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Drs. Ronny Ralin, M. Kes, MA

Created by


Asphia Rahmah 1711111120004

Gina Maulida Riani Al-Syams 1711111120009
Puty Ayu Azizah 1711111120018
Akhmad Farhansyah Ibrahim 1711111210004
Safa’at Bintang Ramadhan 1711111210030
Andi Istiqamah 1711111220006
Danika Dita Maharani 1711111220010
Luthfina Amalia Rahmah 1711111220018
Siti Hajar Norma Gupita 1711111220032
Aanisah Ramadamayati 1711111320002

Tittle : “Me Before and After Dentistry”

Theme : Men in Dentist

Actors and Actress

1. Andi Istiqamah as Narrator

2. Akhmad Farhansyah Ibrahim as Bambang Jatmiko
3. Danika Dita Maharani as Clara
4. Safa’at Bintang Ramadhan as Bambang’s father and drg.Wijayanto
5. Puty Ayu Azizah as Bambang’s mother
6. Siti Hajar Norma Gupita as drg. Hajar
7. Gina Maulida Riani Al-Syams as drg. Halimah
8. Luthfina Amalia Rahmah as Maemunah (Bambang and Clara’s friend)
9. Aanisah Ramadayati as Hj. Ijum (Mrs. Kost)
10. Asphia Rahmah as Sukijah (Bambang’s patient)

Bambang is a persistent and unyielding person in reaching his ideals. Although he

was born from a poor family, but with the love of his parents, Bambang was able
to complete his education to become a dentist. Many things passed by Bambang
during college, from sad, fun, and memorable things. Problems come and go,
difficulty in paying the boarding house and getting the patient for co-ass. But with
a lot of motivation from the people closest to Bambang, and his persistent efforts
made Bambang rise again. Until at last Bambang found his true love, Clara.
Bambang and Clara were living happily ever after as a couple of dentists.

Scene 1


In a village, there lived a happy little family of bapak, ibu and 1 son, named
Bambang Jadmiko, Bambang who aspired to want to be a dentist because in his
village there was no dentist, but Bambang's parents did not have sufficient funds
to finance the college of their children, with the seriousness of Bambang
scholarship to realize his desire to be a student of dentist. A few days later
Bambang said goodbye to leave his hometown.

Bambang : “Bu, Pak, Bambang wants to ask permission to continue

studying in the city.”

Mother : “Yes LE, my handsome son, study diligent, take care, do

not forget to study and pray.”

Father : “Hmmm, be careful there, Save your money.”

Scene 2


After a few days, Bambang began to take part in lectures, then Bambang met with
a student named Maemunah. They also talked about city life.

Bambang : “Excuse me mba, can I sit here ?”

Maemunah : “Oh yes just chill. Here..”

Bambang : “Actually, I'm a new person here, so can you tell me how
is the daily life in the city?”

Maemunah : “Ouuuu yes i am. So I think life in the city is tougher than
in the village for a child in need of a house.”

Bambang : “O yes, by the way who is your name?”

Maemunah : “O my name is Maemunah. Just call Mae, we are one

generation. But, who's your name?”

Bambang : “My name is Bambang Jatmiko, just call Bambang. Then

thank you, see you again.”


The next day, bambang and his friends do the firs tutorial.

Drg. Wijayanto : “Let me introduce my self. My name is drg. Wijayanto.

Well, here you will do the first tutorial with me as your
guidance lecturer.”

Scene 3


During the tutorial, bambang first saw a female student of one of his tutorial
group, Clara. Clara is a famous girl in this college. Bambang never took his eyes
off Clara.
* love bell soundtrack *

After finishing the tutorial, Bambang encounters Clara * brukkk!! * * books

scattered *

Bambang : “Sorry sorry Clara ... I was not intentional.”

Clara : “Yeah bang okay, sorry I'm in a hurry!”

Bambang : “Clara ... Clara ... your book is left behind (while chasing
after Clara who keeps running).”

Scene 4


A few months later, when Bambang returned to boarding house, and then
Bambang had been waiting by mother of boarding house, called mrs. Ijum right in
front of the entrance to collect payment of the boarding house

Hj. Ijum : “Eee ... Finally the long-awaited comes, so You have not
paid the boarding fee for two months, so how?”

Bambang : “Please bu, give me time to earn money and immediately

pay it off.”

Hj. Ijum : “I give you one week at the latest.”

Scene 5


Bambang also decided to sell on campus in order to pay off his rent payment.

(Bambang sales)

A week later, Bambang also managed to pay off his boarding fees.
A few years later, Bambang finished his doctoral education and a Bachelor of
Dentistry degree. At graduation, Bambang meets with Clara and wants to return
the book that left behind when they collided several years ago.

Bambang : “Clara, clara !!! Congratulations for your graduation ....

mmmm btw, do you remember when your book is falling

Clara : “Hmm when??? Oohh it is, yes i did, I have been looking
for that book. So you keep it?”

Bambang : ”*Scratching his head while blushing* Eh yes

the book that I keep it until now because I know it is very
valuable to you.”

Clara : “It’s okay, no problem.”

Bambang : “Yes...can we take picture together ??”

Clara : “Wiihh very rarely . Come allowed.”

Bambang : “By the way, please gonna take it. (Calling Mae) Mae
Mae come here... can you take pictures of us?”

Maemunah : “Oh ok.”

Scene 6


A few weeks after graduation, bambang also entered the life of a dentist co-ass.
When the co-ass, bambang many have difficulty. He has to split his money to
fund his daily co-asss and necessities. However, one day there was a problem that
Bambang faced during a co-ass. Bambang did not get patients for surgical stages
when the deadline of the time to stay a few weeks. Finally with a heavy heart
Bambang met a co-ass doctor without taking patients.
Bambang : “I’m Sorry doctor, introduce me Bambang Jatmiko can
not bring the patient on this day because she has not found
the right patient for the criteria of oral surgical stages.”

