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Hello again!

In this unit, you will:

• Review how to greet people in English.
• Review how to act when meeting someone for the first time,
on the street.
• Review how to talk about oneself and how to ask personal
information to other people. 1—

• Review nationalities and country names.

• Review how to describe yourself or someone physically.

What do you say when you meet someone for the first time? What
questions do you ask to get to know someone?
1. Lesson one: Hello!
In this lesson, you’re going to review how to greet people and what to say when you meet someone for
the first time.

1. Listen to the song in this link ( Then write in your notebook the words you

4. Apart from hello, what other expressions do you know to greet someone?


6. Act the dialogue out.

2. Lesson two: Where are you from?

In this lesson, you’re going to review how to ask and give some personal information about yourself.

1. Listen to the dialogue.

Mia and Karl

A- Hello!

B- Hi!
A- What's your name?

B- My name's Karl. And yours?

A- I'm Mia. Nice to meet you!

B. Nice to meet you. Where are you from?

A- I'm from South Africa. And you?

B- I'm from Germany.

2. Answer the questions.

a. What's the girl's name?
b. What's the boy's name?
c. Do they know each other?
d. Where's the girl from?
e. Where's the boy from?

3. Where are you from? Listen and repeat. 3—

Asking and giving personal information

9. Apart from asking about someone's nationality, when you meet someone for the first time, you can ask
them for other information. Try to answer the following questions.
a. What's your name?
b. Where are you from?
c. How old are you?
d. When's your birthday?
e. Have you got a pet?
f. Have you got any brothers or sisters?
g. What's your mum's name?
h. What's your brother's name?
i. Where do you live?
j. Do you like school?
k. What's your favourite food?
l. What's your favourite animal?

10. Now, pretend you meet your partner for the first time and act out a dialogue, using at least six of the
questions above. Ask an extra question, one that is not on the list.
3. Lesson three: Tell me about you
In this lesson, you’re going to review how to physically describe yourself and other people.

1. I'm / He's / She's... Listen and say:


1. tall ● 2. short ● 3. fat ● 4. thin

2. I've got... / He's got... / She's got... Listen and say:

1. long hair ● 2. short hair ● 3. blond hair ● 4. black hair ● 5. curly hair

6. wavy hair ● 7. straight hair ● 8. blue eyes ● 9. glasses ●10. freckles


Remember the rules! Verbs to be and have got

Verb to be


Affirmative / Negative Interrogative

I am... Am I...?
I'm not...

He / she / it is... Is he / she / it...?

He / she / it isn't...

We / you / they are... Are we / you / they...?

We / you / they aren't...

Verb have got

Affirmative / Negative Interrogative

I / you / we / they have got... Have I / you / we / they got...?

I / you / we / they haven't got...

He / she / it has got... Has he / she / it got...?

He / she / it hasn't got...

More information
8. Listen and say.

17. Describe yourself using the chart below and then write sentences about you.
Use the verb to be and the verb have got. You have to use at least one negative sentence!


I'm... I'm not... I've got...

I haven't got...


4. Lesson four: Tell me more about you

In this lesson, you’re going to review how to describe yourself and other people physically, and to give
and ask for other personal information.

2. Describe a classmate.

3. Listen to the text.

Oral questions about the text:

a. Who's the text about?
b. Where's she from?
c. Does she like animals?

Now, read the text and answer the questions.

My name's Violet. I'm ten years old and I'm from Norwich, in the UK.
I live in London and I go to an international school. There are lots of students from all over the world.
I'm short and thin. I've got medium length, wavy, brown hair and green eyes. I love animals and reading, but
I don't like sports. I've got two brothers and one sister. My mum is a doctor and my dad is a teacher.

7. Read the text again and try to draw Violet in your notebook. Compare your drawing to your partner's.
9. When's your birthday? My birthday is on 7th March.


10. Let's learn more about each other. Choose 8 questions to ask your partner. Write them down and
interview him/her. Then, share the information with the rest of the class.

5. Lesson five: Revision

In this lesson, you will review some of the things from previous years.

Speaking time

1. Ask your partner the following questions. Take turns to ask each other.
a. When's your birthday?
b. Have you got any brothers or sisters?
c. What's your favourite subject at school?
d. What colour is your mum's/dad's hair?
e. Have you got a pet?
f. What's your favourite number?
g. What's your favourite animal?
h. When's your dad's/sister's/brother's birthday?


Booster activities


Here are a few more activities for a final revision.

One step beyond

1. Go to the web page (, login with your classroom account and create your
avatar. First, choose a character and customise it. Then, give it a voice. To give it a voice, write down your
presentation, the application will turn it into speech. Your voki avatar represents you, so you should both
have things in common.

Avatar minimum information required:

• Name.
• Age.
• Date of birth.
• Nationality.
• Short physical description.
• Likes and dislikes.
• Grammar

"Hello goodbye", song by Beatles (
"Hello goodbye", song by Beatles with lyrics (

Greetings video (

/h/ sound practice (
Verb: to be. Practice (

Verb: have got. Practice ( 9—


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Autora dos contidos: Marta Maceira Muíños
Asesora didáctica: Susana Vázquez Martínez.
Segunda edición: setembro de 2017.

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