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April 2010

Vol 54

Chief Editor : Neeta Prasad Joint Director (Prod) : J.K. Chandra

Editor : Manogyan R. Pal Cover Design : Sadhna Saxena
E-mail (Editorial) :
(Circulation) : pdjucir_
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Let noble thoughts come to us from every side

Rig Veda


Facing The Challenge........................................................... 5 Impact of Climate Change on Human

R.R. Rashmi, S Satapathy Health in India......................................................................... 30
K Srivani
What India Needs to Do....................................................... 11
Urmi A Goswami do you know? . ...................................................................... 34

Maintaining Momentum post Copenhagen.............. 14 Climate Change and Indigenous

Knowledge................................................................................ 36
Namrata Kala, Alark Saxena
Shashank Chaturvedi

Indian Environmental Law and Lessons from an Eco -

Climate Change....................................................................... 18 Restoration Project .......................................................... 39
Shiju M V Dhaval Negandhi, Munish Sikka

A Short Appraisal of Climate Change Data............. 21 Coping with Climate Change........................................... 45

S Chakrabarti, S Suresh Kumar Krishna Murari

J&K Window . .......................................................................... 25 shodh yatra Multipurpose

twin chambered cooking vessel ................................. 50
best practices Community Action to Abdul Razzak
Fight Climate Change.......................................................... 28
Awanish Somkuwar North east diary . .............................................................. 52

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YOJANA April 2010 1


2 YOJANA April 2010

About the Issue

ith regard to climate change, India has some real tough tight-rope walk
before it. With temperatures poised to rise by 2.5 to 5 degrees Celsius
over the century, monsoon patterns threatening to go haywire and sea
levels likely to rise, as it is there will be problems of food security, water scarcity,
livelihood, and health to reckon with. To be balanced with this are the imperatives
of sustaining a high economic growth as a prerequisite to poverty alleviation, and
the need to raise per capita energy consumption to provide a minimally acceptable
level of well being.
India has rightly been looking both inward and outward in its efforts to balance
its varied and often seemingly contradictory concerns. This is reflected in our
comprehensive domestic agenda for mitigating climate change, adapting to it and
aiming to cut the emission intensity of GDP by 20-25 % of the 2005 level by 2020; This is also reflected
in our proactive climate negotiations in international fora where we have persistently been upholding the
principle of common but differentiated responsibility, fighting for the rights of the developing countries
to economic growth without the impediments of immediate formal caps on emissions, and insisting that
developed countries respect their obligations to reduce emission and help developing countries to get on to
the path of sustainable development.
Climate change is not just about the environment. As Copenhagen has proved, for some it means clinging
on to their high consumption lifestyles while finding out ways to sweep the products of such lifestyles under
the carpet. For others it means safeguarding their rights to grow, and for yet others it is a question of their very
existence. Certainly not the best backdrop for world consensus. India and the other BASIC group of countries
have however, done the best they could have under the circumstances. Emerging as a powerful force in the
climate change negotiations, the coordinated efforts of this quartet has ensured that the negotiations under
UNFCCC will continue on the two tracks laid out at Bali - one leading to long-term cooperative action
and the other leading to the second commitment period of Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol. The
30 billion dollar "Copenhagen Green Climate Fund" for the period 2010-12 would also be a useful support
for adaptation and mitigation efforts in the lesser developed and more vulnerable countries.
As of now, our feet seem to be steady on the tight rope, but there is still a long distance to be traversed. Both on the
outward and inward fronts, there is still a lot that needs to be done. The articles inside discuss what the phenomenon
of climate change means to India, what we have done so far to tackle the various issues that this phenomenon
is likely to open up, and which are the areas where we need to do more. q

YOJANA April 2010 3


4 YOJANA April 2010

Climate Change

Facing The Challenge

R.R. Rashmi
S Satapathy

limate change, is availability, oceanic acidification,
primarily caused by the food production, flooding of coastal
building up of greenhouse areas and increased burden of
gases (GHG) e.g. carbon vector borne and water borne
dioxide, methane, nitrous diseases associated with extreme
oxide and others in the atmosphere. weather events, etc.
The global increases in carbon
Th e C hallenge of Climate
dioxide concentration which have
been responsible for the largest part
of this build-up, are due primarily Climate change can slow down
to fossil fuel use and land-use the pace of development either
Increasing change, owing to human activities directly through increased exposure
taking place since pre-industrial to climate variability or indirectly
awareness about times, while those of methane and through erosion of the capacity to
climate change and nitrous oxide are primarily due to adapt.
concentrated action Climate Change can be
Climate change necessitates that
the developing countries, though
of the central and accompanied by higher average not responsible for climate change,
temperatures near earth’s surface,
State governments changed rainfall patterns, and
adapt to it and implement response
strategies so as to minimize impacts
will help fulfill increased severity and frequency of on livelihoods and natural resources.
floods, droughts and cyclones, which Further, mitigation measures have
the global goal of can severely impact livelihoods, to be adopted at the global level
climate especially of the poor in developing
countries. The change in climate
with a view to minimise further
change in climate, and eventually
stabilization could lead to impacts on freshwater stabilize it. Both these strategies

The authors are Joint Secretary Incharge of climate change Division, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government
of India, and Addl. Director in the climate change Division Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India,

YOJANA April 2010 5

cast additional social, human, and has been retreating since long and a level that would prevent dangerous
economic burdens on developing more rapidly in recent decades. As anthropogenic interference with the
countries. Large amount of national the glaciers retreat, they become climate system. The Convention
resources have to be committed more fragmented and the smaller affirms that climate change is a
for adaptation measures. Besides, glaciers are more sensitive to global global problem requiring global
actions for mitigating climate warming. As per the Geological efforts from all countries, but
change that may involve emissions Survey of India, glaciers worldwide also recognizes the primary
reduction have huge implications in a phase of recession as a natural contribution of the developed
for the growth of developing cyclic process. The accelerated countries to the high stock of CO2
countries, particularly in those melting which these glaciers emissions in the atmosphere, and
sectors e.g. energy generation, and are experiencing as a result of expects the developed countries
transport where emissions emanate the earth’s warming may have a to necessarily take the lead.
largely from consumption of fossil profound effect on future water This principle of, “common but
fuels and the use of alternative availability. differentiated responsibilities and
sources of energy is limited by respective capabilities”, is the
resources, technology and access/ It is projected that, by the end basis of burden sharing between
availability. of 21st century, rainfall in India Parties while working towards
may increase by 15-40% with high reaching the objectives of the
India’s vulnerability to climate regional variability. Warming may Convention.
change be more pronounced over land areas
with northern India experiencing As per the principle of ‘common
India is already facing high but differentiated responsibilities
degree of climate variability and may maximum increase. The warming
and respective capabilities’,
face additional challenge because of could be relatively greater in winter
developing countries including
climate change. A significant part of and post-monsoon seasons. The
India have no obligation to reduce
the annual variation in India’s GDP annual mean temperature could
the green house gas emissions. The
growth over the past half century is increase by 3°C to 6°C over the
Convention recognises that the
attributable to yearly variations in century.
economic and social development
rainfall. The Himalayan ecosystem, Under these circumstances, it and poverty eradication are the
so vital for our water security, is projected that India may suffer first and overriding priorities of
is vulnerable to climate change. huge losses due to the increased the developing countries parties,
Moreover, increases in mean sea incidence of extreme weather and that, in course of meeting the
levels will affect large populations events and additional risks to the developmental needs, the emissions
and communities in peninsular and livelihoods of people. of developing countries are bound
coastal India. to rise. Any mitigation action by
Global regime for addressing the developing countries must,
Although there is no significant climate change therefore, be taken in the context
long term trend in monsoon rainfall of sustainable development and
In response to the concerns
or floods in the summer monsoon be consistent with their national
about the potential impacts of
season at all India level, a warming priorities. Further, the Convention
accumulated and rising stock of
of 0.4°C in surface air temperature also recognises that the extent
GHG emissions and the need
has been noticed over the period to which developing countries
to address climate change, an
1901-2000. Total frequency of parties will effectively implement
international regime of actions
cyclonic storms forming over Bay their commitments i.e. taking
was agreed in from of the United
of Bengal has, however, remained actions to mitigate emissions under
Nations Framework Convention on
almost constant over 1887-1997. the convention will depend on
Climate Change (UNFCCC), 1992.
It has been noticed, on the other The Convention seeks to achieve the effective implementation by
hand, that the Gangotri glacier, one stabilization of greenhouse gas developed countries parties of their
of the largest in the Himalayas, concentrations in the atmosphere at commitments relating to provision

6 YOJANA April 2010

of financial resources and transfer technology in developing countries international negotiating fora that
of technology. are underway. On a parallel track, the developed country parties must
the negotiations to determine the take actions in accordance with the
All industrialized countries are
required under the Convention individual quantified emission principle of equity and ‘common
to have binding commitments to reduction targets of the Parties but differentiated responsibilities
reduce their emissions. Kyoto to Kyoto Protocol for the second and respective capabilities’ in
Protocol was signed by the Parties commitment period beginning from order to achieve the objectives of
to UNFCCC in 1997 to agree on 2013 are continuing. the convention. Such actions of
quantified and specific emission the developed countries should
International Negotiations on
reduction targets for each of include deep and ambitious targets
Climate Change
the 37 industrialised countries for emission reduction in the second
that are listed in Annex-I of the In the recent international commitment period (post 2012) of
Convention. The Kyoto Protocol negotiations conducted under the Kyoto Protocol. The starting
lays down binding quantified the UNFCCC, the industrialized point for a fair and equitable
emission reduction targets for all countries h a v e c a l l e d u p o n agreement in the climate change
industrialised countries for the first developing countries to contribute negotiations is, therefore, the
commitment period 2008-2012, to the global effort to address acceptance by developed countries
although the US, the world’s biggest climate change. Specifically, it of the principle of per capita equity,
emitter of greenhouse gases, did not has been suggested that while their historical responsibility, and
ratify the Kyoto Protocol. the developed countries will take their undertaking to make credible
appropriate emission reduction cuts in GHG emissions of 25-
In December 2007, after the
targets in the mid term, the 40% by 2020 over 1990 reference
publication of the 4th Assessment
developing countries should follow levels.
Review of the Inter Governmental
a low carbon development path and
Panel on Climate Change which India has stated that the actions
deviate in terms of GHG emission
established that climate change of the developing countries will
from business as usual scenario.
is unequivocal, the Parties to depend on the support in terms of
It has also been suggested that the
UNFCCC adopted the Bali Action finance and technology provided
developing countries should place
Plan to enhance the implementation by the developing countries. While
their domestic mitigation actions at
of the Convention. The Bali Action India is willing to accept monitoring,
the same level of international review
Plan (BAP) calls for full, effective reporting and verification (MRV) as
as the mitigation commitments of
and sustained implementation of per agreed procedures for those
developed countries. Implicit in
the UNFCCC through long-term actions that are supported by the
the arguments of the developed
cooperative action, now, up to and international community in terms
countries is the suggestion that the
beyond 2012. It is a comprehensive of finance and technology through
international support for adaptation
dialogue to address the four major agreed channels, its voluntary
to and mitigation of climate
building blocks of climate change, actions financed from its own
change in developing countries
i.e. GHG mitigation; adaptation to domestic resources can not be
will depend on willingness of
climate change impacts; technology subjected to international review.
developing countries to subject
development and cooperation; and While India has taken a number of
their national action plans to review
finance.In pursuance of the Bali steps, on its own, to adapt to climate
and progress in terms of low carbon
Action Plan, negotiations to define change and mitigate its emissions
the aggregate targets of emission in the interest of its energy security
reduction for developed countries I n d i a ’s a p p r o a c h t o t h e and sustainable development, India
including the US and other issues negotiations is fully anchored will take further voluntary and
relating to adaptation and financing in the UNFCCC and the Kyoto nationally appropriate actions for
of adaptation, mitigation and Protocol. India has argued in the addressing climate change strictly

YOJANA April 2010 7

in accordance with the priorities two-tracks will continue till CoP and around 3-3.5 tonnes of carbon
and objectives laid down under the 16 scheduled at Mexico from Nov dioxide equivalent by 2030, as
National Action Plan for Climate 29- Dec 10, 2010. compared to around 1-1.2 tonnes
Change. presently. Prime Minister has
At the Copenhagen conference,
already stated that India will never
Copenhagen Conference, an attempt was also made by the
allow its per capita emissions
December 2009 Danish Prime Minister i.e. the
to exceed that of the developed
President of the Conference of
15th Conference of the Parties countries. Accordingly, India has
Parties (CoP), to forge a consensus
(CoP 15) to the UNFCCC was held in announced that, it will endeavour
on outstanding issues through
Copenhagen from December 7-18, to reduce 20 to 25 percent by 2020
informal consultations amongst a
2009, with a view to reach agreed in comparison to the 2005 level.
select group of countries including
outcomes on the negotiations. The This will be achieved through
India and presents it to the parties
Copenhagen conference was a actions in specific sectors with
in form of a ‘Copenhagen Accord’.
culmination of two year process that necessary provision of financial and
However, there was no consensus
began in Bali in December 2007. technological resources including
and the ‘Accord’ could not be
The negotiations have proceeded the domestic and international
adopted. In the absence of adoption
in two parallel tracks since Bali support
under the multilateral process, the
-one relating to the long term Accord was only taken ‘note of’ by While engaging constructively
cooperative action of the Parties the parties. with the international community
under the Bali Action Plan- known on the issue, India has pursued
as LCA track and the other relating India’s actions on climate
a strong domestic agenda for
to the commitment of the Annex I change
addressing climate change. India
Parties for the second commitment India, being vulnerable to recognizes that a strategy for
period under the Kyoto Protocol- adverse effects of climate change, addressing climate change has
known as the KP track. is very conscious of its global to be based on the strategy of
responsibilities towards climate as sustainable development. This is
At the Copenhagen Conference,
also the need to minimize adverse reflected in the major programmes
the talks in the two tracks were to
effects of climate change on its addressing climate variability.
be concluded and outcomes to be
large population. Although India’s Current Government expenditure
reached. India participated in the
total CO2 emissions are about 4% in India on adaptation to climate
negotiations constructively with
of total global CO2 emissions, variability exceeds 2.6 per cent of
a view to contribute to outcomes
India is committed to contribute to the GDP, with agriculture, water
in accordance with the principles resources, health and sanitation,
climate protection by de-coupling
and provisions of the Convention, forests, coastal zone infrastructure
the growth of its emissions from
Kyoto Protocol and the Bali Action and extreme events, being specific
the rising economic development.
Plan. areas of concern and action.
Even with 8-9% GDP growth every
However, differences among year for the next decade or two,
National Action Plan on Climate
Parties on several critical issues, India’s per capita emissions is likely
particularly those relating to to be well below developed country
mitigation and finance for climate averages. India’s energy intensity In pursuance of its voluntary
change persisted, despite some of production has been falling with actions to address climate change
movement on issues relating to e.g. improvements in energy efficiency, related concerns, India released its
technology, adaptation and Reducing autonomous technological changes National Action Plan on Climate
Deforestation and Degradation in and economical use of energy. Change (NAPCC) on 30th June 2008.
Developing countries (REDD plus). India’s climate modeling studies The National Action Plan advocates
As a result, the talks at Copenhagen show that its per capita emissions a strategy that promotes, firstly, the
could not be concluded and it was will be around 2-2.5 tonnes of adaptation to Climate Change and
decided that the negotiations in carbon dioxide equivalent by 2020 secondly, further enhancement of

