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Grammar Notes for 이효석 "산"

익을 대로 익은 제철의 열매가 (YHS 산 1)

Pattern: VERBα(으)ㄹ대로 VERBα-다 Verb as much as one can possibly verb.
Here: . . . the fruit in season, just as ripe as can be . . .

오드득 깨어질 듯한 맑은 하늘 (YHS 산 1)

Pattern: Modifier + 듯 (하다) ( i.e. -(으)ㄴ 듯, -(으)ㄹ 듯, -는 듯;) is like, is as (if) is like, is
as (if).
Here: . . . the clear sky, which looked as if it would shatter . . .

햇볕에 뿌려진 조개껍질 (YHS 산 1)

Pattern: -어 지- The pattern in infinitive -어 + 지다 , besides meaning gets to be or becomes
with adjectives, can have the effect of a "get-passive" in English or of middles or
reflexives in languages which have these. The implication is that the subject/agent is
either (sometimes adversely) affected by the action, and/or has no control over the action
of the verb.
Here: . . . a clam shell, sprinkled with sunshine . . .

유난스럽게도 (YHS 산 1)
Pattern: -게도 even (indeed) so that; also/either so that. Cf. other adverbs in -게도: 유감스럽
게도 unfortunately, regrettably, 불행하게도 sad to say, unfortunately.
Here: Unusually . . .

높은 산등이라 (YHS 산 1)
Pattern: Naked infinitive -이라(서).
Here: Because it was a high mountain ridge . . .

하늘이 가까우련만 (YHS 산 1)

Pattern: -(으)련만 I had hoped that. . . would have expected that . . . but; it should have . . . ,
but; I wish that. . ., but.
Here: . . . you'd expect that the sky would be close, but . . .

마을에서 볼 때와 일반으로 멀다. (YHS 산 1)

Pattern: NOUN 과/와 일반으로 compared to NOUN, it is generally . . . with no difference
compared to NOUN.
Here: It was on the whole more distant than from when looking out from the village.

골짜기에서의 생각으로는 (YHS 산 1)

Pattern: -(으)로는 as for (its being) as / with . . . on the basis of . . .
Here: On the basis of what he had thought/reckoned back in the valley . . .

산기슭에만 오르면 (YHS 산 1)

Pattern: NOUN 만 . . . -(으)면 if only . . .
Here: If one just alights the foot of the mountain . . .

만져질 듯하던 것이 (YHS 산 1)

Pattern: Modifier + 듯 (하다) ( i.e. -(으)ㄴ 듯, -(으)ㄹ 듯, -는 듯;) is like, is as (if) is like, is
as (if). Note also -어 지- The pattern in infinitive -어 + 지다 , besides meaning gets to
be or becomes with adjectives, can have the effect of a "get-passive" in English or of middles
or reflexives in languages which have these. The implication is that the subject/agent is either
(sometimes adversely) affected by the action, and/or has no control over the action of the
Here: It was as if it would be felt . . .

막막은 하나 (YHS 산 1)
Pattern: separable Verbal Noun + 하-. In other words, intransitive/adjectival verbal nouns are
typically not separable from 하-, but in literary contexts can sometimes be separated by
delimiters 은/는, 도 and 만, with meanings similar to the patterns in -기는 하-, -기도
하-, and -기만 하-. Here with 막막하-.
Here: . . . is desolate, but . . .

황소의 등어리요, (YHS 산 1)

Pattern: -(이)요= 이고. In mid-sentence, -이요 is equivalent to (and derived from) -이고,
but with a literary flourish and a sense of insistence and/or emphasis.
Here: It is the back of an ox, and . . .

아무리 단장한대야 (YHS 산 1)

Pattern: 아무리 . . . -(으)ㄴ 대야 < (으)ㄴㄷ[ㅏ고 ㅎ]ㅐ야. no matter how much . . . VERB
as one might . . .
Here: No matter how much you say that it is neat . . .

마을의 인총보다도 많고 (YHS 산 1)

Pattern: -보다도 even (more so) than; than also/ either.
Here: . . . even more than the entire population . . .

사람의 성보다도 종자가 흔하다. (YHS 산 1)

Pattern: -보다도 even (more so) than; than also/ either.
Here: [The trees seeds are more abundant than people ?

