Reaching Beyond Myself PDF Devotioal

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Reaching Beyond Myself

30 Day Devotional

PART 1 - Gaining a Bigger Vision for Your Life as a Girl

DAY 1: The Ten Second Vision / 6

DAY 2: Shooting for Christ-Centered Goals / 8

DAY 3: Hitting the Bullseye of True Success / 10

DAY 4: A Godly Girl: Who is She? / 12

DAY 5: The Picture Perfect Female / 14

DAY 6: Beware of Your Default Mode / 16

DAY 7: Lauren’s Story / 18

DAY 8: Using the Right Ingredients is Key / 20

PART 2 - Selflessness: Cultivating an Outward Focused Life

DAY 9: The Story of a King / 23

DAY 10: Money, Success, Fame and Glamour / 25

DAY 11: For the Next Seven Days Don’t Hit Snooze / 27

DAY 12: He Gave up His Life / 29

DAY 13: Deny Myself? No Way! / 31

DAY 14: No More Running. No More Hiding. / 33

DAY 15: Betsie’s Example Still Lives On / 35

Reaching Beyond Myself 3

PART 3 - Pouring Into the Younger Generation

DAY 16: Anna’s Life Changing Friend / 38

DAY 17: The Exciting Topic of Discipleship / 40

DAY 18: Why is Discipleship so Important? / 42

DAY 19: The Sad Story of Chelsea Barnes / 44

DAY 20: Stepping out of Your Comfort Zone / 46

DAY 21: Three Keys to Great Relationships / 48

DAY 22: Pouring into the Next Generation / 50

PART 4 - Serving God to the Max Right Now

DAY 23: Who are You Spending Time with? / 53

DAY 24: She Didn’t Know Him / 55

DAY 25: A Girl Named Casey / 57

DAY 26: One Tragic Day in February / 59

DAY 27: I’ll Serve God When I get Married / 61

DAY 28: What Does it Take to Become One of the Few? / 63

DAY 29: Opportunities Right in Front of Your Nose / 65

DAY 30: Reaching Beyond Myself / 67

Reaching Beyond Myself 4

Gaining a Bigger Vision For Your Life as a Girl
Part 1 - By: Kristen

Day 1 The Ten Second Vision

Where there is no vision, the people perish. Proverbs 29:18 (KJV)

I was speaking at a girl’s conference recently and asked every girl in the audience this question:
“If you had ten seconds to describe your personal life vision, what would you say?” My question was
met by dozens of foggy-eyed looks. “Okay,” I said, deciding to switch gears, “if you had an entire day
to write down your life vision on a full piece of paper what would you write?” The girls looked back at
me with blank stares. “What about this?” I continued, hoping they would have a light-bulb-moment
soon. “What are your goals and plans for this next year? This next month? Okay, what about your
goals and plans for today?” The lights went on.

Most girls know what their schedule holds for the next week of their lives. They know what they have
to do and what kinds of things they have to accomplish. They set goals for the week and plan out
stuff like exercising, schoolwork, diet plan, work schedule, church activities, etc. Most girls even
know what kind of schedule and goals they have for the following month. It’s easy to plan out our
day and week, but have you taken time to set goals for the long haul?

Very few girls (or guys) have long-term goals for their lives. They float through their teen and young
adult years with nothing more on their schedule than school, work, entertainment, romance and
maybe a little bit of God on Sundays. As a Christian girl, God wants you to have a much bigger and
more exciting plan for your life. He wants your life to be centered around a passion for serving and
honoring Him. If you don’t have a long-term goal of making that a priority, it simply won’t happen.

Having a personal vision for your life is one of the best places to start. I’m not talking about creating
a life vision and goals similar to a bucket list. I’m talking about having spiritual, relational, character-
growing, and kingdom-advancing goals. A life vision that is bigger than your schedule for the
following week. Goals that are more valuable and more eternally focused than an exercise program.

Let’s go back to my original question. If you had ten seconds to tell me your personal life vision,
Reaching Beyond Myself what would you say? 6
Journal it...
Make it Personal

How would you describe your life vision and goals?

What are the most important things that you want to
accomplish before you die?

Do you have weekly goals that are spiritually focused?

If not, what can you change to be more Christ-focused
during your week?  

What are you doing today that will draw you closer to
Christ and impact His kingdom tomorrow?  

The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has
sight, but has no vision.” -Helen Keller

Reaching Beyond Myself 7

Day 2 Shooting for Christ-Centered Goals
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your
mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and
acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2

I n Joan Brumgerg’s book, The Body Project, she compares the diary entries of two young girls.
The first written in 1892 reads, “Resolved, not to talk about myself or feelings. To think before
speaking. To work seriously. To be self-restrained in conversation and action. Not to let my thoughts
wander. To be dignified. Interest myself more in others.”1 And almost a century later, 1982, another
young lady writes, “I will try to make myself better in any way I possibly can with the help of my
budget and babysitting money. I will lose weight, get new lenses, already got new haircut, good
makeup, new clothes and accessories.” 2

Wow, talk about two very different perspectives! Which girl best describes you? Are your thoughts
more like the girl from the 1800’s or are you more like the modern girl? Why do you think these two
girls have such different mindsets?

We all have desires and goals in our lives. The key question is, “What are they?” For most of us our
goals and dreams are centered on our own personal happiness. Our biggest and greatest thoughts
are about ourselves. “I need to earn more money so I can buy new clothes,” “I need better makeup
so I can look prettier,” “I need to do more exercise so I can be more attractive to guys,” and the list
goes on. You fill in the blank.

We live in a culture that encourages us to be extremely self-centered. As Christian girls we need to

have a different mindset. We need to change our thinking to be different than the world’s (Romans

Instead of having self-centered goals we need to have goals that reflect the fact that we are different
than the world. A Christ-centered mindset is focused on serving others, being kind to our siblings,
giving generously, respecting our parents, becoming beautiful on the inside, guarding our thoughts,
Reaching Beyond Myself 8
refusing to gossip, etc. If we say we’re Christians, we need to show the world that we think and act
Journal it... differently than they do. Our goals and desires should be built on serving and honoring Christ.

Make it Personal

Be honest: Are you more like the first or the second girl?
What is your motivation for being that way?

What are you most looking forward to this coming

week? Is it Christ-centered, or self-centered?

What can you do each day to serve your family and

others? On the left-hand side, write down three kind
things you will do for your family today.

Stop trying to fit [Christ] in to your life; instead, build your
life around [Him].” -Leslie Ludy

Reaching Beyond Myself 9

Day 3 Hitting the Bullseye of True Success

But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men.”
Acts 5:29

H ave you ever thrown a dart at a target? Or how about shooting a bow and arrow? If you’re from
the south, maybe you’ve tried shooting a gun at a shooting range? I have actually tried all three
activities in my medium/short lifetime. Let’s just say the bow and arrow was not my most athletic of
the three activities, and the other two weren’t easy either. Hitting the bullseye is hard work and it
doesn’t come naturally to most people. Even the most athletic person has to practice for weeks, and
even years sometimes, to become a pro at hitting the bullseye.

Real life works the same way. God has a certain standard (the bullseye) that He wants you and me
to aim for in life. Without hard work, intentional study, and practice, we will never come close to
hitting God’s bullseye for success. Like we talked about in our Day One study, a life vision is the
perfect place to start. Your vision acts as the target and you’re constantly training and practicing to
hit it. What we talked about yesterday is key as well. Many people have life goals, but they are
completely man-centered. If your life goals aren’t centered on God’s plan for you as a girl, then you
won’t be hitting the true bullseye of success.

Sadly, millions of girls grow up in this world with zero clue about God’s amazing design and plan for
them as females. They listen to the advice of the secular culture and form their life goals around
what the world says is important. Their version of a successful life is entirely different from God’s
version. Even many Christian girls fall prey to this deceptive target of success.

If you want to be truly successful in God’s eyes, then you have to live your life according to God’s
principles. Over the next few days we’re going to talk about what these principles and standards are.
I don’t know about you but I want to be a successful girl. Let’s find out together what hitting the
bullseye is all about.

Reaching Beyond Myself 10

Journal it... Make it Personal

In your mind, what is a successful girl? What does she

look, act and talk like?

Do you care what our culture thinks about you? If so,

why do you care?

On the left, write down a list of five of the most

successful women you know (one being the highest
and five being the lowest). We’ll come back to this list

If you do not have a target to aim for, you are going to miss
it anyway.” -Clifford Aga

Reaching Beyond Myself 11

Day 4 A Godly Girl: Who is She?

But as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is
written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.” 1 Peter 1:15-16

K ara is a high energy social butterfly. She loves hanging out with her friends any chance she can
get. Friday night movies are a must, Saturday at the mall is her go-to, and every day of the week is
usually packed with an activity. Being on-the-go and entertained was Kara’s highest priority in life.
Her core group of friends was a mixture of guys and girls from her public high school. Even though
Kara considered herself a Christian, she didn’t hang out with friends who shared her beliefs. Her life
was slowly heading downhill as her activities and friends encouraged her to take more risks and to
“live it up” a little.

During this time, one of Kara’s good girl friends was in a car accident after a night of too much
partying and drinking. While she was at the hospital a local church pastor came to visit Kara’s friend
and shared the gospel with her. The girl had never heard of such an amazing God before. She
immediately accepted Christ as her personal Savior and became a Christian. After the friend
recovered from the accident, she texted Kara about going out to lunch. They ended up going out the
following day. As they sat down to eat, Kara’s friend looked at her with excitement and said, “I have
the most incredible news to tell you!” She went on to share her entire hospital experience and ended
with the gospel. “I could have died that night!” her friend said. “And I would have never known about
the amazing love of God!” Kara looked at her excited friend and felt a wave of shame and guilt rush
over her. “Your life will never be the same again once you have Christ!” her friend exclaimed. “It’s
amazingly wonderful.” Kara’s eyes dropped to the floor. “What’s wrong?” her friend asked with
concern. “I’m already a Christian.” Kara said sadly, looking straight into her friend’s eyes. “But you
would have never known unless I told you.”