8 YOJANA April 2010

the ecological sustainability of set up in June, 2007 monitors agriculture, buildings and forestry
India’s development path. the preparation of and approves for the year 2020 & 2030. These
the national missions, while the could be institutionalized through
The National Action Plan stresses
Ministry of Environment & Forests either legislative or executive
that maintaining a high growth rate
is essential for increasing living coordinates the implementation of action under the NAAPC and the
standards of the vast majority of the Action Plan and other climate Five Year Plan documents. Actions
people of India and reducing their change related actions in India. may also be taken to enhance such
vulnerability of the impacts of Documents in respect of the national domestic actions in line with specific
climate change. Accordingly, the missions as prepared by the nodal domestic targets as outlined in 11th
Action Plan identifies measures Ministries are at various stages of and subsequent five-year plans
that promote the sustainable adoption and approval. with domestic and international
development while also yielding resources as available.
It is notable that India’s Five
co-benefits for addressing climate
Year plans outline a strategy for State level Action Plans on
sustainable growth resulting in low Climate Change
Eight National Missions e.g. carbon sustainable development.
National Solar Mission, National 11th Five Year Plan includes an Prime Minister in his address
Mission on Enhanced Energy indicative target of increasing to Ministers of Environment and
Efficiency, National Mission on energy efficiency by 20% by Forests from various states on
Sustainable Habitat, National 2016-17. The National Mission 18th August 2009 had called upon
Water Mission, National Mission on Enhanced Energy Efficiency all state governments to prepare
for sustaining the Himalayan implemented by the Ministry of State level Action Plans on Climate
Ecosystem, National Mission for Power through the Bureau of Change consistent with the strategy
a Green India, National Mission Energy Efficiency seeks to pursue outlined in the NAPCC. The state
for Sustainable Agriculture and this goal. level plans will enable communities
National Mission on Strategic and ecosystems to adapt to climate
Knowledge for Climate Change NAPCC will guide India’s change effectively and help achieve
form the core of the National Action further actions in regard to low the objective of the NAPCC.
Plan and represent multi-pronged, carbon growth strategy. Based Accordingly, a programme for
long term and integrated strategies on the exercises for Mid-Term preparation of state level plans has
for achieving key goals in the Appraisal in the 11th Five Year been initiated.
context of climate change. Besides Plan that indicates that the emission
intensity has declined by 17.6 per Some of the States have already
the 8 Missions, the NAPCC also
cent between 1990 and 2005, the responded and initiated positive
outlines 24 Initiatives aimed at
Planning Commission has concluded action. Government of Himachal
promoting technologies and actions
that a 20 to 25 per cent reduction in Pradesh has drawn up a programme
in the sectors pertaining to energy
emission intensity between 2005 and sought technical assistance and
generation, transport, renewable,
and 2020 is possible. funding from the World Bank for the
disaster management and capacity
projected activities. Government
building that will have substantial This will require that necessary of Delhi has prepared an Action
benefits in terms of addressing actions in specific sectors are Plan outlining the activities which
climate change, when integrated undertaken to reduce emission was launched in November 2009.
with the development plans of the intensity and corresponding Government of Karnataka has
Ministries. emission reduction outcomes with initiated activities and proposed
The National Missions are to be necessary provisions of financial a technical assistance programme
institutionalized by the respective and technological resources. These with the World Bank for this purpose
Ministries. The Prime Minister’s could include specific performance Kerala Government has constituted
Council on Climate Change, targets in industry, energy, transport, a steering committee to oversee

YOJANA April 2010 9

the preparation of an Action Plan. Mechanism (CDM) which commitment period of the Protocol
Gujarat has taken proactive steps is designed to help developed from 2013.
to set up a dedicated department countries in meeting their emission
Institutional Mechanism for
for climate change and prepare its reduction targets while contributing
addressing climate change
action plan. to sustainable development in
developing countries through Government of India has
India’s international obligations purchase of Certified Emission set up an elaborate institutional
As a part of its international Reduction Certificates (CERS) mechanism to consider and address
obligations under the UNFCCC, from developing countries by the issues relating to climate change. A
developed countries businesses Council chaired by Prime Minister
India prepares periodically
and governments. India’s CDM called Prime Minister’s Council on
the National Communication
Climate Change was constituted in
( N AT C O M ) t h a t g i v e s a n potential represents a significant
June 2007 to coordinate national
inventory of the greenhouse gases component of the global CDM action for assessment, adaptation
(GHG) emissions in India, and market. and mitigation of climate change.
assesses the vulnerability and The Council provides the overall
impacts and makes appropriate The Government of India has set
guidance to climate change related
r e c o mmendations regarding up the National CDM Authority in
actions taken by various Ministries
social, economic and technological December 2003 with its office in the
in the Government and other
measures for addressing climate Ministry of Environment & Forests. agencies. Ministry of Environment
change. Preparation of NATCOM The National CDM Authority & Forests is the national focal point
is an exercise based on an extensive evaluates and recommends CDM for UNFCCC and coordinates
network of research and scientific projects for host country approval. various activities relating to the
institutions in India and draws At the end of 2009, India has a NAPCC and other climate change
upon expertise and excellence from profile of 1551 approved host related policies and actions.
different institutions. 131 research country projects in the sectors of An expert committee set up under
teams collaborated to prepare energy efficiency, fuel switching, the chairmanship of the Principal
India’s first NATCOM and present industrial processes, municipal Scientific Adviser to Government of
it in 2004. India’s Second National solid waste and renewable energy. India has studied (2008) the impact
Communications (NATCOM-II) of anthropogenic climate change on
Out of these, 478 projects (against
which will put together an even more India and has come out with its first
total number of 2011 globally
detailed assessment of national GHG set of findings and the research agenda
registered projects) are registered by
inventories and of the vulnerabilities that the ministries need to follow and
faced by the key sectors in India is the CDM Executive Board and have
implement in order to address India’s
under preparation. This is expected the potential of generating 74.22 vulnerability to anthropogenic climate
to be available by late 2010 and mn CERs out of total 366.17 mn change impacts.
will be presented to the UNFCCC registered CERs. If all the approved
projects get registered, the projects Conclusion
in 2011. Systemic improvements to
enhance the scope and transparency can attract an overall inflow of With the pro-active measure
of India’s national communications approximately US$ 6.27 billion pursued by governments in the
are also being considered with a by the year 2012 at a conservative domestic and International fronts, it
view to better inform the various price of the US$10 per CER. is hoped that climate change issues
relevant stakeholders of the actions will be addressed significantly and
and initiatives that India is taking CDM is an important subject seriously in future years. Increasing
on climate change. of negotiations under Kyoto awareness about Climate change
Protocol. India is of the view that and concentrated action of the
Clean Development CDM has helped the developing central and State governments will
Mechanism: countries enhance their sustainable help fulfill the global goal of climate
India has participated effectively development and should be stabilization. q
in the Clean Development further strengthened in the 2nd (Email :

10 YOJANA April 2010

Climate Change
View Point

What India Needs to Do

Urmi A Goswami

ven as t h e w o r l d the industrialized nations would
recognizes the threat of like to see advanced developing
climate change and the countries like China and India share
need to contain emissions the burden.
of greenhouse gases,
The United Nations Framework
there has been little movement
Convention on Climate Change, the
towards achieving this objective.
Kyoto Protocol and the Bali Action
A key reason for this is that climate
Plan remain the bedrock of climate
change is marked by first mover’s
change negotiations. However, the
disadvantage. There has been no
changing economic realities of some
demonstrable economic gain for
developing countries will mean an
countries that moved to a regime that
If India adheres to the health of the planet.
attempt to rework the “common
but differentiated responsibility”
Given that countries are at different
seeks to be places on the development curve,
principle agreed to at the Rio Summit
of 1992. Being one of the rapidly
a world leader, coupled with unequal access to
growing countries and in close
finance and technology, a complete
then it should shift in economic trajectory is near
partnership with China, which is
now the world’s largest net emitter,
take a impossible.
India will need to rework its climate
proactive I t i s t h e f i r s t m o v e r ’s change strategy to maximize its goals
disadvantage that could explain of development and aspirations to be
role keeping why the developed world has a global player.
in mind its sought to increase the web of
India’s position on climate
those who have to shoulder the
long-term burden of responsibility of reducing

interests emissions. Clearly not wanting to

lose out on its economic advantage,
India maintains that climate
change is not taking place due

The author is Special Correspondent, Economic Times, New Delhi.

YOJANA April 2010 11

to the current level of GHG place at the high table to fulfill its equivalent, which has been rapidly
emissions but is the cumulative development agenda. rising since 2002, and the US
impact of the accumulated stock average of 7778 kg oil equivalent.
India’s considerations on climate
of emissions in the atmosphere. The annual growth in India’s per
change and negotiations
The stock is the result of carbon- capita energy consumption has
based industrial activity of The absence of any demonstrable been minimal.
developed countries over the economic incentive to move to a
As a developing country, India
last two hundred odd years. low carbon path is a key reason for
can reduce the rate of growth of
This historical responsibility the unwillingness by countries to
its future emissions. A long-term
mandates that the industrialized move to an alternative paradigm.
deviation from business as usual
countries take the lead in reducing In the case of developing countries
would be difficult as India lacks the
emissions, and enable developing like India, another factor that
stable and structured markets of the
countries to make a shift to a low promotes the business as usual
industrialized countries. This would
carbon development path through approach is the impediment to
make it difficult to shift investments
finance and technology. poverty eradication that a shift to a
to a low carbon pathway.
low carbon economy represents.
Developing countries would
The focus for India needs to be
take domestic measures on Small and medium enterprises
on renewable energy and energy
reducing emissions but their form the backbone of the Indian
efficiency. India’s submission to
“first and overriding priority” is industrial-manufacturing structure,
reduce the emission intensity of
social and economic development an important component of India’s
its economy by 20 to 25 per cent
and the poverty alleviation of its growth story. Many of these
by 2020 can be bettered through
people. In recognition of the fact are export-oriented units and a
these two options. India has already
that as countries develop, their transition to a more expensive
announced its national solar mission
emissions will increase, New platform would undermine the
and an enhanced energy efficiency
Delhi has pledged that even as it cost advantage on which these
mission is in the works.
pursues its social and economic units thrive. Manufacturing growth
development objectives, it will in 2009-10 has been at 8.9 per The future course
not allow its per capita GHG cent compared to 3.2 per cent in
Over the past year or so, India
emissions to exceed the average 2008-09. Unlike in industrialized
has stressed that it should “negotiate
per capita emissions of the countries, for SMEs to make the
from a position of strength”. In
developed countries. transition would necessarily impact
doing so it would like to assume
the growth story.
India’s sustained growth has a leadership role. At Copenhagen,
meant that the industrialized world While India does enjoy a India did in partnership with China,
is unwilling to let it hide in the crowd high growth rate, and is expected Brazil and South Africa play a
of developing countries. While its to sustain it, the growth is far crucial role in the formulation of the
growth rate and partnership with from inclusive. More that 50 per Copenhagen Accord. In that sense,
China has opened doors for India, cent of India’s populace is still India now sits at a “high table”.
it has also meant making some underserved when it comes to Environment minister Jairam
concessions, such as on allowing electricity, an important determinant Ramesh has consistently advocated
for “international consultation and of development. India’s per capita “flexibility” in negotiations. The
analysis” on its domestic actions energy consumption (2006 figures) question is whether this flexibility
to deal with climate change. The is at 510kg oil equivalent compared allows India to set the agenda or
pressures on India are bound to to the world average of 1,818 kg oil merely enable the rollout of the path
increase, and New Delhi will equivalent. China has a per capita set out at the high table. If India is
have to find a way to leverage its energy consumption of 1433 kg oil to rise above being an enabler or

12 YOJANA April 2010

a broker, and set the agenda say stakeholders. Important participants institutions and over 220 scientists
like China or United States then would be the Ministry of Power, from across the country. This
it needs to be seen as contributing which deals with close to 60 per network is expected to produce
with out of the box thinking that cent of India’s emissions. Any a study on the impact of climate
can move the world towards a decision on curbing emissions change on various sectors in 2011.
viable agreement that is both fair would affect the working of this In the meantime, it leaves Indian
and equitable. sector. India’s current plan to cut negotiating position missing an
emission intensity by 20 to 25 per important plank.
It is not that India has not taken the
cent will be largely met by this
lead at all. In technology, New Delhi Given the realities of India’s
sector. The other important player
has been a key player suggesting socio-economic development
is the Ministry of Renewable
the concept of regional innovation indices and its financial capabilities,
Energy. If India is to effectively
centres. Several formulations put there is a need to focus on low
reduce the carbon intensity of its
forward by India, including the hanging fruits and its climate co-
energy basket, renewables will be
hub and spoke structure, are now benefits. Energy efficiency is a key
an important component. It also
among the areas of consensus in the in this regard. This would include
provides India with the best option
negotiating text. India’s proactive managing demand as well as
of garnering finance through carbon
role in organizing a technology curbing inefficiencies and losses on
summit in October 2009, under the supply side, that is, production
the aegis of the UNFCCC, in New India’s bid for leadership would and distribution.
Delhi also helped set the agenda. require it to make common cause
India also needs to leverage
The experience in technology needs with vulnerable countries, where
the carbon markets. The clean
to be replicated. adaptation is a key issue. In the
past, more so in the recent past, development mechanism is not
Interestingly, the government accessed by government projects,
New Delhi has stressed that its
is considering a similar exercise and the industrialized world has
vast coastline, dependency on
on effort sharing in June-July this cornered the low cost mitigation
rain-fed agriculture and its large
year. Though the exercise is fraught options. India needs to retain the low
below poverty population makes it
with hurdles as any consideration of cost actions for itself, while leaving
vulnerable too. A natural corollary
the array of effort sharing models to this would be the inclusion of the high cost mitigation options for
is seen as a move to shift away the National Institute of Disaster the industrialized countries.
from our current stand of per capita Management in the team.
emission. Nonetheless, this too Finally, New Delhi has been
could become another att¬¬empt Another area that New Delhi on the forefront of the demand
by India to set the contours of needs to seriously consider is that for finance from industrialized
the agenda in the climate change of adaption. This is the weakest countries to enable the shift to a
negotiations. component of India’s negotiating low carbon pathway. India needs
stance. While the Indian leadership to work out how much finance it
But if India is to garner a has paid lip service to India’s requires and then a plan to absorb
leadership role it needs to clearly vulnerability and the need for the funds, should the opportunity
delineate its interests and build a adaptation, there has been no present itself.
negotiating team, which includes assessment, making an effective
key stakeholders. Climate If India seeks to be a world leader,
negotiating plan, one that goes
negotiations have a feedback effect beyond rhetoric, impossible. The then it needs to take a proactive role
on domestic policies. Therefore, government has put in place the keeping in mind its long-term
the negotiating team needs to Indian Network of Climate Change interests. q
have active participation of key Assessment, a network of 120 (Email : )

YOJANA April 2010 13

Climate Change

Maintaining Momentum post Copenhagen

Namrata Kala
Alark Saxena

he recent g l o b a l lack of political will amongst
climate change treaty, also countries to come to an agreement.
known as the Copenhagen There is growing anxiousness in
Accord, was signed on the global civil society about the
Dec 18th 2009. Delegates future of climate negotiations post
from 193 countries and numerous Copenhagen and the actions taken
NGO’s convened in the 15th by major emitters of the world.
Conference of Parties (COP) and This article is aimed towards how
more than 100 heads of states the current momentum on issues
Maintaining a participated during the final of climate change within India
sustainability days of the conference. Under can be maintained through careful
orientation while prevailing chaos and confusion,
the accord was signed by Brazil,
planning, engagement of the
business, industry and participation
engaging civil South Africa, India, China (BASIC of youth as members of civil
society and the countries) along with United States society for future sustainable
outside the UNFCCC process. prosperity.
private sector Amidst expectations of a separate
Watering down the CA (reducing
would ensure that negotiating text being brought out
the ambitious mitigation targets)
by the host country, this accord
the momentum came as a shock to the rest of
and making it legally non-binding,
coupled with the global economic
for climate action the participating countries. The
meltdown only suggests that there
Copenhagen Accord (CA) in
is integrated many ways turned out to be a lip
is less than required pressure on
the major Green House Gas (GHG)
into mainstream service to the futures of countries
emitting countries to aggressively
impacted by climate change. Most
development of the vulnerable countries were
reduce their emissions. India
objectives disillusioned by the process and
and China have steadfastly

The authors are Doctoral Students from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, USA. Their study focuses
on climate change mitigation, adaptation and international climate negotiations.

