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Beret Mars ; 7 udley vet ‘ t. 2011 Gurgi alo, ; GENERAL STUDIES gret-1 Paper —I Csiblip.wppid 9 sileo asgand ) ( Tamil & English Versions ) [Qwrss wAiGuarrae : 300 Duration : 3‘Hours | | Max. Marks : 300 eR Sabeniusnptoessarer Qurg epics : f te 5 Ups "General instiflions to the Candidates : i Senn be ULLoug.tLy s7sHgubd, aifleurs Sen_weile gir cman wetrengy, This Glicdtion Paper is descriptive type in Degree Standard. i) Saremiusmst sugerwu ugle, aerercon Usgrot Seogspreile 950Cle 24, 25. 26. ‘apes Gang acdrugpaner — aequcny 5 ‘ASIA Bldl.gyt dy (GPRS ) GgmPle girusdler uwesr wrgs 7 What is the use of GPRS technology ? eeu . Lest ayer. x 6G curtis Serer . is BG AGS stor oSlddlpri. MUGES Heo HEib Qlonul (G. Id) GE VPSeESG eecuorey > A man'buys oranges for Rs. x per dozen and sells them Rs. Aa per orange. What is his profit in Rs. per orange ? BEd. Data collected fresh for an invegtigation arg known as ......... DanGéacre Geter 5 amar sAemotuGsgtu. svt ogy 2 December November October September August 1 2 3 4 5 Find the odd one out from the 5 figures given below : December Novernber October September August 1 2 3 4 5 SOx peop SOUYS sit . UBL SHS ChictrsefMer eflemo srés PesreserG ougcinegy Domestic Violence Act was passed in the year ...... for women. .. to give empowerment vo omoSlereg, °T qucopiipecun.Qerengs. 27. 28. 28. 30. ‘Poverty line’ is defined according to .. organisation. ‘ug sslordo' crsrgb curitgeos, cou EPAIGAps. The word Panchamas’ referred t0 ....sstcnseses + THeowm@u LVss Pere wpid @panmb flores con usSSMUbpeut writ 2 Who has distinguished poverty into primary and secondary ? Qurgaingmy Gumi gWd serous sp Aueveaotry «g 7 Mention the political system which allows free economic competition without any interference from the state. ALLA Qossursesss gastacilesr ... or yg. cueLd Qe 98589: Qeiusu@dipg Reservation for the scheduled caste 1s provided in terms of thetr .. (oor) wo [Turn over ASIA 31. 32. 33. 34, 35. 36. 37. 38. 39, 40. 6 ahs gaya O@surale vod sgere Guarsct wpp Guaraepdaren BOdSACL gemp gybNssULL gi 2 Mention the year in which a special ministry for women and social.welfare was started at the centre, in India. wrasse, Apurcroooierfle peer srlughe Api slarfleou Suwerd Detagis wrGse splempl acter 2 Who is empowered to appoint a special officer to safeguard the interests of the minorities in the state ? TBS UGLO apsement soos 6 (HESSD ) udpcu g 7 In which year was Dowry Prohibition Act ( Amendment ) enacted ? srmeOLU Gems grga spSud sooty MAld syeraesdide aAyrs QetmuGd yLAse Guu .. Revolt against the constitutional government of one's own country is. QuatragEésrar 33 esaldis QL QgdkO wConsr HSS umpleatsct gence BTEGA QEUE BMG rserssees + Women’s Reservation Bill providing a 33% reservation for women was first presénted in Rajya Sabha on .. paso. STjaurso qydiss warped The Naxalite Terrorism started in the state ..........000 DTaUL acs SOO SpIRIARAHO Dist Garp BaL.GIIDO HT cece Public Grievance Day is observed in colléctorates on .. wguresr sperm acinOigss Cagerr wppd silpprye gbuOsstucr gercoousichesr Guuusrtercir wreoes 7 What are the Commissions constituted to look into the spirit scandals in Kerala and Tamil Nadu ? Rerorey) urée Qudsind wpe YsSle wweriQssiucr seirQ Electronic Voting Machines were first used in the year ......... Qoeduroier se wactoow Saeed goosemurent wot 7 Who was the first Chief Information Commissioner of India ? o ee ' 7 ASIA flay - ay SECTION - B Ls. (Alu sjerellés Slomwehlbeid alert axcoe ) 7 {Short Answer Type ) Epsciocbpst s@ogyd Qeug Serrss@se wl Gd Slo 5GS. gaGare Soralped 50 Genpawse Saroe Aenr_weflssmyio. ” Answer any twenty of the following questions not exceeding es ae 50 words cacha ' 1) gaGaurE Sarre gperp wsU@uedresi. Each question carries three marks. 20 x 3 = 60 41, Qpsw AOseae QuassAa a2. Asdugermt YsFusgeusengs wAGIH Gewes. Evaltiate ‘the significance of V. O. Chidambaram in Indian Independence Movement, 42. aMlereduid Quaingis gyda cops &iPlesswact ubsl @Pldy eseoyer ee eae Write a note on the social reforms of Lord William Bentinck. 