Vitamin E Does Not Regress Hypercholesterolemia-Induced Oxidative Stress in Heart

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Mol Cell Biochem (2014) 391:211–216

DOI 10.1007/s11010-014-2004-8

Vitamin E does not regress hypercholesterolemia-induced

oxidative stress in heart
Kailash Prasad • Erick D. McNair •
Gudrun Caspar-Bell • A. Mabood Qureshi

Received: 21 November 2013 / Accepted: 21 February 2014 / Published online: 6 March 2014
Ó Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014

Abstract Vitamin E suppresses the hypercholesterolemia- vitamin E did not reduce the MDA levels. The cardiac-CL
induced cardiac oxidative stress. The objectives were to activities were similar in groups’ I, II, and III
investigate: if vitamin E regresses the hypercholesterolemia- (30.11 ± 0.7 9 106, 32.9 ± 1.43, and 37.92 ± 8.35 9 106
induced oxidative stress in hearts and if regression is asso- RLU/mg protein). The activity decreased in group IV, sug-
ciated with decreases in the antioxidant reserve. The rabbits gesting that vitamin E increased the antioxidant reserve
were assigned to 4 groups: I, regular diet (2-months); II, while lowering serum cholesterol did not increase antioxi-
0.25 % cholesterol diet (2-months); III, 0.25 % cholesterol dant reserve. In conclusion, hypercholesterolemia increases
diet (2-months) followed by regular diet (2-months); and IV, cardiac oxidative stress and regular diet regresses hyperch-
0.25 % cholesterol diet (2-months) followed by regular diet olesterolemia-induced oxidative stress but vitamin E does
with vitamin E (2-months). Blood samples were collected not further regress hypercholesterolemia-induced cardiac
before and at the end of protocol for the measurement of total oxidative stress. Vitamin E reduces oxidative stress in the
cholesterol (TC). Hearts were removed at the end of the heart tissue in spite of a decrease in CL activity (increase in
protocol under anesthesia for the assessment of oxidative antioxidant reserve).
stress parameters, malondialdehyde (MDA), and tissue
chemiluminescent (CL) activity. High cholesterol diet Keywords Hypercholesterolemic cardiac oxidative
increased the serum levels of TC, and regular diet with or stress  Malondialdehyde  Chemiluminescent activity
without vitamin E reduced the TC levels to a similar extent. (CL)  Vitamin E  Regression
The MDA content of the heart in groups I, II, III, and IV were
0.074 ± 0.015, 0.234 ± 0.016, 0.183 ± 0.028 and
0.169 ± 0.016 nmol/mg protein, respectively. Regular diet Introduction
following high cholesterol diet reduced the MDA levels
(0.234 ± 0.016 vs. 0.183 ± 0.028 nmol/mg protein but Hypercholesterolemia increases the levels of lipid peroxi-
dation product, malondialdehyde (MDA), a measure of
oxidative stress in rabbit [1] rats [2] and Apo B-100
K. Prasad (&)
transgenic mice [3]. The increases in MDA could be due to
Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, University of
Saskatchewan, 105 Wiggins Road, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E5, increases in the production of reactive oxygen species and/
Canada or decreases in antioxidants. Hypercholesterolemia
e-mail: increases the levels of ROS through various mechanisms
described by Prasad and Kalra [4], and Prasad et al. [5]. A
E. D. McNair  A. Mabood Qureshi
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University high cholesterol diet increases cardiac superoxide anion
of Saskatchewan and Royal University Hospital, Saskatoon, generation and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phos-
SK, Canada phate (NADPH)-oxidase expression [3]. It also increases
the production of superoxide anion from endothelial cells
G. Caspar-Bell
Department of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan and Royal [6], and polymorphonuclear leukocytes [7]. Increases in the
University Hospital, Saskatoon, SK, Canada levels of ROS could also be due to decreases in the levels

