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AMCAT results Mimic

Interview Decisions

Varun Aggarwal
June, 2009
AMCAT Results Mimic interview Decisions PAGE 2

AMCAT Results Mimic Interview

– The case of using AMCAT for hiring at an
IT Product company

Varun Aggarwal

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AMCAT Results Mimic interview Decisions PAGE 3

assessment is used just as a criterion to
Aspiring Minds is an assessment
filter the not so appropriate candidates,
company which conducts aptitude, skill
in other cases, it is also used as a hiring
and personality assessment for judging
input for the interviewer to make the
employability of candidates. It has a
hiring decision.
battery of Computer Adaptive Tests which
are taken by several thousands of fresh For any organization, a decrease in
graduates every year and whose results interview time leads to savings in cost and
are accepted by companies such as HCL, time, leading to scalability and
MphasiS, Evalueserve, etc. to make hiring organizational efficiency. This can happen
decisions. if an objective assessment can act as an
accurate proxy for the interview.
During the second quarter of 2008,
Aspiring Minds worked with a Bangalore- The following reasons are generally cited
based Web 2.0 product company (COM) for the inadequacy of assessment
helping them hire candidates from three solutions for this purpose.
Most assessment different campuses across India. The
Most tests are designed to work as
solutions are
candidate was expected to have very
considered to be screens: Firstly, most assessment
good ‘screens’, strong computer programming and
solutions are considered to be good
but not good for algorithm skills together with strong
guiding the final ‘screens’, but not good for guiding the final
hiring decision. analytical skills and communication skills.
hiring decision. Basically, tests are
The current case is about how Aspiring considered good to eliminate the bad
Minds’ superior assessment helped COM candidates, but inadequate to differentiate
hire with minimum interview burden and amongst the better candidates. This is
objective assessment criteria. because most check the minimum stuff
the candidate should know for the
Assessment and Interviews
position, but not test the stuff he/she
Across the world, most hiring at entry- should know to do well in the job. Thus
level use an assessment followed by they act as ‘screens’ to eliminate, but not
interview(s). Whereas in some cases, the good ranking tools otherwise. The ranking

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happens at the interviewer level. Aspiring Minds Assessment

Testing in generic aptitude and not in Aspiring Minds’ flagship Computer

skill: The second concern is with the Adaptive Testing Platform, AMCAT
content area of tests. Most corporates use combines English Skills, Aptitude, Skill
AMCAT helps not
only screen the a generic aptitude test at the intake, which and Personality Assessment to provide
inappropriate is used to filter out candidates who do not wholesome assessment. All the questions
candidates, but
have the basis aptitude and in the test are multiple-choice questions
give accurate
ranking for the communication skills for the job. The test and the scoring is based on Item-
high-ability does not assess the specific skills needed Response-Theory (IRT).
for the job, for instance, the Java
AMCAT has been designed to act like a
Programming Skills or the financial
hiring input and an enabler to make the
knowledge of the person. After the generic
final hiring decision rather than just a
aptitude test eliminates candidates, the
screen. As discussed below, such
interviewer tests the skills.
assessment could provide great scalability
Objective testing considered to talent acquisition and management
inadequate: The third objection is with processes.
regard to the objectivity of the test. There
AMCAT is now discussed with regard to
are abilities of the candidate tested
the objections raised against objective
through a subjective discussion which
testing in the last section.
includes his/her approach to solving a
problem, creativity, way of answering, AMCAT is an adaptive test, a test which

etc., which are not well-assessed in the adjusts its difficulty level to the

objective right-wrong format of

the questions. If the qualities
assessed through the
subjective process are
dominant for the decision-
making process, objective
assessment shall always
remain limited in its role.

Given these reasons, objective

assessment has been considered of neighbourhood of the inherent ability of
limited value in the final hiring decision the candidate. It becomes easy for a
and interview remains the dominant part not-so-smart candidate and tough for
of the process. the smart candidate. The scoring is
based on a Bayesian Inference

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framework, which implies that the score of AMCAT is an objective test with multiple
the candidate is judged by how hard a choice questions. However it does have a
question he/she was able to answer. majority of application-based questions
rather than knowledge-based questions.
The adaptive nature of AMCAT helps not
This tests the candidate’s ability to apply
only screen the inappropriate
the concepts and knowledge to real-world
candidates, but give accurate ranking
problems rather than assessing
for the high-ability candidates. This is
knowledge or rote learning.
depicted in Figure 1. This addresses the
first objection against objective testing We concede that an objective test cannot
The Skill modules solutions. provide many abilities which are only
tests particular
measurable subjectively, creativity being
skills needed for Secondly, AMCAT goes beyond being a
job success, while general aptitude test to include Skill
one. The question remains however how
the Personality dominant are these skills for the final
Assessment modules and Personality Assessment.
measures whether hiring decision and job-performance. Our
The structure of AMCAT is shown in
the candidate has view is that this would vary from job-to-job
the right Figure 2. Whereas the Skill modules tests
disposition for the and needs to substantiated empirically.
particular skills needed for job success of
entry-level hires, the Personality Thus, there is enough reason to believe
Assessment measures whether the that AMCAT could be a good proxy to
candidate has the right disposition for the interviews once calibrated. The same
job. Currently, AMCAT contains Skill needs to be verified empirically.
Modules in Computer Programming,
COM’s Job Requirement
Electronics Semiconductor, Computer
Literacy, Computer Infra and Finance. COM is a Bangalore based companies

The Personality Assessment is based on which hires entry-level software engineers

the scientifically validated five factor for Web 2.0 product development. Their

model of personality, which has shown salary range is 4.0L to 5.0L per annum.

