Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) : Standart Kompetensi Basic Kompetensi

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TAHUN AJARAN : 2017/2018
KKM : 70



1. Understanding Business

1.1 Business 1.1.1 Student can identify different

70 70 70 70
Activity between Needs And Wants
1.1.2 Student can describe Scarcity,
70 70 70 70
and Opportunity Cost
1.1.3 Student can make analisys the
50 75 85 70
importance of spesialisation
1.1.4 Student have understanding
65 75 70 70
purpose of business activity
1.1.5 Student can identifity from
environtment about How businesses 55 80 75 70
increase added value 70

1.2 Classificatio 1.2.1 Student can identify classified

70 70 70 70
n of businesses of businesses

1.2.2 Student can describe changing

60 75 75 70
importance of business classification
1.2.3 Student can describe business
enterprises in the private and public 50 85 75 70
sectors 70

1.3 Enter 1.3.1 Student understanding

prise, Business growth and Characteristics of successful 60 75 75 70
size enterpreneurs

1.3.2 Student describe Contents of

50 85 75 70
business plan
1.3.3 Student understanding How
50 90 70 70
business plan Assist enterpreneurs

1.3.4 Student understanding ‘Why

and how goverments support 50 90 70 70
business starts –ups

1.3.5 Student understanding

60 75 75 70
Measuring business size

1.3.6 Student can analisys

Limitations of methods of measuring 50 85 75 70
business size

1.3.7 Student can analisys Why some

business grow and others remain 50 85 75 70

1.3.8 Student describe problems

50 85 75 70
linked to business growth

1.3.9 Student can analisys Why some

50 85 75 70
businesses remain small.

1.3.10 Student can analisys ‘Why

50 85 75 70
some businesses fail. 70

1.4.1 Student understanding Form of

1.4 Types
business organization and the 70 70 70 70
of business organization
1.4.2 Student can analysis
Differences between unicorporated 55 80 75 70
businesses and limited companies
1.4.3 Student can to describe Risk,
65 75 70 70
ownership and limited liability

1.4.4 Student understanding How to

choosing the type of business 65 75 70 70
1.4.5 Student understanding
Business organization in the public 70 70 70 70
sector 70
1.5 Business objectives 1.5.1 Student make analysis Need for
70 70 70 70
and stakeholder objectives business objectives

1.5.2 Student can identifity Different

50 85 75 70
business objectives

1.5.3 Student understanding

65 75 70 70
Objectives of social enterprises

1.5.4 Student understanding The

50 85 75 70
Role of Stakeholder groups

1.5.5 Student can identify objectives

of private sectors and public sectors 60 80 70 70
enterprises. 70

2. People In Business

2.1.1 Student understanding The

2.1 Motiv
importance of a well motivated 70 70 70 70
ating Workers
2.1.2 Student can to describe
benefits of a well motivated 65 75 70 70
2.1.3 Student understanding The
concept of huhman needs – 50 85 75 70
Maslow’s ierarchy
2.1.4 Student understanding FW
Taylor- scientific management 60 80 70 70
2.1.5 Student understanding Fredrick
65 75 70 70
Herzberg – two factor theory
2.1.6 Student can analysis and
choose the best method of 60 80 70 70
motivation 70

2.2 Orga 2.2.1 Student understanding simple

50 85 75 70
nization and management hierarchical structure

2.2.2. Student understanding the

60 80 70 70
role of management.
2.2.3 Student can identifity
60 80 70 70
leadership styles.
2.2.4 Student can analisys how to
50 85 75 70
choosing a leadership style

2.2.5 Student understanding Trade

60 80 70 70
unions. 70

2.3 Recru
2.3.1 Student can identifity Methods
itment, selection and 60 80 70 70
of recruiting and selecting workers
training of workers.