14 YOJANA April 2010

and somewhat understandably increase in annual rainfall thus development, it is in India’s best
refused to undertake absolute making wet regions wetter and interest to focus strongly on
emissions reductions, citing the dry regions more dry. (Using the the internal issues and create a
feet-dragging by some of the second generation Hadley Center friendly image for other developing
world’s largest emitters as the Regional Model (Had RM2) and the countries which have looked up to
reason for lack of strong mitigation IS92 a future scenarios of increased India for its development models
action. In addition, they have greenhouse gas concentrations and diplomacy.
recently taken a stance that the CA obtained by state of art regional
While undertaking absolute
should be considered as a guiding climate modeling systems). These
emissions reductions are not a
document for future negotiations changes will lead to impacts on
strong near-term possibility, instead
and gain legitimacy only when cereal, vegetable and fruit crop
of perceiving climate change as an
all the other 180 countries sign production and a loss of 9-25% net
inconvenient barrier to development
it. The result of this political and farm revenue. The forestry sector
imposed by the developed nations,
diplomatic bargaining is quite suggests a large scale forest dieback
India should perceive it as
obvious–further reduction in the and loss of biodiversity due to a 68-
more of a global development
world’s commitment to reduce 77% shift in the forest types by the challenge, and look for possible
GHG’s. This directly points to a year 2085. The health sector has to international partnerships to enable
worsening of conditions for the focus on the geographical shifting leapfrogging technologies, low-
most vulnerable countries like of vector borne diseases like malaria carbon infrastructure decisions,
Maldives, Nepal, Bangladesh and in areas that were historically energy policies that would increase
India to climate change. The distrust unaffected. Endemic morbidity and energy security and opportunities to
caused by the CA will lead most of mortality due to diarrheal diseases foster innovation.
these Small Island, landlocked, and exacerbation of the abundance
least developed and developing and/or toxicity of cholera are some The recognition of these
countries to shift their focus from other predictions that need to be priorities was reflected to some
multi-lateral negotiations to bi- dealt with. India’s first national extent by the National Action Plan
lateral agreements. However, the communication to UNFCCC in on Climate Change (NAPCC)
joint declaration of $30 billion 2004 reiterates the fact that sectors announced in June 2008 which
adaptation aid between the years establishes 8 missions on key
like forest, agriculture and fisheries
2010-2012 by developed countries adaptation and mitigation needs.
that are already under stress due
can be considered as a signal The recognition was also seen in
to socio-economic pressures are
towards the direction of future the subsequent renewable energy
predicted to be severely affected by
negotiations. The accord will initiatives – for instance, in
climate change and these changes
change the affected countries’ November 2009, the government
will affect all socio-ecological
outward aid seeking policy to an approved a 3-phase solar power
systems in the country.
inward looking strategy focused development initiative to boost
on adaptation, since most of the India clearly is in a unique solar power production from 6 MW
countries affected by climate position where it not only has a at present to 20 gigawatts by 2022,
change are not the ones causing significant percentage of population more than a 3000-fold increase.
it. that is extremely vulnerable to The first phase of the project would
climate change but it is also cost about $900 million, and the
Projected impacts, vulnerabilities
projected to be one of the major total cost is estimated between
and the scope for action
GHG emitters in the world (in $12-20 billion. Furthermore, the
High-resolution climate change terms of total output). As countries follow-up declaration to UNFCCC
scenarios for India suggest an move nationally from a reactionary in January 2010 of voluntary
increase of surface temperature to a proactive protection strategy reduction of emission intensity by
by 2.5-5 degree Celsius and 20% towards climate change and 20-25% of the 2005 level by 2020

YOJANA April 2010 15

and the follow up tax credits to potentially higher long-term costs long-term investments in these
green technologies in its current of altering infrastructure in the sectors, which is vital since most
budget are a great starting point future. High emissions and high- clean technologies have longer
to tackle climate change both from growth sectors such as transport payback periods than conventional
mitigation and adaptation stands. and the construction sector provide technologies.
However, to fully operationalise cases where intervention may be
the NAPCC and streamline Integrating adaptation
particularly effective – for instance,
climate change dimension into into national development
ensuring that new buildings
broader development plans will programmes
follow certain environmental
require technical expertise and Currently, most of India’s
codes provide a relatively cost-
enhanced institutional capacity on
effective yet widespread and development policies and
an unprecedented scale along with
efficient way of taking a step programs have not integrated
effective coordination between
towards environmentally-friendly climate uncertainties in the
civil society, government and
infrastructure. Similarly, energy implementation strategies and
efficiency provides the greatest hence they are extremely vulnerable
A lower-impact orientation to potential for emissions reductions to uncertainties of climate change.
development will have several and the small and medium scale A primary concern with regard
co-benefits which are vital to industries in India would greatly to climate proofing development
consider while considering the benefit from an easily accessible would be the capacity to revisit
higher upfront costs of several of financing strategy for installing socio-economic development
these policy decisions- for instance, projects and strategies both at
energy efficient equipment. These
the human health benefits from state and national level, and
sectors are also those with sizeable
substituting fossil fuels with cleaner
co-benefits, such as avoiding traffic integrate at least some level of
technologies. Thus, having proved
congestion costs, human health climate change adaptation. Hybrid
itself as a strong negotiator and a
benefits from cleaner air as well as seed variety projects, mini/micro-
committed party to the UNFCCC
more efficient resource use. hydro projects, health projects
process, India should move forward
which are most susceptible to
with national policies targeted at In addition, public-private
“climate-proofing” its development, such changes should be prepared
partnerships would work to ensure
which are elaborated later in the and designed such that they are
private sector remains globally
paper. This is imperative to minimize climate proof.
competitive and engaged in the
India’s climate vulnerability as well policy-making process. The Integration of adaptation into
as strengthen its prominent position private sector in India has been mainstream development policy and
in the UNFCCC process. a conscious effort to “climate proof”
very dynamic regarding renewable
Mitigation initiatives with highest technology initiatives - India is the programs will reduce the overall
reduction potential and co- world’s 4th largest and 2nd fastest cost of implementation and increase
benefits growing wind market. Renewable chances of success. One such
energy projects constitute the largest opportunity would be to incorporate
Wi t h r e g a r d t o n a t i o n a l
mitigation policy, India should share in Indian Clean Development measures that increase adaptive
implement action in areas that Mechanism (CDM) projects (536 capacity in national programs like
have high emissions reduction out of 815 projects), which if scaled the National Rural Employment
potential, such as energy efficiency. up appropriately, may offer a strong Guarantee Act (NREGA) in India,
International partnerships to potential source of funding for since local institutions are actively
facilitate these initiatives may help clean energy. Providing clear and involved in NREGA. Involving
offset partial costs, as well as avoid consistent targets would facilitate local institutions would be critical

16 YOJANA April 2010

in ensuring that measures on the of today’s policies and actions and fulfill energy needs of various
ground are consistent with local best- will be faced disproportionately sections of the population, it also
practices. For instance, about 60 by the future generation and hence needs to maintain pressure on the
percent of the 1 million-odd projects the principal of inter-generational industry to reduce its environmental
carried out under NREGA were equity needs to be recognized and footprint, which can then be further
related to replenishing, repairing or upheld as the main driving force encouraged by collective public
creating water bodies. Expanding in current decision making. The action.
the scope of such initiatives and youth in India have been very active
incorporating them into related in driving the climate debate and
poverty alleviation and employment actions. The current momentum on Even if we argue that the
generation policies would fulfill climate change cannot be sustained Indian diplomacy at Copenhagen
development objectives as well with the same vigor unless we was able to safeguard its national
as enhance adaptive capacity at have a stronger representation of interests by protecting its right to
the local level. It is important to the youth in this decision making develop, we cannot lose the sight
notice that while major decision process. of predicted dangers that we face
making happens at the national by maintaining the business-as-
level, the major adaptations will Rights vs. Duties – Maintaining
usual path of development. Climate
have to be locally informed and public involvement: Most of the
change is the most imminent
designed. Since most of the actors article so far has stressed the need
environmental challenge faced by
of local level adaptation will also for governmental action and the
the global community, and one that
be local it is important that such rights of civil society and local
requires a concerted response at
policies are specially designed and level stakeholders regarding the
global, national and local level. In
flexible enough to integrate local climate policy process. A recent
addition, there are several economic
stakeholders. Climate-oriented international survey (2009)
opportunities that a more sustainable
development programs would also showed that relative to other major
development path offers, such
facilitate effective channeling of the economies such as China, Brazil,
as more efficient resource use
additional international adaptation the UK and the USA, a higher
and greener industries. India is
funding received through the fraction of the Indian population
uniquely positioned with regard
UNFCCC process to programs that believes that climate change is
to the issue of climate change, and
would provide higher adaptation an imminent problem, is positive
thus should aim to contextualize
benefits. that the problem is a solvable one
its economic growth objectives
and wishes strong government
Mobilizing public opinion for with an awareness of these
incentives for change in individual
sustainable development opportunities, as well as its climate
behavior. The poll clearly indicates
vulnerabilities. Several recent
Integrating Inter-Generational that the population is aware of the
policies have had a sustainability
Equity- Institutionalizing Youth potential of collective individual
orientation, and maintaining this
participation in Decision making: actions and that there is a window
while engaging civil society and
Even though the missions introduced of opportunity wherein the civil
the private sector would ensure that
in the NAPCC are a great way to society and the government can
the momentum for climate action
move forward and would like to work together to enable individual
is sustained as well as integrated
integrate the civil society in making actions as duties to reduce the
into mainstream development
decisions, we need a very strong environmental footprint at the
objectives. q
representation of the youth in this local and national levels. While
discourse. Most of the projections government is looking at its own (Email :
clearly suggest that the outcomes methods to provide electricity

YOJANA April 2010 17

Climate Change

Indian Environmental Law and Climate

Shiju M V

ndia has a r i c h the Constitution are examples of
and well developed this. The Bhopal Gas Tragedy of
environmental law. The 1984 exposed many lacunae in
Indian Constitution the Indian legal system. The legal
is one among the few battle that the victims had to fight,
constitutions in the world that and are still fighting in various
has provisions on environmental courts in the US and India is a case
protection. Articles 48 A and in point. A number of statutes were
51 A (g) inserted by the 42nd enacted in the wake of the tragedy,
Constitutional Amendment Act Environment (Protection) Act,
in 1976 imposes the duty of 1988 being the most important.
These can be the environmental protection on both The Rio Conference in 1992 also
foundations of an the state and its citizens. However, saw some legislative activity in
the development of Indian
emerging climate environmental law is piecemeal
the Indian environmental scene.
The Biological Diversity Act,
change jurisprudence and responsive to certain trigger 2002 was enacted to implement
which does not events. Three trigger events can the Convention on Biological
be discerned in the evolution of
compromise its the Indian environmental law.
Diversity adopted during the
developmental The United Nations Conference
on Human Environment held But a mere enumeration of the
pursuit, but at the at Stockholm in 1972 led to the statutes and various constitutional
same time addresses enactment of many legislations provisions will not capture the
in the field of environment. The essence of Indian environmental
the larger issues of enactment of Water Act, Air law. The stellar role being played by
inter-generational and Act, Forest Conservation Act the Indian judiciary has strengthened
intra-generational and the inclusion of provisions the environmental jurisprudence in
relating to the environment in India. Public Interest Litigations
The author is Lecturer, Dept of Policy Studies, Teri University.

18 YOJANA April 2010

(PILS) became effective tools in the of India was 5.7 tonnes per person used as a reason for postponing
hands of creative judges to impart as compared to 128.7 tonnes of the measures to prevent environmental
justice in the field of environment. United States during the period degradation’. A plethora of Indian
Many doctrines were advanced 1994-2007. But all these do not judgments has categorically stated
by the judiciary to protect the obliterate the fact that India is that Precautionary Principle is a
environment. New principles and one among the five major emitters part of Indian law. In the specific
concepts like the Polluter Pays of Green House Gases. The fact Indian context, pPrecautionary
Principle, Precautionary Principle, that the poor and underprivileged Pprinciple imposes additional
Principle of Absolute Liability, classes, on whose number strength responsibilities on the governments.
concept of sustainable development, the low per capita argument rests, The environmental measures
and the notion of inter generational do not contribute to climate carried out must anticipate,
equity were used by the courts to change in any significant way but prevent and attack the causes
wake up a lethargic executive to are most vulnerable to its negative of environmental degradation.
deal with many an environmental impacts raises serious equity Precautionary Principle also
crisis. It would appear that it is in issues at the national level. A shifts the burden of proof. Under
the field of environment that the legal system which tries to ensure the principle, the onus of proof
Indian judiciary is most active. In the dignity of the individual has is on the actor or the developer
ordering the cleaning up of rivers, to address this issue in a serious or the industrialist to show that
restoring monuments, cleaning up manner. his actions are environmentally
the pollution caused by hazardous benign. (Vellore Citizens’ Welfare
substances, restoring the altered There are certain legal, Forum v. Union of India, AIR 1996
course of rivers, conserving forests regulatory and policy frameworks SC 2715) Polluter Pays Principle
and in addressing the problem of which can be used in the mitigation is another major rule which can
vehicular pollution in cities, the efforts of climate change. The play a central role in an emerging
courts adorned many roles ranging Energy Conservation Act, 2001, climate change jurisprudence in
from super administrator to policy enacted to promote the efficient India. Polluter Pays Principle
maker. use of energy and the National means that ‘once an activity carried
Tariff Policy, 2006, mandating on is hazardous or inherently
Climate change presents many compulsory purchase of certain dangerous, the person carrying on
challenges at the legal level. percentage of renewable energy are such activity is liable to make good
At present, India does not have
important tools in the mitigation the loss caused to any other person
a separate statute on climate
efforts. National Action Plan on by his activity irrespective of the
change. It is also not necessary at
Climate Change is a major policy fact that he took reasonable care.’
this stage to enact a law imposing
document that gives direction to (Indian Council for Enviro-Legal
restrictions on developmental
mitigation and adaptation efforts Action v. Union of India, AIR 1996
activities to tackle climate
in India. SC 1446). The fact that Article 21
change. The principle of Equity
of the Indian Constitution which
and Common but Differential In addition to these, many guarantees right to life has been
Responsibilities enshrined in concepts in Indian environmental used as the legal foundation of
the United Nations Framework jurisprudence can be used to these principles means that any
Convention on Climate Change address the concerns raised by legal or executive measure cannot
and embedded in international climate change. Precautionary circumvent them.
environmental law recognize the Principle/Approach is the bedrock
need for a developing country on which the UNFCC and Kyoto The recent advances in the
like India to ensure right to Protocol rests. Precautionary climate change jurisprudence
development to its billions of Principle mandates that ‘when at the global level poses greater
impoverished citizens. The per there are threats of serious and challenges at the national level.
capita argument is also in India’s irreversible damage, lack of Recent years witnessed the
favor, as the per capita emission scientific certainty should not be emergence of a body of literature

