Killeen Independent School District Annual Report Report On Violent and Criminal Incidents SY 2016-2017

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Killeen Independent School District

Annual Report
Report on Violent and Criminal Incidents
SY 2016-2017

The Killeen Independent School District has made School Safety a priority in the District goals.

This is accomplished by a variety of means: Statistical Information, Student Programs, Staff Development, and Parental

Killeen Independent School District maintains records on all violent and criminal incidents.

Schools present violence prevention programs to students and staff members, and train regarding emergency operations plans.
Emergency Operations Plans have been developed for each school and coordinated with the cities of Killeen, Harker Heights,
Nolanville and Fort Hood.

Statistical Data
Killeen Independent School District maintains information regarding violent or criminal incidents that occur on School Campuses.
Reports reflect incidents by campus and compare with the previous year.
Sixteen Year Major Case Comparison
Major Case / Total Incidents are compared from SY 2000-2001 through SY 2015-2016.
01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16/17

Assaults 103 206 138 148 96 104 122 129 158 155 144 139 102 103 127 120
Disorderly 192 297 247 203 179 161 182 247 291 266 216 222 25 9 2 8
Drug/Alcohol 90 99 58 56 89 61 101 66 61 98 42/22 10/26 1/36 4/40 0/48 0/46
Theft 233 196 158 92 104 106 109 88 107 95 77 74 128 100 71 59
Tobacco 93 80 96 60 97 72 89 74 56 43 57 44 14 1 0 1
Traffic 109 46 97 99 37 58 25 85 30 47 59/23 48/45 15/29 18-26 6/10 7/7
Offenses *76 *230 *52 *19 *9 *10 *14 *24 *12 *13 *522 *338
Weapons 6 5 5 9 12 5 4 9 9 12 6 3*1 5 1 1 6
Other Cases 192 300 227 253 239 225 232 390 377 501 359 406 226 270 174 159
*352 *344 *186 *294 *267 *102 *136
Total 1018 1229 1026 920 853 792 864 1088 1089 1217 1005 1047 580 572 439 413
*76 *230 *52 *19 *9 *362 *358 *210 *306 *280 *624 *474

Comparison 942 999 974 901 844 430 506 878 783 937 381 573 580 572 439 413
Report on Violent or Criminal Incidents
Student Disciplinary Action Incidents Counts by Reason Code
2016-17 School Year
Reason Description Charles Eastern Nolan Palo Alto Rancier Union KISD
Code Patterson Hills Middle Middle Middle Grove Career
Middle Middle School School School Middle Center
School School School
11 Firearm 1
12 Illegal Knife 2
16 Arson 1 1
116 Weapon/Imitation Weapon 1 1 1
Total Incidents 1 1 1 2 1 1 1
Student Enrollment 1417 739 784 918 707 914 899
Incident Rate Percent Per Student Population .071 .135 .128 .218 .141 .109 .111

Report on Violent or Criminal Incidents

Student Disciplinary Action Incidents Counts by Reason Code
2016-17 School Year
Continuation Records from Alternative Schools for 2015-16 School Year
Reason Description Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program
11 Firearm 1
14 Prohibited Weapon 1
Total Incidents 2
The District population increased by 13,224 students over a sixteen year comparison period.

16 Year Comparison - Per 1000 Rate of Incidents (District)

School Year Population / Total = Per 1000 Rate
SY 01-02 30,608 / 1018 = 33.3
SY 02-03 31,351 / 999 = 31.9
SY 03-04 32,643 / 974 = 29.8
SY 04-05 33,408 / 901 = 27
SY 05-06 34,743 / 844 = 24.3
SY 06-07 36,799 / 430 = 11.7
SY 07-08 38,395 / 506 = 13.2
SY 08-09 38,761 / 878 = 22.5
SY 09-10 39,964 / 783 = 19.6
SY 10-11 40,434 / 937 = 23.2
SY 11-12 41,172 / 381 = 9.3
SY 12-13 41,969 / 573 = 13.7
SY 13-14 41,751 / 580 = 13.9
SY 14-15 42,929 / 572 = 13.3
SY 15-16 43,428 / 439 = 10.1
SY 16-17 43,832 / 413 9.4