2.3.2 Student understanding Benefits

and limitations of part time and full 60 80 70 70
time workers.
2.3.3 Student understanding the
60 80 70 70
importance of training and methods
2.3.4 Student understanding reasons
for reducing the size of the 60 80 70 70
2.3.5 Student understanding legal
60 80 70 70
controls over employment issues. 70

2.4 Inter 2.4.1 Student can analysis Effective

nal and external communication and how it is 50 85 75 70
communication Achieved

2.4.2 Student understanding Benefits

and limitations of communication 60 80 70 70
2.4.3 Student can analysis an
considers for choosing the best 50 85 75 70
method of communication

2.4.4 Students understanding How

communication barriers arise and
60 80 70 70
problems of ineffective
2.4.5 Student understanding How
communication barriers can be 60 80 70 70
redused or removed.

3.1.1 Student can identifying and

3. Marketing 60 80 70 70
satisfying customers needs

3.1 Marketing,
3.1.2 Student understanding
Compettition and the 60 80 70 70
Maintaining customer loyalty

3.1.3 Student understanding Building

60 80 70 70
customer relationships

3.1.4 Student can analyzing why

60 80 70 70
consumer spending pattern change

3.1.5 Student describe changing

60 80 70 70
customer needs

3.1.6 Student Analizing Why some

50 85 75 70
markets become more competitive

3.1.7 Student understanding How

businesses respond to changing
60 80 70 70
spending patterns and increased

3.1.8 Student analizing Niche 50 85 75 70

marketing and mass marketing

3.1.9 Student identifying Benefits

and limitations of niche marketing 50 85 75 70
and mass marketing.

3.1.10 Student understanding

50 85 75 70
market sementation 70

3.2 Market 3.2.1 Student understanding market

60 80 70 70
Research orientated businesses

3.2.2 Student understanding uses of

60 80 70 70
market research information
3.2.3 Student understanding primary
60 80 70 70
research and secondary research

3.2.4 Student understanding benefits

and limitations of primary and 50 85 75 70
secondary research
3.2.5 Student identifying methods of
50 85 75 70
primary research
3.2.6 Student understanding the
60 80 70 70
need for sampling

3.2.7 Student analizing accuracy of

50 85 75 70
market research data

3.2.8 Student can make presentation

50 85 75 70
and use of market research results 70

3.3 3.3.1 Student understanding new

70 70 70 70
Marketing Mix product
3.3.2 Student understanding costs
and benefits of developing new 50 85 75 70
3.3.3 Student understanding Brand
60 80 70 70

3.3.4 Student describe and make the

60 80 70 70
product life cycle

3.3.5 Student analizing How the

product life cycle influences 50 85 75 70
marketing decisions

3.3.6 Student understanding pricing

50 85 75 70

3.3.7 Student understanding how to

50 85 75 70
choosing a pricing method

3.3.8 Student understanding price

50 85 75 70
elasticity of demand
3.3.9 Student understanding price
elasticity of demand and pricing 50 85 75 70
3.4.1 Student identifying for chosing
50 85 75 70
a method of distribution

3.4.2 Student understanding the aim

50 85 75 70
of promotion

3.4.3 Student analizing how

50 85 75 70
promotion influences sales

3.4.4 Student understanding the

marketing budget and promotion 50 85 75 70
3.4.5 Student understanding
50 85 75 70
technology and the marketing mix
3.4.6 Student understanding for
50 85 75 70
choosing a marketing strategy 70

3.4 3.4.7 Student understanding legal

60 80 70 70
Marketing Strategy controls related to marketing

3.4.8 Student understanding

Opportunities and problems of 60 80 70 70
entering new markets abroad

3.4.9 Student identifiying methods

to overcome problems of entering 50 85 75 70
foreign markets

4.1.1 Student understanding

managing resources to produce 60 80 70 70
s Management
goods and services

4.1.2 Student understanding Benefits

4.1 Production of
of increasing efficiency and how to 60 80 70 70
goods and services
increase it

4.1.3 Student analizing Why

50 85 75 70
businesses hold inventories

4.1.4 Student understanding lean

50 85 75 70
4.1.5 Student identifying The main
methods of production and choosing 50 85 75 70

