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These committee reports provide state-of-the-practice guidelines for

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,;::'.'0:": the determtpationofWind indul:;ed forces and the design of headed,


, el(ample~" dreseatch',
ana?jjre~~Jre;;~s'sefrTh~, " " .",'
che,tnical industrY anchoiJ>o ,,' d~si91) methoas~ r(jpo~1idChanges
and, new releases of design codes, and provides recomr:li~ndations
that supplement current codes for design ofhel;:ided, Pdst-in-place
aiu;J'!pr 'b9Its:. Subject ar~as illcludethe current :~til!eof research,
gfQi;!E!s, fabi-i~ationand weldilJg, corrosion; ,bolt 'cohfiguration and
dimensions, distribution ,of 'an,chor bolt f()rces,.cllecking critical
modes offailure, pier desigrl/reinforcing, pretensionlng;and consid-
erl:lfions for vibratory and seismic loads. '" '

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9 780784 402627
ISBN 0-7844-0262-0 I

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