잘들 자란다. (YHS 산 1)
Pattern: particle (acting) severally. 들 can follow almost any word in a sentence except the final
verb to indicate that the subject, stated or implied, is specifically plural.
Here: [the trees] grow successfully.

산등에 간간이 섞여 (YHS 산 1)

Pattern: Naked infinitive 섞여(서).
Here: . . . blending in here and there on the mountain ridge . . .

어느 때나 푸르고 (YHS 산 1)
Pattern: 어느 NOUN (이)나 any and every NOUN.
Here: . . . evergreen . . .

산 속은 고요하나 (YHS 산 2)
Pattern: -(으)나 does/is but; though it is/does; admittedly . . . but.
Here: It is indeed quiet in the heart of the mountains, but . . .

낙엽 속에 파묻혀 앉아 (YHS 산 2)
Pattern: Naked infinitive 앉아(서) and 파묻혀(서).
Here: The fallen leaves were nestled into the mountain . . .
몸에 함빡 젖어들어 (YHS 산 2)
Pattern: Naked infinitive 젖어들어(서).
Here: . . . overwhelming his entire body . . .

모르는 결에 그것을 느낄 뿐이다. (YHS 산 2)

Pattern: postmodifier 결 = -는길에 (in) the course of; in passing while (doing); at the same
time as; when, while one is at it. Note also -(으)ㄹ 뿐(+ 이다). Prospective modifier plus
post-modifier 뿐 (plus copula) nothing but, only, constantly; all it/one does/is is . . .
Here: . . . before he realized it, that was the only thing he felt.

어느 결엔지 (YHS 산 2)
Pattern: oblique question in -(으)ㄴ지 the uncertain fact of being; whether it is, wonder whether (how,
what,. . . )
Here: Before he realized [in which instant it was] . . .

짚북더기보다도 부드러운 나뭇잎 (YHS 산 2)

Pattern: -보다도 even (more so) than; than also/ either.
Here: . . . leaves even softer than refuse . . .

여러 자 깊이로 쌓이고 쌓인 깨금잎 (YHS 산 2)

Pattern: VERB -고 VERB constantly; very, extremely; VERB to the maximum amount.
Here: . . . filbert leaves, piling up several feet upon end . . .

마치 땅에서 솟아난 한 포기의 나무와도 같은 느낌이다. (YHS 산 2)

Pattern: NOUN 와도 같- is the same as . . . looks / seems just like . . .
Here: . . . It feels just like a tree springing forth from the ground.

두 발은 뿌리요, 두 팔은 가지다. (YHS 산 2)

Pattern: -(이)요= 이고. In mid-sentence, -이요 is equivalent to (and derived from) -이고,
but with a literary flourish and a sense of insistence and/or emphasis.
Here: . . . my two legs are roots, my arms the branches.

살을 베이면 (YHS 산 2)
Pattern: adversity passive with an accusative (을/를)-marked object suffers the indignity of
being/getting[some possession or body part] . . . -ed.
Here: If one suffers getting their flesh cut at . . .

피 대신에 나무 진이 흐를 듯하다. (YHS 산 2)

Pattern: Modifier + 듯 (하다) ( i.e. -(으)ㄴ 듯, -(으)ㄹ 듯, -는 듯;) is like, is as (if) is like, is
as (if).
Here: It just as if instead of blood, tree resin will gush out.

잠자코 섰는 나무들 (YHS 산 2)

Pattern: 섰는 for 서있는.
Here: The trees, standing silently . . .

총중의 한 포기로서 넉넉히 짐작할 수 있다. (YHS 산 2

Pattern: NOUN(으)로서 as, for, in the capacity of; being . . .
Here: As one of the bunch, I can pretty much guess [what the trees as saying, thinking].
해가 쪼일 때에 즐겨하고 (YHS 산 2)
Pattern: Third person sensory verbs in -어 하다. Used with descriptive verbs that refer to human
feelings (liking, fearing, reacting to . . . ) when the experiencer is a third person.
Here: . . . Basking in the setting sun . . .

역력히 번역해 낼 수 있다. (YHS 산 2)

Pattern: -어 내- does all the way (to the very end, thoroughly, through and through).
Here: I can clearly translate [what they are doing, feeling] all the way.