Drg. Hajar : “What’s wrong with you? You don’t want to pass? That’s
not my business, Two more days you should bring the

Bambang : “How if i don’t get the patient, doc?"

Drg. Hajar : “It's not my business, if you don’t pass that’s not my

Scene 7


Then Bambang came out of the Doctor's room with a desperate face. Finally
bambang decided to go home to the boarding house to rest yourself. But when
Bambang returns to the boarding house, Bambang meets with mrs house.

Bambang : “Excuse Buk, Good afternoon.”

Hj. Ijum : “Afternoon. Bambang remember you have been late

paying boarding for 3 months. You have to pay now, or you

Bambang : “I begging for you to help out with the time of the
payment, I promise I will settle the bill.”

Hj. Ijum : “You have promises, then you keep promise.”

Bambang : “Please Buk, give me one more chance.”

Hj. Ijum : “I give you for 1 week, if you don’t pay you have leave
the boarding house.”

Bambang : “Thanks for the help.”

Scene 8


After hearing the words of the boarding mother, Bambang increasingly feel
depressed, both because he doesn’t get the patient for co-ass and he should pay for
the boarding hoyse payment. Bambang did not want to continue his co-ass life and
returned to the village to work as a farmer. Finally Bambang call his parents in
village by video call to tell his problems his co-ass.

Bambang : “Assalamualaikum wr.wb. bu pak how are you, I miss

you. Bambang wants to tell.”

Father : “Wa’alaikumussalam Bambang what happen? Why you

look so sad?”

Bambang : “Bambang wants to go back to the village Pak, become a


Mother : “Why Le? Before going to town you said you wanted to
be a doctor, now you want to be a farmer.”

Bambang : “Bambang did not get a patient for the Mouth Surgery.”

Mother : “Don’t give up Le, ibu know you can. Ibu always pray for
your kindness. Do not forget the effort and pray to Allah

Bambang : “But Bambang feels he can not bear Buk.”

Father : “Many people want to be like you, do not waste the

opportunity that you have Le. Not everyone as lucky as
you, the Dentist profession is not a leering profession Le.”

Bambang : “Okay, pa. Bambang will try again.”

Scene 9


After videocall with his parents, Bambang felt his spirit rise again and change his
life. The next day, while Bambang walked around college, Bambang met with
doctor Halimah. Then they do a little conversation.

Drg. Halimah : “What happen? Why you look so gloomy? Is there a

problem? Or dizzy because of work?”

Bambang : “Actually I'm having a lot of problems. I can’t get patient

mouth surgery, and I always late to pay the payment of
boarding house. I got confused doc.”

Drg. Halimah : “Oo like that. You will get the patient, just be calm. To
solve the payment problem, you can sell my merchandise?
Isn’t not bad, how?”

Bambang : “Is that true? Thank you very much for your help.”

Drg. Halimah : “Yes just relax. Don’t be discouraged. You can definitely
be okay. I'm sure you have to think about your parents and
your future. Fighting Bambang, we discuss again for your

Bambang : ‘Yes doc, thank you for one more.”

Scene 10


Bambang returned selling to make money. After two days, Bambang can get a
patient for Mouth Surgery from drg. Halimah’s family.

Bambang : “Excuse me, are you drg. Halimah’ family?”

Sukijah : “Yes, I am.”

Bambang : “Can I sit here?”

Sukijah : “Off course.”

Bambang : “I'm an ulm dentistry student. Please permission to check

your teeth and mouth, is it okay?”

Ijah : “Yes you can, go ahead.”

Bambang : “(Check the mouth of Sukijah) Like 2nd molar teeth of

yours are crashing the 1st molar. So, a small surgery is

Sukijah : “Huh? What does it mean? Operation? Is that hurt? Is that

operation is really needed?”

Bambang : “Just be relax, haha don’t panic first. There is no pain and
it’s free. If it is not handled soon, it will get sicker and
worse. So, how is it ? Do you wonder to be my patient?”

Sukijah : “Okay because it's free, I will accept it.”

Bambang : “Alhamdulillah. Thanks a lot. By the way, what is your

number phone?”

Sukijah : “My number is 085348589646.”

Bambang : “Ok I will call you later. See you again.”

Sukijah : “Okay. Bye.”

Scene 11


After a week later, Bambang also managed to raise money to pay for his boarding.
After got the patients, Bambang do the operation of mouth surgery to Ijah
smoothly. Doctor Hajar as a supervising Bambang, was satisfied and praised the
work of Bambang.

Sukijah : “How is my mouth condition?”

Bambang : “Yes, the operation is successful. Take it easy and just
relax. We just need to wait.”

After five minutes...

Drg. Hajar : “Pretty good for a co-ass student like you. But don’t jump
right away and continue to learn.”

Bambang : “Thank you very much doc. I will keep learning.”

Scene 12


Several years later, Bambang also finished his professional education and got a
dentist degree. bambang went back to his hometown to open the practice there.
After several years of practice, Bambang meet again with Clara. Unrealized, turns
out they have the same feelings, namely the feeling of LOVE. Bambang also
decided to bring his future wife to his hometown to introduce her to his parents.
Then, Bambang and Clara were married. They have happily ever after as a couple
of dentists.

The message of this story, do not make treasure as a benchmark of our success.
Make persistence and sincerity a major factor in achieving success.

----------------------------------------THE END-----------------------------------------

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