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4.2.6 Design Load Cases C4.2.

6 Design Load Cases

The total wind force acting on the In some cases this design load will
structure in a given direction, FT , is equal exceed the load which would occur if the
to the sum of the wind loads acting on structure were fully clad. It is also
the structure and appurtenances (Fs), possible that the wind load on just the
plus the wind load on the equipment and frame itself (before equipment loads are
vessels ( per 4.3), plus the wind load on added) will exceed the load on the fully
piping. See Figure 4.2 for complete clad structure. This happens most often
definitions ofF T and Fs for structures with at least 4 to 5 frames
and relatively higher solidities This
phenomenon is very clearly demonstrated
If piping arrangements are not known
in Walshe, which presents force
the engineer may assume the piping area
coefficients on a building for 10 different
to be 10% of the gross area of the face of
stages of erection, from open frames to
the structure for each principal axis. A
the partially clad to then fully clad
force coefficient of 0.7 should be used for
building. The wind load on the model
this piping area.
when fully clad is less than that during
several stages of erection.
The following two load cases must be
considered as a minimum. Frame load + equipment load + C4.2.6.1 While the maximum wind load
piping load (FT) for one axis, acting normal to the frame for a structure
simultaneously with 50% of the frame consisting of a single frame occurs when
load (Fs) along other "axis, for each the wind direction is normal to the plane
direction. These two combinations are of the frame, this is not the case for a
indicated in Figure 4.2. multiple open framed structure.
Maximum load normal to the plane of the
frames occurs when the wind direction is
typically 10 to 45 degrees from the
normal (Willford/Allsop). This is due to
the fact that for oblique winds there is no
direct shielding of successive columns
and because a larger area of frame is
exposed to the wind directly (without
shielding) as the wind angle increases.
Thus the maximum wind load on one set


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