중실은 벌떡 뛰어 일어났다. (YHS 산 2)

Pattern: Naked infinitive 뛰어(서).
Here: Chungsil jumped to his feet.

네 활개에 힘이 뻗쳐 (YHS 산 2)
Pattern: Naked infinitive 뻗쳐(서).
Here: The strength welling up in his limbs, . . .

금세 그대로 하늘에라도 오를 듯 싶다. (YHS 산 2)

Pattern: pseudo-particle -(이)라도 (1) even if (it be); (2) just, (or the ) like ( = 이나); or even;
any, some. Note also modifier clause in -를 듯 + 싶- it feels/seems like, as if maybe;
think to oneself that . . .
Here: It as if he could get up and fly up to the sky (or the like).

넘치는 힘을 보낼 곳 없어 (YHS 산 2)
Pattern: Naked infinitive 없어(서).
Here: With no way to expend his brimming energy . . .

하늘이 울려라 고함을 쳤다. (YHS 산 2

Pattern: 울려라 for 울려라(고). Cf. 죽어라[고]! Die! grammaticalized as an emphatic adverb: with all
one might or like the dickens.
Here: He shouted to high heavens.

Note also -자구나/-자꾸나 as a plain style et functioning adverbially as ike the

죽자구나 도리머리를 어지럽게 흔든단다. (겨울 10)
She would shake her head wildly/in a frenzy.

Another example:
죽어라고 닦아논 차 (빙하기 28)
The car which I cleaned with all my might . . . (lit.: saying . . . IE!

문득 배가 허출함을 깨달았다. (YHS 산 3)

Pattern: -(으)ㅁ을 깨닫- to realize that . . .; to come to a realization that . . .
Here: All of a sudden, he realized that he was hungry.

간직하여 둔 노루고기 (YHS 산 3)

Pattern: -어 두- Infinitive in -어 + auxiliary 두다 does something to get it out of the way (perhaps
as a precaution); gets it done, finishes it up (so it will be out of the way), does it once and for good,
does thoroughly/carefully now (so it will not have to be done again; does for later/future use
or reference. Same as -어 놓다.
Here: A venison, stored away . . .

가랑잎에 싸둔 개꿀이 있음을 생각하고 (YHS 산 3)

Pattern: -어 두- Infinitive in -어 + auxiliary 두다 does something to get it out of the way (perhaps
as a precaution); gets it done, finishes it up (so it will be out of the way), does it once and for good,
does thoroughly/carefully now (so it will not have to be done again; does for later/future use
or reference. Same as -어 놓다. Note also -(으)ㅁ(을) 생각 하- realize that, think that . . .
Here: His thoughts turned to the fresh honey hidden away in the dead leaves, and . . .

한 짐을 채워 놓아야 (YHS 산 3
Pattern: Particle: (after vowel), alternant of 이야 only if it be; if (it be), when it comes to; even,
indeed. (Marks a reinforced contingency or prerequisite for a main clause, one or the
other of which is unlikely, unexpected, or anticipated to be difficult or unpleasant). Note
also -어 놓- 1) a. does for later, does in advance, gets it ready before hand. b. does it
and leaves it that way, does it for now. 2) is in a state of being, is left being, remains.
Here: Must pack a full load. . .

팔아 가지고는 어둡기 전에 다시 산으로 (YHS 산 3)

Pattern: -어 가지고(는) is a more colloquial equivalent to -어서는.
Here: Sell and return to the mountain before it gets dark. . .

한참 쉬인 뒤라 (YHS 산 3)
Pattern: Naked infinitive -(이)라(서). Note also old spelling at 쉬이다 for what is now spelled 쉬다.
Here: Because it was after he had a proper rest . . .

산에 들어오기를 잘했다고 (YHS 산 3)

Pattern: -기를 잘하- it a good thing that one does/ did VERB. . .
Here: . . . (thinking to himself that) its a good thing he came to the mountain.

싸울래 싸운 것이 아니라 (YHS 산 3)

Pattern: 싸울래 for 싸울려고해(서). V1 -(으)ㄹ래 V1 it is not that one VERBed because one
intended to . ..
Here: It is not that he fought because he challenged [him] to a fight.

