Day 1 Calculations

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Complete the following nuclear equations

14 4 17
a) 7
N + 2He = 8 O + ?
9 4 12
b) 4
Be + 2He = 6 C + ?
c) Be (p,α)?
30 30
d) 15
P = 14S+ ?
3 3
e) 1
H = 2He + ?
43 46
f) 20
Ca(α,?) 21Sc

1 0 6 0 0
Ans. a) H b) n c) Li d) β e) β f) p
1 1 3 +1 −1

25.8L of a gas has a pressure of 690torr and a temperature of 17C.

what will be the volume if the pressure is changed to 1.85atm and the
temperature to 345K.

Ans. V= 15.1L

Calculate the root mean square velocity of CO2 molecule at 1000C.

Ans. v= 849.85m/s

Calculate the rms velocity of chlorine molecules at 12C and 78cm


Ans. 316.52m/s

Calculate the average velocity of nitrogen molecule at STP

V= 454.47m/s

Oxygen at 1atm pressure and 0C has a density of 1.4290g/L. find the

RMS velocity of oxygen molecules.

Ans. v= 461.38m/s

Calculate the most probable velocity of nitrogen molecules, N2 at 15C

Ans. v= 413.7m/s

At 0C and 1atm pressure the molecular diameter of a gas is 4Angstrom.

Calculate the mean free path of its molecule.

Ans. 5.23x10^-5m
The root mean square velocity of hydrogen at STP is 1.83x10^5 cm/s and
its mean free path is 1.78x10^-5 cm. calculate the collision number at

Ans. 9.4769x10^9 /s

A capillary tube of internal diameter 0.21mm is dipped into a liquid

whose density is 0.79g/cm3. The liquid rises in this capillary to a
height of 6.3cm. calculate the surface tension of the liquid.

Ans. 25.6dynes/cm

How high will sap rise in a plant if the capillaries are 0.01mm
diameter, the density of the fluid is 1.3g/cm3 and its surface tension

Ans. 2.04m

At a pressure of 760mm, a mixture of nitrobenzene and water boils at

99C. the vapour pressure of water at this temperature is 733mm. find
the proportion of water and nitrobenzene in the distillate obtained by
steam distillation of impure nitrobenzene.

Ans. 4:1

A mixture of water and bromobenzene distils at 95C, and the distillate

contains 1.6 times as much bromobenzene as water by mass. At 95C the
vapour pressure of water and bromo are 640 and 120 respectively.
Calculate the molecular weight of bromo.

Ans. MM= 153.6g/mol

A solution of 0.124g of a substance, X in 25mL of ethanoic acid(acetic

acid) has a freezing point 0.324C below that of the pure acid 16.6C.
calculate the molecular mass of X, given that the specific latent heat
of fusion of ethanoic acid is 180.75J/g.

Ans. 59.09

Predict whether the reaction 2Ag(s) + Zn+2 (aq) = Ag+ (aq) + Zn(s) is
feasible or not.

Ans. -1.563V, not feasible

Determine the feasibility of the reaction 2Al(s) + 2Sn+4(aq) = 2Al+3 +

3Sn+2 (aq)

Ans. Ecell= 1.81V, feasible

What is the potential of a half-cell consisting of zinc electrode in
0.01M ZnSO4 solution at 25C, Eo= 0.763V.

Ans. E= 0.8221V

Calculate the emf of the cell Znl Zn+2(0.001M)ll Ag+(0.1M)lAg

Ans. 1.5896V

Calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction between silver

nitrate and metallic zinc.

Ans. K= 1x10^52

Calculate the pressure volume work done when a system containing a gas
expands from 1L to 2L against a constant external pressure of
10atmospheres. Express the answer in calories and joules

Ans. w= -1012.53J

One mol of an ideal gas at 25C is allowed to expand reversibly at

constant temperature from a volume of 10L to 20L. calculate the work
done by the gas in J and cal.

Ans. w= -1717.46J

Find the work done when one mol of the gas is expanded reversibly and
isothermally from 5atm to 1atm at 25C.


w= -3988J

Find ΔE, q and w if 2mols of hydrogen at 3 atm pressure expand

isothermally at 50C and reversibly to a pressure of 1atm.

