MANE-Official Newsletter of Leo Club of Nawala Metro

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WALK FOR SCOLOISIS GIFT OF LIFE MOMENTS OF BLISS WALK FOR SCOLOISIS Serving for the betterment of innocent children who need helping hands to stand straight and face the future with strength and confidence. Scoliosis is a hereditary disease which cause abnormalities in the curvature of the spine. In severe cases death can be caused if proper treatments were not given. Thus awareness to go for corrective treatments plays a key role in this CTRL “Walk for Scoliosis” was a joint project of the Team N and Lion’s club of Nawala. Our target was to gain public awareness about this disorder and raise funds to support children who cannot ald Ma ee ae a ee Lee e me) Independence square in order to get public attention and awareness with the attendance of Honorable Minister Dr. Rajitha Senarathne, other dignitaries, scoliosis patients and their families, Lions and Leos. Funds were collected by several means as selling T-shirts and stickers, public donations and contributions. Project was a success with the participation of honorable guests, scoliosis patients and their families together with Lions and Leos. This project was coordinated by Leo Thiloka Dakshina. Cir AC Lice eee sell ae MCC PSRNae eRe Teens is Kels Pret eel moll aLaLe Colm Lge ect which happens on every Full Moon Poya Day. With the guidance of Sri Te ee aM PECs mt) Pee ected dtelg tn akermney cat Pe MEICKamS Coe itRor-enet: ice REL Rticitaucakerccc eis) “ eR igre ueestiacss itl ae) SU ine OM ee MSs Leo TEM cna eo aaa acme nd) Meusaeia nen Cen Ue ie n diet) and was successful with the support of the club members and the generosity of the Pee Ae otaa eek Cun ae ert Cancer is a painful disease, not just physically but mentally, emotionally and also socially. It's not only the Patient who suffers. His whole family and friends suffer altogether with the patient. Situation is far more intense when a small kid get diagnosed with cancer. Paediatric cancer is a major problem in a country. One thing most cancer patients lose first Is hops. Moment of blissis an attempt to give them some hope. It's our will to see they utilize their fime to get some joy. Yes, they can enjoy their lives: We wanted is to convey the idea to both kids and parents that they are not lost in life and they have every right to enjoy this moment of life, Also we wanted to let them know that they are not alone in this fight. Paediatric ward of Apeksha hospital Maharagama, Sri Lanka and paediatric ward Ward UMMC Hosptal Kuala Lampur, Malaysia provide treatments and care for many little kids to bring the quality of life back. NM Leos in collaboration with {£0 club of LA Salle PJ Malaysia Spent some quality hours With kids in the pediatric ward to encourage them and their parents and also to take both parties away from their ordinary routine to forget about the hardship for a w' ‘Moment of Bliss was held at Apeksha Hospital Maharagama ‘by Leo Club of Nawala Metro and at paediatric ward Ward UMMC Hosptal Kuala Lempur by Leo club of LA Salle PJ Malaysia on 18th of November 2017 from 8.30 am onwards and on 17th af November 2017 from 2.00 pm onwards Tespectively. This project was a twinning project. So Meanwhile the main objective, we became friends with the foreign Leo club for the betterment of Leoism and to LEO VISHAN GUNARATHNE YoU aan president of the Leo District 306 C2. He is important to us because he was a charter member of the {teen ee MEN eed ed specially he is a past president of COT alt Mate > ade Mylo r aed plays a strong role as a leader who guide us through the way in Leo Crh ss Vishan successfully completed his education at ETT) Corl em LOK EE MMe studies were done at Skyline Aeronautical Engineering Training Academy showing flying colors. He has joined Leo moment as a member of the Leo Club of Mahanama College. Since then he has held many responsibilities and positions in the Leo Club of Mahanama College, in the Leo Club of Nawala Metro and also in the district 306 C2. Most important thing is he has given his best in every position he held and at every role he played. In the journey to become the Vice President of the district 306 C2 he has been a secretary, an advicer for Leo Club Presidents, a director and EN hee -celole om me (tel fer h ate co a Mel ae a is dedication, sacrifices and outstanding skills lead his to ‘ve various award from the District 306 C2 and the Multiple District 306. He was awarded as the Best President of the District 306 C2 in the Leoistic year 2014/15 where he brought the Leo Club MEIC IE dee eal e el meet me Eide 10love Meo Ce a Mtl) (Meee ee a aod award as well. We would like to say a “big thank you” for always being there for us and we are honored to have an excellent and outstanding Perera Le el ame ae betel tad oe cel em Ch Eee ee Te ae Pe bith go i 4) LEO CLUB OF as eyrrrite alt Oa EL e)

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