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lndian lnstitute of Engineering science and Technology, shibpur

Dual Degree 5th semester Finar Examination, November 2016

subject: lndustrial Management (open Elective) cocle: ME53L/2

Time : 3 Hours Full Marks: 70

Answer any six questions

Mark' are allocated. in the right side margin of the questions

Unallocated marks are for neatness

1 (a) Discuss the term Group Layout. 6

(b) There are three location sites and five relevant

factors like transportation cost per week, labour
cost per week, finishing material supply, maintenance facilities and
community attitude. The costs are
in rupees whereas for the last three factors, points are assigned
on 0 - 100 scale. The data are given

Sl. No. Factors Potential Location Sites 5

s1 S2 S3

1 Transportation cost per week FL 840 640 500

2 Labour cost per week F2 1r.80 1020 1240
3 Finish material F3 30 80 70
4 Maintenance facilities F4 60 20 30
5 Commun attitude F5 50 80 70

The location analyst has pre- established weight for various

factors. This includes a standard of 1.0 for
each Rs'10/- a week of economic advantage. other weights
applicable are 2.0 on finishing material
supply, 0'5 for maintenance facilities and 2.5 on community
attitude. Also the organization prescribes a
minimum score of 30 for maintenance facilities. select a suitable
site based on the above given data.

2 (a) Explain the term Line Balancing.

(b) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Fixed position
Layout. 4
3 (a) A manufacturer has to supply his customer 600 units of
his product ler year. shortages are not
aliowed and storage cost amount to 60 paisa per unit per year.
The set up cost for L unit is Rs. g0/- . Find

(l)The economic order quantity. (ii)The optimum

no. of orders per year. (iii)The increase in the
cost associated with ordering (a) 20% more and (b) 40% less
than Eoe. 6

(b) Explain in details ABC lnventory Management System 5

4(a) Enumerate by showing diagram the production planning and control function and its interaction
with other functions. 4

(b) Write short notes on:

(l) Routing 2

(ii) Loading and Scheduling 3

(iii) Dispatching 2

5 (a) Discuss in details with example of Rowan System of financial incentive payments. -(
(b) Name some of the chief non - financial incentives. +
5(a) lf the standard time for a given job is 6 hours and hourly rate is Rs. 1/-. Find the worke/s earnings
who completes the job in 4 hours, on the 50% Halsey System of financial incentive payments. 4

(b) State the advantages and disadvantages of Halsey System of financial incentive payments. ?
7 (a) What do you understand by the term Statistical euality Control? 5

(b) Explain with flow diagram the single sampling plan and double sampling plan. 6
8 (a)What are the objectives of job evaluation? 6

(b) Compare between job evaluation and merit rating. 5

9 (a) What is a control chart? 4

(b) ln a glass factory thickness of glass is measured in mm by taking 5 samples from a lot of 100 and 6
lots are checked. The observations are as follows. Draw X Bar - R Charts and interpret the results. Given
that 42 = 0.577 , D3 = 0 and D4 = 2.1L4 7

Lot L 2 3 4 5 6
Sample No.1 7 6 8 5 4 2
Sample No. 2 8 5 7 4 6 3
Sample No. 3 5 4 5 3 2 1
Sample No.4 4 3 2 3 1. 5
Sample No. 5 6 L 4 2 5 6
10 (a) What are the basic types of maintenance? Discuss each type briefly 6

6 (b) (l) ln a system there are 10 components in series with reliability factor 0.95. What is the reliability
of the system? (ii) lf each of the 10 components is in parallel and has the individual reliability factor 0.30
only. What is the system reliability? 5

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