Kara has a problem that a lot of us have. Sometimes our lives don’t look any different than the non-
Christian girls around us. Being a godly Christian girl is so much more than going to church and
reading your Bible every now and then. It’s about pursuing a life of holiness and setting yourself
Reaching Beyond Myself 12
apart from the world. A girl who is pursuing a life of holiness will care about being sexually pure,

Journal it... choosing godly friendships, avoiding sinful parties, sharing the gospel with others, avoiding seductive
clothing, serving her family, etc. You see, becoming a godly girl is about living a life that says, “I’m
different” to the world around you. It’s a life that desires to please and honor God more than giving in to
peer pressure. It’s a life that spends time getting to know God through prayer and reading His Word. A
godly girl will be so obvious she will never be mistaken for anything but a Christian.

Make it Personal

Does your life look different than the non-Christian girls

around you?

When people look at your life describe what they see?

Are you striving to live a holy life each day? If not, what
are you striving for?

If you didn’t know Christ would your life look the same?

You are the only Bible some unbelievers will ever read, and
your life is under scrutiny every day. What do others learn
from you? Do they see an accurate picture of your God?”
-John MacArthur

Reaching Beyond Myself 13

Day 5 The Picture Perfect Female

Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to
be praised. Proverbs 31:30

T he months of preparation were finally finished. The big night was here. The runway was ready,
the lights were shining, and the cameras were rolling. After ten hours of makeup, hair, spray tans,
manicures, and fake eyelashes, the models were ready. They looked flawless. “And now,” the
announcer said with his best radio host voice, “the moment we have all been waiting for!” The music
started and the models emerged from the back room. “The most beautiful and perfect females on
the planet!” he said enthusiastically.

We live in a society where the picture-perfect female is nothing less than an airbrushed supermodel.
As girls we are tempted to feel ugly and fat if we don’t measure up to the standard of beauty defined
by our culture. Thankfully, as Christian girls, we don’t have to live up to Hollywood’s standard of
perfection. We have a much more gracious, loving and forgiving God we are trying to please. His
standard for the perfect female looks nothing like the models on the runway.

In the book of Proverbs God decided to help us girls out by giving us an entire chapter devoted to
the topic of true beauty. If we want to be beautiful in God’s eyes we have to read and understand
what God views as beautiful. Sounds simple, but so many girls miss this. I miss this from time to
time as well. So what is a beautiful girl in God’s eyes? A beautiful girl has nothing to do with outer
beauty and everything to do with her inner character.

Here are 10 characteristics of the Proverbs 31 girl (and, by the way, her physical beauty is never
mentioned in the entire chapter).

1) Strong faith 2) Faithful helper to her husband 3) Loves her children 4) Physically in shape 5)
Serves her family 6) Smart with money 7) Industrious 8) Homemaking was a top priority 9) Manages
her time well 10) Made efforts to dress nicely
Reaching Beyond Myself 14
Even though you may not be married and have children yet, we can take cues from this amazing
Journal it... woman at any stage of life. This woman was beautiful in God’s eyes because she had godly inner
character. Her priorities were always focused on serving and helping other people.

Make it Personal

Read Proverbs 31:10-31 today and write down every

character quality that you notice about her.

Is your standard of beauty based on outward looks or

inner character?

Remember that list of the 5 successful women you

wrote a few days ago? Now compare those women to
the Proverbs 31 woman. How do they measure up? Is
their success based on their godliness or worldly

Write down a new list of women. This time, write down a

list of the top 5 women you know who are truly
successful in God’s eyes, according to Proverbs 31.

A godly woman is beyond average because she keeps her
word. She honors her vows. She exhibits great faith. She
overcomes great obstacles. And she affects her family, her
community, even the world.” -Elizabeth George
Reaching Beyond Myself 15
Day 6 Beware of Your Default Mode

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the
prize? So run that you may obtain it. 1 Corinthians 9:24

W hen I was a young teenager I remember hearing lessons at church and Bible studies about the
Proverbs 31 woman. I remember thinking to myself that becoming a godly woman wasn’t that hard.
All it took was a little practice, a few good examples, and some solid Christian books under my belt
and I would be good to go. I just assumed that because I was a Christian I would naturally default
into some highly godly woman someday.

As I grew older and graduated from high school the opposite became true. Living a holy, pure, godly
life was the furthest thing from my default mode. I had some unexpected desires and temptations in
my heart to do things that were totally contrary to the Proverbs 31 gal. I didn’t naturally desire to
practice the character qualities mentioned in yesterday’s study. That’s when I realized how
dangerous and deceiving my default mode was. When I stopped making intentional efforts to
become a godly girl, I defaulted into a selfish, self-pleasing, impure, lazy type of person. Becoming a
godly woman was a lot harder than I thought, and it wasn’t going to happen without daily work and
effort on my part.

If you’re like me, you may have had similar thoughts. You might be under the false impression that
becoming a godly woman will happen by going to church once a week and reading your Bible every
now and then. Don’t be deceived or naive. We have a fierce enemy who is on the prowl 24/7 looking
for girls like you to entice. Becoming a successful girl in God’s eyes will require you to make
sacrifices, to say “no” to ungodly activities, to deny your flesh, to wake up early to read your Bible
and pray, to choose your friends wisely, and to become a servant to the people around you. Trust
me, your default mode might feel comfortable, but it will not reap the positive rewards of a godly life.

Reaching Beyond Myself 16

Journal it...
Make it Personal

Have you believed the lie that you can become a

godly woman without making intentional efforts? If so,
what influenced you to believe that?

In what areas of your life do you look more like a worldly

girl than a godly one? Be honest.

According to your answer above, what are some

obvious areas that need to change in your life to make
you a godlier girl? What will you do today to make
those changes?

Do you want to increase your hunger for the Lord?  Try
weaning yourself from the world's diet - be prepared for
some withdrawal symptoms when you turn off the radio and
the TV and eliminate unnecessary activities.  Then begin
feeding on the Word of God.  At first, it may seem bland and
boring; but in time, you will discover that it satisfies in a far
deeper, richer way than those things you once thought
were so filling.” -Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Reaching Beyond Myself 17

Day 7 Lauren’s Story

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105

L auren and I were really good friends growing up. We played sports together and hung out all the
time. We were both Christians and encouraged one another in our personal walks with Christ. One
night we started talking about the subject of guys. I jokingly asked Lauren who she would marry
someday. She laughed and then went on to tell me how she didn’t want to get married. I stopped
laughing and stared at her with a big question mark across my face. “Working as a single girl on the
mission field sounds so much more exciting to me.” Lauren said. I was surprised, to say the least,
and didn’t know how to respond.

Several years later I learned the truth behind Lauren’s disinterest in marriage and children. Unknown
to me, Lauren grew up in a family where her parents were constantly struggling in their marriage.
Her dad was secretly abusive and didn’t protect and love the family as a father should. Lauren’s
view on marriage and motherhood was radically shaped by her upbringing. She had a sour taste in
her mouth and didn’t want anything to do with it.

It wasn’t until Lauren hit her early twenties that her viewpoint started to shift. She began attending a
church where they taught the truth on the blessings of godly womanhood and God’s high calling of
marriage and motherhood. Lauren was introduced to several books about God’s design and
purpose for her as a girl. Her eyes were opened to the truth that not all men were abusive and
angry. She learned that marriage wasn’t a calling for every Christian out there, but it was something
to be held in high esteem. Her mindset made a 180 degree shift. She was full of hope for her future.

When Lauren allowed her earthly circumstances to shape her worldview, what happened? She
believed the lie that all marriages were horrible, that all men were abusive and that motherhood was
a burden. It wasn’t until Lauren set her own circumstances aside and allowed the truth of God’s
Word to shape her thinking that she found hope.
Reaching Beyond Myself 18
We all live in a fallen world marked by sin at every corner. Nothing in this life will ever be perfect and
Journal it... look the way God originally intended it to. However, our choices to sin didn’t catch God off guard. He
knew we would be tempted to shape our worldviews by the families we’re in, the sin we encounter,
the wrongs done to us, the culture around us, etc. So, God gave us a steady light of truth to follow. He
gave us the Bible to keep us on the straight and narrow. He gave us the source of truth that will guide
us on how to live the most fulfilled life possible.

Make it Personal

Is your worldview of womanhood shaped by your

circumstances? If so, what has shaped it?

What circumstances in your own life have caused you

to doubt God’s truth?

Do you believe that God’s Word is always true, no

matter what happens in your life? If not, read and
meditate on Proverbs 30:5.

A man ought to live so that everybody will know that he is a
Christian.” -DL Moody

Reaching Beyond Myself 19

Day 8 Using the Right Ingredients is Key
If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where
Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are
above, not on things that are on earth. Colossians 3:1-2

I was at a wedding recently and noticed how beautiful the bride’s wedding cake was. It not only
looked good but it tasted really good too. The cake didn’t start out that way though. The day before
the wedding it was nothing more than a pile of flour, sugar, eggs, butter, etc. In order to get the
amazing end result that was displayed at the wedding reception someone had to carefully follow the
directions on the recipe. If anything was left out, or if too much of one ingredient was added, the
cake would have been a flop.

