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Reflection on Job Interview (5.01.


On the 5th of January 2018 I had a job interview for a job as International Graduate for the Royal
Mail. The Interviewer was Alexandra Brown.

I was very nervous although I knew what would happen. Also knew that it was for practice and
even the teacher was not unknown before. The interview lasted between 10 an 15 minutes.

After the interview I noticed things I did well but also things I will do better next time.

For example, next time, I will take notes and take them with me. I have read the job
announcement but at the moment I started talking I had the feeling nearly everything I p prepared
in my mind before was gone because of my nervousness.

Another help would have been to print out my covering letter.

In this letter I already thought about why I want to work there and how I might use my abilities.
Also, what I will remember, is more eye contact. I try to look away when I am nervous, moving my
hands or touching my glasses. I should try to relax somehow (take notes before for important
vocabulary and ask if I am allowed to use them, print out cover letter).

Things I really have to think about again is why I am the best possible candidate for that position.
I think his is one of the most difficult things especially when you have not much experience in that
area because you are a student and that might be the first job to apply for.

Additionally, it will be helpful to think about some difficult situations which appear at a workplace
even if you have never been in one before.
It is hard to imagine hat when you only have little time in an interview. It is better to do some
research on challenging questions that might come like this one and think about what you might
do. Another option is to say that you have never been in such a situation but you can think about
how to handle it. Therefore you might have to ask for a moment to think about it.
Also I need to do more research on the company next time to talk fluently and not to think about
it at first. This takes to much worthy time.

But here were also things I think I did right. I was on time, my English was fluid (more or less) and
I am aware of my strengths and weaknesses.

All in all I have much to improve, especially preparing and taking notes but this interview showed
my where I can work on and how to handle it better next time.

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