4 ie 43. (HES sipTL|L Gurit (1746-48 )UbH Ap GIy avenge, * Write a note on the First Carnatic War ( 1746-48 ). 44.> Lrbtlt Sete OQuecin sheourfler SP@sshiemend udH gE SSWY anges. Write a note on Dr. Annie Besant's reforms. {Z00r) mo (Turn -over 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. Ns? 8 BiACouflesr gudure QpHurale gducrr ssw Ourw@errsr7 leneneynot rans 2 What were the main.economic effects of the British rule in India ? Gapped pipe udf Seu. Explain the concept of Unity in Diversity. ‘eurgite excumpey’ ceirugesr Qumget crete 7 What is meant by Peaceful Co-existence ? ourpbe sm GGeum ALU upd Ag SAldiy cusses “Write a short note on Vazhndhu Kattuvoin project. : Gullit Cooradncmss GULL LdGeup: Hlenevast wranes 7 What are the stages involved in Disaster Management ? yale sBleo veep sPlab sramuOb qCseb QyorG Gris eAWILG smuppiparer angemseng aerseoid. Name any two areas of the world where acid rain is common. Give reasons for the same. Lemaisaddletr emyeoilest utencu 2 ‘What are the causes of Inflation ? SLL Cewey aredrprd ecebrexr 7 What do you mean by Plan Expenditure ? . qo 9 ASIA 30-40 “| 40-50 5 10 7 3 2 ,Caléiilate Harmonic Mean from the following data : Marks 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 15 Frequency : 5 10 7 3 2 Ele ere ga take ‘ULLco! Rerdat Umsch umaneiler ySsen rpeinflencr crapgis. Sas PH, lention any three types of Bar diagrams. On what basis is a party recognised by the Election Commission as a National he Party ? Aung SF sosy 2 Canada grdcseog JdOsyd emgesHlncoen UGuOs. List:the factors that influence the making of ‘Public Opinion’ wo [Turn over ASIA 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 10 \ HASHES aMeowact walle a Memoir Gaitsali Goreng ? What are the Rights included in the Human Rights ? UgasAHSsHpLg wnpIb serenousier Gasmeriesroow aebtpre aebran 2 What is seasonal unemployment ? Aguirre oerie: GeonPeutiscoons ups rap ge. Bring out the important characteristics of Minority groups. Cuainachler sSlanygs Speen cueriiugharan snyceflsenet says. Mention the factors which facilitate for women empowerment. LpdsgBanfler posers eb T2sgnd Cpe a7ud enseniscoen PUIG. List any three constitutional safeguards of the interests of the Tribals. Qed EhparKaassrer opauTpa moMbGo UdCup Goeowsener ud) |ePliy UEOTS: List out the different institutions to rehabilitate Juvenile delinquents. felts ghee oH tea What are the features of NGOs ? Gangsycowldr Com un@ssnen sues Define the concept of Bonded Labour. o Gaencrnsacrcn Sous. | ‘Describe the principles of India’s Foreign Policy. § ti ngie cdc 728 "Bicarfitcgs Qosran® AL gle Cprdatisonor capgis. __ What areithe objectives of 1 1th Five-Year Plan in India ? att sl “adler ist SHOoLuUSharer Qurgerer aldlscnen lerses. Explain the ‘general rules for constructing diagrams. 79.°8Cy Cg acne Geten Saupe coflu Ucar Slerdetud euenyes. wor evoeuiteetisér erevtr cool deme 40 60 50 30 No. of Students 40 60 50 30 67. 68. 69. 70. 7. 72. Sieg - @ SECTION ~ C (assure SeoiuAlsed aor css ) (Brief Answer Type } opi: 1) Epscinupper gGsqub QgusHAgan® lerrs5aHs5q wt.Gd Aeor6H5. PiGanG cHerraiped 100 Genpsse Herod SenumMaacyd. Note: Answer any twenty-two of the following questions not exceeding 100 words each. W gaGeurG Henelpe gbgi wPlsGuedrsct. Each question carries five marks, 22%5=110 @idu Czdw QudssHo guantere Cp@aller useilscrer wsliiGe. Estimate the role of Jawaharlal Nehru in Indian National Movement. oG5A Quossdier pddusgeuseng Gaoliudsgis. Bring out the importance of the Swadeshi movement. 1935 qo gain® Qudpiucer @pdu sperms oi ssler ‘odu ApiSwduset - Seung). Discuss the salient features of the Government of India Act, 1935, Qodw eqpprugpler Sg qhucr MA gey adler graageng sehdOs. Enumerate the impact of British rule on the Indian society. 