Real life works the same way. As girls, we are all putting certain ingredients into our lives on a daily
basis. We see the older, godlier women and hope we’ll turn out like them someday. But are we using
the right ingredients to get there? Are we following God’s recipe for a godly and successful girl? Or,
are we filling our hearts and minds with worldly ingredients?

When I was younger, a lady told my mom that she wanted her daughter to turn out just like me
someday. As the years passed by her daughter took a very different path than what her mom had
hoped for. What happened? The daughter wasn’t putting the right ingredients into her life when she
was young, to get the result of a godly woman when she was older. As we mentioned before,
becoming a successful godly girl isn’t going to happen by default. In order to reap the right results,
you have to intentionally use the right ingredients.

Maybe you’re excited about using the right ingredients for becoming a godly girl, but aren’t sure
where to start. Here’s a list of 5 great places to start:

1. Know your Savior. Make a schedule and set aside special time each day to study your Bible and
talk to God. The book of Proverbs is a great place to start because there is one chapter for every
day of the month.
Reaching Beyond Myself 20
2.Serve your family. Jesus was the ultimate example of a server and He calls us to become like Him.

Journal it... Look for ways to serve your parents and siblings each day.
3.Fill your mind with truth. Most of the mainstream media isn’t promoting Biblical truth. Choose to
substitute your secular media choices for Christian, God honoring choices.
4.Read challenging books. Create a book list and commit to reading several pages a day from a solid
Christian book. There are many great options to start with at the Resources Page.
5.Avoid self-promotion. We live in a culture that encourages an “all about me, selfie” kind of mindset.
Avoid the “selfie” lifestyle and instead focus your attention on building deep and meaningful
relationships with your family and friends.

Make it Personal

What ingredients (movies, music, books, magazines,

friendships, etc.) are you putting into your life right now?
Are they helping or hindering your Christian walk?

On the left, write down the five bullet points from

above. I challenge you to apply those five truths to your
life today.

In five years, will you be a more godly girl because of

what you’re doing in your life today?

We will not grow much in godliness if we do not know much
of what it means to be godly. We will not become more
like Christ if we don’t know more of what Christ is like.”
-Donald Whitney
Reaching Beyond Myself 21
Selflessness: Cultivating an Outward Focused Life
Part 2 - By: Bethany

Day 9 The Story of a King

It is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:35b

“I love the story of a king that wanted to show his people how much he loved them. So, he decided
to pay for a great feast for his kingdom. He decided to have a great meal and invite every family.
The king would provide all the meat, all the vegetables, all the desserts… everything. The king
would provide all but the wine. The king asked every family to bring one bottle of their best wine. He
would see that there was a several thousand gallon vat for all to pour in their bottle of wine. What a
feast this would be! The King wanted to honor his people.

One poor farmer decided he would put in his bottle nothing but water, no wine. How would the king
ever know his selfishness? His one bottle of water mixed with thousands of bottles of wine would
never be known. The King would never know. The taste would still be good. So the poor farmer
climbed the stairs to the top of the vat and while no one was looking, he poured his bottle of wine - I
mean his bottle of water - in with the thousands of other wine bottles. No one saw him. He had
fooled everyone there. He laughed. He had gotten away cheap! He sat down at the king’s table
ready for the feast.

The king was so proud as he honored his precious people. He filled his plate with the delicious food.
The king picked up his royal gold chalice and placed it under the spout of the huge vat of wine. The
king looked into his chalice, and to his surprise it was clear, pure water. Apparently everyone in the
kingdom thought their little bottle of water would not matter in the large vat of wine.” 1

Although I’d like to think that I am better than the selfish people in that story, I can be just as guilty.
Instead of giving my King Jesus the best of my life I often give Him my leftovers or worse, I give Him
nothing. From the outside it may appear that you are giving God your best but He knows the truth.
He knows exactly where your heart is. He sees everything. Let’s not pour water into the vat like the
selfish people in the story. Let’s give God our very best today.

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Journal it...
Make it Personal

Are you guilty of being like the people in the story? Do

you put on a good show for your friends but live a selfish
life at home?

Do you think you are giving God the very best of your
life? Why or why not?

In what area of life do you struggle with selfishness the

most? Write down a prayer asking God to help you
overcome this sin.

When we come to the end of life, the question will be,
‘How much have you given?’ not ‘How much have you
gotten?” -George Sweeting

Reaching Beyond Myself 24

Day 10 Money, Success, Fame and Glamour

Know that the Lord, He is God! It is He who made us, and we are His; we are His
people, and the sheep of His pasture. Psalm 100:3

E arlier this year as Kristen and I were preparing for a conference I ran across some interesting
articles online. I wasn’t surprised by what I read; I was just reminded of the crazy world in which we
live. Check it out:

1. On a reality TV show, a girl planning her sixteenth birthday party wants a major road blocked off
so a marching band can precede her grand entrance on a red carpet.
2. It is now possible to hire fake paparazzi to follow you around snapping your photograph when you
go out at night. You can even take home a faux celebrity magazine cover featuring the pictures.
3. A popular song declares, with no apparent sarcasm, "I believe that the world should revolve
around me!"
4. People strive to create a "personal brand" (also called "self-branding"), packaging themselves like
a product to be sold.
5. A popular dance track repeats the words "money, success, fame, glamour" over and over again. 2

Reading through those lines makes me want to laugh. Can they really be serious? Faux magazines,
red carpet and personal branding? Only extreme self-worshipers would do a thing like that, right? I
must admit that these examples are a little extreme. But, when I stop and think about the underlying
issue, I realize that I often struggle with the same things - self-worship and self-promotion. Many
times I lose track of why I exist and for whom I exist. I can get so caught up in my plans, my time,
my agenda, my looks, my friends and my life that I forget my Creator. Jesus Christ is the reason that
I exist. I am here on earth to point others to Him and bring Him glory. I challenge you to slow down
and remember your Creator. Remember that Jesus is the reason for your existence.

Reaching Beyond Myself 25

Journal it...
Make it Personal

Do you ever get caught up in self-promotion and self-


In what specific ways do you you struggle with either of


Using the journal to the left, write down your answer to

these questions: Why do I exist? Who do I exist for?
How can you specifically point someone to Christ

Our culture, even our Christian culture, has a tendency to
encourage us to listen to our fleshly side: ‘Follow your heart!
Pay attention to your emotional and physical needs! Don’t
just meet everyone else’s needs – take time for you! What
do you want out of life? How can you fulfill your destiny?’ All
of these questions cause us to focus inward – on what we
want, what we need, and who we are.” -Leslie Ludy

Reaching Beyond Myself 26

Day 1 For the Next Seven Days Don’t Hit Snooze

Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our
Maker! Psalm 95:6

M y alarm clock goes off interrupting my peaceful beauty sleep. “Can it really be morning already?”
I roll out of bed and turn it off. I sit on the edge of the bed trying to remember why my alarm clock
went off so early and what I have on the agenda for the day. After I get my brains about me I have a
choice to make:

1. Jump out of bed and start my day off in God’s Word.

2. Hit the snooze button and catch a few more minutes of sleep.
3. Check my e-mail, Facebook and Instagram.
4. Anything besides having my devotions.

I’m going to be really honest with you, I don’t always choose number one. There are times that I give
in to my fleshly side and choose pleasing myself rather than pleasing God. I start the day off focused
on myself rather than focused on God. The decision that I choose in the morning really does affect
my entire day. When I start my day off with prayer, thanksgiving and remembering that God is King
of my life, I have the right outlook on the day. I’m not focused on “me,” rather I’m focused on God.

Every day you have a choice to make. Who will be on the throne of your day? You or Christ? If you
choose to start the day focused on your schedule, your friends, your wants, your emotions etc., it
only makes sense that YOU will be the entire focus of your day. Why would Christ be the center of
your day when your morning is all about you?

Human beings by their very nature are worshipers. Worship is not something we do; it defines who
we are. You cannot divide human beings into those who worship and those who don’t. Everybody
worships; it’s just a matter of what, or whom, we serve.

I want to challenge you to think about your average day. Be honest, who is typically on the throne
Reaching Beyond Myself 27
of your day? There can only be one person on the throne. Either you are serving Christ and He is on

Journal it... the throne, or you are serving yourself and you are on the throne. Choose to start your day off right by
putting Christ in His rightful place on the throne. I have a feeling your day will look very different.

Make it Personal

What is the best time for you to have your devotions

tomorrow morning? Stop what you are doing right now,
grab your alarm clock and set it to that time.  

What are some benefits to having your devotions every

single day?

Who can you ask to take the seven day challenge with
you? Will you ask them to join you on the challenge?

Human beings by their very nature are worshipers. Worship is
not something we do; it defines who we are. You cannot
divide human beings into those who worship and those who
don’t. Everybody worships; it’s just a matter of what, or
whom, we serve.” -Paul David Tripp

Reaching Beyond Myself 28

Day 12 He Gave up His Life
For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His
life as a ransom for many. Mark 10:45

I recently read through the story of the Crucifixion in each of the four gospels - Matthew, Mark,
Luke and John. Although I grew up hearing about Jesus’ death and resurrection, it still has an
incredible impact on me every time I read it. I’m shocked as I remember that Jesus, the King of the
universe, came down to earth to give up His life for me - a sinner, a mocker, and totally unworthy. It’s
absolutely mind blowing.

As I read through the story something new jumped out at me. At the very end in John 19 Jesus is in
pain beyond our imagination. He is about to endure a separation from God that is incomprehensible.
But, as He hangs there on the cross He sees His mother, Mary, and says something that blows my
mind. He tells his disciple John to take care of His mother. He tells His mother that John would be
her son and she would be his mother. Stop and think about this with me. Even though Jesus is in
immense pain, hanging on a cross, being mocked by all watching, exposed and humiliated, He is
still focused on others. He takes His eyes off of Himself and focuses on serving and caring for His
mother. Wow! What an example of true service and giving up one’s life. Even in His dying moment
His life was about serving and caring for others.