212 Mol Cell Biochem (2014) 391:211–216

of antioxidants, enzymatic [superoxide dismutase (SOD), 2 months. The measured amount of vitamin E was laced on
catalase, glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px)], and non- a small piece of lettuce and fed orally. The person in charge
enzymatic [reduced glutathione (GSH), vitamins E, and C]. stayed there till the lettuce was eaten by the rabbits to
Chemiluminescent activity of tissue is a measure of anti- confirm that vitamin E was ingested. Vitamin E levels were
oxidant reserve [8]. ROS act on membrane phospholipids not measured in the blood. The Department of Agriculture
to produce lipid peroxides MDA [9]. ROS have been and Biosource Engineering, University of Saskatchewan
implicated in the pathophysiology of the heart failure [10], prepared the 0.25 % cholesterol diets, using regular rabbit
ischemic heart disease [11], and ischemia/reperfusion chow diet purchased from Purina. Food and water were
injury [8]. Vitamin E, a nonenzymatic antioxidant, [12] provided ad libitum. The rabbits were housed in individual
suppresses [1] and slows the progression [13] of hyperch- cages at 20 °C under a 12-h light/12-h dark cycle. The
olesterolemia-induced oxidative stress in the heart. To be Ethics Committee of the University of Saskatchewan
of potential clinical benefit in patients with hypercholes- approved the experimental protocol, and the animal care
terolemia-induced oxidative stress, the drug should be able was conducted according to the approved standards for
to regress the oxidative stress. However, it is not known if Laboratory Animal Care. Fasting blood samples from the
vitamin E regresses established hypercholesterolemia- ear marginal artery were collected before, and at the end of
induced cardiac oxidative stress. Agents that suppress the the protocol for the measurement of TC. At the end of the
development of atherosclerosis do not necessarily regress protocol, the rabbits were anesthetized with pentobarbital
the atherosclerosis. For example, probucol which sup- sodium (40 mg/kg intravenously), and hearts were
presses atherosclerosis [5] and slows the progression of removed to measure their MDA content and CL activity.
atherosclerosis [14] does not regress atherosclerosis [14,
15]. Calcium antagonists suppress but do not regress ath- Serum TC
erosclerosis [16]. Nifedipine has no effect on progression
or regression of atherosclerosis but prevents the develop- Serum TC was measured on an automated Beckman Syn-
ment of atherosclerosis [17]. However, Thiery et al. [18] chron LX20 Clinical System Analyzer.
reported that niphedipine regresses atherosclerosis. Amlo-
dipine, another calcium antagonist regresses atherosclero- Preparation of supernatant
sis. It appears that calcium antagonists have variable
effects. The main objectives of the present study were to The hearts were removed, cleaned of adventitial tissue and
investigate if: (a) vitamin E regresses the hypercholester- atria, and immersed in cold Hank’s balanced salt solution
olemia-induced oxidative stress in the heart and (HBSS). The supernatant from cardiac tissue was prepared
(b) regression is associated with alterations in serum total by the previously described method [10]. In short, 1.5 g of
cholesterol (TC), and increased antioxidant reserve (car- tissue was washed in cold saline and cut into small pieces.
diac chemiluminescent (CL) activity). An investigation The tissue was immersed in 10 volumes (W/V) of KCl–
was, therefore, made of the effects of vitamin E on the phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) containing 140 mM KCl and
regression of oxidative stress and serum TC in high cho- 10 mM phosphate buffer and homogenized with a polytron
lesterol fed rabbits. Oxidative stress parameters were homogenizer (PT-10 Brinkman Instrument, Rexdale, ON,
assessed by measuring cardiac MDA and antioxidant Canada) at a setting of 5 for two periods of 10 s each at
reserve (CL activity) . 0–4 °C. The homogenate was centrifuged at 4009g in a
Beckman model J2-21 refrigerated centrifuge (4 °C) for
2-min. The supernatant was pipetted and used for the
Methods measurement of MDA and CL activity.

The studies were conducted on New Zealand white rabbits MDA measurement
weighing between 1.2 and 1.5 kg. After 1 week of adap-
tation on regular rabbit chow diet, the rabbits were The levels of MDA in the supernatant were measured as
assigned to one of four groups: Group I, (n = 6) regular thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) using an
rabbit chow diet for 2 months; Group II, (n = 6), 0.25 % earlier described method [19, 20]. TBARS were extracted
cholesterol diet for 2-months; Group III, (n = 5), 0.25 % in a mixture of butanol: pyridine (15:1) that was separated
cholesterol diet for 2-months followed by a regular diet for by centrifugation. The fluorescence intensity of butanol–
an additional 2-months; and Group IV (n = 5), 0.25 % pyridine solution was measured at 553 nm with an exci-
cholesterol diet for 2-months followed by regular diet with tation at 513 nm. The MDA contents of the cardiac tissue
vitamin E (40 mg/kg body weight/day) for an additional were expressed as nmol/mg protein.

