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BIO40S Name: ______________________

GMO Project

In groups, students will create their own GMO project based on their interests.

Option 1: GMO Poster

Your group will thoroughly research a genetically modified organism of your choice
(after clearing it will me), and create an esthetically pleasing poster to display your
Your group will present your poster to the class.

Your poster must include:

 What – What is your organism? What has been genetically modified?
 Who – Who created your organism?
 When – When was your organism created?
 Where – Where did your organism originate, and where is it grown/created
 Why – Why was the your organism genetically modified?
 How – How is your organism genetically modified (what are the components
and what is the genetic science behind it)?
 Must be esthetically pleasing.

Note: Be smart about what resources you use! (Reliable scientific sources)

Option 2: GMO Video

Your group will create a “discrepant event video” about genetically modified
organism. You will interview a variety of people (could be at school, or outside of
school), on what they know (or think they know) about genetically modified
organisms, then you will teach them the correct information.
Your group will present the finished product in the form of a 5 – 10 minute video.

Your video must include:

 Interviews asking a variety of people (at least 4) what their knowledge is on
GMOs (example: “What is a GMO?” “Are GMOs good or bad?” “Do you know of
any GMOs?”).
 Your explanation of the answers to the previous questions asked (explain to
the people you are interviewing what a GMO is, the reality on the pros &
cons, and some common GMO’s).
 The reaction of the people you interviewed after presenting them with the
correct information.
 Finished edited video.
 Consent of participants.
BIO40S Name: ______________________

GMO Project: “What’s it out of?”

Option 1: GMO Poster

Information/Content: 15 marks
Does your poster include all the answers to the who/what/when/where/why/how
of your chosen genetically modified organism.

Poster Attractiveness: 5 marks

Is your poster esthetically pleasing to look at:
 Is all information organized
 Are their pictures
 Is it legible

Out of 20 marks

Option 2: GMO Video

Information/Content: 15 marks
 Did you ask appropriate, thought provoking questions
 Did you provide accurate and sufficient explanations for each question asked
 Did participants consent to being in the video

Video Attractiveness: 5 marks

 Is the video edited in a way that makes sense

Out of 20 marks

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