What an awesome King we serve. He didn’t just give us the Bible and command us to serve Him.
No, He came down to earth to be a living example of what our lives should look like. He personally
experienced the pressure, pain and temptation to focus on self. But what did He do? He lived an
outward focused life and lived for God’s purposes. He humbled Himself and gave up His life out of
love for us. Who wouldn’t want to serve a King like that?

As you start off your day today, I want you to stop and think about the King you are called to serve.
Think about the example that He became for us. He is the ultimate example of love and sacrifice.
Stop for a moment and just praise Him for who He is and what He has done.
Reaching Beyond Myself 29
Journal it...
Make it Personal

When was the last time you thanked Jesus for what He
did for you? Stop and thank Him right now for giving up
His life for you.

Can you think of one person that you can serve today?
How can you serve them?

Go back to the top of the page and slowly re-read

Mark 10:45.

If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice
can be too great for me to make for Him.” -C.T. Studd

Reaching Beyond Myself 30

Day 13 Deny Myself? No Way!
Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after Me, let him deny
himself and take up his cross and follow Me. Matthew 16:24

T he leaves were changing colors, fall was finally here. Kendra had been waiting all summer for
her favorite season to arrive. She loved the cooler weather and change of leaves. Most of all she
loved the Pumpkin Spice Lattes that arrived at Starbucks. Kendra was a coffee connoisseur and a
Pumpkin Spice Latte fanatic. The big day had finally arrived and Kendra was headed to Starbucks
with her mom and younger sister Ashley. They hurried inside and ordered their drinks. Kendra
couldn’t wait to hold that warm cup in her hands and enjoy the first sip. The barista called her name.
She grabbed her drink and headed to the comfy chairs. She was about to take her very first big sip,
when all of a sudden, her little sister Ashley popped up in her face. “Hey! I love Pumpkin Spice
Lattes too. Can I have a sip? Pretty please, pretty please?” Kendra looked at her sister with a sigh of
frustration and told Ashley to bug off. “This is my first Pumpkin Spice Latte of the season. Can’t you
show a little respect and let me enjoy this in peace?! Leave me alone and get your own latte.”

Does this scenario sound familiar to anyone? It sure does to me. Although I’m not a Pumpkin Spice
Latte fanatic, I sure can relate in many other areas. I am a big fan of Peppermint Mochas, good
mascara and Chick-Fil-A nuggets. Sadly, I tend to be a little more like Kendra when it comes to
interruptions in my enjoyment of these things. For example, I was excited to try out a new mascara
product. It was a bit pricey, but I convinced myself that it would be worth the investment. The day
after I bought the mascara, my younger sister told me that her mascara just ran out and asked to
borrow mine. “Ugh, but I just bought this!” I thought to myself. I grudgingly let her borrow it, but was
sure to remind her that she needed to buy more mascara ASAP.

Many times in life we have the opportunity to deny ourselves in the little things and show kindness
and generosity toward others. Too often my response is self-focused and I immediately blurt out an
impatient, rude and unkind answer. Instead of an overall attitude of putting others first, I have an
attitude of putting “me” first. It’s time to take a hint from our Savior Jesus Christ. His entire life was
Reaching Beyond Myself 31
one of self-denial. He did this in the little things and the big things. Amazingly enough He denied

Journal it... himself even to the point of death on the cross. The next time you are tempted to think of yourself
above others, remember what Jesus did.

Make it Personal

What specific things are hard for you to share with

others? Why is it hard for you to share those things?

When was the last time that you showed self-denial?

Was it easy or hard?  

How can you show your family that they are more
valuable than your stuff or things? Write down one way
that you can show your family self-denial today.

I will place no value on anything I have or may possess
except in relation to the kingdom of Christ.” -David

Reaching Beyond Myself 32

Day 14 No More Running. No More Hiding.
Training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-
controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age. Titus 2:12

I t all started when the people of Israel sang out, “Saul has killed his thousands, and David his
ten thousands.” As you can imagine King Saul became outraged over the idea of David being more
highly praised than himself. That was just unacceptable. King Saul decided the best thing for David
would be death. King Saul gathered his men and set out to take care of David once and for all.
Naturally, David took his men and ran away from Saul.

The next part of the story is what absolutely amazes me. David and his men were hiding in the very
back of a cave. Saul had no idea that David was back there and took his own men into the front of
the cave. Wow! What an opportune time for David to strike! He could easily attack Saul and get rid
of him for good. No more running. No more hiding. Peace at last. David knew that God had
appointed Saul as king and would remove him in God’s timing, not David’s timing. Instead of killing
Saul, David simply cut off a piece of Saul’s robe without him knowing. As Saul left the cave, David
came out from behind him. David pleaded with Saul to stop fighting and begged to finally live in

Can you imagine having David’s kind of self-control in a situation like that? David knew that God
was in control and would remove Saul from the throne in God’s perfect timing. David knew that it
was not up to him to kill God’s anointed King, even if his own life was in danger.

That story is an amazing example of someone with a ton of self-control. It’s a story of someone
willing to leave matters in God’s hands and wait for Him to work out the details. Many times you and
I are faced with a situation similar to David‘s. We have a choice to make. Will we take matters into
our own hands or trust in the Lord? I realize our situation may not be quite as life threatening as
David’s, but the choice is still the same. In David’s case he chose to have self-control and to wait
patiently on the Lord’s timing.
Reaching Beyond Myself 33
Journal it...
Make it Personal

Is there a situation in your life that is calling for self-

control and patience on your part?

How can you trust the Lord in that situation?

Look up Proverbs 3:5-6. How can you apply that verse

to your life?

Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known
God.” -Corrie Ten Boom

Reaching Beyond Myself 34

Day 15 Betsie’s Example Still Lives On

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more
significant than yourselves. - Philippians 2:3

C orrie and Betsie Ten Boom had been captured and taken to a Natzi concentration camp. The
conditions were brutal and women were dying every single day. Betsie was losing strength, and
slowly but surely, was heading towards her final days on earth. It was a cold and bitter day in the
camp when the prison guards forced all of the women outside. Betsie had become so ill and frail that
Corrie was carrying her as they walked out into the bitter winds. The women started huddling into a
circle to find warmth from one another. Corrie knew that Betsie would die if she didn’t get warmth in
the middle of the circle. As Corrie started pushing her way towards the middle of the circle, Betsie
grabbed her on the shoulder and said, “No Corrie! Let the other women have the warmth. Take me
to the outside.” Although Corrie didn’t understand Betsie’s selfless attitude, she obeyed and took
Betsie to the outside, allowing the other women to have the warmth.

Although Betsie did eventually die in that concentration camp, the testimony and example that she
left for the rest of the world still lives on. Her attitude was one of gratitude towards God and counting
others as more significant than herself.

As we all know, counting others as more significant than ourselves is not an easy thing to do. Our
natural sinful tendency is to think of ourselves first, and others second. It takes practice in the little
everyday areas of life to focus on others first. I’m super challenged by Betsie, are you?

Reaching Beyond Myself 35

Journal it...
Make it Personal

How can you put yourself second and others first


Are you willing to give up your wants and opinions for

the wants and opinions of others? If not, go back and
read Philippians 2:3 at the top of the page.

How can you make one person feel loved and special
today? Write their name in the column on the left and
what you’ll do for them.

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what
he cannot lose.” -Jim Elliot

Reaching Beyond Myself 36

Pouring into the Younger Generation
Part 3 - By: Kristen

Day 16 Anna’s Life Changing Friend

Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17

S everal years ago I heard a story about a girl named Anna that blew my mind. Anna was
seventeen, pregnant, and completely lost in life. She hit rock bottom and didn’t know where else to
turn except to a small, local church near her house. She hesitantly approached the church doors
wearing skin-tight leather pants and sporting bright orange dyed hair. She finally worked up the
courage to go inside and talk to someone, anyone, who might be able to help her. This was her last-
ditch effort. To her surprise, she was joyfully welcomed with loving, open arms by a middle-aged
woman name Mrs. Carlyle. “Come live with me.” Mrs. Carlyle said with a smile as big as the Grand
Canyon. “I have a lovely home and I would be overjoyed if you would join me for the next year.”
Anna was shocked and didn’t know how to respond. She simply nodded her head and quietly said,
“I would like that very much.”

Mrs. Carlyle was known in her community for taking in at-risk girls and helping them get a better
start in life. She was more than excited to take Anna on as her next challenge.

During the next year Mrs. Carlyle mentored, taught, and built a relationship with Anna like nobody
Anna had ever known before. Mrs. Carlyle homeschooled Anna and helped her pass the GED test
and graduate from high school. She also taught her about God and the amazing gift of Salvation
that He offers to all people. Anna was like a sponge, soaking up everything that Mrs. Carlyle said to
her. By the end of the year Anna had been transformed from a scared, hopeless teenage girl, to a
confident, beautiful, smart, and godly Christian woman. Anna now had a smile of her own the size of
the Grand Canyon. She felt more hope for her life than she had ever known.

It wasn’t long before a certain young gentleman began to notice this new, godly young woman.
Within a year this amazing guy fell so in love with the character and inner beauty of Anna that he
asked her to become his wife. Who was this godly guy? None other than the very son of Mrs.
Carlyle. Not only did Mrs. Carlyle mentor and disciple Anna in to a godly woman, she also gained a
Reaching Beyond Myself daughter in the process. What an incredible story! 38
Anna’s life was radically changed forever because of one woman. One woman who decided to take

Journal it... someone everyone else thought was ruined, and turn her into someone beautiful. This true story
displays the amazing power of discipleship, and that’s exactly what we’re going to focus on over the
next few days!