YOJANA April 2010 19

and authoritative statements 2009 (A/HRC/10/61) It found that Nevertheless, the report argues
analyzing climate change from climate change will potentially that addressing these impacts on
a human rights perspective. This have implications for the full range human rights remains a critical
was a welcome shift, changing the of human rights. In particular, right concern and an obligation under
focus from states to individuals. to life, right to adequate food, right international law. The finding of this
Climate change negotiations, to water, right to health, right to intrinsic link between human rights
according to this perspective, can adequate housing, and right to self and climate change is of special
no longer be a forum for state determination will be affected. relevance to a country like India. The
trade-offs and climate change is Interestingly, the report also found adverse impact of climate change
no longer a mere issue squarely that certain mitigation efforts like on a range of fundamental rights
belonging to science and politics agro-fuel production may have recognized under the Constitution
but an essentially human process
adverse secondary effects on is already observed. This places
with demonstrable human cause
human rights, especially right to a constitutional obligation on the
and effect. The filing of a petition
food. The report also focused on Indian state to address climate
by an alliance of Inuit in the US
the impact of climate change on change impacts from a human
and Canada in 2005 at the Inter –
the rights of specific groups like rights perspective.
American Commission on Human
Rights, arguing that the green women, children and indigenous
Climate change can mark the
house gas emissions from the US peoples. But the report notes that
beginning of a fourth phase in
is violating the human rights of the these effects cannot be qualified
Indian environmental jurisprudence.
Inuit, was the first major attempt as human rights violations in a
Though a statute limiting green
in linking climate change with strict legal sense. The hesitation
house gas emissions and thereby
human rights. Though this petition to hold it a violation stems from
halting the economic progress of
was rejected by the Commission, practical difficulties like the issue
the country is not warranted at this
it gave a different dimension of causation and the fact that
stage, already there exist many
to the whole issue of climate climate change effects are future
concepts both in the environmental
change. Mainly because of the projections. It is impossible to
and human rights jurisprudence
initiatives of Maldives, the Human disentangle the causal relationship
that mandates state action.
Rights Council by resolution 7/23 linking historical green house gas
These can be the foundations
requested the Office of the United emissions of a particular country
of an emerging climate change
Nations High Commissioner with a specific climate change
jurisprudence in India which does
for Human Rights (OHCHR) related effect. Similarly, human
not compromise its developmental
to conduct a detailed study of rights violations are normally
pursuit, but at the same time
the relationship between climate established after the harm has
addresses the larger issues of inter-
change and human rights, taking already occurred or is imminent.
generational and intra-generational
into account the views of States But when it comes to climate
equity. q
and other stakeholders. OHCHR change, the adverse effects are
published its report in January projections about future impacts. (Email :

Delhi becomes the first Indian state to launch

Action Plan on Climate Change

he National Capital Territory of Delhi announced an action plan comprising 65 specific actions to
address climate change as part of the State's development policy framework by 2012. Jairam Ramesh,
India's Environment Minister and Sheila Dikshit, Delhi's Chief Minister, jointly released this agenda
on 5th November 2009, which is aligned with the country's National Action Plan on Climate Change.

20 YOJANA April 2010

Climate Change

A Short Appraisal of Climate Change Data

S Chakrabarti
S Suresh Kumar

he Inter-Governmental the changes in the weather pattern
Panel on Climate Change over an extended period can be
(IPCC) defines climate related to human activity, directly
change as ‘a change in or indirectly.
the state of the climate
Evaluation of Some Contributing
that can be identified (e.g., using
statistical tests) by changes in
the mean and/or variability of its Given the fact that human
properties, and that persists for an civilization and industrialization
extended period, typically decades have amplified the emission of
or longer. It refers to any change ‘Green House Gases’ (GHG), the
in climate over time, whether due question is whether they really are
the main causal factors accelerating
Measuring the to natural variability or as a result
of human activity’. The definition climate change. GHGs constitute
net effect of the provided by the United Nations Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane
Framework Convention on Climate (CH4), Nitrous Oxide (NO2),
factors is therefore, Change (UNFCCC) is slightly Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs),
a cross-cutting different, as it emphasizes on ‘a Perflurocarbons (PFCs) and
Sulpurhexafluride (SF6). In addition
change that is attributed directly
issue, which or indirectly to human activity that to these, water vapor is considered
important, which absorbs the heat
requires cross- alters the composition of the global
atmosphere and that is in addition to radiations from sun and traps
pollination of natural climate variability observed such radiations in the atmosphere
making the earth warmer. Emission
over a comparable time periods’.
domain- Leaving aside the semantics of GHGs beyond certain limits
makes earth’s atmosphere hotter
knowledge involved, the essential point that
and can induce climate change. The
these definitions try to signify is
elements all about how and to what extent extent of GHGs in the atmosphere

The authors are Deputy Director General and Deputy Director respectively, at Central Statistical Organisation, Ministry
of Statistics & Programme Implementation, New Delhi.

YOJANA April 2010 21

increased phenomenally from of which 37 percent is used for non-forest use. The reported figure
280ppm (1750) to 379ppm in electricity generation. for the year 1981 is 1331 hectors
2005 (IPCC-AR4). The available whereas the cumulative figure till
The global atmospheric
global data on CO2 since 1970 2004 is 9,54,839 Ha.
concentration of Methane has
indicates that the annual emission
increased from pre-industrial value Economic development
has increased by about 80%, from
of about 715ppb to 1774ppb in and urbanization are positively
21 to 38 gigatons, which represents
2005(IPCC-AR4). Methane is correlated. As per the United
77% of the total anthropogenic
generated from the activities like Nations Human Settlements
emission. The global increase in
agriculture, biomass burning, coal Programme (UNHSP) figures, the
CO2 concentration is primarily due
mining and handling, flaring of global urbanization has increased
to increase in fossil fuel use, land-
natural gas, waste disposal, land- from 2% in 1800 to 47% in 2000.
use change, changes in agricultural
use pattern, forestry and shifting As reported by TERI (2007),
activities, industrial development
cultivation practice. In India, the the daily generation of waste in
and loss of forests. CO2 originates
Methane emission in the year 1994 Delhi alone is 5922 Tonnes, out of
from burning of fossil fuel (56.6%),
was 18,583 Gg., out of which 78% which 54.42% are compostables
deforestation and decay of biomass
came from agriculture, 16% from and 15.52% recyclables. Wastes
(17.3%), agriculture etc. As per
energy production and 6% from pollute water and atmosphere and
the estimates of United Nations
waste disposal. The measure of degrade land. If left untreated,
Development Programme, the total
methane emission due to various they ferment and generate bio-gas,
emission of CO2 in India is 1,342
activities needs to be estimated for which contains 65-70% of methane.
Mt in 2004 which is 4.6 percent of
analyzing temporal changes in its The heat trapping capacity of
the world total. The CO2 emission
concentration in atmosphere. Methane is 34 times higher than
is growing at the rate of 6.9 percent
that of CO2. The present data is
and the per capita emission is 1.2
There is considerable reduction insufficient to gauge the amount of
tonnes which is 17 times lower than
in the forest cover in the past few recycling that happens at the source
that of USA and 8 times lower than
years due to encroachment and land level and the amount of methane
that of European countries.(HDR
use change, economic development and other pollutants emitted by the
activities like construction of roads, solid waste.
The energy sector is the canals and power stations. However,
I s s u es C on cern in g I mp act
major producer of CO2 in India. there is a slight improvement in
Our energy needs are met from the forest cover as per the 2007
coal (53%), which is abundant, assessment as reported by the State The resilience of the ecosystem
locally available and cheap when of Forest Report-2009. Forests is likely to be disturbed in the
compared to alternative fuels. As are the major source of carbon future due to abrupt climate change,
per the data published by Central sequestration and the womb of which could appear in the form of
Electricity Authority, CO2 emission the biodiversity, which acts as the floods, drought, wildfires, ocean
in the power sector is continuously main artery of sustainability of acidification etc, inducing further
increasing at the annual rate of 4.43 environment and the ecosystem. loss of biodiversity and jeopardizing
percent in all parts of the country. National Action Plan on Climate the earth’s latent capacity to
Compared to global consumption Change (NAPCC) estimates that mitigation and regeneration. The
of coal for energy production 68 to 77% of the forest areas in the rise in temperature, change in
(about 40 percent), the use of coal country are likely to experience precipitation patterns, sea level
for energy production in India is change in forest types by the end rise, melting of snow cover and
high. It is therefore, important to of the 21st century, which needs mountain glaciers, coastal erosion
maintain statistics on CO2 emission our immediate attention. Since the and occurrence of health hazards
by sources. Interestingly, about 14 enactment of Forest Conservation and disaster events are perceived
percent of the world production Act, 1980, a huge portion of as the visible impacts of climate
of coal is consumed by USA, out forestland has been diverted for change.

22 YOJANA April 2010

In India, an increase of about on snowfall in the Himalayan intrusion and inundation of coastal
0.40C in the surface air temperature ranges shows a recession of areas, where a large section of the
has been observed in the past snow cover in some parts of the population is highly dependent on
century. A trend of warming is Himalayan ranges. The river sea for livelihood activities.
visible along the west coast, central systems of the Brahmaputra,
India is predominantly an
India, interior peninsula and the the Ganges and the Indus draw
agrarian economy, as 52% of
North-Eastern India, but some water directly from melting of
the population directly depends
cooling trends are also visible in the Himalayan glaciers. The
on agriculture either as farmers
the North-West India and parts of National Remote Sensing Agency
or agricultural labourers out of
South-India (NAPCC-2008). India (NRSA) and Snow and Avalanche
which 76% resides in villages.
Meteorological Department (IMD) Studies Establishment (SASE)
Climate change will have a direct
is the nodal agency to provide are responsible for collection and
impact on the livelihood of these
and analyse long-term series of supply of data on cryosphere.
people. Food production in India is
temperature data.
India is one of the species-rich sensitive to climate change effects
Indian monsoon rains are the countries in the world and about on temperature and monsoon
backbone of Indian economy as 6% of the world’s biodiversity is rainfall. Rise in temperature is
most of our agricultural activities, reported from India. The existing likely to have a direct impact on
river flows and replenishment of data does not provide any insight the Rabi crops as every 10C rise
ground water sources depend into the loss of biodiversity in in temperature will reduce wheat
on monsoon rains. Rainfall data the country which happened over production by 4 to 5 Million
are collected by the IMD in the years due to rapid economic Tonnes. Every small change
respect of the meteorological growth, urbanization and land- in temperature and rainfall has
subdivisions of the country on a use change. The NAPCC also significant effect on the quality and
day-to-day basis. A significantly emphasizes on the need for quantity of production of fruits,
long series of rainfall data is, ‘creation of biodiversity registers’ vegetables, tea, coffee, basmati
therefore, available to analyze (at national, district and local rice and aromatic and medicinal
patterns of change in distribution, levels) for documenting genetic plants. It is predicted that a loss
intensity and duration of rainfall. diversity and the associated of 10 to 40% in production of food
About 10 to 12% increase in traditional knowledge. Zoological grains may occur by 2100 due to
monsoon rains are reported to Survey of India, Botanical Survey climate change (NAPCC). Time
have taken place along the west of India, Forest Survey of India series data on area, production and
coast, northern Andhra Pradesh and the State Forest Departments yield of major crops, season-wise
and north-western India during are responsible for collection and State-wise and for all-India
the last century. A decrease of and supply of data related to are available from Department
about 6 to 8% has been observed biodiversity. of Agriculture & Cooperation,
over eastern Madhya Pradesh, Ministry of Agriculture. However,
north-eastern India and some IPCC has estimated a sea level
the production figures are required
parts of Gujarat and Kerala rise of 1 to 2 mm per year globally.
to be analyzed with reference to the
(NAPCC-2008). In India, a study conducted by
climate change data over time.
Unnikrishanan and Shankar also
The ice and snow deposits showed a trend of 1.06 to 1.75 Population in coastal regions
on the Himalayan ranges are the mm rise of sea level per year. No are vulnerable to natural disasters
lifelines of northern India. They official data is however, available like cyclones, floods, droughts, soil
provide a perennial supply of in India to empirically check the and land erosion. These phenomena
water though many rivers, which authenticity of these estimated may accentuate due to climate
cater to the livelihood, drinking figures. Due to sea level rise, change leading to irreparable loss
water, and water for industry the fresh water sources near the or damage to sown areas. About
and irrigation. The available data coastal areas will suffer from salt 40 million hectares of land is flood-

YOJANA April 2010 23

prone, including river-deltas on the NAPCC are highly effect of the factors is therefore,
three sides of the country stretching compartmentalized. As a result, a cross-cutting issue, which
over 6000 Km of coastal belt, the data related to different requires cross-pollination of
affecting about 30 million people constituents of Climate Change domain-knowledge elements in
on an average each year. National are resident in different domain- every possible way they may
Disaster Management Authority specific systems under the fertilize to meaningfully signify
(NDMA) is responsible for the control and administration of reasons of change and their
collection and compilation of the independent agencies. The quantitative measures. Is Indian
disaster data. State governments are inter-connectivity of these data- Network of Climate Change
also going to engage their system to systems under an over-arching Assessment (INCCA) an answer
compile data on disasters at district system for management and to this? We think it should be
levels. technical knowledge-mix is able to provide adequate space to
largely missing. The atmosphere knowledge integration and data
is one single entity, but what goes blending. q
Roles of different government into it emanates from various
(Email :
agencies as envisaged in sources. Measuring the net

National University of Educational Planning and Administration

(MHRD, Government of India)
17-B Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi-110016

The Post-Doctoral Fellowship (PDF) Programme at NUEPA, 2010

Applications are invited from eligible scholars/candidates desirous of

undertaking post doctoral research in specialized areas of educational
policy, planning and management at the National University of
Educational Planning and Administration. Candidates, preferably
below the age of 35 years will be considered for these fellowships.

The amount of Fellowship for pursuing Post Doctoral research will be

Rs.18000/- per month. Interested candidates may visit University
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submission of application form is 20th April 2010.


