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Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete,

not lacking anything.” (James 1:4)

Maelstroms and Maturity_______________


Nancy teaches high school art. All six of her class periods are packed with 30 or more
students. Her budget for materials has been cut though her class sizes have increased. There are
not enough individual drawers for her students’ art supplies so some are sharing while other
students, not bothering to buy theirs, are simply stealing. Student misbehavior, partially due to the overcrowding, has increased this
year along with the number of time consuming steps she must follow before making a discipline referral to the main office.
As the art department chairperson, a position for which she does not get paid, she had an extra conference period last year in
order to have time to deal with all those added responsibilities which include developing department budgets, substitute teacher
orientation and monitoring, new teacher interviews, curriculum development, and attending bi-weekly campus leadership team
meetings. Due to student overcrowding this year, she lost the extra off period. When substitute teachers are unavailable, she must
help cover the unattended classes during her one conference period along with other staff members in the fine arts department.
Due to scheduling difficulties this second semester, the school counselors have put Art I, Art II, and Art III students all in the
same class period with no consultation from her. She must now teach three levels of art in the same class at the same time. She has
been assigned bus porch duty in the afternoons and has had to break up at least one fight every two weeks.
The words “academic maelstrom” most accurately describe Nancy’s teaching position this year. A maelstrom is defined as, “a
powerful often violent whirlpool sucking in objects within a given radius”. What is amazing is that Nancy sails along in this whirlpool of
constant swirling chaos and sacrifice yet does not get sucked down into negativity or discouragement. She still loves her job and sees it
as a great challenge similar to mountain climbing, one of her and her husband’s favorite summer activities.
Nancy knows she is a missionary for Jesus Christ and she is exactly where He wants her. She knows the peace and presence
of Jesus within her is so desperately needed at her high school. Added to her regular chaotic school schedule, she sponsors an art
club and the student Christian club which are both growing. She also meets with two other Christian teachers after school on Fridays.
They call it Happy Hour. Instead of getting intoxicated due to the stress on the job, they detoxify themselves through sharing, caring,
and prayer before they go home to be with their families for the weekend.
One of the indestructible sails on Nancy’s professional ship is the Bible verse James 1:2-4, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers
and sisters, [fellow educators] whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces
perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” Nancy believes and
knows the challenges of her profession are helping bring her to spiritual and professional maturity.
Are you in a professional maelstrom right now? Know God is testing your faith and producing perseverance in your life. Know
that this is all a part of God’s bringing you to spiritual and professional maturity. Know that, with God’s help and leadership in your
professional life, you can successfully pass this time of testing. Know your job is a mission field and that God’s love is needed by the
students, parents and staff you serve. Know you are right where He wants you to represent Him, to be His peace and presence.
Prayer: Lord, thank you for giving us perseverance and maturing us through the professional trials we are now facing.
Reflection: Am I in a professional maelstrom? How am I handling it? What is a Bible verse sail or life preserver I can cling to in order
to stay afloat and keep sailing?
Getting Real: Select a life preserving Bible verse to cling to in your professional maelstrom. Keep it visible somewhere on your desk
where you will see it daily. Pray it daily for yourself and pray it when the professional sea and storms are raging around you.
Remember Jesus is the Prince of Peace and the captain of your professional ship, not you or others. He can calm the storm.

CLASSROOM LIGHTHOUSE SERIES: Fields of Faith in Education (For info or prayer contact WEEK 25

PRAY FOR JONICE (South Africa Outreach – Dr. Mella Davis)

This is Jonice. She is a happy a nine-year old, especailly on the day this photo was taken. Those shoes were the
ones she took off and exchanged for a decent pair provided by the ministry here. Many days in Worcester, it rains
and no road in the shantytown where she lives is paved with anything other than broken rocks and bricks, so a
solid pair of shoes was a godsend. She attends Avian Park Primary like all the other elementary aged girls where
Mr. Afrika is the principal. Her affectionate demeanor and helpful spirit make it a joy to work with her. She has
been with this ministry about three months.

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