Make it Personal

Do you know someone who’s life has been completely

transformed as a result of someone else pouring into
them? If so, what happened?

What do you think would have happened to Anna if

Mrs. Carlyle didn’t disciple her?

Has anyone ever made an impact on your life, big or

small? How did that affect you?

No one can sum up all God is able to accomplish through
one solitary life, wholly yielded, adjusted, and obedient to
Him.” -D.L. Moody

Reaching Beyond Myself 39

Day 17 The Exciting Topic of Discipleship
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations... teaching them to observe all
that I have commanded you. Matthew 28:19a, 20a

Y esterday’s story about Anna and Mrs. Carlyle is the perfect example of the power of
discipleship. We hear the term “discipleship” at church but do we really know what it means? Do we
really care? Personally, I didn’t care a whole lot about discipleship until I began to understand how
important it was. Why is it important to you as a young woman? Because, if you’re a Christian (any
age or gender) God commands you to become a discipler and to be discipled.

What is discipleship? Discipleship is the process of one person mentoring and teaching another.
Mrs. Carlyle was discipling and mentoring Anna. Do you remember the 12 Disciples of Jesus from
the Bible? They were called the disciples because they were being taught and mentored by Jesus.
One of the last things Jesus told His disciples before He left the earth was to “Go therefore and
make disciples of all nations... teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” (Matthew

Who is a disciple? If you claim to be a Christian, guess what? You are a disciple of Jesus! As
followers of Christ, you and I are commanded to become like Him. We must spend our lives learning
from Jesus and all that He taught in the Bible. Jesus is our teacher, and we will never graduate from
becoming more like Christ.

Who is called to disciple others? Some Christians think that discipling others is only for people who
have the “spiritual gift” of discipleship. The truth is, there is no such thing as a special “gift” for
discipleship. If you’re a Christian, you are automatically a disciple of Christ, and God commands you
to “go and make disciples of others” (Mat. 28:19,20). That means you and I are called to mentor and
teach other girls.

What exactly does discipleship look like? Well, Jesus is the perfect example to us of what discipling
Reaching Beyond Myself others should look like. So how did He do it? Jesus was a conversationalist, and that’s how he 40
taught. He asks us to make disciples as He did, one conversation, one relationship at a time. Making

Journal it... disciples is about building authentic relationships and helping other girls follow Jesus through heart-to-
heart talks and committed friendships.

Whether you’re twelve years old or twenty-five, God commands you to mentor and disciple others.
This may be a foreign topic to you, but don’t worry! It’s an exciting one and we’re going to cover more
of it, including practical tips on how to make it happen in your life. If Mrs. Carlyle didn’t take the
command of discipleship seriously in her own life, Anna would have been a hopeless, lost girl for a
very long time... maybe even forever.

Make it Personal

On the left in your own words, write down what you

think the definition of discipleship is.

What does it mean to you personally to “be a disciple

of Christ?”

Can you think of a person you know who is good at

discipling others? How do they do it?

“ What [others] most need is to see in you a reflection of what

God is like and of the transforming power of the Gospel.
Your life can create hunger and thirst for God in others' lives
and can be a powerful instrument in the hand of the Holy
Spirit to draw their hearts to Christ.” -Nancy Leigh Demoss

Reaching Beyond Myself 41

Day 18 Why is Discipleship so Important?
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has
no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

A fter yesterday’s lesson you might be thinking something like, “Okay, I get the point that God
commands Christians to make disciples, but is it really that important?” Don’t worry, I asked those
same questions too. Is discipleship really that important? Well, let’s think about it. Imagine with me
for a moment what a world without any discipleship would look like.

First of all, we can erase the 12 Disciples of Jesus from history, because without discipleship they
would have been nothing. The apostle Paul from the New Testament wouldn’t have written 1st and
2nd Timothy and 1st and 2nd Corinthians without discipleship because he was teaching, mentoring,
and discipling throughout those awesome books. Have you ever been to a Bible study that you
enjoyed? Without discipleship there wouldn’t be any Bible studies because there wouldn’t be a
leader (discipler) to teach them.

You see, if we disregard discipleship as unimportant and useless, we throw a lot of other necessary
things out the window too. I hope by now you can see that discipleship is not only commanded, but
MUCH needed. So where do you fall in this mix?

Whether you know a lot about the Bible or not, chances are there’s someone in your life who knows
even less than you. Discipleship isn’t as scary and intimidating as you might be thinking.
Discipleship is simply YOU reaching out to another GIRL and building a relationship with her.
An even better place to start is right in your own family. Do have any younger siblings? If so, God
placed you where you are in that family for a reason. One of your jobs is to teach and disciple the
siblings under you. Start by building a relationship with them.

Ask them questions about what they like and don’t like. Ask them questions about the Bible. Read
the Bible with them, or challenge them to memorize Scripture with you. There are a million ways you
can go about discipling someone and we’ll cover more over the next few days.
Reaching Beyond Myself 42
For now, I want you to think about the siblings that God has placed in your life. What can can you
Journal it... do to have a spiritual impact on their life?

Make it Personal

Has there been anyone in your life who has taken the
time to get to know you? What did that look like?

If you have siblings, have you taken the time to

influence them spiritually? Why or why not?

What steps of action can you take today to begin

building a stronger relationship with your siblings?

We believe that making disciples should be the work of all
believers. No one is excluded. Whether one is a
schoolteacher, construction worker, pastor, bank manager,
politician, or stay-at-home mom, the priority of their life
must be to train other learners of Christ.” -Craig Mosgrove

Reaching Beyond Myself 43

Day 19 The Sad Story of Chelsea Barnes
Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of
counselors there is safety. Proverbs 11:14

C helsea Barnes is the happiest kid at church on Sunday mornings. She has the biggest smile
and loves sitting on the front row. She has a great family with a dad and a mom who love her dearly,
and at 8 years old, she’s bubbly and a joy to be around.

A few more years pass by, and 14 year old Chelsea is still attending the same church with her
family. She has a smile on, although it’s not as big now. She has friends at church, but they’re all as
shallow as she is. Deep and meaningful conversations never arise between her and her peers.

Chelsea is a thinker, and has a million questions about life and what her purpose is as a girl. From
the outside, she looks as good as any other girl in church, but on the inside, Chelsea is struggling.
She feels insecure about her body, she thinks she’s ugly and views herself as a dumb person. Her
bubbly, childhood personality is beginning to change. She sees the supermodels on the front of
magazine covers and wonders why she isn’t as pretty as they are. She sees the romance and
artificial love in Hollywood movies and begins dreaming up her own “love” story. She takes careful
note of the pop culture fashion and concludes that being a girl means dressing seductively. All of
these thoughts and feelings swirl around in Chelsea’s mind. She keeps them to herself not realizing
how drastically different her worldview is becoming.

Several more years pass by and Chelsea is now graduating from high school. Her smile is all but
gone, and her feelings and thoughts have only intensified.

One day, without telling anyone, she packs up her things and moves out. The guy she recently met
online invited her to come live with him. She’s been longing for some adventure and romance and is
hopeful that he might be her Hollywood dream. Her sudden action not only shocked her parents, but
everyone in her small town. With great sadness and confusion everyone wondered what happened
to the bubbly, joyful child they once saw sitting on the front row in church.
Reaching Beyond Myself 44
Chelsea is the perfect example of what can happen to a girl when she doesn’t have discipleship in

Journal it... her life. One older girl willing to take the time to build a genuine relationship with Chelsea could
have redirected the entire course of her life. When we aren’t intentionally seeking out godly
influences and accountability we can begin to drift south without even realizing it. No matter how old
you are, you need to be on the lookout for younger girls you can influence and disciple. You also
need to find an older girl or woman who can disciple and influence you. Discipleship is a key
ingredient in the Christian life.

Make it Personal

Are you currently being discipled by a godly woman? If

not, do you know anyone who could take on that role
in your life?

On the left, write down a list of three godly woman that

you personally know. Pray for several days about your
list, then ask one of those women if she would be willing
to disciple you.

Disciples are not manufactured wholesale. They are
produced only one by one, because someone has taken the
pains to disciple, to instruct and enlighten, to nurture and
train one that is younger.” -Oswald Sanders

Reaching Beyond Myself 45

Day 20 Stepping out of Your Comfort Zone
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of
God's varied grace. 1 Peter 4:10

W ithout a doubt, discipleship will require you to step out of your comfort zone. If you’re in need of
a godly woman to disciple you, don’t sit around expecting her to come knocking on your door. You
need to take the first step or it may never happen. Yes, in a perfect world she would call you up and
say, “Hey, I would love to start mentoring you and pouring into your life.” Unfortunately, we live in a
world that’s not even close to perfect, so we have to be proactive.

It’s the same way if you’re hoping to do some discipleship for a younger girl. Don’t expect her to
come knocking on your door asking you to become her mentor. These things usually don’t work this
way. If you don’t get proactive about discipleship now, you will spend your entire life “waiting” for
something to happen - but it probably never will. Here are some common excuses we make for
avoiding the whole discipleship scene (I have made many of these myself):

• It’s not comfortable for me.

• Creating a conversation doesn’t come naturally for me.
• I don’t know any younger girls that need to be discipled. (None? Siblings?)
• I don’t know any older women who would disciple me (Really? Have you asked them?)
• I’m too young to disciple anyone.
• I’m serving in other ministries.
• I just don’t have the time.
• I’m not a people-person.