24 YOJANA April 2010

J&K Window
Now get pashmina from rare goats cloned in Srinagar

overs of pashmina have a reason to cheer. Soon, there will be an abundance of the fine fabric that is
derived from the wool of the rare pashmina goat. Scientists at the Srinagar-based Sher-e-Kashmir
University of Agriculture Science and Technology (SKUAST) are engaged in cloning the pashmina
Funded by the World Bank, the university has taken up the project because pashmina fibre is high in
demand in India and abroad. The pashmina goat is indigenous to the higher altitudes of the Himalayas and
its wool is used in making shawls famous for their softness and warmth.
The Rs. 9 crore joint project to clone the pashmina goat by SKUAST and the National Dairy Reasearch
Institute (NDRI) in Karnal, Haryana started last April and is expected to be completed by 2012. Scientists
say the cloning would considerably increase the yield of pashmina wool that fetches handsome money to
the rearers in the tribal area of Changthang in Leh, as well as those engaged in handicraft.
Vice-chancellor of SKUAST, Anwar Alam, said the cloned goat would yield about 900 grams of wool
per year against the 300 grams by the traditional specie.
It will subsequently improve the livelihood of the tribals whose per capita annual income ranges between
Rs. 3,000 and 5,000.
Following the ban on shahtoosh – the world’s finest wool derived from the hair of an endangered Tibetan
antelope – shawls made from pashmina wool are considered the finest and are exported worldwide. q

Modern communication means revive Kashmiri music

odernization may have its curses on culture, yet for Kashmir, it seems to have played a positive
role in the preservation and revival of Kashmiri music. The growth of internet, youtube, cable
channels and remixes have rendered a new life to the old and forgotten music of Kashmir.
Some years back, the Kashmiri music and songs were limited to radio broadcasts and television
programmes, besides being sung on occasions like wedding.
The growth of media, and introduction of cable network, diverted people from the old habit of listening
to radio and watching conventional television channels. This diverted people, particularly the youth, from
the music of Kashmir. While the elder population longed for hum of Kashmiri music, the youth were almost
totally ignorant of it.
Nevertheless, the introduction of youtube and availability of Kashmiri music on CDs and DVDs, gave a
new dimension to the Kashmiri music. This was rather triggered by the making and production of remixes
of old Kashmiri songs. The intermix of contemporary music with traditional lyrics in form of remixes,
provided a treat for the youth. As these videos and songs found way to people with the introduction of local
cable channels, they at the same time, became internationalized through youtube.
While people could watch and listen to the Kashmiri songs at home through the cable channels, youtube helped
youth, particularly the internet buffs to stay connected with their rich music culture all the time. q

(Courtesy: Newspapers)

YOJANA April 2010 25

26 YOJANA April 2010

YOJANA April 2010 27

best practices

Community Action to Fight Climate

Awanish Somkuwar

ari Singh Maravi, This new understanding has
Sarpanch of Tume Gao not come from policy forums,
Gram Panchayat in Naipur academicians or experts, nor from
block of the predominantly the media, but from their own
tribal Mandla district of observation of the changing patterns
Madhya Pradesh says, of life around them. It is entirely
“I have heard people saying that plausible that climate change would
some harmful gases are going into probably affect these and other
atmosphere due to which the earth is communities in rural regions all
heating up. If it is so, it will threaten over the country. It would hit
our lands, which give us food’ agricultural patterns on which the
It is a small Miles away from Copenhagen,
livelihoods of our multitudes depend
But in this pocket of M.P, local
but perhaps far removed from international
dialogue and action forums,
communities seem to have grasped
the fact that all is not well with the
immensely “Climate Change” is not a familiar
term for rural communities living
world, a world they inherited from
their ancestors, a world based on
significant step in tribal areas of Madhya Pradesh. harmony between human beings
Yet they are discerning a change in
to enable those at their immediate environment, not
and their environment.
This awareness has not come
the receiving end fully obvious but yet perceptible .
75 year old Vir Singh, farmer from from the community alone. They
of climate change Dubdi village around 60 km. from have been guided along in this new
discovery of correlating the changes
Sheopur district headquarters in
to transform north M.P articulates this “The only they perceive to the larger issue by
change I feel is that nothing is on an initiative of 3000 Livelihoods
themselves from time. Rains, summer or winter” . He Promoters as part of the Madhya
potential victims elaborates ” Ek baat pakki hai ki ab
to mausam bhi dhokhebaj hao gaya
Pradesh Rural Livelihoods Project.
Perceiving a potential threat to
to keepers of their hai. Mausam ke bhorose chalne ka natural resource based livelihoods
time gaya.” (One thing is sure. Even due to global warming, this project
own destiny seasons have turned deceptive. One aims to educate the rural masses
can no longer depend on it). about climate change issues. This

28 YOJANA April 2010

have to survive on it somehow. He
is weary about the terminology that
has suddenly been doing the rounds
“ We do not know in what measure
our efforts contribute to mitigation
of carbon.”
Others involved in the project
have come to grips with the nitty-
gritty. Ram Singh a Livelihood
Promoter in Tikdijogi village of
Ranapur block in Jhabua district
expands on this ““We would deliver
important information to poor
families on how carbon emission
can be mitigated in villages, what
indigenous methods or modern
ones like bio-gas plants, solar
The Gram Sabha could be the forum to energy systems can be adopted
educate the village community while improving livelihoods.”
Spreading climate literacy
Green Army is active in nine Jaltara Gram Panchayat in Mandla is one of the top priorities of the
predominantly tribal districts of district has some guiding principles Livelihood Promoters “It has
Dhar, Jhabua, Badwani, Aalirajpur, ““Let us simply do what we have become urgent to orient the Gram
Mandla, Dindori, Anuppur, Shahdol been doing for years- saving water, Sabha about the climate change
and Sheopur. caring for plantations, making our and its dire impact on livelihoods,
fields chemical-free, rational energy says the Project Coordinator L.M.
There is a growing awareness
consumption, conserving available Belwal.
on the role of the Gram Sabha
flora and protecting fauna. That is
in addressing the issue. And the It is a challenging task, the
what I understand and everybody
Livelihoods Promoters are aware move to raise awareness on the
of the potential to reach out directly issue not as an esoteric concept
to the communities with this core “Learn to behave well with the but rooted to the ground, through
message of understanding and coping Mother Earth and everything will action related to their daily lives.
with Climate Change. Hari Singh be right, “ says Bhuvan An Singh Correlating the perceived changes
Maravi is a worried Sarpanch. As he of Behadvi village 15 km. from in their environment, impacting
understands it, with the earth heating Jhabua district headquarters in the their life patterns with concrete
up, there could be possible loss of western part of Madhya Pradesh. In solutions to mitigate its effects.
livelihoods which he is keen to bring essence they would do what comes ,to open out new options and
to the attention of the Gram Sabha. naturally to them based on the innovative practices and help the
The Gram Sabha could be innate wisdom handed down the tribal communities to side-step
the forum to educate the village generations which tells them ways and in fact ride the problem rather
community or prescribe a code for to keep the Earth green and cool. than be overpowered by it. In
collective action. Says Dev Singh a way, it is a small but perhaps
Bhuvan Singh led the village immensely significant step to
Varkade, Sarpanch of Khudia Gram
community to undertake massive enable those at the receiving end
Panchayat ”If the poor villagers
plantations on 13 hectares. For last of climate change to transform
have to suffer then they have the
three years, they have grown fodder themselves from potential victims
most effective solutions too and
worth Rs. 50 thousand. “We are also to keepers of their own destiny
there can be no better forum for
managing 15 hectare tank for fishing and harbingers of harmony in their
such solutions to come up.”
activity, informs Khum Singh of the
environment. q
How will it work on the ground? same village saying that “we have
Lamu Singh Maravi, who is Panch in nothing but natural resources. We (Charkha Features)

YOJANA April 2010 29

Climate Change

Impact of Climate Change on Human

Health in India
K Srivani

here is overwhelming and natural resources (such as
evidence to show that water, biodiversity, mangroves,
climate change presents coastal zones, grasslands) for their
growing threats to public subsistence and livelihoods. Heat
health security - from waves, floods and draughts occur
extreme weather-related disasters to commonly. Malaria, malnutrition,
wider spread of such vector-borne and diarrhea are major public health
diseases as malaria and dengue. The problems. Any further increase in
impacts of climate on human health weather-related disasters and climate
will not be evenly distributed around change related health effects, may
the world. The Third Assessment cripple the already inadequate
Report (Intergovernmental Panel on public health infrastructure in the
Above all, Climate Change-2001) concluded country.
that vulnerability to climate
protection change is a function of exposure, Until now, changes in the global
climate have occurred naturally,
of health from sensitivity, and adaptive capacity.
Developing country populations, across centuries or millennia,
climate change particularly in small island because of continental drift, various
astronomical cycles, variations in
has to be a part states, arid and high mountain
zones, and in densely populated solar energy output, and volcanic
of a basic, coastal areas are considered to activity. Over the past few decades,
it has become increasingly apparent
preventive be particularly vulnerable. For
India, nearly 700 million of her that human actions are changing
approach to over one billion population living atmospheric composition, thereby
causing global climate change.
public in rural areas directly depends
on climate-sensitive sectors The major changes observed so
health (agriculture, forests, and fisheries) far, and expected to continue in

The authors is Faculty Member, Department of Economics, Satavahana University, Karimnagar.

30 YOJANA April 2010

coming years include increase in affect all these conditions and Extreme high air temperatures
surface temperatures, warming of hence have a powerful impact on can kill directly. Heat waves
seas and rise of sea levels, increase human health and well-being. In directly contribute to deaths from
in precipitation including extreme its Third Assessment Report, the cardiovascular and respiratory
rainfall, frequent droughts and rise United Nation's IPCC concluded diseases, especially among the
in intensity of tropical cyclones that "climate change is projected to elderly people. Daily wage earners
increase threats to human health." such as laborers and rickshaw
A c c o r d in g to t h e U n i t e d
Climate change can affect human pullers are at risk. Also persons
Nations Industrial Development
health directly (e.g., impacts of living in informal structures may be
Organization (UNIDO), climate
thermal stress, death/injury in floods more exposed to high temperatures.
change is likely to have a greater
and storms) and indirectly through Warmer temperatures, shifting
impact on India compared to other
changes in the ranges of disease rainfall patterns and increasing
countries similarly positioned, on
vectors (e.g., mosquitoes), water- humidity affect the transmission of
account of the unique combination
borne pathogens, water quality, air diseases by vectors like mosquitoes.
of its geography, diverse population
quality, and food availability and They are quite sensitive to changes
characteristics and extremely high
quality. Global climate change is, in temperature and rainfall and are
carbon-related energy dependence
therefore, a newer challenge to among the first organisms to extend
(Source: The Hindu, September 5,
ongoing efforts to protect human their range when environmental
2008). Climate change is bound to
health. The question is, how will conditions become favorable. Thus,
affect the basic requirements for
the changing climate affect our higher temperatures could influence
maintaining health - clean air and
health? Climate influences many the incidence of diseases such as
water, sufficient food, adequate
of the key determinants of health: malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever,
shelter, and freedom from disease
it leads to extremes and violent and several types of encephalitis.
given the already high level of
weather events; resurgence of Cold temperatures are often the
poverty, low nutritional levels and
disease organisms and vectors; limiting factor in mosquito survival,
poor public health infrastructure in
affects the quantity of air, food so any increase in minimum winter
the country.
and water; and the stability of the temperatures would likely extend
Impact of Climate Change on ecosystems on which we depend. mosquito ranges into temperate
Human Health (CSE Draft Dossier: Health and regions or higher altitudes where
Environment, Climate Change and they do not survive.
Our personal health may
seem to relate mostly to prudent Diseases: The Double Jeopardy) Other vector-borne diseases such
behavior, heredity, occupation, as Schistosomiasis, Chagas disease,
Direct and Indirect effects on
local environmental exposures, and Sleeping sickness, River blindness,
Human Health
health-care access, but sustained and various strains of encephalitis
population health requires the Climate change can have both all could change their ranges and
life supporting "services" of the direct and indirect human health patterns of infection in the course
biosphere. Populations of all impacts. Indirect impacts arise of climate change. Infectious
animal species depend on supplies from changes in temperature diseases are emerging, resurging
of food and water, freedom from patterns, which may disturb natural and undergoing redistribution on a
excess infectious disease, and ecosystems, change the ecology of global scale. Increase in temperature
the physical safety and comfort infectious diseases, harm agriculture correlate with increased populations
conferred by climatic stability. and fresh water supplies, exacerbate of some microorganisms that
The world's climate system is air pollution levels, and cause large- cause waterborne diseases, such as
fundamental to this life support. scale reorganization of plant and Vibrio cholerae bacterium, which
A changing climate is likely to animal communities. causes Cholera. Higher ambient

YOJANA April 2010 31

temperatures foster the growth of the pollutants. Acidic rainwater be one of the most significant for
pathogens that thrive in or on food, liberates mercury from the soil the health of populations. Higher
such as Salmonella. (CSE Draft which can hinder brain development temperatures are hastening rates
Dossier: Health and Environment, during the foetal stage. Fish-eating of evaporation of surface water
Climate Change and Diseases: The birds and humans acquire mercury thereby reducing the availability
Double Jeopardy) by eating fish with high levels of of fresh water. Lack of fresh
the metal in them. The fish in turn water compromises hygiene and
The increase of Chloro Fluoro
ingest microorganisms, which hence increasing incidence of
Carbons in the atmosphere, leading
consume mercury released by acid diarrhoeal disease. On the other
to global warming will increase
rain in the water. Acid rain also hand, too much water, in the form
UV radiation in the atmosphere,
releases aluminum and cadmium. of floods, causes contamination
affecting the immune systems
Cadmium can cause kidney of freshwater supplies. Extreme
and leading to infectious diseases.
disorders, besides accumulating events like sea level rise coupled
Susceptibility to important skin
in the outer layer of the kidney, with stronger storm surges and
infections such as Leishmaniasis
causing wounds. Aluminum on coastal flooding can be followed
or Leprosy might be increased by
the other hand, causes problems by outbreak of diseases such as
greater exposure to UV light. The
for kidney patients. In dialysis- Cholera.
UV radiation affects the immune
the process of purifying the blood
system of the skin and hence there Inadequate drainage resulting
when the kidneys malfunction- it
might be an increased number of in stagnant water is also a cause
enters the blood stream directly
cases of skin cancer. Other minor of mosquito-borne diseases
without first having passed the
effects are increased incidence of such as malaria in urban areas.
body's normal protective barriers.
skin disorders, such as prickly heat Flooding also may lead to the
This may cause skeletal and
and fungal skin disorders such as contamination of waters with
brain damage. It may also cause
ringworm and athlete's foot as a chemicals, heavy metals or other
Alzheimer's and Parkinson's
result of increased temperature and hazardous substances, either from
diseases. (Source: CSE Draft
humidity. storage or from chemicals already
Dossier: Health and Environment,
in the environment (for example,
The phenomenon of rain is Climate Change and Diseases-The
caused when heat from the sun's double Jeopardy)
rays on the surface of the seas, lakes Rising temperatures, changing
Increasing traffic and exhaust
and rivers induces evaporation. patterns of rainfall, and more
as well as industrial emissions are
The water vapour formed in the frequent droughts and floods are
raising concentrations of S02, NOx,
process rises to a height where projected to decrease crop yields in
O3 and suspended particulate matter,
it condenses into moisture. If many developing countries causing
which are known to be damaging to
ambient conditions prevail it shortages of food supplies. This
human health. High temperatures
comes down as rain. But in the could result in severe malnutrition
raise the levels of ozone at ground
case of acid rain, water vapours and under nutrition, especially
level and other air pollutants, and
reach the atmosphere, condense, among children, in countries where
hasten the onset of pollen season.
and react with atmospheric gases large populations depend rain-fed
Pollen and other allergens in the air
like SO2 and NOx. When it rains, farming at subsistence level.
trigger and aggravate asthma and
these atmospheric pollutants are
cardiovascular respiratory diseases. Perhaps the greatest long-term
deposited on the soil, vegetation,
(Dream 2047, Vigyan Prasar). danger to human health from
surface water or reservoirs. The
climate change will be the disruption
deposition ultimately results in The impact of climate change
of natural ecosystems, which
damage because of the acidity of on water availability is likely to
provide an array of services that

32 YOJANA April 2010

ultimately support human health. Climate Change and Diseases-The systems and evacuation
Biotic systems- whether in forests, double Jeopardy). plans, including emergency
rangelands, aquatic environments, preparedness and neighborhood
More assessments of the impacts
or elsewhere- provide food, response systems;
of climate change on health in
materials, and medicines; store
different tropical zones viz. plains, • improved efficiency of the water
and release fresh water; absorb and
deserts, foothills, hilly and coastal supply management
detoxify wastes; and satisfy human
areas are required. Assessments
needs for recreation and wilderness. • improving health educational
are also needed at the city level
They are also intimately involved and institutional capacity in
for informed decision making.
in sustaining the genetic basis of urban environment management;
The World Bank has made the
agriculture. and
following recommendations in this
A potential health benefit of regard: (Source: Climate, climate • regularizing property rights for
warmer global temperatures could change and human health in Asian informal settlements and other
be fewer cold-related deaths, as cities, Sari Kovats and Rais Akhtar, measures to allow low-income
winters become milder. Yet, experts Environment and Urbanization groups to buy, rent or build
believe that the decrease in mortality Magazine, 01 Apr 2008 good quality housing on safe
will be negligible as compared to the sites.
• reliable and comprehensive
increase in mortality resulting from
assessments of risk Above all, protection of health
global warming; studies indicate
vulnerabilities for exposed from climate change has to be a part
that higher mortality is generally
cities, and the dissemination of of a basic, preventive approach to
associated with heat waves rather
such information; public health. q
than cold spells (Source: CSE Draft
Dossier: Health and Environment, • establishment of early warning (E-Mail:

Climate Change Department of Gujarat gets Rs 100-crore Headstart

he newly-formed climate change department of the Gujarat government, the first such department in
Asia and sixth in the world, has received its first budgetary allocation of Rs 100 crore for 2010-11.
The state has earmarked Rs. 10 crore for Climate Change Trust Fund to be set up to conduct research,
development and commercialization of green technology. The main focus of research will be to study the
effects of climate change on agriculture, health and coastal areas and estimating carbon footprints. The state
government will involve renowned institutes, both from India and abroad for the purpose.

