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Thats the virus you can remove by following these steps...

i will 3 solutions to
remove that virus..k if you bored to try that one.just use the sofware named qui
ck heal it wil remove the virus...
Followed below steps:
1. Click on Any folder.
2. Click Tools - Folder Options - View - Hidden Files & Folders
3. Mark Show hidden files and folders
4. Unmark Hide extensions of Known file types
5. Unmark Hide protected Operating system
files (Recommended)
6. First two files were seen on my flash drive : Rahul’svirusprotection.vbe & auto
7. Click on the properties of both file and unmarked Read only.
8. Clicked Apply & deleted both files.
9. Searched for Rahul*.* on hard drives.
10. Click on the properties file and unmarked Read only deleted the file.
11. Now LORD RAHUL COOL is out of my browser.


actually this is a VB script file and located in System32

directory, first you delete this file from this location
do it
In Windows Explorer…. following this steps
Tools — > Folder Options —> View(tab)
check this one
Show hidden Files and Folders …
Uncheck this one
Hide prorected operating system files (Recommended)
Now you can view all system files and Hidden files into your drives….
go to this system directory
find this file one “Rahulsvirusprotection.vbe”
and delete it…..then following the REGEDIT clear steps….it’s really very simple.
if u can not found this file, please search word like *Rahul*.*
if u can not delete this file, please search the software name like UNLOCKER 1.8
.8 in google
this small utility can delete this file very easily
and finally you will get a error message while logging in remove that..just
after deleting the virus in the logon you will receive the message cannot run th
e script like that..follow this procedure…start–>run–>regedit..and go to the following
path.. i will give you…heykey_local machine–>software–>microsoft–>windows NT–>current ver
sion–>windows logon…go there and delete the second path..thats for rahul cool virus.
.keep the first one alone and delete the rest..for ex:keep like C:WINDOWSsystem3 then exit..thats time it wont show the message
thanks and regards,
panagudi genius vignesh
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How to remove Lord Rahul Cool virus
Posted by egomoo on May 22, 2010

What s about Lord Rahul Cool virus

Lord Rahul Cool virus was infected from your USB drive.You may have had a flash
drive infection. These worms travel through your portable drives. If they have b
een connected to other machines, they may now be infected.
Hijachthis log :
R1 – HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Window Title = LORD RAHUL COOL
Lord Rahul Cool virus changed your Internet Explorer Settings:
- The Internet Explorer Window Title had been changed to “LORD RAHUL COOL”
- The Homepage was changed to –
How to Get rid of Lord Rahul Cool virus
if you don’t clear Autorun.inf file from your infected removable drives. Please in
sert the flash drive to allow Safe Returner clean up those drives as well.

Step1: Please download Safe Returner from Here to your Desktop.

1. If you are using Firefox, make sure that your download settings are as fol
* Tools->Options->Main tab
* Set to "Always ask me where to Save the files".
Step 2:Close any open browsers. Close/disable all antivirus,HIPS and anti-
malware programs so they do not interfere with the running of Safe Returner,visi
t here for how to temporarily disable your anti-virus and/or anti-malware progra
Step 3:Run Safe Returner with a simple click "Start Scan".
Step 4:Waiting less than 5 minutes after scan finished.
Step 5:Click "Remove" to remove spyware or malware threats.
Why should you need Regtweaker?
As we know, virus and Trojans make the computer malfunction by destroying
and modifying the registry so that the computer will not run normally. After the
virus and Trojans are removed, the registry is still destroyed or modified, so
the computer still has problems. That s why you need to repair the registry. Als
o, some virus and Trojans leave some DLL files in the registry and this will cau
se strange DLL errors and affect the computer performance.
Installing or uninstalling software still can leave your Windows registry
fragmented,with obsolete,corrupted and harmful files.Check your registry with Re
gTweaker tody.Download RegTweaker Now
To make your computer run as fast as before or much faster than before,
1. Download and install Regtweaker.
2.Run a full scan of your computer.
3. Click Repair Now and repair all errors detected.
After these 3 easy steps, your computer will run much faster than before!

Step 7: fix internet explorer title

copy below text into notepad save as fix.reg,open fix.reg file to load to
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main]
“Search Page”=””
“Window Title”=-
or use “regedit” in run command to manually edit registry
locate to:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
delete “Window Title” items
good luck!

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