Have you made any of these excuses in your mind when it comes to discipleship? Are you staying
inside of your comfort zone because of one of these excuses? Like I said at the beginning,
discipleship isn’t a comfortable thing for most people. It’s a learned and practiced skill and it begins
by stepping outside of your comfort zone.
Reaching Beyond Myself 46
And by the way, a discipleship relationship doesn’t have to take place in person. You can mentor, or
Journal it... be mentored, by someone over the phone, through Skype, or email. Pouring into a younger girl’s
life is about influencing her towards godliness. Doing it in person is easier, but it can take place in a
variety of ways thanks to technology.

Being a good communicator and a great conversationalist is key to becoming an effective discipler.
Tomorrow I’m going to give you some practical tips on how to become just that - a great

Make it Personal

From the list above, how many of those excuses do you

struggle with? What are your biggest fears about
discipleship? Write them down.

Pray and ask God to show you why you have those
fears. Ask Him to give you boldness and strength to rise
above your fears and insecurities.

Are you willing to obey God’s command and step out

of your comfort zone?

Some say if only my fears and doubts will leave then I will get
to work. But instead you should get to work and then your
fears and doubts will leave.” -D.L. Moody

Reaching Beyond Myself 47

Day 21 Three Keys to Great Relationships
Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know
how you ought to answer each person. Colossians 4:6

T here’s an old saying which says, “He who asks the questions controls the conversation.” The
best way to get to know someone is to simply ask good questions. The best way to point out truth in
someone’s life is by asking questions. Improving your communication skills will not only make you a
more likable person, it will take your relationships to the next level. Tedd Tripp nailed it when he said,
“The finest art of communication is not learning how to express your thoughts. It is learning how to
draw out the thoughts of another.” 1

Here are three practical, and highly effective tools to becoming a great communicator. If you practice
them, you will become a better conversationalist than most people in the world.

1. Ask Purposeful Questions:

• Ask open-ended questions. This keeps the conversation running smoothly: “What do you like about
the ministry you work in?” “What kinds of hobbies do you enjoy?” “What keeps you busy each day?”
• Be genuinely interested in the person. “Who is this person? What’s on her mind? What does she
enjoy doing? What motivates her in life?”

2. Listen - Be Attentive:
• Nothing will kill a conversation faster than an inattentive listener.
• Don’t interrupt. Interrupting someone is a big sign of poor listening skills.
• Make Eye Contact. Maintaining eye contact, nodding your head, and showing physical signs of
interest makes the other person feel valued and cared about.

3. Comment to Create Conversation:

•Keep a conversation going by commenting on interesting things.
“I read about Joseph in my Bible this morning and learned things I had never noticed before.” “I
watched a really interesting documentary the other night about media and entertainment.”
Reaching Beyond Myself 48
• Awkward moments happen to everyone. When you hit that invisible “wall” with someone and you
Journal it... can’t think of anything else to say, pull from your reserve. Memorize several good questions and
use them if you get desperate.

I encourage you to start practicing these three tips today - in your next conversation. Good
communication skills can be learned; but like most things in life, it must be done purposefully.

Make it Personal

Do you add value to a conversation by asking good

questions of the other person?

Are you an attentive listener? Do your eyes stay

focused on the person you’re talking to?

How do your current conversation skills measure up to

the three skills I mentioned?

Write this down: Meaningful questions lead to better

conversations, which lead to deeper relationships,
which result in the perfect setup for discipleship.

Authentic communication is much more than just talking. It
is understanding and being understood; identifying a tone
of voice; detecting nonverbal cues; knowing what to say,
when to say it and how to say it; and much more.” -Dennis
Reaching Beyond Myself 49
Day 22 Pouring Into the Next Generation
But be doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.
James 1:22

U p to this point, I haven’t mentioned the most important discipleship tool yet, and that is the
help and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Yeah, sure, you might become the best communicator on the
planet, but without God’s strength and wisdom, your discipleship will be in vain. The Holy Spirit is
the power source inside of us.

I like how Michael Henderson describes this truth in his book, One Conversation at a Time. “One of
my favorite stories is about a vacuum cleaner salesman making calls in the mountains of Eastern
Kentucky. He drove up inland to the head of a hollow and knocked on the door of a mountain cabin.
When the lady of the house answered the door, he pushed his way inside without even giving her a
chance to say ‘howdy’ and dumped a large bag of dirt on the linoleum floor. ‘Madam,’ he announced,
‘if my Ace Vacuum Cleaner can’t suck all this dirt up in one minute, I’ll give you $20!’ To this the
woman replied, ‘Good luck, Sonny. We ain’t got no ‘lectric.’” 2

Without God’s help, we’re exactly like the vacuum cleaner salesman. He had all the right tools and
resources to make a great sale, but he was missing the most important part - the power. That’s
exactly what happens when we try to disciple and mentor other people without the power of the Holy
Spirit. Before I go in somewhere to meet up with a girl, I pray in my car for God’s wisdom and
strength during our conversation. I ask God for guidance to know what to say and how to say it. I
always need the power of the Holy Spirit when I’m discipling someone.

Okay, now that you understand the importance of relying on God’s power during discipleship, are
you ready to put your learning into action? Here are a few practical steps of action you can take to
begin a discipleship relationship(s).

• Get a Christian DVD Bible study series and invite a few girls over to your house one night/
Reaching Beyond Myself afternoon a week and go through it together. 50
• Pick out an inspiring book and read it together. Talk about it (phone or in person) once a week. A
Journal it... lot of books come with book studies.
• Invite a girl to coffee and begin building a relationship with her.
• Ask a younger girl if she wants to be your accountability partner (i.e. quiet time, school work,
music practice, verse memory, etc.)
• Invite a girl over to your house to spend the day with you.

Here is my Discipleship Challenge to you: Find ONE girl who is less spiritually mature than you.
Use one (or all) of the methods from above to begin building a friendship/discipleship relationship
with her. You will be amazed as you watch God grow and challenge both of you throughout the
entire process. Discipleship is one of the biggest ways that God calls us to Reach Beyond

Make it Personal

Do you spend time learning from the Ultimate Mentor,

God? If not, make your relationship with God your first
priority by studying the Bible and praying every day.

Did you take the Discipleship Challenge? We hope so!

Write down the name of the girl you will begin to
disciple on the left side. Begin praying for her everyday,
starting now.

Write a date on your calendar for when you will

contact this girl. You don’t have to tell her up front that
you want to disciple her. Just invite her over and begin
building a relationship with her.

Reaching Beyond Myself 51

Serving God to the Max Right Now
Part 4 - By: Bethany

Day 23 Who are You Spending Time with?
And this is eternal life, that they may know you the only true God, and Jesus
Christ whom You have sent. John 17:3

L ast week I asked a group of thirty, 3rd-6th grade girls if they loved Jesus. All hands immediately
flew in the air. “Yes! We loves Jesus!” I then asked them if they wanted to be like Jesus. Again, all
hands flew in the air. “Yes! We want to be like Jesus!” I wasn't surprised by the girls’ answers, in fact
I fully expected them to say “yes” to both questions.

Next I had the girls pull out their Bibles and look up a couple of verses to affirm the answers that
they had just given me. We started with Deuteronomy 6:5 which commands us to “Love God with all
of our heart, soul, mind and strength.” Next we looked up Ephesians 5:1-2 which tells us to “be
imitators of God.” Lastly we looked up 1st Peter 1:16 which says, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”

The girls and I had some great discussion about what those verses meant. We came to realize that
those verses were not suggestions or ideas, but commands. God didn’t say, “If you feel like it, be
holy” or, “If you feel like it, love God.” No way! Each of those verses gave direction and a command
for what our lives as Christian girls ought to look like. That means if we truly love Jesus, we will
imitate Him and be holy like He is holy.

Maybe this whole “loving Jesus” thing and wanting to be like Him was more of a commitment than
just raising their hands and saying “yes.” It’s easy to raise your hand and say “yes” to loving Jesus.
It’s easy to say that you want to be like Him. But in reality, do you backup your words with actions?

I gave the girls a simple illustration that helped to bring this entire thought together. I pointed to my
younger sister Ellissa and asked them what I should do if I wanted to be just like Ellissa? If I wanted
to know everything about her, what she likes, dislikes, etc., what should I do? One girl wisely
answered, “You should spend lots of time with her.” That’s exactly right! If I am hoping to imitate
someone and be like them the obvious answer is that I should spend tons of time with them. So,
Reaching Beyond Myself doesn’t it only make sense to conclude that if we truly love Jesus and want to be like Him we 53
should spend lots of time with Him? How else in the world do we expect to be like Him if we don’t

Journal it... know Him personally? I think it’s time you and I took a step back and asked ourselves if our actions
truly back up our words.

Make it Personal

Do you love Jesus? Do you want to be like Him? If not,


Can you prove by your actions that you love Jesus and
want to be like Him? How can you prove that?

Do you spend time with Jesus on a regular basis? How

much time have you spent with Him over the past five

You become like the people you spend time with, so spend
time with Jesus and you will become like Him.” -Kristen Clark

Reaching Beyond Myself 54

Day 24 She Didn’t Know Him
Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing
Christ Jesus my Lord. Philippians 3:8a

T rue Story #1 - Lisa grew up in an average Christian home. She attended Sunday church with
her family, youth group midweek and served in Bible clubs when the opportunities were available.
Lisa appeared to have the Christian life figured out - that is, until she graduated high school. As she
began to pick out her friends, decide her own schedule and live for her own desires, things started to
go down hill. Lisa turned into a Sunday only Christian. She went to church on Sundays and then
lived like the rest of the world Monday through Saturday.