The department will work towards creating awareness among people regarding ‘green projects’, and
towards making Gandhinagar a solar city and specific areas carbon neutral. A provision of Rs. 19.25 crore
has been made for this.

There are only six countries in the world that have put in place separate ministries for climate change.
Gujarat accounts for nearly 29% of the total carbon credit income in India. The government also plans to
launch Green Credit Movement on the lines of carbon credit. The new department also proposes to prepare
curriculums pertaining to climate change for educational purpose and regulating and financing of new
technologies for controlling emission of green house gases.

(Courtesy : Newspapers)

YOJANA April 2010 33

do you know?
Reducing GHG Emissions : The Kyoto Mechanisms

he Kyoto Protocol has put Ukraine cement works, reducing the end of 2012 is 2,900,000,000
in place three flexibility energy consumption by 53 percent
mechanisms to reduce by 2008-2012; and rehabilitation What is “Additionality” in a
emission of Green House of a Bulgarian hydropower project, CDM project ?
Gases. Although the Protocol with a 267,000 ton reduction of CO2 The feature of “additionality” is
places maximum responsibility equivalent during 2008-2012. a crucial element of a CDM project
of reducing emissions on the – it means that the industrialized
developed countries by committing What is Clean Development
Mechanism ? country that is seeking to establish
them to specific emission targets, the CDM project in the developing
the three mechanisms are based The Clean Development country and earn carbon credits
on the premise that reduction Mechanism (CDM) allows a from it has to establish that the
of emissions in any part of the developed country with an emission- planned carbon reductions would
globe will have the same desired reduction or emission-limitation not have occurred on its own, in
effect on the atmosphere, and also commitment under the Kyoto the absence of the CDM project.
that some developed countries Protocol to implement an emission- They have to establish a baseline of
might find it easier and more cost reduction project in developing the project, which is the emission
effective to support emissions countries as an alternative to more level that would have been there
reductions in other developed or expensive emission reductions in in the absence of the project. The
developing countries rather than their own countries. In exchange for difference between this baseline
at home. These mechanisms thus the amount of reduction in emission level and the (lower) emission
provide flexibility to the Annexure thus achieved, the investing country level achieved as a result of the
I countries, helping them to gets carbon credits which it can project is the carbon credit due to
meet their emission reduction offset against its Kyoto targets. The the investing country. Additionality
obligations. Let us take a look at developing country gains a step can be with reference to various
what these mechanisms are. towards sustainable development. terms, for example - Emission
What are the three flexibility Additionality- the project should
To get a CDM project registered lead to real, measurable and long
mechanisms put in place by the and implemented, the investing
Kyoto Protocol for reducing term GHG mitigation ; Financial
country has to first take approval Additionality- the funding for the
GHG emissions ? from the designated national CDM project should not lead to
The three mechanisms are authority in the host country, diversion of official development
Joint Implementation, Emissions establish “Additionality”, define a s s i s t a n c e ; Te c h n o l o g i c a l
Trading and Clean Development baselines and get the project Additionality- the CDM project
Mechanism. validated by a third party agency, activities should lead to transfer
called a Designated Operational of environmentally safe and sound
What is Joint Implementation? Entity (DOE). The Executive technologies and know how.
Through the Joint Body of CDM registers the project
Implementation, any Annex I and issues credits, called Certified What are some of the concerns
country can invest in emission Emission Reductions (CERs), or regarding CDM ?
reduction projects (referred to as carbon credits, where each unit
is equivalent to the reduction of The risk of "False Credits" is a
"Joint Implementation Projects") cause for concern with regard to
in any other Annex I country as an one metric tonne of . CO2 or its
equivalent. CDM projects. If a project does
alternative to reducing emissions not actually offer an additionality,
domestically. There are more than 4200 and the reduction in emissions
Two early examples are change CDM projects in the pipeline as on would have happened anyway,
from a wet to a dry process at a 14.3.2010. The expected CERs till even without the project, then

34 YOJANA April 2010

the positive effect that the project emissions and then divides this Reduction Units) generated by JI
shows will actually be a false total into tradeable units (often projects, CERs generated by CDM
positive, giving the investor an called credits or permits). These projects etc. Potential buyers of
undeserved or spurious credit units are then allocated to scheme credits are countries / entities that
which can actually cause emissions participants. Participants that emit emit more GHG and potential
to rise rather than fall. pollutants must obtain sufficient sellers would be entities/ countries
tradeable units to compensate for with large carbon sinks.
What is India's position with their emissions. Those that reduce
regard to CDM projects ? emissions may have surplus units Emissions trading schemes
India has a huge potential that they can sell to others that find may be established as climate
for CDM projects in areas like emission reduction more expensive policy instruments at the national
renewable and non renewable or difficult. level and the regional levels,
energy, manufacturing, chemical T h e E m i s s i o n s Tr a d i n g - where governments set emissions
i n d u s t r y, t r a n s p o r t , w a s t e mechanism allows parties to the obligations to be reached by the
handling, tourism, agriculture, Kyoto-protocol to buy greenhouse participating entities. An example
afforestation, construction etc. As gas emission permits from other is the European Union Emissions
in January 2010, there were a total countries to help meet their domestic Trading Scheme.
of 482 CDM projects from India, emission reduction targets. Parties
registered with UNFCCC. This is What is done to prevent parties
with commitments under the Kyoto
23.71 % of all projects from across Protocol (Annexure B countries) from overselling units ?
the world. Total CERs issued to all have accepted targets for limiting
CDM projects is 373.795 Mn, of To prevent parties from
or reducing emissions. These targets overselling units, and subsequently
which India accounts for 19.92 % are expressed as levels of allowed
at 74.19 Mn. CERs be unable to meet their own
emissions, or “assigned amounts,”
emissions targets, each party is
What is Emissions Trading ? over the 2008-2012 commitment
required to maintain a reserve
period. The allowed emissions are
Emissions trading is a market- divided into “assigned amount units” of ERUs, CERs, AAUs and/or
based scheme for environmental (AAUs). Emissions trading allows RMUs in its national registry. This
improvement that allows countries that have emission units to reserve, known as the "commitment
parties to buy and sell permits spare to sell this excess capacity to period reserve", should not drop
for emissions or credits for countries that are over their targets. below 90 per cent of the Party's
reductions in emissions of certain Carbon is now tracked and traded assigned amount, or 100 per cent
pollutants. Under such a scheme, like any other commodity in the of five times its most recently
the environmental regulator "carbon market." Trading can also be reviewed inventory, whichever
first determines total acceptable done in units like ERUs (Emission is lowest . q

Issues May 2010
May 2010 June 2010
The May 2010 issue of Yojana would focus on various aspects of the Tourism Industry in India.
June 2010
Yojana will focus on the state of Human Resource Development in our country in its June 2010 issue.

YOJANA April 2010 35

Climate Change

Climate Change and Indigenous

Shashank Chaturvedi

limate change has fundamentally change where and
become a critical issue at how we live. However, despite much
the global level. Closely scientific research, a considerable
linked to this is the need amount of uncertainty exists
to carefully manage our concerning the rate and the extent
precious natural resources like of climate change, and how this
water, land and forests. Climate change will affect regional climatic
change presents a unique risk to the processes and ecosystems. Can an
livelihoods of people. As coastal expanded scope of knowledge and
and island areas confront rising inquiry augment understandings of
sea levels, and inland areas become climate change and its remedy?
hotter and drier, people face the loss
and degradation of the lands, waters On Indigenous Knowledge
and natural resources they have Traditional or local knowledge
We need to look relied upon for generations. It also is strongly tied to local culture. This
poses a major threat to the physical
for democratic health of indigenous communities
type of knowledge is also referred
to as indigenous. All around the
negotiation and their ability to sustain their world, indigenous populations
traditional life, languages, cultures
between and knowledge.
have lived in perfect harmony with
nature. These populations have
indigenous The consensus of the world’s developed intimate knowledge
knowledge and climate scientists is that human on a wide array of topics ranging
induced greenhouse gas emissions from environmental, biophysical,
modern science to are creating significant changes in economic and social issues to
carve a new path the global climate system. Higher spiritual knowledge in relation
temperatures, rising sea levels to their immediate surroundings.
of prosperity and more extreme storms will According to the World Intellectual

The authors is Research Scholar, Center for Political Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.

36 YOJANA April 2010

Property Organization (WIPO, due to excessive or low rainfall, indigenous knowledge system. The
2007), traditional knowledge drought and crop failure, some prosperous pupils provided help
Systems are ‘knowledge that is traditional people grow many to the poorest who were working
generated, preserved and transmitted different crops and varieties with for water conservation, and the
in a traditional and intergenerational different susceptibility to drought state provided only the land. It
context, which is distinctively and floods. They supplement these was a pupil-driven decentralized
associated with a community which by hunting, fishing and gathering water management, which is
preserves and transmits it between wild food plants. The diversity of another name for indigenous water
generations and is integral to the crops and food resources is often management."
cultural identity of the community matched by a similar diversity
Traditional Coping Strategies
which is recognized as holding the in location of fields as a safety
knowledge’. measure to ensure that in the face Many studies show that there
of extreme weather some fields is variety of coping strategies
Role of Indigenous Knowledge in
will survive to produce harvestable applied with mixed success, which
Climate Control
crops. Adaptation to climate change suggests that local traditional
Environmental change associated includes all adjustments in behavior knowledge could provide the basis
with variations in climate has not or economic structure. It reduces for development of more effective
gone unnoticed by the communities the vulnerability of society to strategies. The people in many
that are experiencing change first changes in the climate system. communities in India have realized
hand. Little research has been Whether people can adapt, and for that water shortages are a major
done to explore the contributions how long, depends on the resources threat to their survival and have
of traditional knowledge to climate available. developed several strategies to adapt
change research. Traditional to this phenomenon. One is to reuse
knowledge – the wisdom, knowledge Indigenous and traditional
water, for example from washing
and practices of indigenous knowledge is being recognized for
clothes or utensils, to irrigate
people gained over time through its critical role in managing climate
backyard gardens and nurseries.
experience and orally passed on change. More recently, mainstream
Households are also rationing
from generation to generation – has attention to traditional agricultural
water, trying to reduce the water
over the years played a significant knowledge sees increased respect
use per person per day. However the
part in solving problems, including for sustainable and ancient methods.
practice is abandoned as soon as the
problems related to climate change Although much of the knowledge
rains begin. This strategy needs to
and variability. Indigenous people was transmitted through oral
be part of a behavioral change and
who live close to natural resources means and practical application,
not applied only during periods of
often observe the achanges around some documentation of the legal
water shortage. Most communities
them and are the first to adapt to and administrative aspects of the
are actively reviving rainwater
these. The appearance of certain knowledge is in fact held in the
harvesting, a traditional way of
birds, mating of certain animals treatise of administration. For
collecting and storing rainwater
and flowering of certain plants are instance, in Kautilya’s Arthashastra
in big barrels placed under the
all important signals of changes this issue has been dealt in detail.
roofs of houses. This practice had
in time and seasons. These are Social activist and environmentalist
largely been abandoned when
well understood in the traditional Rajendra Singh explains, "In
the communities installed wells
knowledge systems. Indigenous Indian tradition, the knowledge
and boreholes, but has attracted
people have used biodiversity as was transmitted through practical
interest again as a result of their
a buffer against variation, change work under the direction of
drying up.
and catastrophe; in the face of respected elders and gurus. Thus
plague, if one crop fails, another the people engaged in practical The traditional and local
will survive. In coping with risk work were really the pupils of the authorities at many places identify

YOJANA April 2010 37

the clearing of riparian vegetation over many years of practice, c h a n g e s i n t h e r e g u l a r i t y,
as a major factor increasing soil previously helped the communities length, intensity and timing of
erosion and siltation of rivers. It to cope well with water shortage, precipitation. Whether or not
eventually reduces stream flow, droughts and crop damage or losses, scientific models are incorporated
and they are adopting measures to but traditional approaches have into local explanations depends
remedy the situation. The measures become difficult to apply in recent on the status and accessibility
include creating awareness of the years because of changing rainfall of science within a culture. It
effects of deforestation around patterns. Farmers are adapting to also depends on the influence
water bodies, sensitizing the this constraint by planting different of communications media to
communities about prevention crops. Crops that thrive well under capitalize on, develop, expand and
of bush fires. Community-based the current prevailing conditions are mainstream indigenous adaptation
management of forests is being increasingly being planted in areas measures into global adaptation
promoted. Even fines are imposed that previously did not support their strategies. Traditional knowledge
on those who indiscriminately cultivation. Vegetable growers are should be further studied,
set fire to the forests, clear also gradually moving into the supported and integrated into
riparian vegetation or violate river plains where their crops can scientific research. Incorporating
other measures to protect the get more water. These are forms indigenous knowledge is less
environment. of adaptation but are obviously not expensive than bringing in aid
However, these efforts by the sustainable. for populations unprepared for
traditional authorities are not The Way Forward catastrophes and disasters, or
yielding notable results because than importing adaptive measures
the communities, although still The partial success of the use which are usually introduced in a
rural in terms of development and of traditional knowledge in coping top down manner and difficult to
infrastructure, have become more with climate change leads to implement, particularly because
cosmopolitan or heterogeneous. the conclusion that a healthy of financial and institutional
They no longer adhere as absolutely relationship between scientific constraints. We need to look for
to traditional authority as they did knowledge and traditional or democratic negotiation between
in the past. The communal nature indigenous knowledge is desirable. indigenous knowledge and modern
of the communities is breaking Especially in developing countries science to carve a new path of
down; people now tend to be more where technology for prediction and prosperity where everyone has
apprehensive about their individual modeling is least developed. For enough food to eat and contributes
concerns than their collective example, while most precipitation in making of a just and sustainable
well-being. As described above, models and records mainly focus on society. q
indigenous knowledge in agriculture changing amounts of precipitation,
indigenous people also emphasize (Email :
and water management, acquired

Mercury rise to hit hydro projects in Himalayas

ower generation from small hydro projects on streams fed by glacier melts would be adversely hit
with just one degree rise in temperature. Just one degree rise in temperature could reduce seasonal
availability of water in small streams by 8 to 28 percent, according to studies done by the Space
Applications Centre in Ahmedabad for the basin of Wangar Gad, a tributary of Satluj. Scientists have
developed a model that uses actual data relating to daily maximum and minimum temperatures, rainfall and
snowfall to project changes in runoff by 2040. It showed that the overall reduction in stream runoff could
go up to 28 percent between 2004 and 2040, with one degree temperature rise and no change in rainfall.