Law Enforcement Support

The KISD Police Department is composed of 18 Officers.
Chief of Police – 1
High School Officers – 3 at each of the four High Schools – Total 12
Career Center / Pathways - 1
Middle School Officers & Captain – 3 Officers support the 10 Middle Schools off Fort Hood
And 21 Elementary School in Killeen - Total 4
Fort Hood Police support the 8 campuses on the Army Installation.
Municipal Law Enforcement from the cities of Harker Heights and Nolanville support the 5 Elementary Schools in those cities.
Violence Prevention / Violence Intervention Procedures
The School District Campuses implement violence prevention and violence intervention procedures in the following methods:
Anti-bullying training/Bullying Prevention/Intervention – Anger management guidance
Archery Club – Improves attention, attendance and behavior; and promotes conversation, motivation and focus by learning target
shooting skills
Art Club - An opportunity for students to work in a fun and relaxed environment where they have an opportunity to play a role in
choosing the art projects being completed
Assemblies – Minimize / Eliminate Violence
AVID (Advancement via Individual Determination) Club – Non-profit organization dedicated to closing the achievement gap by
preparing all students for college and other postsecondary opportunities
The Beginning of a Hero/Bully Alert! (Character Network) – A series of stories that works as pro-active bully prevention program
for elementary school students through 6th grade
Birthday Recognition - Each day, students who have a birthday will hear their name announced during morning announcements; and
will receive a birthday ribbon and pencil from a campus administrator
Book Club – Promotes a life-long love of reading for students and parents
Boys’ & Girls’ Club – Helping youth become responsible, caring citizens and acquire skills for participating in the democratic
process is the main thrust of these programs
Boys’ & Girls’ Town – Discipline Management Plan
Buster the Bus –Bus and vehicle safety training
Capturing Kid’s Hearts – Character development/bullying/drugs & alcohol
Castles and Crowns Manners Club – An Etiquette course that teaches students refined skills and manners
Character Counts/Character Traits/Soaring Eagles – Focus on Character Issues
Children Presenting/Practicing Respect – Lessons to encourage students to respect their elders/Presented by MADD
Citizen of the Month/Week – A citizen is nominated per teacher’s discretion for recognition
Classroom Management – Giving students jobs to encourage responsibility
Coffee/Pastries with the Counselor/Principal – A morning open-discussion between parents and administrators
Comanche Youth Services – Provide two lunch time groups every Thursday and provide services after school
Communities in Schools – Program to give children basic necessities and education supplies
Community Service Projects – Student Council members helping the community
Conflict Managers – 4th and 5th Graders trained as mediators
Conflict Resolution Training – Teaching how to deal with conflict situations
Consequences – Actions vs. consequences training for youth
Core Essentials – A monthly character trait program that equips Clifton Park ES students with the resources to treat others right,
make smart decisions and maximize potential
Council of Student Leaders/Student Council – Student leadership development program
Counselor Intervention – Anger Management Group Sessions
Coyote Step Team – Third, fourth and fifth graders who dance using the participant's entire body as an instrument. Stepping helps
establish a sense of unity, builds teamwork and provides enjoyment.
DARE – Drug Abuse Resistance Education
Deployment Counseling – Counseling techniques for children and adolescents of deployed soldiers
Diana Day Vision Management – A step-by-step discipline & academic motivation plan that creates total consistency on a
Discipline Committee/Behavior Logs – Used to improve discipline at school
Early Act First Knight – character education program that teaches students how to become noble, service-oriented people
Excel Club – Promotes community service, Americanism and youth activities towards the national project of child abuse prevention
Families in Crisis – Anti-bully training
Freshman Character Leadership – Freshman program that discussing positive character traits
Freshman SOS – Assisting struggling freshman academically
Good Behavior Tickets/Wooden Nickel/Caught Being Good – Weekly / long term prizes
Good Character Board – Teaching students acts of kindness
Good Deeds – Students are rewarded for good deeds throughout the school day
Hall of Fame/Hall of Heroes/Honor Roll – Students who make progress in an area / caught being good.
Hero Tree/Hero Wall – A bow is added to a tree or a wall representing a student’s parent who has deployed. Once reunited, parent’s
and student’s names are displayed on a special ceiling tile.
Hobby Helpers/Tots – Early Literary Club
Internet Safety – Discusses safety related issues of the internet
Kelso’s Choice – Conflict management skills program
KISD Discipline Framework – Classroom Management / Education Enhancement
KYOT Morning Announcements - 5th graders oversee the morning announcements which are broadcast live throughout the school
Leadership Academy – Leadership Academy / Community Service
Love and Logic – Techniques to promote a positive school culture where teachers love to teach and students love to learn
McGruff Crime Dog – Youth Safety
Mediator for Peers – 5th Graders taught to mediate student problems
Mentor/Mentee Program – Providing soldier volunteers to coach, mentor and tutor students
MFLAC (Military & Family Life Counselor) – Professional licensed counseling staff that provide short term, non-medical services
to military children, families and staff at school
Moral Intelligence – Tarleton’s Effective Schools
Morning Broadcast/Behavior/Success Celebrations – Disseminate news, share student successes, and impart affirmations including
daily character trait announcements and quotes.
Morning Meeting - A structured gathering each morning for the purpose of creating community, teaching interpersonal skills, and
developing higher level thinking skills
Most Valuable Eagle Award – Give to students for academic achievement and community service