4.1.6 Student analizing “How

technology has changed production 50 85 75 70
methods. 70

4.2 Costs, scale of

4.2.1 Student understanding to
production and break – 60 80 70 70
calculate Fixed and variable costs
even analysis

4.2.2 Student understanding for

using cost data to make simple cost 60 80 70 70
based decisions

4.2.3 Student understanding

economies and diseconomies of 60 80 70 70

4.2.4 Student understanding the

importance of economies and 60 80 70 70
diseconomies of scale

4.2.5 Student understanding simple

50 85 75 70
break even charts

4.3.1 Student understanding The

4.3 Achieving
importance of quality to all 60 80 70 70
quality production

4.3.2 Student understanding How

businesses achieve quality 60 80 70 70
production 70

4.4.1 Student understanding factors

4.4 Location
influencing location and relocation 60 80 70 70
4.4.2 Student analizing Why
businesses locate their operations to 50 85 75 70
another country

4.4.3 Student understanding The role

60 80 70 70
of legal controls

4.4.4 Student analizying for choosing

50 85 75 70
a location 70

5.Financial information 51.1 Student understanding why

60 80 70 70
and decisions businesses need finance

5.1 Business finance : 5.1.2 Student understanding Main

60 80 70 70
needs and sources sources of capital

5.1.3 Student understanding micro-

60 80 70 70
finance in developin economies

5.1.4 Student understanding factors

60 80 70 70
influencing the choice of finance

5.1.5 Student understanding for

60 80 70 70
choosing sources of finance

5.1.6 Student understanding

60 80 70 70
Working capital

5.2 Cash – flow

5.2.1 Student understanding Cash
forecasting and working 50 85 75 70

5.3.1 Student understanding and can

5.3 Income Statement 50 85 75 70
to calculate income statement

5.4.1 Student understanding to

5.4 Balance Sheets 50 85 75 70
calculate balance sheet

5.5.1 Student analizing how to

5.5 Analysis of accounts 50 85 75 70
interpret financial statement

5.5.2 Student understanding why

50 85 75 70
and how accounts are used 70
6. External influences on 6.1.1 Student understanding positive
50 85 75 70
business activity balance of payment

6.1 Government
6.1.2 Student understanding low
economic objectives and 50 85 75 70

6.1.3 Student understanding low

50 85 75 70

6.1.4 Student understanding

50 85 75 70
Economic growth

6.1.5 Student understanding the

50 85 75 70
business cycle

6.1.6 Student understanding How

changes in taxes and government 50 85 75 70
spending affect business activity

6.1.7 Student understanding how

businesses respond to changes in 50 85 75 70
government spending 70

6.2.1 Student understanding How

6.2 Environmental and
business activity can impact on the 50 85 75 70
ethical issues

6.2.2 Student Understanding

External costs and externl benefits of 50 85 75 70
business decisions
6.2.3 Student Understanding
50 85 75 70
sustainable development

6.2.4 Student understanding The role

50 85 75 70
of legal controls

6.2.5 Student understanding ethical

50 85 75 70
issues faced by businesses

6.2.6 Student analizing how

50 85 75 70
businesses respons to ethnical issues
6.3 Business and the 6.3.1 Student analizing reasons for
50 85 75 70
international economy globalization

6.3.2 Student understanding

50 85 75 70
opportunities treaths of globalization
6.3.3 Student analizing why
goverments introduce import tariffs 50 85 75 70
and quotas

6.3.4 Student understanding benefits

50 85 75 70
to a business becoming a


6.3.5 Student understanding benefit

50 85 75 70
a multinational to the host country

6.3.6 Student understanding

drawbacks of a multinational to the 50 85 75 70
host country

6.3.7 Student understanding

depreciation and appreciation for an 50 85 75 70
exchange rate

Approved by Batam, July 2017

Principle Subject Teacher

Ruth Sih Handayany, SE,

MA Ririn Indayany, S.Pd

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