Spanish Lesson Introductions

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Lesson Topic

● The curriculum being taught will be over introductions: how to introduce someone to another person and appropriate
● Students will have covered vocabulary relating to careers and conversation questions for asking about someone’s job
● Students need to be engaged through more than just lecture and cloze assignments

Aligned Standard(s) Learning Goal(s) Assessments

1. /2. Interpersonal Communication:​ Learners 1. SWBAT introduce people 1. 25% -50% sample: A couple
interact and negotiate meaning in spoken, orally groups present their partner
2. SWBAT respond to activity to the class
signed, or written conversations to share
introductions orally 2. 25% -50% sample: A couple
information, reactions, feelings, and opinions. 3. SWBAT create sentences groups present their partner
introducing people in activity to the class
writing/through gesture 3.
3./4. Interpretive Communication:​ Learners 4. SWBAT identify similarities a. 10% sample: Mix and
understand, interpret, and analyze what is between pronouns in English match activity; a
heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics. and Spanish couple groups shares
their answers
b. 50% sample: Poll
Everywhere cloze
1./2.Presentational Communication:​ Learners
present information, concepts, and ideas to made as a class
inform, explain, persuade, and narrate on a 4. I don’t know if I will have an
variety of topics using appropriate media and assessment for this since the
pronouns are being introduced
adapting to various audiences of listeners,
later in the week.
readers, or viewers.

4. Language Comparisons:​ Learners use the

language to investigate, explain, and reflect on
the nature of language through comparisons of
the language studied and their own.

Depth of Knowledge and Bloom’s Taxonomy

We will use the three low levels of Bloom’s taxonomy because this is the introduction to the material.
There will be Remembering with the mix and match activity.
There will be Understanding in the poll everywhere activity.
There will be Application in the blob activity.

Projector (and remote!)
Envelopes with practice sentences
Poll Everywhere with prompts from book
Cards with professions
Powerpoint with:
- table of phrases
- definition and example of an indirect object pronoun
- explanation of mix and match
- explanation of poll everywhere
- poll everywhere login
- explanation of blob game
- homework
- explanation of back-up activity

Academic Language

Indirect Object Pronoun: the pronoun for “to who or whom or what” an action is being done

Instructional ​Sequence Assessments Expectations, Transitions

● Greet class and introduce myself (2)

● Present expressions to class (5) Have powerpoint ready with phrase
○ Ask students to repeat table and have students take out their
phrases vocab sheets.
○ Explain how the phrases are
○ Discuss IOP Pass out envelopes before class. Set on
● Mix & Match activity with envelope in the tables and have students leave
partners (10) them shut.
○ Explain the activity
○ Students will have an
envelope with various 10% sample: Mix and match
introduction and response activity; a couple groups
options. shares their answers
○ Students will have to match Put sentences away
up appropriate sentences and
share them with the class Have URL on powerpoint and ready to
○ Write responses on the 50% sample: Poll Everywhere be typed. Have students open laptops &
board. Correct anything cloze activity; corrections sign into poll. (5)
necessary. made as a class
● Poll Everywhere with cloze activity in
the book with table partner (10)
○ Explain the activity Put away computers
○ Go through Poll
○ Pick two correct responses
and two incorrect responses Carry tape and hand cards to students
as a class and make 1. 25% -50% sample: A couple and tell them to NOT look at them.
corrections groups present their partner Have partners tape their cards on each
● Blob game (15) activity to the class other (5)
○ Every student is partnered 2. 25% -50% sample: A couple
up. groups present their partner
○ A vocab word is taped on activity to the class
their back
○ Their partner must describe
what their word is so they
can guess it.
○ Two groups of two join
together to become a blob.
○ The partners introduce their Have powerpoint with homework
partners to the other group. written on it.
○ Have one or two blobs
present themselves to the
● Ask about questions students may
● Explain the location of homework

Back up activity: Have students introduce their

partners to the people around them with their
dream job.

Plan for Differentiation

If a student is struggling to remember the phrases, they can use their vocab list.
Keeping activities short and interactive is a form of differentiation to avoid long assignment time and poor attention
Assessing students from a small sample is a form of differentiation because it allows less confident students to express their
thoughts in small groups but doesn’t require whole group sharing.
The mix and match uses gesture to allow students who are not confident in writing or speaking to show what they know.

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