1857 ab geinG soaddpsren anyeotace EHUIGE. Mention the causes of the Revolt of 1857. qngromis Conscryras @esw wpwotsAder stax —Pesd. "Raja Rammohan Roy is the father of Indian Renaissance,’ — dusty, Qaysmtseont UH OG Ap @Hiy axoys Write a note on Albuquerque. oD (Tum over "e EG * 81. A BG Bereroenu 20 pmiseMgrd, ‘B15 girisofleb, ‘C12 pmaeMgyd gpgduri. “ A ie B QG pred, C GG Brand umpund| ascend, A-assmar pried fe squint 7 i = A can do a piece of work in 20 days, B in 15 days and C in 12 days. In how many . ‘ days.can A finish the work if he is assisted by B on one day and C on the next, alternately ? 82). E-cuctdle ereinprds eetien 2 2861 auenaact wreney 2 ” What is E-commerce ? What are its various types ? vot 83:- ungle eLLodrp Coamailer Caisa Wane sGsanrs aS giojsaeyd. 7 “Briefly highlight the election procedure of the Legislative Council of the state. 85. wpgiurorBes apaset eflsarar Sduyst M. M. usd ecquddler sPlsoo obits ot Ap ePliy seoge. white a short note on the Justice M.-M. Punchhi Commission Report on centre- state relations. 1G @ Cayreno Beir Apo Qudyecor leurs. i Discuss the main features of non-alignment. a [Turn over 86. 87. 88. 89, 90. a1 92. 93. 94. 95. 14 ‘weneoumip @lenb' - csenqupy. sutacier saps Igéemaraeené saps Define ‘Tribes’ and discuss their social problems. Garssymo Ganfementscfer yenjenotiy paugsesacie actor Mjssenarsct wireneu 7 What are the problems Involved in the effective rehabilitation of bonded labourers ? Luiezoursesle Carppi wbpb ser cuctitéMsaran Gédu sipammsenct agri. Examine the causes fot the origin and development of Terrorism. Equésdiér 2fleoosct urgemiys aL 1976-6 ug sma @ppoTsd SGSLUGEIDS 7 Which acts are considered offences under protection of Civil Rights Act, 1976 ? apewen pPLUushare @dsu send GereinGeuyiuce DCL econ aslsut. Discuss the remedial measures undertaken by the Govt. of India for the removal of poverty. GGOUsHS Camaeronourd SsOd seed Mg Amerasema «PAgIEDTES. Highlight any five effects of unemployment on family. gietGeunt Urgenily ELL 1986 & qiFeAdstULL gietGeurt 2 flenoad urenas 2 ‘What are the rights of the consumers recognised under Consumer Protection Act of 1986 ? Guairseme Gurgerpry sPenpiuGseiscd Ap sen GeiretsoeSlenon aSeurdlas. Discuss the economic empowerment of women through micro-credit policy. cypssMaldrenoilsr sd smremiscnen KGsKOTS NGS. Briefly explain the main causes of illiteracy. Bb sepa sreorluGid epee srouaingy efit Qevreireneomio 7 How do we combat corruption in our society ? @ reo 15 ASIA Sify - n : : SECTION - D ot : (Coifleurs Senuchlaed cern eens) ( Detaited Answer Type ) Gpliy: 1) cFpacinreupper ¢Csqud ag Slarsaqee wl. Gd Boo. BES. : geuGarg SeonSped 200 Gerbaese Hem Ser_wohdaeyio Note : Answer any six of the following questions not exceeding 200 words cach. i) QaCaurE SMerrDIpSewo users: wSUiGucdirsei. Each questiop eirries'fifteen marks. 6x 15-90 96. smoprepfer soaliraAerw wAAIOS. Estimate Kamaraj's education reform. 97.. ged Booursatler fle ageumis Qareiensenu Sperm. Critically examine the land revenue policy of the British. 98. Give an account of the various dance forms that are prevalent in India. 99. Dusters Cusse ghUOLBdS wer wD ghULL Ger TemppQUupderp Gwarratrans qpenpaenren, gismiie. Examine the various methods of pre- and post-flood management systems. 100. uglanpraigy emfé onpmieut Ups eaagie: Give an account of the sixteenth SAARC summit. ‘101. pagrus prise spuoardsed o7e oPerfsert GyeinG spect. Seung). “Politicians and Bureaucrats’ are two components in democratic country.” — Comment. (oan) . wo (Turn over _——o Poe + ASIA 102. 103. 104. (foo) 16 Curgwésct sgams wGarseagle Ulerorgy snLainct assmau griapos ThUGSSAsbi pe 7 How does the electronic media influence the formation of public opinion ? LETOSTOS Oerstosierer somiprscr GeQaler yGorswaracoor Cause Garcons. Highlight the suggestions made by Swaminathan Cornmittee to implement the population policy in India. ancigdiNes Spor Lowy dena sener Seuns lie. Discuss the terrorist activities in Kashmir.

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