김 영감 편에서 투정을 건 셈이다. (YHS 산 3)

Pattern: -(으)ㄴ 셈이다 the calculation, conjecture, supposition; accounting (for); (judgment
based on) appearances, to all appearances/indications, that one might call. . .
Here: It was more like old man Kim started the fight.

쫓아낼 의사였던 것이 확실하다. (YHS 산 3)

Pattern: (으)ㄹ 의사+-이다 it is one intention to . . .
Here: It is clear that it was [Kim ] intention to drive him away [from the beginning].

맨주먹으로 살던 집을 쫓겨났다. (YHS 산 3

Pattern: adversity passive with an accusative (을/를)-marked object suffers the indignity of
being/getting[some possession or body part] . . . -ed.
Here: . . . suffered the indignity of being driven away empty-handed out of the house he was
living in.

원통은 하였으나 (YHS 산 3)

Pattern: separable Verbal Noun + 하-. In other words, intransitive/adjectival verbal nouns are
typically not separable from 하-, but in literary contexts can sometimes be separated by
delimiters 은/는, 도 and 만, with meanings similar to the patterns in -기는 하-, -기도
하-, and -기만 하-. Here with 원통하-.
Here: . . . mortified he was, but . . .

늘 개보름 쇠듯 하였다. (YHS 산 3)

Pattern: Modifier + 듯 (하다) ( i.e. -(으)ㄴ 듯, -(으)ㄹ 듯, -는 듯;) is like, is as (if) is like, is
as (if).
Here: He always spent his lunar year festival like a dog.

살림을 내준다던 것도 헛소리였다. (YHS 산 3)

Pattern: 내준다던 for 내준다[고하]던.
Here: . . . saying that he could support a household was nonsense.

그것은 처음부터 계책한 억지요 (YHS 산 3)

Pattern: -(이)요= 이고. In mid-sentence, -이요 is equivalent to (and derived from) -이고,
but with a literary flourish and a sense of insistence and/or emphasis.
Here: . . . it was from the start a planned stubbornness . . .

졸색의 등긁개 따위에는

Pattern: Derogatory 따위 a thing or person of that sort, such a one, that kind of, that sort of.
Here: . . . the old man back-scratcher (i.e. concubine).

손대일 염도 없었던 것이다. (YHS 산 3)

Pattern: -(으)ㄹ 염(이) 있- intend to, plan on, have a mind to. Note also old spelling 대이
다 → 대다.
Here: He had no desire to fool around with [the old man back-scratcher (i.e. concubine).]

동구 밖에서 마주쳐 (YHS 산 3)

Pattern: Naked infinitive 마주쳐(서).
Here: . . . he bumped into her outside the village entrance . . .

뒤서서 돌아왔다고 의심받을 법은 없다. (YHS 산 4)

Pattern: -(을) 법(이) 있- there is reason to expect; it is (or seems) reasonable that...; it can
be expected that . . . ; it ought (it is supposed) to be that . . .
Here: . . . just because he came right behind her is no reason to be the object of doubt.

중실에게 엉뚱한 분풀이가 돌아온 셈이었다. (YHS 산 4)

Pattern: -(으)ㄴ 셈이다 the calculation, conjecture, supposition; accounting (for); (judgment
based on) appearances, to all appearances/indications, that one might call. . .
Here: . . . It seemed as if Chungsil was the butt of his extreme rage.

가살스런 첩의 행실 (YHS 산 4)
Pattern: -스런 from -스러운 (-스럽다).
Here: . . . the concubine stuck-up behavior . . .

영감의 신세가 하기는 가엾기는 하다. (YHS 산 4)

Pattern: 하기는 for adverb 하긴 in fact, in truth, indeed. Note also -기는 하- does (is) all
right, (it is true) but. . . ; is indeed (I must admit) but. . .
Here: . . . after all, the old man lot in life was pitiful.
짚북더기보다도 부드러운 두툼한 나뭇잎 (YHS 산 4)
Pattern: -보다도 even (more so) than; than also/ either.
Here: . . . the leaves, thicker than the soft straw refuse . . .

