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A. Yes because the title of the story is return engagement and Kelsey
and spencer are break.

B. Yes

1. Kelsey Dodges because she is a good girl.

2. Norman because she is a bad girl.

3. Hi Kelsey I know you is a good girl. I am very happy for you because
you is strong. I wish for you is a healthy lifestyle and lets move on. You
are the one of many people because you are helping many people. Be a
hard work to achieve your dream. Every time,everywhere I am here to
help you. I wish for you many people that you helping in many things. I
know you is moving on and that is true its time to moving on. The only
thing that I said for you is smile everyday to complete your day.

C.My favorite part of the story is, when Kelsey and spencer are

1. Yes

2. When Kelsey Dodges are starting to design.

Meaningful Lines
1. Obviously he heard the dialogue before and he was impressed.p.1

2. The sun was shining brightly in the clear blue skt.p.2

3. The fluttering of bird wing on the wooden platform.p.3

4. High cheekbone emphasized her delicate feautures.p.4

5. Brent glanced had taken on even more setely.p.5

6. Acting as gently as an older brother himself.p.6

7. There had been two letters from him in the months that followed.p.7

8. We promptly deserted his perch.p.8

9. She pointed a shapely finger at the threshold.p.9

10. Kelsey bit her lip, trying for diplomatic.p.10

11. Only the wrinkles at the corners of the eyes.p.11

12. We shrugged and added.p.12

13. Two comfortable armchairs were upholstered in a print with the

same shade.p.13

14. The last came as he walked back to her.p.14

15. Brent appeared slightly stunned by her recital but only for a

16. Kelsey drew in a trembling breath.p.16

17. A tendency to dramatize things.p.17

18. He shoved aside a bottle of bath crystals.p.18

19. He nodded almost absently.p.19

20.You must thrown half a found of liver.p.20

21. Kelsey found her self at this heels again.p.21

22. There was something in his voice.p.22

23. Only a determination not to be found hiding.p.23

24.There was nothing casual about her light eye.p.24

25.She inspected her cuticle carefully and frowned.p.25

IX.Vocabulary Words
1.acceleating- to quicken motion.

2.bleak- cold and cheerless.

3.brass- an alloy of copper and zinc.

4.casual- happening by chance.

5.caution- heedfulness.

6.chamber- a judge consultation room.

7.charitable- disposition to think kindly of others.

8.crashing- to force or drive in.

9.chimed- the sound of bends in harmony.

10.comfortably- being in comfort.

11.convicted- the act of conviecing.

12.defensive- carried on in resisting attack.

13.delicate- susceptible to sickness.

14.detoured- a round about way

15.disignated- to break to component particles.

16.disreputable- not respected.

17.efficient- being effective without wasting time.

18.emphasized- to give emphasis.

19.exhausted- completely spent or drained.

20.feud- quarrel dispute.

21.fragility- easily broken or damage.

22.garage- building or indoor area for parking.

23.gesture- a motion of action.

24.gestured- intended to express an idea or feeling.

25.glance- to look quickly or briefly.

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