38 YOJANA April 2010

Climate Change
Community Action

Lessons from an Eco - Restoration Project

Dhaval Negandhi
Munish Sikka

espite its economic Akola district, the socio economic
growth, India is facing condition of the community is
seriously sustainability very poor. This study comprises
challenges including of a cluster of 12 villages in Akot,
inequitable income Maharashtra having a total area
distribution, ecological degradation of around 2800 hectares which is
and depletion of natural resources. highly degraded. The degraded
In this regard, rural development is land experiences moderate rainfall
the key to successfully overcoming of around 800 mm but has a very
these challenges. To achieve this low irrigation potential. There is a
It is also objective of rural development, large part of the land which falls
this study puts forward a model under the category of government
imperative that aims at more efficient wasteland which is lying barren
that proper implementation and monitoring
of rural development programmes
and unutilized. The agriculture
is rain dependent and most of
and regular and is currently being undertaken the farmers are able to grow only
communication in Akot, Maharashtra in the form
of a project initiated by Royal
rain-fed crop, leaving the land
barren and unutilized for the rest
takes place Bank of Scotland Foundation India of the year. The agricultural yield
(formerly ABN AMRO Foundation is low and farmers are vulnerable
between the India). in the hands of nature. There is
actors so as to Local Context
no mechanism to conserve the
rain water. Owing to the moderate
ensure that the Vi d h a r b h a i s o n e o f t h e slopes, there is water runoff every
year causing erosion. The villagers
model meets each backward regions in India as per
the statistics of census 2001. In the maintain livestock for ploughing
actor’s goal villages surrounding Akot block of as well as for milk production,

The authors are Research Fellow, International Scholar (Erasmus Mundus) and (CNRM Project), Indian Institute of Forest
Management, Bhopal. respectively.

YOJANA April 2010 39

but due to scarcity of fodder for other employment opportunities to across the revenue department,
the livestock their yield is very get two square meal a day. Panchayats and private individuals
less; the provision of the regular located in these 12 villages. It
Project at a Glance
green fodder through plantation intends to bring the barren and
activity in the area can enhance In this context, an eco-restoration degraded land under plantation
the milk productivity in these project was implemented in this bringing socio-economic benefit
villages. Further most of the cluster of villages with support to the local community. The
local community members are from ABN AMRO Foundation project entails field survey and
dependent on employment as the India. As a part of its commitment to collaborated planning with Govt.
land productivity is not sufficient sustainable development, the ABN of Maharashtra, local communities
to meet their needs; both the AMRO has undertaken restoration and regional NGOs, and also
landless as well as the land owners of the region by afforestation includes watershed management
are dependent on the employment and other conservation measures, in the area. The project is taken
opportunities for which many of with community support and up by the bank as a strategy to
them emigrate to big cities like empowerment of the locals for reduce its carbon footprint and to
Mumbai and Ahemdabad. All the managing their environmental maximise the benefits achieved
12 villages included in the project resources .The restoration project for the local community. The local
activity, are inhabitated by 100% has been taken up in the contiguous community has been involved in
tribal population with Korku, landscape of Melghat Tiger Reserve the project since its very nascent
Gowli and Bhill being the major in Akot. stage and at every step, from
tribal groups. A large number of socio-economic survey to the
The project is to be implemented
community members are either selection of plant species and from
mainly on degraded land, the
landless or possess small land creation of watershed structures to
ownership of which spreads
holdings and are dependent on


Implementing Village
Agencies Community

Micro-planning Community

Revenue and
Private Degraded


Income to
Carbon Credits

40 YOJANA April 2010

the capacity building of the local in the area. implementation by contributing
people in order to effectively through indigenous knowledge of
IUCN’s Forest Landscape
manage the plantations, which local context and voluntary labor.
Restoration (FLR) programme
would be raised on both public as
is one such initiative which aims Value of Such Partnership for
well as the private land. The local
to improve the livelihoods of Different Members
community will also get a share
people living in rural areas by
from the carbon credits generated All the actors in this model
working in partnership with the
from the project. Hence, very are critical and play an important
government. The programme has
clearly the project not only meets role that is difficult to replace.
been successful in restoring large
the objective of creating carbon The model benefits all the actors
landscapes in Africa. However, the
sinks but also includes the socio- and also increases their efficiency
perennial problem of fund shortage
economic improvement of the resulting in a ‘win-win’ situation.
has been experienced during
local community. A brief description of roles of
implementation (IUCN.2005. A
different actors in the partnership
The project is being implemented Study on the Social, Economic
is given in Figure 4 along with the
in collaboration with the Akola and Environmental Impacts of
potential benefits for each actor
district administration who is Forest Landscape Restoration in
from the partnership.
providing free lease on government Shinyanga Region, Tanzania) The
land to the implementing groups. model proposed here deals with The Rural Community
The Directorates of Social Forestry, this problem by including private contributes through organizations
Horticulture and Animal Husbandry investors so as to ensure timely and such as SHGs and JFMCs that
will provide the technical support adequate funding for the restoration can act as vectors in project
and the investment from National works. The sustainability of any implementation and monitoring.
Horticulture Mission would facilitate ecological restoration depends on The local participation along with
restoration of the private lands. the initial funding to implement voluntary labor (shramdan) is
The implementing organization the programme and the institutions essential to ensure sustainability of
Satpuda Foundation would provide entrusted with the management the project over the long term. In
necessary community mobilization responsibility. The study aims addition, the indigenous knowledge
and coordination with the nodal to scale up the present initiative of the community can be leveraged
departments. and put it forward as a model to develop customized regional
which can be replicated at a larger strategies over a broad conceptual
Partnership Between Different
scale. The model establishes best model suggested in this study. In
practices guidelines for others to return they can reap benefits in the
The initiative represents a model emulate. Private investors will form of employment opportunities
which can be replicated across fund the projects in order to reduce during watershed and plantation
the country for meeting the dual their carbon footprint and gaining activities, enhanced livestock
objectives of poverty alleviation and goodwill among investors. While productivity through increased
ecological sustainability. This kind local and district administration can water availability, the usufruct
of partnership in which different provide the administrative support rights over plantations including
actors come together, keeping for implementing such project, fodder, fuelwood and other NTFPs.
in mind their own objectives, forest and allied departments can Besides, the communities also
ultimately results in a ‘win-win’ contribute by providing technical get additional income from sale
situation for all. The study proposes support. NGOs and implementing at of carbon credits which after
to implement such a model at a local level can help in coordination accounting for transaction costs,
wider level by customizing some of the project implementation by can be transferred to community
its aspect according to local context. mobilizing community and acting accounts. Lastly, the capacity
This customizing can be done as a bridge among other actors. building measures in terms of
by consulting local community Lastly, the village community managerial and technical skills
organizations and NGOs working plays a critical role in project will lead to overall empowerment

YOJANA April 2010 41

of the community and participatory efficiency in the overall project of the organization in the eyes of its
approach will strengthen its social implementation. In return they can shareholders and clients.
cohesion. achieve an overall reduction in their
The NGO is responsible for
carbon footprint by purchasing
Private Investors are essential the implementation of the project
carbon credits generated from the
for complementing the government and mobilizing local community
project activity. They can also justify
funds and purchasing the carbon members, capacity building, training
such actions under the Corporate
credits generated from the project. and coordination between various
Environmental Responsibility
The professional management of players. The NGO in turn achieves its
the private investors also ensures banner, thus adding to the goodwill

Poverty alleviation + Sustainable development

Decreased wastelands
Administrative support Stopping encroachments
Technical advice Mobilizing community for future programmes

Water availability
Decreased rainfall dependence
Usufruct rights Reduction in carbon footprint
In-situ employment Corporate Environmental Responsibility
Carbon credits
Local & District
Increased investor’s goodwill

Capacity building
Social cohesion

Village Private
Community Investors

Community organizations for
Financial support
implementing and monitoring
Technical support
Global outlook
Local context knowledge
Forest & Allied

Stopping encroachments
Increased tree cover Welfare of the region
Increased biodiversity Use of barren wastelands
Soil and water erosion control Empowering communities
Community mobilization
Technical support Village development
Channelizing funds Recognition
Technica l assistance
Project supervision
Identifying capacity building
Best practices demonstration

Figure 4 – Role of different actors in the proposed model and potential benefits for each

42 YOJANA April 2010

objectives of promoting ecological of cultivable wastelands and define investors, NGOs and various
and economic welfare in the region clear property rights over the land government departments. The
besides promoting livelihood thus ensuring better governance. study puts forward the broad
generation through efficient use of The strengthening of community model with clearly defines roles
private and government wasteland. organizations can also serve as and responsibilities of all the
By mobilizing rural community stepping stone for future government actors as well as the benefits they
members, the NGO can contribute development schemes in the region derive from the project. The model
in the promotion and strengthening proposed here can provide a much
Forest and Allied Departments: needed base for implementing
of community organizations
The forest department can programmes and projects
thus leading to empowerment of
provide technical support such as pertaining to rural development
communities. All these activities
demonstration of best practices in at a local level. Although initially
can bring recognition to the
plantation management including it is necessary to keep the
NGO at local as well as national
pest management, facilitate capacity model simple, such partnerships
level thereby providing it the
building by establishing nurseries would provide a platform where
opportunity to expand its outreach
and assist in the supervision of the other actors such as farmers’
and programmes to other parts of
project . Reduced dependence of the cooperatives, FMCG companies,
the country
local community on natural forests and philanthropic organizations
Local and District Administrators as the project activity provides can also be involved as the system
can provide administrative sustainable firewood and fodder develops further. It is however
support for carrying out project for the livestock. The community important that each of the actor
activities. The project achieves dual organizations will prevent human involved have clear understanding
objectives of poverty alleviation encroachments in forest areas. The of their role in the partnership.
and sustainable development of the project activity leads to an overall It is also imperative that proper
region through ecological restoration increased tree cover in the area,
and regular communication takes
and strengthening the natural controlling soil and water erosion
place between the actors so as to
resource base in the region. The and increased biodiversity in the
ensure that the model meets each
watershed and plantation activities region.
actor’s goal of participating along
will lead to decreased wasteland
Way Forward with meeting the dual objectives of
and bring cultivable wasteland under
poverty alleviation and ecological
horticulture or agro-forestry regime. The present study highlights
sustainability. q
The community institutions and a restoration project that seeks to
land demarcation can also provide a involve multiple actors including (Email :
check against human encroachments rural communities, private

Rs 15k-cr grant to states for renewable energy sources

he Thirteenth Finance Commission has recommended three grants of Rs. 5,000 crore each to states
to encourage them to adopt renewable energy sources, conserve forests and improve their water
management systems.
This incentive is much higher than the Rs 1000 crore grant by Twelfth Finance Commission for preserving
forests. The grant will be based on the state's performance, measured by capacity addition in the renewable
energy between 1 April 2010 and 31 March 2014. While the quantum of funds for the first two years have
already been released, the grants for the remaining period will be contingent upon the progress made by
A similar performance-linked approach has been advised for the grants to preserve forests and improve
water management.

YOJANA April 2010 43


44 YOJANA April 2010

Climate Change

Coping with Climate Change

Krishna Murari

limate change is a and 2100 compared to 1980–1999.
reality, and an important Changes in the extent sea ice and
part of global warming glaciers are expected to continue
is due to human activity. and possibly increase in speed.
A two-fronted effort is Increased melting and warming
needed to counteract the impacts of the oceans will contribute to
of anthropogenic climate change. higher sea levels. The occurrence
On the one hand national and of weather and climate extremes
international agreements are needed is expected to increase sharply,
to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which will mean more intense
and on the other hand initiatives are precipitation events and longer
needed to help society adapt to the periods of drought. If greenhouse
future climate. gas emissions are not reduced
significantly, the consequences
Climate Change Projections
It is imperative of warming are expected to be
In its fourth assessment report,
that we the IPCC concluded that since the
Accelerating Emissions in India
strengthen middle of the 20th century there is
a more than 90% probability that Taken in absolute terms we are
the capacity global warming is due to man-made today, the fourth largest emitter
greenhouse gases. We are facing a of greenhouse gases worldwide,
to cope with warmer future. Without political although our per-capita emissions
changes in the intervention, the average global are among the lowest in the world.
temperature is expected to rise The most recent IPCC report
climate, including by between 1.1 and 2.9°C in the suggests that India will experience
increase in IPCC's lowest emissions scenario
and between 2.4 and 6.4°C for the
the greatest increase in energy
and greenhouse gas emissions
climatic variability highest scenario between 2090 in the world if it sustains a high

The author is Assistant Professor at MITS University, Laxmangarh, Sikar, Rajasthan.

YOJANA April 2010 45

annual economic growth rate. in arid and semi-arid regions to higher altitude temperate
The International energy Agency such as northwest India. forest regions, resulting in the
predicts that India will become the This will have an impact on extinction of some temperate
third largest emitter of greenhouse agriculture, drinking water and vegetation types. Decrease in
gases by as early as 2015. India on generation of hydro-electric rainfall and the resultant soil
imports large quantities of fossil power. moisture stress could result in
fuels to meet its energy needs, and drier teak dominated forests
• Apart from monsoon rains, any
the burning of fossil fuels alone replacing sal trees in central
intensification of the monsoon
accounts for 83% of India’s carbon India. Increased dry spells
is likely to contribute to flood
dioxide emissions. Nearly 70% of could also place dry and moist
disasters in the Himalayan
our electricity supply comes from deciduous forests at increased
catchments. Rising temperatures
coal. risk from forest fires.
will also contribute to the
Possible Impact on India raising of snowline, reducing • Rise in temperature and change
the capacity of this natural in humidity will adversely affect
In developing countries like
reservoir, and increasing the risk human health in India.
India, climate change could
of flash floods during the wet
represent an additional stress on Coping with the Change
ecological and socioeconomic
The most important step towards
systems that are already facing • Increased temperatures will
fighting the challenge of climate
tremendous pressures due to rapid impact agricultural production.
change is to understand its causes,
urbanization, industrialization and Higher temperatures reduce the
processes, and impacts. Climate
economic development. total duration of a crop cycle by
change is a phenomenon that
inducing early flowering, thus
• The various studies conducted occurs on a global scale over a time
shortening the `grain fill’ period.
in the country have shown that frame of centuries. Predicting this
The shorter the crop cycle, the
the surface air temperatures in phenomenon is made highly difficult
lower the yield per unit area.
India are going up at the rate of by the non-linearity, uncertainty, and
0.4 degrees C per hundred years, • India has a coastline of 7,516 inertia in the earth’s climate system.
particularly during the post- km. A trend of sea level rise of 1 Therefore it is imperative that we
monsoon and winter season. cm per decade has been recorded strengthen the capacity to cope with
Extreme temperatures and heat along the Indian coast. Sea level changes in the climate, including
spells have already become rise due to thermal expansion of increases in climatic variability. In
common over Northern India, sea water in the Indian Ocean is this regard, it is important that we
often causing loss of human expected to be about 25-40 cm develop adaptation mechanisms
life. by 2050. This could inundate in various sectors. Adapting to
low lying areas, drown coastal climate change could be a very
• Climate change has had an effect
marshes and wetlands, erode effective way of coping with it.
on the monsoons too. India
beaches, exacerbate flooding Autonomous efforts in this regard
is heavily dependent on the
and increase the salinity of need to be encouraged, whereby
monsoon to meet its agricultural
rivers, bays and aquifers. authorities, businesses and private
and water needs, and also for
citizens react to the consequences
protecting and propagating its • Deltas will be threatened by
of climate change on their own
rich biodiversity. Subtle changes flooding, erosion and salt
initiative in a timely manner within
have already been noted in intrusion. Loss of coastal
the given legislative, economic and
the monsoon rain patterns by mangroves will have an impact
technological framework. In cases
scientists . on fisheries.
where autonomous adaptation
• Relatively small climatic • Increase in temperatures will is not optimal, there may be a
changes can cause large water result in shifts of lower altitude need to initiate politically planned
resource problems, particularly tropical and subtropical forests adaptation measures. The following