빈 지게만을 짊어지고 (YHS 산 4)

Pattern: 만을 only / just (etc.) [as direct object].
Here: Simply threw the A-frame on his back . . .

얼마동안이나 견딜 수 있을까가 한 시험도 되었다. (YHS 산 4)

Pattern: use of 가 as subject marker to mark a whole phrase [얼마동안이나 견딜 수 있을까]
가. Note also -(이)나 or the like, like, or something, or so; the likes of, any; at least,
anyway, just (used in gently / vaguely urging way), even if it is not of particular interest.
Here: It became a test of just how long he was going to be able to stand it.

나무하러 왔다 낮잠을 잔 적도 여러 번이었다. (YHS 산 4)

Pattern: transferentive -다(가), (with the 가 dropped) where the latter emphasizes a shift of
place in the action occurring.
Here: There were also many occasions when on his way to collect firewood he took a nap.

나뭇가지에 익어 시든 아그배 (YHS 산 4)

Pattern: Naked infinitive 익어(서).
Here: . . . crab-apples, fully ripened and wilting on the trees . . .

나뭇잎을 모아 (YHS 산 4)
Pattern: Naked infinitive 모아(서).
Here: . . . gathered the tree leaves . . .

그 속에 푹 파고는 (YHS 산 4)
Pattern: -고는 Placing the 는 after -고 forces the nd [then]... reading of -고, as opposed
to the nd [also]... reading. In other words, it means hen..., ...then; upon doing, but
emphasizing the consequence.
Here: . . . dig deeply into it, and . . .

공교롭게도 (YHS 산 4)
Pattern: -게도 even (indeed) so that; also/either so that. Cf. other adverbs in -게도: 유감스럽
게도 unfortunately, regrettably, 불행하게도 sad to say, unfortunately, 유난스럽게도
Here: . . . as luck would have it . . .

속에는 맑은 꿀이 차 있었다. (YHS 산 4)

Pattern: Resultant state in -어 있다 is in the state of resulting from, is done.
Here: The inside was brimming with clear honey.

사람은 살라고 마련인 듯싶다. (YHS 산 4)

Pattern: -(으)려고 마련이다 ... (으)ㄹ라고 마련이다 it is in the general state of things that . . .
Note also modifier clause in -(으)ㄴ 듯 + 싶- it feels/seems like, as if maybe; think to
oneself that . . .
Here: It was as if it was there to save people.

꿀이 다 떨어지지도 않은 그저께 밤에는 (YHS 산 4)

Pattern: -지도 않- doesn / isn even . . .
Here: The night of the day before yesterday, when the honey hadn even run out . . .

누에에게 먹히는 뽕잎같이 (YHS 산 5)

Pattern: -에게 marking the agent of a passive.
Here: Like mulberry leaves being eaten by a silkworm . . .

아물아물해지는 것 같으나 (YHS 산 5

Pattern: -(이)나 or the like, like, or something, or so; the likes of, any; at least, anyway, just
(used in gently / vaguely urging way), even if it is not of particular interest.
Here: It was as if it was flickering, but . . .

꽃보다도 비단결보다도 무지개보다도 맨드라미보다도 곱고 장하다. (YHS 산 5)

Pattern: list in -보다도 even (more so) than; than also/ either.
Here: More than flowers, more than the feel of silk, more than a rainbow, more than a coxcomb,
it was beautiful and magnificent.

불 붙는 곳으로 끌려 들어갔다. (YHS 산 5)

Pattern: Naked infinitive 끌려(서).
Here: He dragged himself into the place where the fire was.

가깝게 보이던 것과는 딴판으로 (YHS 산 5)

Pattern: NOUN 과(는) 딴판으로 Quite on the contrary to, completely different from, quite
unrelated to . . .
Here: Quite on the contrary to looking close . . .

산등에서 산등으로 들러붙어 (YHS 산 5)

Pattern: Naked infinitive 들러붙어(서).
Here: [the flames] spread from one mountain ridge to the next . . .

골짜기로 타내려갔다. (YHS 산 5)

Pattern: Naked infinitive 타내려갔다 for 타(서)내려갔다. Note serial verb!
Here: The flames burned down into the valley.

