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Flaws with IIT Career Centre at Present

1. Is the Career Centre actually interesting as it sounds when we look at the

a. From my point of view the problem regarding the webpage is a problem
from the whole IIT where the actual design is not properly done and a
bit chaotic. One good point is that it has a calendar with the following
events which can be useful, but as a consequence of the design of the
page can be ignored because of its positioning.
2. The Career Centre Coaches are not student friendly.
a. Without actually knowing how people get into the career services, the
people that work in there should be people willing to help others to
improve its career development.
3. There are stringent deadlines for internship and Co-op.
a. Deadlines should be more flexible because most of the people studying
in this university are from other countries which makes situations
sometimes difficult due to the need of contacting with the people from
their country of origin.
4. No proper Communication between International Centre and Career centre in
terms of document work once an international student gets a job offer.
a. There should be a way for both institutions to facilitate this task in order
to help the students in an efficient way by doing meetings every two or
three weeks in order to have a better tracking of which international
students are trying to bet an internship.
5. There is no proper brand marketing of IIT, so many of the industries don’t know
such a college exist.
a. University should start building a better brand for their own good. If
they make students get good internship and have a great career
development, this will result in better feedback from companies from
the university, which will help the IIT to get more and better students
thanks to all this effort done.
6. Nobody is tracking about how many students actually got a job after graduating
from IIT.
a. There should be a final survey/platform every semester to track what
the students are doing once they end their studies or what they are
doing during the year spent at the university in order to understand
how to improve the way things are done.
7. Forcing to take in-class course in the final semester when you get an internship
or Co-Op in another city.
a. Facilitating how things are done and facilitating the way students can
fulfil the university requisites once they get an internship. Everybody
has internet nowadays and you can attend to courses through it.
8. No proper advisor or Career Coach
a. Building an structure with career coaches for the people interested in
these topics. For example since the beginning of their studies helping
them to organize their studies to be prepared once the moment has
Solutions proposed
A. Bringing knowledgeable recruiters from known companies to conduct
workshop instead of random people.
a. Building courses around workshops conducted by actual recruiters from
companies to make the students understand what they actually want
and need. By doing this, companies get to show projects in order to
attract new students looking for future jobs and show the students
what companies are actually working on.
B. Bringing better soft skills training session.
a. This can also be done through the same recruiters for the workshops
proposed in the point before.
C. Appointing student friendly career coaches
D. Measure to be taken to increase brand value of the college
E. Letting out an app for career development
a. Creating a platform that helps students to gather all the information
from all the workshops and to facilitate all the institutions involved to
get in touch easily with the students and between them to solve
communication issues.

F. Making conferences out of the career fair so companies tell what they are
doing to the people so they can get to interact with the students. This is a way
for less known companies to explain what they are doing and get them free
advertising. --
G. Career cafés done once a month where people can have a coffee and some
cookies and talk to alumni/recruiters in a more informal way. --
H. Adding videos in the waiting times in the career affair so companies can
advertise themselves and their projects to make students not get that bored
while waiting and finding tips/info about companies. --
I. Record real mock interviews with recruiters and post them in the platform.
J. Have a blog done by students where they talk about their internships so
students know what to expect about them and encourage people looking for
them. --
K. Partner with other universities so students can do networking with other
universities in maybe a yearly event. --
L. Let students organize the career affair giving them the tools to contact the
companies they want. In great universities, these things are done by students,
and this happens in Spain.
M. Create a course to learn how to make your LinkedIn+Interviews+Where to look
for jobs given by different employers every week. This creates engagement
between employers+university+students.
N. Making talks where students explain their experience through their interviews
and months working. --

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