46 YOJANA April 2010

areas are relevant to consider Transport : Road regulations and is expected to reduce heating
adaptation to changing climate. rail standards must be harmonised requirements significantly. A rise
with the expected climate changes, in summer temperatures, on the
Coastal Zone: Adaptation to
just as extension and renovation of other hand, could lead to increased
climate change in connection with
roads and railways must be adapted cooling needs. Increased wind
coasts and harbours is expected to be
to expected climate changes. speed can on the one hand lead to
necessary as a result of rising sea levels greater electricity production from
Road drainage systems must be
and more storms, if the present safety considered in light of the risk of wind turbines, but on the other
levels and operational conditions are increased precipitation intensity. hand, in storm situations wind
to be maintained. New construction, The transport sector has already turbines must be shut down to avoid
dismantling or renovation of dikes or taken initiatives for new road storm damage.
port installations may be necessary regulations taking into account the
and will require knowledge of the Agriculture: Agriculture is of
expected climate changes. Rising
extent of climate change and risk vital importance to the Indian
temperatures will increase the need
analyses based on the probability of economy as it contributes about a
for insulation of safety installations
extreme water levels in the lifetime quarter of the GDP and provides
and signal boxes along railway
livelihood to two-thirds of the
of a particular construction. In tracks. A risk analysis must be
population. The challenge for
addition there is a need for ongoing undertaken with respect to possible
Indian agriculture is to adapt to
adaptation of rescue and storm surge wind damage to roads and railways.
A risk analysis is needed of sewer potential changes in temperature
preparedness as well as information
systems including standards and and precipitation and to extreme
on conditions significant to planning
regulations for road and railway events without compromising
coastal constructions in future risk
drainage systems. productivity and food security.
Furthermore, changed precipitation
Buildings and construction: Water supply in arid areas: patterns are expected. Increased
It is estimated that in the short Adaptation to climate change with insect pressure is expected to lead
term there is no need to change respect to drinking water might to the use of more and different
legislation concerning building include reorganisation of water pesticides. The consequences of
safety under extreme weather extraction, taking into account the these changes may result in a need
conditions. There will be a need future groundwater resources and to adapt existing regulations with
for greater attention to indoor water flow/quality of watercourses respect to environmental-policy
climate, especially temperature and and wetlands. goals. The government should
humidity conditions. There may be emphasise on climate change
Making India energy efficient:
a need to authorise new construction adaptation issues in development
Changes in energy supply are
technology solutions as a means of strategies and programmes.
supporting the reduction of extreme expected, including greater
indoor temperatures during heat production of renewable energy Biodiversity management: India
waves. A compulsory labeling and altered consumption patterns is one of the 12 mega biodiversity
regulation for small individual with less heating in winter and more countries of the world. From about
cooling units that are spontaneously cooling in summer. A targeted focus 70% of the total geographical area
installed may be necessary. on promotion and use of biomass surveyed so far, about 46 000 plant
Finally there may be a need for energy for rural development, species and 81 000 animal species
an information campaign aimed emphasizing power generation have been described. India has 13
partially at construction technicians from biomass and renewable energy biosphere reserves for conservation
concerning recommended future sources are the best alternatives of biological resources representing
design parameters and partly of increasing needs of Indians. various ecosystems of the country.
at building owners concerning Climate change with higher average Conservation of wildlife and its
typical weaknesses in load-bearing temperatures and higher wind speeds habitat must be accorded highest
constructions, including how to will affect energy consumption. A priority for the long-term ecological
improve conditions. winter temperature rise of 2–3°C and environmental security of the

YOJANA April 2010 47

country. A number of activities has unproductive land which in the small areas are not able to
are needed to be explored to ensure can be utilized by implementing avail of these facilities.
a healthy and robust nature, for proper framework. We have live
examples from different states (see Health: Adaptation of
example reducing the use of ozone
Box). Further non-proliferation of programmes for public health
depleting substances (CFC) used
barren land and converting it in to emergency management, prevention
in the production of foam and the
productive purposes, is the area and treatment, infectious disease
manufacture of refrigerators and
which can be a panacea for the rural monitoring, etc. may be relevant in
fire extinguishers. Plantation right
India at the time of adverse changing connection with more heat waves
now to ensure the future oxygen
climate. Relevant risk analyses and other health risks associated
supply can be the best gift, we can
will be included as an important with climate change (infections,
offer to our generation.
decision-support tool in the form of allergies, etc.). There may also be
Barren Land use planning: a risk map. The Central Government a need for increased information
The state of Rajasthan, Jammu spends billions of rupees annually efforts targeting risk groups.
& Kashmir and some hilly areas for agricultural growth but villagers Attention to health is otherwise
integrated into many of the
Success story other sectors' efforts.
Jharkhand village turns barren land into lush field through cooperative Rescue preparedness:
farming India has always been
vulnerable to natural disasters
Farmers in Brinda village in Jharkhands Gumla district have converted 60
acres barren area into lush agricultural land through cooperative farming. like floods, droughts,
cyclones, earthquakes and
“Previously, we used to go out of Jharkhand to earn our daily bread. But landslides. Its geo-climatic
now a lot of things have changed for us ever since we converted this barren land conditions render about sixty
into a cultivable one. Now, there is no need for us to go out of our village, as per cent of the landmass
we can sustain ourselves by cultivating crops here,” said Indu Oeron, a farmer prone to earthquakes of
of the village. various intensities, over forty
Sachiv Sarva India, a non-governmental organisation (NGO) working for million hectares susceptible
the uplift of rural folk in Jharkhand is behind this transformation. to floods, about eight per cent
of the total area vulnerable to
Sachiv Sarva India volunteers claim that they have emancipated hundreds cyclones and sixty-eight per
of poor farmers in Gumla District.
cent susceptible to drought.
“Previously, this land used to be fallow. It used to be barren, but now farmers So, natural disasters are a
have started collective farming in this area, and have turned this into cultivable bitter reality for us. More
land,” said Shanicharwa Oeron, Range Forest Officer, Gumla (Rural). frequent and dangerous
storms, flooding, powerful
Farmers in Gumla district earlier were dependent on rains, but now the
rainstorms, drought, etc.
Forest Department has provided greenhouse sheds and hybrid seeds, besides
create a need for more
the latest cultivation techniques to improve their lot, having gained much in
resource-demanding efforts
the long run.
and assistance from rescue
“We have introduced the greenhouse farming system to protect seeds of these preparedness. Rescue
farmers. We have helped them in becoming self dependent and now they can preparedness can be deployed
earn their livelihood on their own terms,” said Sujit Kumar Nanda, a member in actions to prevent, limit
of Sachiv Sarva India. and aid injuries and damage
to people, property and
One must compliment these farmers of Brinda village for not being carried the environment. Rescue
away by ideologies of confrontation, and instead, opting to take up co-operative preparedness can also assist
farming and reap its benefit. in peak load situations,

48 YOJANA April 2010

where other stakeholders with the financial sector and setting rates the recognition of the problem
emergency responsibilities are based on expected developments in of global warming. Even if all
not completely capable of dealing claims. Responsibility for ensuring GHG emissions were to cease
with the consequences. It could, for the necessary sector-specific immediately, the earth would still
example, be a matter of draining adaptation to climate change will lie experience a certain degree of
surface water and other assistance in the sector ministries. Adaptation climate change, due to the long
with storm and water damage, to climate change will often be cross- lifetime of GHGs in the atmosphere
extinguishing wildfires, rescue
sectoral, for example in agriculture/ and the inertia of the climate system.
operations of various types and
environment/nature and health/ Consequently, it is imperative that
accommodating and caring for
construction/environment there will we strengthen the capacity to
distressed and evacuated people. For
this, continuous consideration and be a need for coordination between cope with changes in the climate,
decisions are required with regard the ministries and regulations and including increases in climatic
to procurement, development, developments in the India and variability. Visionary efforts are
maintenance, composition and other international floors. This will needed in India, which help in
strategic location of equipment. be ensured by the cross-sectional enhancing the adaptive capacity,
Coordination Forum for Climate while addressing concerns of food
Insurance aspects: Climate
Change Adaptation and the national security, water scarcity, biodiversity
change will entail ongoing adaptation
information centre recommended to loss, and environmental degradation,
from the insurance companies in
be established for this purpose. health & insurance must be
the form of higher premiums and/
or coverage exemptions, and it Conclusion looked into for predicting a safe
could be a question of developing future. q
new financial instruments for The impact of human activities
on the earth’s climate has been (Email : Krishnamurari_1980
risk transfer between the non-life
insurance companies and the rest of receiving increasing attention with

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YOJANA April 2010 49

shodh yatra

Multipurpose twin chambered cooking

Abdul Razzak

bdul Razzak is an hot rice cooking pot. He realized
electrician by profession. that this was a universal problem
Over the last two decades faced by housewives as well as
he has developed a number caterers who cooked rice in open
of innovations including vessels. As these hot vessels/
a multipurpose twin pots could not be comfortably
chambered cooking vessel, a burglar held, tilted or carried, they faced
alarm system, a phone with built-in difficulty in completely draining
charger, a dual faced fan, a letterbox
off the residual water from them,
with an audio alarm amongst many
often causing injury to themselves.
This He stays with his family in
Across the length and breadth of
the country this water has its own
innovation Bibikulam in the temple city of use; some discard it as waste, some
Madurai. His father was a cook use it to starch their clothes, while
distinguishes with limited means. Razzak could others from low income groups,
only study till matriculation.
itself by Though average in studies, he was
consume this drained water for its
nutritive value. He also noticed
achieving bestowed with a good observation
and used to notice gadgets minutely
that most of the rural folk had
simultaneous to understand their functioning.
only a single cooking stove. This
meant that if one wanted to prepare
After leaving school he joined a
cooking of rice small workshop where he gradually
rice and sambar or lentils it had
to be done sequentially taking a
and cereals, at picked up the skills of repairing
electrical gadgets, progressively lot of time. He then decided to
the same time moving into coil winding and make an improved cooking unit
that would facilitate quick and
fabrication of household items.
facilitating the effective cooking of various items
Multipurpose twin chambered simultaneously. It would also
draining of cooking vessel provide a facility of filtering the
residual water Razzak noticed the hardship residual water safely while keeping
faced by his wife in handling the it separate for consumption.

50 YOJANA April 2010

has good dispersion potential
among low-income households and
Revolving ceiling fan
Razzak has mounted a ceiling
fan on a circular ceiling rail so that
it can be manually moved to obtain
proper air flow in different parts
of the room. He plans to make it
remote controlled. Abdul Rasheed
Qureshi from Delhi also has a
similar idea.
Dual face table fan
In the existing table fan,
Razzak has extended the shaft to
cylindrical cooking vessel the other side and fitted another
set of fan blades. This dual table
The multipurpose twin handling. The whole unit weighs top configuration can be placed
chambered vessel is a stainless one kilogram. centrally. When switched on, it can
steel cylindrical cooking vessel fan air all around using nearly the
This unit facilitates simultaneous
with two compartments and same energy.
cooking of rice and sambar thereby
a lid fitted with two pressure reducing the total cooking time to Burglar alarm system
valves. It is also provided with a almost half. This unit can easily be
perforated aluminium plate to be This system can be installed on
scaled up and built as a large unit
used in one compartment. The two a door. When a burglar breaks in,
suitable for catering operations.
compartments are used to cook the system would alert the police or
There are other references of such
rice and sambar simultaneously. the owner by dialing the set of fixed
vessels available in the patent
In the compartment where rice is numbers. In case the system cannot
literatures. However, Abdul
boiled, the perforated aluminium connect to a particular number, it
Razzak’s innovation distinguishes
plate is kept. On the same side of itself by achieving simultaneous will automatically dial the next
the vessel, a drain valve or tap is cooking of rice and cereals, at the number.
provided for the user to drain out same time facilitating the draining Letter box alarm
the residual water after cooking. of residual water. He has filed a
While cooking, when the steam patent for this device in 2006. This is a letterbox with an
pressure increases inside the His innovation has been covered alarm to alert the presence of
vessel, the two pressure valves by national dailies like The Hindu letter in the box. The post box
on the lid open up to release the and various local newspapers. consists of an electronic circuit,
extra steam. These valves can Abdul Razzak has made and sold a letter receiving plate, which
also be opened to view the status over 100 units in and around senses the letter inside and triggers
of the cooked rice or to take out Madurai. The user feedback has the circuit to produce an alarm.
the rice grains to check their been very good and marketing is It is also provided with locking
softness. The vessel is provided mostly through word of mouth. system and twin LED. q
with handles on the top as well The five liter vessel based system (E-mail :,
as on the sides, allowing easy is sold at a cost of Rs 550 and

YOJANA April 2010 51

North east diary
Indigenous irrigation comes handy in dry season

raditional knowledge and community participation have combined to ensure that 300-odd villages
in the Bhutan foothills in Baksa and Nalbari districts survive harsh water-scarce winters.

The age-old indigenous irrigation system called dong enables the villagers to meet their water
needs throughout the year but its utility is felt more during the prolonged dry winters when water becomes
scarce even for drinking purposes.The dong system has been in operation since human settlements started
in the once thickly forested area since the 1930s. Under the dong, small dams are built on a river and the
water is routed through canals to paddy fields and into the household ponds. Dongs operate on sound
principles of water management, ensuring that there is no waste and water is distributed judiciously and

All the people of a village contribute through manual labour to construct small stone-dams on the river,
and then regulate the flow of the water and supply it to the destinations through long canals.

A vast landscape on the Bhutan foothills is crisscrossed by a number of rivers and streams originating from
the hills. Most of these turn into frothing torrents during the monsoons and flow in trickles in the winter.

This traditional water harvesting has also led to greater bonhomie and camaraderie among
the different communities. q

(Courtesy: Assam Tribune)

Tourism in Tripura all set for a boost

he state of Tripura is going to have a promising future in the field of tourism with its existing resources,
the central government is all set to allocate substantial amount of money for the overall development
of tourism in the state.
Tripura has a splendid record of tourist attraction from the days of royal reign and the state government
has taken up various steps to promote the tourist industry in the state.
As of now the state is having 23 tourist spots and the department of Tourism in the state is planning to
open four other tourist spots in the days to come.
The Tourism Ministry has approved the project Destination Development of Khowai in West Tripura
district. Again, the central government has sanctioned Rs. 102.80 cr to make Devatamura, Amarpur in South
Tripura district far more attractive to the tourist.
The Tourism Ministry has sanctioned Rs. 141.85 cr for the up gradation of the tourist spot of Unakoti
This project however, includes tourist information centre, cafeteria, watch tower, amphitheatre centre etc.
The initiatives under taken by the department of tourism would hopefully attract a large tourist
population and give a boost to the state's economy. q

(Courtesy : Shillong Times)

52 YOJANA April 2010

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