lushai Expedition followed a devastating raid by Lushai tribesmen on the Alexanderpur tea estate
in Cachar. Several were killed, including a planter, Winchester. The raiders also abducted Winchester’s
six-year-old daughter, Mary. Thereafter, the British launched a massive punitive expedition into the
Lushai hills. Tedim Chins, known to the British as Kamhows, from the Tedim ranges of the present
Chin State of Myanmar, were British-friendly, and their service was enlisted in the hunt for Mary.
Manipur was then bound by a 1762 treaty with the East India Company and was called upon to send
troops accompanied by Maj. Gen. W.F. Nuthall to block northern escape routes around Behiang, but
was not part of the Cachar column carrying out the expedition under Brigadier General Bourchier.

The expedition lasted from December 9, 1871 to February 24, 1872, when Mary was rescued and the
Lushai chiefs behind the raid surrendered. Nothing of significance happened on the Manipur side, but
when the expedition concluded, Manipur troops intercepted a team of Kamhows returning from the
British expedition with 957 Lushai captives. The Kamhows were held and the Lushai captives were
freed. They settled in Manipur. Kamhow leader Kokatung was brought to Imphal and put in prison,
where he died. Bourchier was outraged. Nuthall was also angry but later reasoned that Manipur was
justified in doing this as the Kamhows had earlier raided and committed offences within Manipur.

The article also makes unsubstantiated remarks against Maharaja Chandrakirti whose father, Gambhir
Singh, died in 1834 when Chandrakirti was just two. Gambhir Singh’s cousin Nara Singh then
ascended the throne and Chandrakirti was appointed regent. When Chandrakirti came of age, by the
principle of primogenitor, the throne was restored to him. Barely out of his boyhood then, he
committed mistakes, but ultimately grew to be one of the ablest statesmen of the kingdom. For
instance, he was the one to settle the Chassad-Kuki unrest in 1881.

Boundary modifications

In 1834, when the boundary of Manipur was redrawn to gift the disputed Kabaw valley to Burma,


Chassad-Kuki settlements were left neither in Manipur nor Burma. This 1834 line came to be known as
the Pemberton Line, after Capt. R. Boileau Pemberton who drew it along the foot of “Muring hills”
(British records), indicating that these hills were once the domain of the Maring Nagas.

Towards 1881, Chassad became restive, and armed with muskets — which the British suspect were
supplied by the king of Sumjok, a small Shan principality in Kabaw valley — made several attacks on
Tangkhul Naga villages nearby. The matter could not be adequately addressed because of the ambiguity
of Chassad’s subjecthood. The boundary was then redrawn to bring Chassad within Manipur and this
brought peace. The boundary became the Pemberton-Johnstone Line after Col. James Johnstone, head
of the 1881 boundary commission. Burma was invited but failed to turn up.

This boundary was modified again in 1896 and thereafter came to be known as the Pemberton-
Johnstone-Maxwell Line. This is the line ratified by the Rangoon Agreement of 1967 between India
and Burma. The 1834 line is India’s earliest demarcated international boundary.

In 1885, when the British again waged war on Burma to annex it, Manipur troops were called upon to
march to Kendat in Burma to rescue European employees of the Bombay Burmah Company. It is also
noteworthy that the Manipur army then had a sizeable number of Kuki soldiers. It is not true therefore
that Manipur’s boundary did not extend into the southern hills. The fact is, unlike in its northern hills
where large, fortified Naga villages practising a good measure of settled agriculture were common, its
southern hills were largely barren of settled villages and population. Though changed considerably
now, this demographic profile is still very much a marked feature of the State. Chandrakriti died in
1886, so he also cannot be justifiably associated with events during WWI as the article has done.

Pradip Phanjoubam is editor of ‘Imphal Free Press’ and author of ‘The Northeast Question: Conflicts
and Frontiers’

Article Source – The Hindu

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Article Link - http://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-opinion/contested-history/article22400473.ece

Words- Meanings, Synonyms, Antonyms (Article given below)

Critiques –

Meaning – English: a detailed analysis and assessment of something, especially a literary,

philosophical, or political theory.

Meaning – Hindi: आलोचनाओं


Synonyms: analysis, evaluation, assessment, appraisal

Antonyms: compliment, praise, flattery

Devastating –

Meaning – English: highly destructive or damaging

Meaning – Hindi: भयानक

Synonyms: destructive, ruinous, disastrous

Antonyms: blessed, fortunate


Meaning – English: inflicting or intended as punishment

Meaning – Hindi:

Synonyms: harsh, severe, penal, disciplinary

Antonyms: beneficial, rewarding


Meaning – English: obstructed (someone or something)

Meaning – Hindi: पकडा

Synonyms: stop, head off, cut off

Antonyms: allow, let go, assist



Meaning – English: go up or climb

Meaning – Hindi: चढा

Synonyms: climb (up), come/go/move up, make one's/its way up

Antonyms: decline, descend, fall


Meaning – English: the quality of being open to more than one interpretation; inexactness

Meaning – Hindi: अस्पष्टता

Synonyms: ambivalence, equivocation

Antonyms: clearness, explicitness, certainty


Meaning – English: separate or distinguish from

Meaning – Hindi: सीमांकन

Synonyms: separate, divide

Antonyms: attach, connect


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