Mol Cell Biochem (2014) 391:211–216 213

Measurement of CL activity

The CL activity is a measure of antioxidant reserve. An

increase in tissue CL indicates a decrease in the antioxidant
reserve of tissue and vice versa. Antioxidant reserve of tissue
is the amount of antioxidant present in the tissue at the time of
exposure of the tissue to oxidants. CL activity of the cardiac
tissue was measured as previously described [5, 8]. In short,
tissue supernatant (0.8 mL) was added to a counting vial
containing 0.4 mL of 2 9 10-4 M luminol, placed in an
AutoLumat LB953 luminometer (EG&G Berthold, Berthold
GmbH & Co. KG. Bad, Wildbad, Germany) at 37 °C and
incubated for 5 min. The reaction was initiated by adding
0.1 ml of 200 mM tert-butyl hydroperoxide. The chemilu-
minescence was monitored every 6 s for a period of 10 min.
The unit of CL is a relative light unit (RLU). The tissue CL
was expressed as RLU/mg protein.

Protein measurement
Fig. 1 The MDA content of cardiac tissue of the four experimental
The protein content of the supernatant samples was mea- groups. Group I, control (regular diet) for 2 months; Group II, 0.25 %
sured by the Biuret method [21]. cholesterol diet for 2-months; Group III, 0.25 % cholesterol diet for
2-months followed by a regular diet for an additional 2-months; and
Statistical analysis Group IV, 0.25 % cholesterol diet for 2-months followed by regular
diet plus vitamin E for an additional 2 months. Results are expressed
as mean ± SE. *p \ 0.05, group I versus other groups.  p \ 0.05,
The results were expressed as mean ± SE. An unpaired groups II versus groups III or IV
student’s ‘‘t’’ test was used to compare data between
groups. A p value of \0.05 was considered significant.

The MDA content of the cardiac tissue from the four

groups are summarized in Figure 1. The MDA content of
the cardiac tissue in group I was 0.074 ± 0.015 nmol/mg
Serum TC
protein. The content increased to 3.16-, 2.47- and 2.28-
folds in groups II, III, and IV, respectively, compared to
The basal levels of serum TC were 2.04 ± 0.23, 1.57 ± 0.27,
group I. The MDA content of cardiac tissue in group III
1.39 ± 0.12, and 1.75 ± 0.19 mmol/L, respectively, in
and group IV, respectively, was 21.83 and 27.84 % lower
groups I, II, III, and IV, and they were not significantly dif-
than those in group II. The values in groups III and IV were
ferent from each other except the values in group III were
similar (0.183 ± 0.028 vs. 0.169 ± 0.016 nmol/mg pro-
lower than those in group I. At month-2 the levels were lower
tein) but, higher than those in group I. These data suggest
in group I (1.29 ± 0.07 mmol/L) but higher in group II
that hypercholesterolemia increased the MDA content of
(38.91 ± 3.72 mmol/L), group III (31.40 ± 5.10 mmol/L),
the heart and that the removal of a high cholesterol diet
and group IV (36.94 ± 3.06 mmol/L) compared to their
after a hypercholesterolemic diet reduced the MDA content
respective initial levels. The levels at month-2 were similar in
of the cardiac tissue. Reduction of the MDA levels in the
groups II, III, and IV. The values at month-4 decreased sig-
heart was similar to the reduction in the serum cholesterol
nificantly in group III (6.08 ± 4.13 mmol/L) and group IV
with or without vitamin E. These data suggest that vitamin
(4.89 ± 1.0 mmol/L) compared to the values at month 2 in
E did not regress cardiac oxidative stress-induced by
the respective groups. These values were not significantly
different from each other and from their respective initial
values at month-0. These data suggest that a high cholesterol
diet increases the serum levels of TC and that removal of high CL activity
cholesterol reduced the high cholesterol diet-induced increase
in serum cholesterol to normal levels. The data also suggest The CL activity of cardiac tissue from the four experi-
that vitamin E did not lower serum levels of TC. mental groups is summarized in Fig. 2. The cardiac-CL