화기가 확확 끼쳐 (YHS 산 5)
Pattern: Naked infinitive 끼쳐(서).
Here: The burning flames shuddered with heat. . .

나무 뿌리가 탁탁 튀며 (YHS 산 5)
Pattern: -(으)며 for -(으)면서 while, at the same time, (doing) simultaneously.
Here: The tree roots snapped with a crackle . . .

몽둥이를 쓸데없이 휘두르며 (YHS 산 5)

Pattern: -(으)며 for -(으)면서 while, at the same time, (doing) simultaneously.
Here: Brandishing his club to no avail, he . . .

불 테두리를 빙빙 돌 뿐이었다. (YHS 산 5)

Pattern: -(으)ㄹ 뿐(+ 이다). Prospective modifier plus post-modifier 뿐 (plus copula) nothing
but, only, constantly; all it/one does/is is . . .
Here: He only circled the circumference of the fire.
확실히 간 보람은 있었다. (YHS 산 5)
Pattern: -(으)ㄴ보람 이 있- there is use in, it is worth VERBing.
Here: Assuredly, it had been worthwhile to go.

산골짜기에서 뱅뱅 돌다 결국 불벼락을 맞은 것이다. (YHS 산 5)

Pattern: transferentive -다(가), where the latter emphasizes a shift of place in the action
Here: . . . going round and round the mountain, it had finally been struck by a fire bolt.

물론 그것을 얻은 때는 (YHS 산 5)
Pattern: -(으)ㄴ+ 때 the time/occasion when . . . Here on past tense.
Here: Of course, the time when he gained this thing . . .

이미 죽은 후의 고기라 (YHS 산 5)
Pattern: Naked infinitive -(이)라(서) on the pattern -(으)ㄴ후 after.
Here: Since it was already dead meat . . .

사람을 살리자는 산의 뜻이라고 (YHS 산 5)

Pattern: 살리자는 for 살리자[고 하]는.
Here: Just as they say, mountains are made to save people . . .

비위 좋게 생각하면 그만이었다. (YHS 산 5)

Pattern: adverbial -게: (in a way) so that, so that it is or does; so that one can; in a manner such that;-ly.
Note also 그만이- the best (in the world), the most, tops, superb.
Here: It was best to just think of it in a good way.

힘에 자라는 데까지 졌다. (YHS 산 5)

Pattern: -는데까지 up to the point that . . .
Here: He carried it until he reached the limits of his strength.

이십 리 길을 부지런히 걸으려니 (YHS 산 6

Pattern: -(으)려니 + verb of thinking (here omitted). From -(으)려고 하니. This pattern has
the same sense as tentative sequential -거니 (with the likely fact or reason that) + verb
of quotation; (says/thinks) that [quote] is most likely the case that, is probably the case
that . . .
Here: He considered / thought of the prospect of walking twenty li, but . . .

걸음을 따라 (YHS 산 6)
Pattern: NOUN(을)따라(서) in accordance with NOUN, in conformity to (with) NOUN,
according to NOUN.
Here: In accordance with his steps . . .

물건을 산 때의 마음도 (YHS 산 6)

Pattern: -(으)ㄴ+ 때 the time/occasion when . . . Here on past tense.
Here: Even when he was buying things, his mood . . .

이것으로서 족하리라고 생각되었다. (YHS 산 6)

Pattern: prospective assertive -(으)리라[고] will probably be/do, usually quoting an internal
thought. Note also particle -(으)로서 as, for, in the capacity of; being . . .
Here: As far as this was concerned, he thought it was sufficient.
목숨을 이어가는 데 (YHS 산 6)
Pattern: -어 가 gradually (goes on doing); keeps growing (getting to be, becoming), goes on,
progressively; continues to do (from now on), keeps (on) doing. Note also -는데(에) in
the course or process of . . . ing.
Here: . . . in the course of continuing to eke out a living . . .

해어쯤이 없으면 어떨까도 생각되었다. (YHS 산 6)

Pattern: -(으)ㄹ까도 생각하- wonder also whether . . .
Here: Also wondered to himself hat shall I do if there is no 해어쯤 (whatever the hell that is - RK).

올 때보다 짐이 단출하여 (YHS 산 6)

Pattern: Naked infinitive 단출하여(서).
Here: Because his load was more handy than it was when he came . . .