True Story #2 - Kristina had everything a Christian girl needed to live a successful spiritual life. She
went to an incredible church, had involved parents, chose great friends and even went on mission
trips. Sadly, as Kristina graduated high school and then college, her life started to unravel. Instead of
holding on to and living out everything she had learned growing up, Kristina threw a lot of it out the
window. Strangely enough, she even seemed uncomfortable discussing Christian topics.

The list goes on, and on, and on. It has happened to girls I’ve watched grow up, girls I grew up with
and girls my sisters grew up with. It seems like the percentage of girls who grow up and continue to
live out their life as strong Christian young women are few and far between. I look around at my
generation of girls who were raised as “Christians” and wonder why they ditched their faith. What
happened to their faith? Do they even love God anymore?

After thinking it through, I’ve figured out one thing that each of these girls has in common. Not one of
them has a strong personal day-to-day relationship with Christ. I’m not saying they aren’t Christians,
I’m just saying that in every case the girl was missing a deep, intimate relationship with Jesus. Yes,
they knew about Him, but they didn’t take the time to personally know Him.

I said something like this in yesterday’s devotional, but I want to say it again. To know God we have
to spend time with God. It isn’t enough to go to church on Sundays. It isn’t enough to have Christian
Reaching Beyond Myself 55
parents. It isn’t enough to go to church youth group. If you want to live a long, authentic, passionate

Journal it... Christian lifestyle, you need to personally know your Savior Jesus Christ.

If you want to avoid becoming the next Kristina or Lisa I highly recommend making a plan to get into
the Word. Spend time in prayer. Memorize scripture. Do whatever it takes to build that relationship with
your Savior Jesus Christ.

Make it Personal

Using the journal on the left, write down exactly how

many minutes you spend in prayer every day.

Next, write down how many minutes you spend in the

Bible every day.

Are you proud of your previous two answers? How can

you improve those answers?

The time you spend alone with God will transform your
character and increase your devotion. Then your integrity
and godly behavior in an unbelieving world will make others
long to know the Lord.” -Charles Stanley

Reaching Beyond Myself 56

Day 25 A Girl Named Casey
As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for You, O God.
Psalm 42:1

C asey was a sweet girl with a rough life. Casey grew up in a family that appeared to have it all
together on the outside, but was struggling big time on the inside. Although Casey’s family situation
was anything but ideal, she didn’t use that as an excuse to neglect her relationship with God. Casey
was wise beyond her years and decided to turn to God in the midst of her family struggles. She
chose to spend the best hours of her morning studying Scripture and learning the truths of God’s
Word. Through years and years of studying God’s Word, praying and memorizing scripture, Casey
has grown passionate about serving God and living her life in a way that pleases Him.

Think with me for a minute about Casey’s life. What would have happened to Casey if she had
neglected her relationship with God? I’m guessing she would probably be a bitter young woman
looking to guys, money, and/or drugs for temporary relief and happiness. Instead, her decision to fill
her mind with Scripture has completely altered the course of her life. Casey is now a beautiful,
happily married Christian woman, living every day to honor her Savior Jesus Christ.

I am so convicted by Casey’s story. I have to remember that, despite my circumstances, I have to

make the daily decision to pick up my Bible and study it. I have a choice to either strengthen and
build my love for God by studying His Word, or lose that love by filling my mind with other things. It
doesn’t happen by accident. You will either have a passionate love for God because you spend time
with Him, or you will ignore Him and His Word and then wonder why you have no lasting desire for
spiritual things.

I challenge you to evaluate your life and see what excuses you have made. Why haven’t you spent
more time praying, studying Scripture and memorizing God’s Word? The next time you make an
excuse remind yourself of Casey. Remember that her passion and love for God didn’t just appear
overnight. It took hours upon hours of spending time with her Savior. Despite her circumstances she
made time for the one thing that would bring her true satisfaction and lasting happiness.
Reaching Beyond Myself 57
Journal it...
Make it Personal

Do you turn to God and the Bible during hard times or,
do you turn to temporary pleasures? Why?

Have you used your circumstances as an excuse for

ignoring your relationship with God? Can you think of
any specifics?

How did Casey’s story challenge and encourage you?

I have one desire now - to live a life of reckless abandon for
the Lord, putting all my energy and strength into it.
-Elisabeth Elliot

Reaching Beyond Myself 58

Day 26 One Tragic Day in February
Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you
are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. James 4:14

M arcus was one of those guys that everyone seemed to like. He was a kind, sweet, gentlemanly,
parent-loving high schooler. Kristen and I got to know Marcus and his family through our local
homeschool basketball program. Marcus was on the varsity team and his younger siblings and
parents were always hanging out at the gym. They were one of those families that had an obvious
love for one another. I remember being so impressed by this family’s outward love for each other.
The sons weren’t embarrassed to hug their dad goodbye or kiss their mom on the cheek when she
left. For a teenage guy in this day and age that’s a pretty big deal.

Sadly, one tragic day in February, everything changed. My dad and brother were at the gym when it
happened and called us immediately. Marcus was in the middle of basketball practice when all of the
sudden he dropped flat on the floor and stopped breathing or moving. The ambulance arrived within
minutes and rushed him off to the hospital. Sadly there was nothing they could do. Marcus had died
instantly on the basketball court. His earthly life had come to an end. He had no idea that day, when
he walked out of his house, that it would be the last day he would walk on this earth. He had no idea
that when he kissed his mom goodbye, it would be the last kiss he would ever give her. He had no
idea when he walked in the gym that night and started playing basketball that he would lay dead on
the court just an hour later.

The hours, weeks and months that followed Marcus’ death were extremely hard for Kristen and me.
We had grown so close to his family and were grieved by the pain that they were enduring. Although
the situation was harder than anything we could imagine, we were so grateful to know that Marcus
was a Christian and would spend eternity in Heaven.

Through Marcus’ death I was challenged to evaluate my own life. What if I died today? Would I be
ready? Have I lived a life that would qualify me as “a good and faithful servant?” Marcus left behind
Reaching Beyond Myself a beautiful testimony, challenging all of us to pursue Christ more. Would people be able to say the 59
same about me? I want to challenge you to think about your life and keep in mind these three

Journal it... important points:

1. We aren’t guaranteed another day to live.

2. The only time we are guaranteed is right now.
3. We have to begin using our time to serve the Lord today.

Make it Personal

If you died today, would you leave a godly testimony

behind? Why would it or why wouldn’t it be godly?

Do you live with James 4:14 in mind? How should that

verse affect your life?

Do you personally know anyone that has died? What

kind of legacy did they leave behind?

When the time comes to die, make sure that all you have
to do is die!” -Jim Elliot

Reaching Beyond Myself 60

Day 27 I’ll Serve God When I get Married
Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the
best use of the time, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15-16

S ophie was positive that she would get married at a fresh young age of 18 or 19. She had her
life completely planned out. She would finish high school, read some solid Christian books, spend
time with family, hang out with friends in the community and then meet “prince charming” and fall in
love. She decided that once she got married, had a husband to love and kids to raise, then she
would start serving God. It would happen so soon, why think about ministry and serving God now?
In her mind 18 was just around the corner and then marriage, kids and ”boom!” - she would have a
full blooming ministry.

Well, 18 has come and gone as well as 19, 20, 21 and so on. Marriage hasn’t happened for Sophie
and now she is starting to regret her way of thinking. Sophie is well into her late twenties and has
wasted a lot of time. Instead of wisely using all the years and time that God has given her as a
single girl, she has mostly spent them on innocent pursuits. Traveling, visiting friends, reading and
just living life. Sophie had spent the majority of her life planning to serve God “when.” When she got
married. When she had kids. When she had a home of her own. Instead of living every day to the
fullest, using the gifts and talents God had given her, Sophie had wasted some of her most valuable

Thankfully, Sophie isn’t too late. Instead of waiting around for life to change she has decided that
now is the time. She doesn’t know if marriage is a part of God’s plan for her, but marriage isn’t
necessary to serve Him now. Her mindset has changed and she now views her single years as a
valuable time. Sadly, Sophie can’t go back in time and gather up all of her lost opportunities. But,
she can make a difference from this point forward.

Many times we get caught up in the lie from satan that says “If I only had_________ then I could
serve the Lord.”
Reaching Beyond Myself 61
If only I had a good singing voice then I could serve the Lord.

Journal it... If only I were popular then I could serve the Lord.
If only I were married then I could serve the Lord.
If only I had different friends then I could serve the Lord.
If only I could play an instrument then I could serve the Lord.
If only I had more time than I could serve the Lord.

Don’t believe the lie that you could serve God “if.” You can serve Him right now with the exact gifts and
talents He has given you and nothing else. Don’t waste another minute believing the “if only” lies.

Make it Personal

Are you guilty of waiting for the future like Sophie did? In
what ways are you guilty?

How can you serve God now with exactly what He has
given you?

What “If only” lies have you believed? How are they
holding you back from serving the Lord today?

Excuses to serve the Lord never cut it in God’s book. He has
given you exactly what you need to serve Him right where
you are.” -Bethany Baird

Reaching Beyond Myself 62

Day 28 What Does it Take to Become One of the Few?
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of
your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is
good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2

A few summers ago I hosted a simulcast conference at my church. The simulcast was put on by
Leslie Ludy over at Set Apart Girl Ministries. As she was speaking she mentioned this idea of
“becoming one of the few.”1 She said that in every generation there are only a few girls willing to
give up their lives for Christ. There are only a few girls who are willing to give up the world’s ideas
and follow the Bible’s. There are only a few girls willing to give up their life plans in exchange for
Christ’s plan.

Leslie then asked us if we wanted to be one of the few in our generation. As I listened I decided that
I wanted to be one of the few. I wanted to be one of the girls who gave it all for Christ. But how?
What does it take to become one of the few in our generation? I think it takes a girl who is willing to
do these three things:

1. Willing to live a countercultural life.

2. Willing to embrace God’s idea of biblical womanhood.
3. Willing to serve God to the max exactly where He has you right now.