214 Mol Cell Biochem (2014) 391:211–216

serum TC. These findings are consistent with the findings

of previous investigators [1, 4, 13, 27].
In the present study, cardiac tissue MDA levels were ele-
vated in rabbits on a high cholesterol diet which is consistent
with other studies [1–3, 13]. Regular diet following a high
cholesterol diet reduced the cardiac MDA which could be due
to lowering of serum cholesterol. The reduction in serum
cholesterol could reduce the levels of ROS. Hypercholester-
olemia is known to increase ROS levels through various
mechanisms [3–7]. Lower cholesterol levels may also
increase the levels of antioxidants. It has been reported that
hypercholesterolemia reduces the SOD activity, but has no
effect on catalase activity of cardiac tissue in rabbits [1].
However, other studies have shown that hypercholesterol-
emia does not have any effect on SOD in Apo-100 transgenic
mice [3] and rats [2]. In pigs, hypercholesterolemia reduces
cardiac antioxidant enzymes (SOD, catalase, GSH-Px) and
antioxidants (vitamin E and C) [28]. Glutathione transferase
Fig. 2 The CL activity of the cardiac tissue from the four experi-
activity of cardiac tissue in rats is not affected by hypercho-
mental groups. Group I, (n = 6) regular rabbit chow diet for 2 lesterolemia [2]. It appears that although the effects of
months; Group II, (n = 6), 0.25 % cholesterol diet for 2-months; hypercholesterolemia on antioxidants are variable, it does
Group III, (n = 5), 0.25 % cholesterol diet for 2-months followed by reduce the cardiac SOD activity in rabbits. The evidence
a regular diet for an additional 2-months; and Group IV (n = 5),
0.25 % cholesterol diet for 2-months followed by regular diet with
suggests that decreases in the oxidative stress in groups on a
vitamin E (40 mg/kg body weight/day) for an additional 2 months. regular diet following a high cholesterol diet might be due to
Results are expressed as mean ± SE.  p \ 0.05, group II versus lower cholesterol levels. Low cholesterol levels would
group IV decrease the production of ROS and increase antioxidants.
The low MDA levels of cardiac tissue in groups on regular
diet following a high cholesterol diet might be due to lower
activity in group I was 30.11 ± 0.7 9 106 RLU/mg pro- cholesterol levels. Low cholesterol levels would decrease the
tein. The values in groups II, III, and IV were not signifi- ROS production and increase the levels of antioxidants. The
cantly different from group I. However, the values in group MDA levels of cardiac tissue in groups on a regular diet with
IV were 16.82 % lower than those in group II. The data or without vitamin E following a high cholesterol diet were
suggest that hypercholesterolemia did not affect the anti- similar, suggesting that vitamin E did not lower cardiac MDA.
oxidant reserve of the cardiac tissue. However, vitamin E This is unexpected because vitamin E reduced cardiac MDA
increased the antioxidant reserve in cardiac tissue follow- in suppression studies1. It is possible that prior hypercholes-
ing a high cholesterol diet. terolemia has altered the antioxidant status of the cardiac
tissue and hence vitamin E is no longer effective. In this
context, it is to note that vitamin E with a regular diet fol-
Discussion lowing short-term high cholesterol diet did not lower aortic
MDA [29].
In this study, we have shown that hypercholesterolemia The cardiac-CL activity in groups I, II, and III were similar
increases the oxidative stress in the myocardium. Lowering but decreased in group IV in the present study. The data
of serum levels of TC in hypercholesterolemic rabbits by suggest that hypercholesterolemia did not affect the antioxi-
regular diet decreased the cardiac oxidative stress but dant reserve of the cardiac tissue. Similar findings have been
vitamin E did not further regress oxidative stress. reported in rabbits on high cholesterol diets [1]. One would
A high cholesterol diet in the present study increased the have expected a decrease in the antioxidant reserve (increase
serum levels of TC similarly to previous the studies [4, 5, in CL activity) in hypercholesterolemia because hypercho-
22, 23]. Regular diet with or without vitamin E for 2 lesterolemia decreases cardiac SOD activity in rabbits1.
months following the high cholesterol diet reduced the However, hypercholesterolemia also increases the cardiac
serum levels of TC to a similar extent. Lowering of serum GSH-Px activity in rabbits [1]. It is possible that the activities
TC with a regular diet following high cholesterol-induced of these two antioxidants enzymes cancel each other with no
hypercholesterolemia has also been reported earlier [24– effect on antioxidant reserve in hypercholesterolemia. Per-
26]. This study suggests that vitamin E does not lower haps hypercholesterolemia does not alter the vitamin E and C

Mol Cell Biochem (2014) 391:211–216 215

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