전과 다름없이 (YHS 산 6
Pattern: -와/과 다름(이) 없이 being no different (from...), being the same (as...); being
constant, unchanging.
Here: No different than before . . .

더 나아진 것도 없으려니와 (YHS 산 6)

Pattern: -(으)려니와 but; and anyway (what more), moreover.
Here: Not only was there no improvement, but what more . . .

왁자지껄하고 싸우는 것도 전과 다름없다. (YHS 산 6)

Pattern: -와/과 다름(이) 없다 is no different (from...), is the same (as...); is constant,
Here: . . . the boisterousness and fighting was also no different than before.

그다지 그리운 것이 아니었다. (YHS 산 6)

Pattern: particle 그다지 + neg. [not] to that extent (degree), like that, in that way, so (much).
Here: He didn miss [their faces] so much.

무슨 까닭으로 산이 이렇게도 그리울까. (YHS 산 6)

Pattern: -게도 even (indeed) so that; also/either so that. Cf. other adverbs in -게도: 유감스럽
게도 unfortunately, regrettably, 불행하게도 sad to say, unfortunately, 유난스럽게도
unusually, 공교롭게도 as luck would have it.
Here: For what reason did he miss the mountains so? . . .

편벽된 마음을 의심도 하여보았다. (YHS 산 6)

Pattern: 의심도 하 for 의심[하기]도 했- also does/is also.
Here: He also tried to doubt his eccentric heart.

평생 산에서 살도록 태어났는지도 모른다. (YHS 산 6)

Pattern: -는지도 모르- (the uncertain fact) whether it will be or do; doesn know whether
perhaps . . . Note also projective -도록 to the point where, until (a result); so that.
Here: He wasn sure whether perhaps he wasn born to live out his whole life in the mountains.

김 영감의 눈을 감쳐 (YHS 산 6
Pattern: Naked infinitive 감쳐(서).
Here: . . . went behind old Kim back, and . . .
아직도 오리무중이라 한다. (YHS 산 7)
Pattern: 오리무중이라 for 오리무중이라[고].
Here: . . . it is said that they are still in utter bewilderment.

애매한 머슴을 내쫓았음을 뉘우치리라고도 생각되었다. (YHS 산 7)

Pattern: -(으)ㅁ을 뉘우치- to regret having . . .Note also prospective assertive -(으)리라 [고] will
probably be/do, usually quoting an internal thought.
Here: It occurred to him that [the old man] might regret having driven him off his obscure farm-
hand existence.

더 한층 어수선하게 여겨질 뿐이었다. (YHS 산 7)

Pattern: -(으)ㄹ 뿐(+ 이다). Prospective modifier plus post-modifier 뿐 (plus copula) nothing
but, only, constantly; all it/one does/is is . . . Note also the pattern in infinitive -어 + 지다 ,
besides meaning gets to be or becomes with adjectives, can have the effect of a "get-passive" in English
or of middles or reflexives in languages which have these. The implication is that the
subject/agent is either (sometimes adversely) affected by the action, and/or has no control
over the action of the verb.
Here: It was only that he considered [life on the streets] to be more chaotic.

서투른 솜씨로 (YHS 산 7)

Pattern: 서투른 dialect / substandard for 서툴다/서툰.
Here: . . . with unexperienced hands . . .

불을 쪼여 담배를 피우니 (YHS 산 7)

Pattern: Naked infinitive 쪼여(서). From 쪼이다 = 쬐다.
Here: Holding his body up to the fire and smoking his cigarette, . . .

밥 짓는 일이란 머슴의 할 일이 못 된다. (YHS 산 7)

Pattern: NOUN (이)란 generic topic in -(이)란 for (이)라고하는 것은 that is (called), as
for (the one that is called) . . . Used to make topics, especially in generic pronouncements
or universalizing / generalizing statements.
Here: The work of a farmhand, which is that of cooking rice, will not do.

나무를 베어다 껍질째 도막을 내 (YHS 산 7

Pattern: infinitive + copular transferentive -(이)다가 emphasizing shift of location, purpose,
direction, benefit, etc. Note also naked infinitive 도막을 내(서).
Here: He l cut down the trees, break the bark into pieces, and . . .