Are you willing to do those three things and become one of the few in your generation? A friend of
mine has chosen to completely embrace those three statements and has truly become one of the
few in her generation. Rachel lives a completely countercultural lifestyle. She is committed to purity
both physically and emotionally. She is serious about taking every thought captive to the obedience
of Christ. She has willingly given up her own desires for the future and instead seeks out God’s plan.
She is committed to understanding and living out God’s design for her as girl. Rachel is also an
incredible example of a girl willing to serve God exactly where He has her. She has chosen to invest
in the kids and young ladies in the community and uses her time to point them towards Christ.
Reaching Beyond Myself 63
In our generation a girl like Rachel is truly “one of the few.” Her life is totally different than 99% of girls,

Journal it... even Christian girls, in this generation. Thankfully you have an opportunity right now to make some
changes. You don’t have to continue on living life like the other girls around you. You can become like
my friend Rachel and be known as a girl who loves God with all of her heart, soul, mind and strength.
The choice is yours. Will you be one of the many or one of the few?

Make it Personal

If you continue to live the way that you are living right
now, will you be known as one of the many or as one of
the few?

Are you living according the three points I listed above?

Which areas are in need of some change?

What is holding you back from becoming a

countercultural girl for Christ?

The most beautiful women I've ever observed are those that
have exchanged a self-focused life for a Christ-focused
one. They are confident, but not in themselves. Instead of
self-confidence, they radiate with Christ-confidence.”
-Leslie Ludy

Reaching Beyond Myself 64

Day 29 Opportunities Right in Front of Your Nose
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.
Colossians 3:23

J amie and Holly are sisters who have truly caught the vision of serving God exactly where He
has them. Instead of running off to pursue the “spotlight,” this set of sisters decided to take
advantage of an opportunity right in front of their noses. They realized that their mom had a ton on
her plate with homeschooling, helping her husband and running the house. They talked it over and
decided to completely take on the meal planning, shopping, and cooking for their family. It lifted a
huge job off of their mom’s shoulders which enabled her to serve her family in other ways. Jamie
and Holly are great examples of girls taking full advantage of the opportunities directly in front of

It can be so easy to want to run off and fill the big position that receives lots of high-fives and big
accolades. But what about the opportunities right in your own backyard? What about the people
around you? How can you take advantage of the opportunities that God has placed in your very own
family and community?

Another great example of a girl willing to use her time to serve those around her is my younger
sister, Ellissa. She has decided to offer free babysitting for young married couples. A lot of young
couples don’t have much money which can make it difficult to go out on date nights. Babysitter fees
can add up quickly. So, Ellissa has chosen to bless these couples by babysitting their kids for free
so that they can recharge their marriage with an evening out. What a cool way to help those around

Here is my challenge. Before running off to find opportunities in other cities and with other people,
look at your own family and city. God has placed you there for a reason. I’m sure if you looked into it
you would find dozens of opportunities to serve God right where He has you.

Reaching Beyond Myself Let me give you some other ideas to help get your thoughts flowing. Here are some suggestions: 65
1. Volunteer at a pro-life center.

Journal it... 2. Offer free babysitting for married couples. I know plenty of young couples who would be so
blessed by free babysitting.
3. Homeschool younger siblings.
4. Plan special field trips for your siblings and other kids in the community.
5. Teach an instrument.
6. Host a Bible study.
7. Help in your dad’s business if you can.
8. Visit elderly people in nursing homes.
9. Offer free photography.
10. Mail encouraging notes, call grandparents, etc.

I’m sure you could add a bunch more onto that list as well. I want to encourage you look at the local
opportunities before you search anywhere else. God had a reason and purpose for putting you in your
family, church, city, school, etc. Don’t miss the opportunities to serve God where He has you right now.

Make it Personal

What are some other ideas that you can add to that list

Out of the ten ideas listed, can you do any of those

right now? If so, do them!

Go back and reread the list. What legitimate excuses

do you have for not doing at least one of those?

There is no ideal place to serve God except the place

where He has set you down.” -Eric Alexander
Reaching Beyond Myself 66
Day 30 Reaching Beyond Myself
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these
things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33

B etsie Ten Boom lived her life putting others’ needs above her own. Even as she sat in that
concentration camp, dying, she put her needs second to everyone else’s. (Day 15)

Marcus lived a countercultural life. He didn’t let the standard for the average guy get in the way. He
loved God and loved his family. He left a lasting legacy that challenges his friends, even to this day.
(Day 26)

David was running for his life. He was being hunted down by King Saul who wanted nothing more
than David dead and gone forever. When David had the easy opportunity to kill Saul he didn’t. He
instead chose to trust in God to remove Saul from the throne when God saw fit. (Day 14)

Mrs. Carlyle took the time to invest in a lost, scared, pregnant single girl’s life. She chose to look
past her outward appearance and see a girl in need of the Savior Jesus. Through long hours of
loving discipleship, Anna’s life was changed forever. All because one woman took time to invest in
her life. (Day 16)

Jesus hung on the cross for the sins of the world. Even in those horrific dying moments, He made
sure that His mother Mary was taken care of. His life was the ultimate example of serving and living
for others. (Day 12)

Those are just a few of the incredible people that we’ve talked about over the past thirty days. The
list could go on and on with stories of guys and girls who chose to live out the title of this devotional,
“Reaching Beyond Myself.” What a challenge to live our life for something bigger than ourselves. I
want to be like those faithful men and women listed above, who chose to live their life for a greater
purpose. What a beautiful legacy they have left behind for each one of us to learn from.

Reaching Beyond Myself 67

We pray that as you finish this thirty-day devotional, you will think about the future and think about the
legacy that you want to leave behind. We pray that you will make the choice to “become one of the
Journal it... few” in this generation by living a God honoring, countercultural life. This could be an incredible
landmark in your life. Today could be the day that you choose to live for something bigger than

Make it Personal
Over the past thirty-days, what lessons have stood out
to you the most?

In what areas of your life has God convicted you to

grow and change?

What changes (big or small) will you purpose to make in

your life to become a more godly girl?

Make the prayer below a daily theme of your life. Write

it down on a piece of paper and pray through it every
day. Your heart and mind will be transformed as you
meditate on these self-sacrificing words:

“Lord, I give up all my own plans and purposes

All my own desires and hopes and accept Thy will
for my life. I give myself, my life, my all
Utterly to Thee to be Thine forever.
Fill me and seal me with Thy Holy Spirit
Use me as Thou wilt, send me where Thou wilt
And work out Thy whole will in my life at any cost
now and forever.” -Betty Scott Stam 2
Reaching Beyond Myself 68
on completing this 30 Day Devotional!

{Now go and Reach Beyond Yourself}

Authors’ Bio
H ey there! We are two sisters from the southern state of Texas, just enjoying life and spreading
truth. Being less than 2 years apart in age, we’ve been best friends since the day that we met back
in 1988. As we grew older, our family grew larger in number and we grew taller in height. We truly
are the land of the giants with eight out of the ten family members being over six feet tall. We are
often referred to as “that tall blonde family.” No we are not Norwegian or Swedish but our
Grandmother is from Austria!

When we were younger our parents decided to put our height to use and quickly involved us in
basketball. We became basketball fanatics from middle school to high school but decided to leave
Bethany Kristen our shoes on the court after high school and shift our time and talents in a new direction.
After high school one of the opportunities that came knocking on our door was modeling. We knew
that the modeling industry wasn’t a great “Christian environment” (to say the least) but we wondered
if there was some way we could avoid the raunchiness and still become models. Well, we both tried
out different agencies and were disappointed to discover that modesty, purity and high moral
standards were not in the modeling vocabulary.

As we’ve grown older, we’ve both come to the realization that being a girl in this modern world can
be a confusing thing. We have discovered that most girls, even Christian girls, have no idea why
they were created, what their purpose is, what it means to be a wife and mother someday, and the
value of sexual purity. Something needed to be done. Girls needed truth and so few were leading
the way and offering direction. Hmmmm…maybe that was our calling. We prayed, talked, prayed,
talked and here we are today. We don’t have all the answers, and we most definitely have not
arrived at that perfect place. But we know some truth – and it’s changed our lives. Our hope is that
Girl Defined will challenge, encourage, and open your eyes to the incredible truth of God’s design for
your life.

Reaching Beyond Myself 70

You can connect with Kristen and Bethany here. Just click on the button or the link below:




S Speaking:


Copyright © 2014 by Girl Defined. All rights reserved.  No portion of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means—except for brief quotations in
published reviews—without the prior written permission of the author.

All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version.
Copyright © 2000, 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All
rights reserved.

Chief editor: Zachary M. Clark

Reaching Beyond Myself 71

Section 1:
1. Joan Jacobs Brumberg, The Body Project; An Intimate History of American Girls (New
York: Random House, 1997), 21.
2. Ibid

Section 2:
1. Are you leaving too? Sermon shared by Wade Hughes, Sr May 2002
2. The Narcissism Epidemic: Living in the Age of Entitlement  (Jean M. Twenge  & W. Keith
Campbell) 2009.

Section 3:
1. Tedd Tripp, Shepherding a Child’s Heart (Shepherd Press, 1995), p. 96.
2. D. Michael Henderson, One Conversation at a Time (Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press, 2007),

Section 4:
1. Leslie Ludy, Annual Setapartgirl Conference: Lily Among Thorns - Womanhood that
Changes the World (Windsor, Colorado: Setapartgirl, 2012).
2. Betty Scott Stam, Prayer, Source: Unknown.

Reaching Beyond Myself 72

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