high job-performance correlation. COM is very selective in their hiring. Each

AMCAT thus measures enough candidate goes through three rounds of

dimensions of a person’s ability and interview and the convert rate range
The convert rate disposition to be able to predict job between 1 in 15 to 1 in 20 of those they
at COM ranged interview.
between 1 in 15 success and be a proxy to the interviewer
to 1 in 20 of those with regard to content coverage. This They require candidates with very strong
they interview.
covers the second objection raised in the computer programming skills and ability to
last section. apply data structure and algorithm
concepts in solving complex problems.
They also want the candidates to have

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very good communication and analytical After detailed examination of the job
skills. function with the COM team, Aspiring
Minds team hypothesized that English
The interview at COM comprises of
Comprehension and Logical Ability
making students write programs for
were screening criteria for COM,
particular complicated problems. If the
whereas Computer Programming and
candidate is unable to solve the problem,
Quantitative Ability were differentiating
they provide hints and help the candidate
criteria within the good candidates.
progressively solve the problem. They
desire to check the approach and thought The cut-offs used for different modules
process of the candidate towards solving are present in Table 1. After applying the
computer programming problems. On the cut-offs for screening candidates, the
other hand, they test analytical skills by eligible candidates were sorted basis the
asking subjective puzzles to candidates. sum of their standardized Computer
Programming and Quantitative Ability
Till now, COM was making decisions of
Score. COM was provided with the list
interviewing or not interviewing candidates
of eligible candidates in order of
basis the resume of the candidate. They
priority and also the list of ineligible
were not using any assessment tests. As
cited before their convert rate ranged
between one-in-fifteen to one-in-twenty. Event 1: The first event for COM was
conducted at a reputed engineering
AMCAT for COM Hiring
campus in Bangalore, India. A total of 53
COM decided to use AMCAT for entry- candidates took AMCAT. These consisted
level hiring in March 2008. Experts at students with, M.Sc. and MCA
Aspiring Minds decided to use the degrees.
following modules for assessing
Cut-off Cutoff
applicants to COM: Module (Absolute (Nationwide
Score) Percentile)
⇒ English Comprehension
English 550 60
⇒ Quantitative Ability
Logical Ability 500 50
⇒ Logical Ability
Quantitative Ability 500 50
⇒ Computer Programming.
Computer 600 75
The Computer Programming test has a
mix of basic programming questions, Table 1

application questions on data structures Out of these 53 candidates, 15 candidates

and algorithms, and object oriented were eligible after applying the first filter.

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AM provided a list with ranking of the 30 MCA students took the AMCAT. Using
same to COM. The COM team distributed the filtering criteria, 6 students were
the 15 candidates to be interviewed by shortlisted and provided to COM with
their technical team for the first round of rankings. After the interview process,
interview. The technical team was blind to COM hired candidates with rank 1 & 2.
the AMCAT scores.
As a result of the first round of interview, 7
The following observations were made in
candidates were shortlisted. All
the hiring done for COM.
candidates below AMCAT rank 11 were
rejected by the interviewers. The marginal In all events, the candidate ranked first

selects were rank 8 and 11. Thus the on basis of AMCAT was selected by

result of the first round of interview closely interviewers. This clearly showed that

matched the ranking done by AMCAT AMCAT scores could effectively

scores. discriminate and provide ranking amongst

the better candidates. The purpose of
After the final round of interview, COM
AMCAT did not limit to eliminating the not-
made offers to candidates with Rank 1, 2
so-good candidates, but it could be used
and 7. This clearly showed that the
to select hireable candidates amongst the
selection done through AMCAT was valid
shortlisted candidates.
and mimicked the interview results.
Secondly, 2 out of the top 4 candidates
Event 2: The second event for COM was
were consistently selected by COM’s
at a reputed campus in Gujarat, India. The
interviewers. This shows a very strong
candidates tested had degrees of,
convert rate of one selection in every
M.Tech. and M.Sc. A total of 118
The interview two interviews. This is a phenomenal
convert rate candidates were tested.
improvement over the earlier convert rates
jumped from 1 in
15 or 1 in 20 to On basis of AMCAT, 29 candidates were of one in fifteen or twenty.
around 1 in 2. shortlisted. A candidate list with ranking
In one case the seventh ranked candidate
was provided to COM.
was selected together with the candidate
Given the confidence COM had ranked first and second. It may be further
developed on AMCAT after the first event, investigated why the seventh candidate
they interviewed only the first 8 was selected over-and-above the four
candidates as recommended on basis of candidates with higher rank. This may be
AMCAT. They finally hired candidates with considered an outlier result.
Rank 1 and Rank 4.
AMCAT was able to provide consistency
Event 3: The third event for COM was across 3 distinct regions in India and
conducted in Maharashtra, India. A total of

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distinct educational qualifications – B.E., interviews to be conducted for hiring a

MCA, MSc and M. Tech. candidates. given number of candidates, the scores
would help the interviewer take lesser
time in the interview and take a more
AMCAT, the objective aptitude and skill confident and objective decision.
assessment engine of Aspiring Minds is
This study shows that AMCAT can help
an effective tool to make hiring decisions.
organizations save time and cost by a
The current study showed that it could
significant amount and enable them to
predict the interview results with high
hire consistent workforce.
efficiency. This shows that AMCAT scores
can be used as a standardized objective AMCAT achieves such efficiency due to
input for making hiring decisions. its adaptive nature and wide coverage of
skill and aptitude assessment.
Not only does the use of AMCAT
phenomenally reduces the number of

Aspiring Minds Assessment Pvt. Ltd.

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Gurgaon, Haryana


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