펑퍼짐한 산허리를 일궈 밭을 만들고 (YHS 산 8)

Pattern: Naked infinitive 일궈(서).
Here: He l cultivate the softly curving mountain side and create rice patties, and . . .

봄부터 감자와 귀리를 갈 작정이다. (YHS 산 8)

Pattern: -(으)ㄹ 작정이다 it is one's plan, intention or scheme to do.
Here: In the spring, he planned to grow potatoes and oats.

염소와 돼지와 닭을 칠 터. (YHS 산 8)

Pattern: -(으)ㄹ 터 (이다), -(으)ㄹ 터/테, -(으)ㄹ테다 [it is the expectation/intention that]
someone would be/do; would have been/ done; is (in) a position [= basis for planning] to
Here: He l probably raise goats, pigs and chickens.
노루를 산 채로 붙들면 (YHS 산 8)
Pattern: modifier + post-modifier -(으)ㄴ 채 : just as it is or did, (in) the original state of. . .
Here: If he keeps the deer just as they are . . .

아이가 나면 소같이 산같이 튼튼하게 자라렷다. (YHS 산 8)

Pattern: intentive assertive -(으)렷다 [old-fashioned]. Nowadays usually spelled -으렸다 it is
sure / bound / agreed to happen, surely it will happen; you WILL do it (understand? --
suggesting a threat).
Here: If we have a baby, it will surely grow to be as sturdy as the ox and the mountains.

용녀가 만약 말을 안 들으면 밤중에 내려가 가만히 업어올 걸. (YHS 산 8)

Pattern: -(으)ㄹ걸 (그랬다) should have done; wish I had done; (I wish I had) but ... (I didn )
regretting lost opportunities; I should have (but I didn ), I guess I should. Note also naked
infinitive 내려가(서).
Here: If by chance Yongnyo won do as I say, I l just go down there in the middle of the night
and take her away.

한번 산에만 들어오면 별 수 없지--. (YHS 산 8)

Pattern: NOUN 만 . . . -(으)면 if only . . .
Here: Once she enters the mountain, she l be done for it.

나머지 등걸불을 발로 비벼 끄니 (YHS 산 8)

Pattern: Naked infinitive 비벼(서).
Here: After putting out the left over stump fire with his foot, . . .

몸이 차차 푸근하여 온다. (YHS 산 8)

Pattern: -어 오- gradually (comes in doing); comes up (along); starts (has started)
becoming / doing; has/had been doing.
Here: His body is slowly getting comfortable and downy.

하늘의 별이 와르르 얼굴 위에 쏟아질 듯싶게 (YHS 산 8)

Pattern: modifier clause in -를 듯 + 싶- it feels/seems like, as if maybe; think to oneself that . .
Note also adverbial -게: (in a way) so that, so that it is or does; so that one can; in a
manner such that;-ly.
Here: The stars, as if threatening to come pouring down on his face with a clatter, . . .

가까웠다 멀어졌다 한다. (YHS 산 8)

Pattern: V1 -다(가) . . . V2 -다(가) Alternates between the two. Here: They are coming closer and getting
farther away

입이 뒤바뀌어 수효가 틀려지면 (YHS 산 8)

Pattern: Naked infinitive 뒤바뀌어(서).
Here: If his tongue would twist and his counting would go off, then . . .

다시 목소리를 높여 처음부터 고쳐세곤 하였다. (YHS 산 8)

Pattern: -곤 하- abbreviated from -고는 하다 makes a habit/regular practice (a regular thing) of doing
it; does it from time to time. Note also naked infinitive 높여(서).
Here: He raised his voice again and would count correctly from the beginning.

중실은 제 몸이 스스로 별이 됨을 느꼈다. (YHS 산 8)

Pattern: -(으)ㅁ(을) 느끼- feeling . . . substantive -(으)ㅁ + object marker 을 as the
complement of a sensory verb: felt/sensed/perceived) the act (or fact) of doing or being.
Note also 제 =자기. Korean has at least three levels of reflexive pronoun
meaning one self: LOW 저 Polite자기 자신, 자체) Honorific 당신
Here: Chungsil felt his body turning into a star.

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