My Principal is Proud of Me Reward – Reward students for citizenship performance with My Principal is Proud of Me pencils
Nice is the New Cool Club – 3rd-5th grade students have the opportunity to participate in random acts of kindness around campus
Non-Violent Crisis Intervention –Teaches proper resolution of problems
Patriot Patrol/Safety Patrol – Students that maintain academic and personal excellence
Peer Leadership Team/ Kid-2-Kid/Kid Leaders – Trains students in communication, decision-making, and group building skills as
well as topics relevant to young children today
Positive Office Referrals – Students are formally recognized for positive behavior choices during the school day
Prevention Education/Harassment – Education for identifying and preventing harassment
Principal’s Award for Most Improved – Students, identified by their teacher, who show “significant” improvement. Given every nine
Primary Focus – Positive character education given by college students
Problem Solving – Helps students acquire social and decision-making skills and to develop their ability to effectively use those skills
in real-life and academic situations
Project Alert Drug Prevention – In-class counseling programs for target groups
Project Alpha – Appropriate sexuality behavior training specified for male students
Project Share – A global online learning community where educators collaborate, share resources, and showcase accomplishments
Project Wisdom/Morning Quotes – Character education program that helps students make wiser choices
Quest – Character Education
Ranger Rewards – Students with perfect attendance and all work completed can enter for a drawing to win free school supplies
Real Life Communications – Character building/right choices
Recorder Band – Using recorders to learn more about music and prepare for band classes in middle school
Red Ribbon Week – Anti-drug awareness
Respect and Protect – Program teaches students proper behavior
Restorative Discipline/Practices – A prevention-oriented approach to discipline that fosters accountability and amends-making to
resolve school conflict such as bullying, truancy and disruptive behavior
Right Choice – Anti-drug and anti-tobacco awareness
Rotary International Interact Club – Promotes service over self by doing service projects that benefit local, national and
international needs
Running Club – Promotes physical activity, healthy lifestyles, pride in accomplishment and life-long positive habits
Rhythm Band – Using drums and improvised percussion instruments to learn more about music and prepare for band classes in
middle school
Safety/Character Announcements – Safety tips given during morning announcements
Second Step: Violence Prevention – Emotional intelligence and anger management training
Self-Regulation Training – Teaching students how to cope with frustration or anxiety which promotes a safe environment
Shadow Days – 8th grade – Tour of a high school for 8th graders transition to 9th grade
Signs of Suicide – 8th grade – In-class counseling programs for target groups
Skills for Living/Social Skills Training for daily life skills
Social Skills Training –A primarily cognitive-behavioral approach to teach social skills to those who have social-communication
Spencer Kagan Cooperative Learning – Classroom Instructional Strategy Small Group Interchange
Stars – Success Traits Are Recognized
Stranger Danger – Child Safety Program
Street Smart/Yellow Dyno – Informs children on child lures and predators
Student-2-Student/New Student Orientation/Ram Ambassador – Welcoming new students
Student Leader Service Club -
Student of the Week/Semester – A student is nominated per teacher’s discretion for recognition
Suicide Prevention Presentations – Presentations to students from a group with the Suicide Prevention Program
Teen Leadership – Leadership training for youth
Terrific Kids Honored – Outstanding students are rewarded with a luncheon
Tom Castellano – A consultant who offers presentations and workshops on Lee Canter’s relationship-based classroom management
Tribes – A new Way of Learning and being together
Trooper Bud’s Kids – Mannequin which teaches proper behavior
UXO Training – Unexploded Ordinance Training
Walk a Mile – Pairs policymakers with constituents who are either low-income parents or youth living in foster care
Wall of Honor/Wall of Smiles – A laminated list of A & B honor roll students is displayed in the front foyer of the school
Why Try – teaches social and emotional skills using a practical, multi- sensory curriculum
Worlds of Wisdom – Quotes from inspiring individuals
Writing Contest: Safety/Character – Students compete in a writing contest regarding school safety and/or character.

KISD Emergency Operations Plans – The District has an Emergency Operations Plan. Campus Principals and Classroom Teachers
have developed specific plans / actions to be taken if an emergency situation develops.
Reverse Evacuation – Return to Building
Shelter in Place – Hazardous Material spill
Building Evacuation – Exiting Building
Site Evacuation – Reunification with Parents
Lockdown – Exterior/Total
Fire Alarm

Bus Evacuation Training – Students receive training regarding safe and rapid evacuation of a school bus.

Bomb Threats – Each campus has received training regarding evaluation, evacuation and search procedures regarding bomb threats.

Campus Crime Stoppers – KISD has initiated a Campus Crime Stoppers program at each High School Campus.

Detection Dogs – Coordination is made with campus administrators in bringing detection canines to campuses for searches for
contraband. The canines are trained to alert for: marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamines, alcohol, and gun powder.

Safe School Week – During the month of February of each year, the District spends one week focused on School Safety. Each year
has a specific theme and campuses develop appropriate age group presentations.

Title IV – Safe and Drug Free School and Communities – As a part of interventions for safety and non-violent behavior in KISD in
your annual report. Every campus benefits from Title IV funds as well as the Guidance Department and Safety Department.

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