Ans. ΔE= 0, q= w= -1410cal

1g of water at 373K in converted into steam at the same temperature.

The volume of water becomes 1671mL on boiling. Calculate the change in
internal energy of the system if the heat of vaporization is 540cal/g.

Ans. ΔE= 499cal

Calculate the maximum work done when pressure on 10g of hydrogen is

reduced from 20 to one atm at a constant temperature of 273K. the gas
behaves ideally. Will there be any change in internal energy? what is

Ans. w= -8126.65cal, q= 8126.65cal

For the reaction H2F2 (g) = H2(g) + F2(g), ΔE= - 14.2kcal/mol at 25C.
calculate the ΔH for the reaction.

Ans. ΔH= -13.6kcal/mol

Calculate the value of ΔE and ΔH on heating 64g of oxygen from 0C to

100C. Cv and Cp on an average are 5 and 7cal/mol C.

Ans. ΔE= 2000cal, ΔH= 2800cal

Calculate the amount of heat necessary to raise 213.5g of water from

25C to 100C. molar heat capacity of water is 18cal/molK

Ans. q= 16.012kcal

Three moles of an ideal gas( Cv= 5 cal/degC mol) at 10atm and 0C are
converted to 2atm at 50C. find ΔE and ΔH for the change.

Ans. ΔE= 750cals, ΔH= 1050cals

Calculate w for the adiabatic reversible expansion of 2mols of an

ideal gas at 273.2K and 20 atm final pressure of 2atm. (Cp= 5R/2,

Ans. T2= 108.8K, w= 4.1kJ

At 25C for the combustion of 1mol of liquid benzene the heat of

reaction at constant pressure is given by C6H6(l) + 7 ½ O2(g)= 6CO2(g)
+ 3H2O(l), ΔH= -780980cal. What would be the heat of reaction at
constant volume?

Ans. ΔE= -780.086kcal

The heat of combustion of ethylene at 17C and at constant volume is

-332.19kcal. calculate the heat of combustion at constant pressure
considering water to be in liquid state. R= 2cal/molC

Ans. ΔH= -333.3kcal

The heat of combustion of carbon monoxide at constant volume and at

17C is -283.3kJ. calculate its heat of combustion at constant

Ans. ΔH= -284.5kJ

The heat of formation of methane at 298K at constant pressure is

-17.89kcal. calculate its heat of formation at constant volume.

Ans. ΔE= -18.482kcal

The heat of reaction ½ H2 + ½ Cl2 = HCl at 27C is -22.1kcal. calculate
the heat of reaction at 77C. the molar heat capacities at constant
pressure at 27C for hydrogen, chlorine and HCl are 6.82, 7.7 and
6.8cal/mol respectively.

Ans. -22.123kcal

The heat of reaction N2 + 3H2 = 2NH3 at 27C was found to be

-21.976kcal. what will be the heat of reaction at 50C?

Ans. 22.192kcal

Calculate the ΔH for the reaction CO2(g) + H2(g)= CO(g) + H2O(g) given
that ΔHf for CO2, CO, H2O are -393.5, -111.31 and -241.8kJ/mol

Ans. 40.4kJ

The standard heats of formation of C2H5OH(l), CO2(g) and H2O(l) are

-277, -393.5, and -285.5 kJ/mol respectively. Calculate the standard
heat change for the reaction.

Ans. ΔH= -1366.5kJ

Calculate the standard heat of formation of propane (C3H8) if its heat

of combustion is -2220.2kJ/mol. The heats of formation of CO2(g) and
H20(l) are -393.5 and -285.8kJ/mol respectively.

Ans. -103.5kJ/mol

Calculate the heat of formation of potassium hydroxide

K(s) + H2O(aq) = KOH + ½ H2 ΔH= -48kcal
H2(g) + ½ O2(g) = H2O(l) ΔH= -68.5kcal
KOH(s) = KOH(aq) ΔH= -14kcal

Ans. -102.5kcal

The heat of combustion of ethyl alcohol is -330kcal. If the heat of

formation of CO2(g) and H2O(l) be -94.3kcal and -68.5kcal
respectively, calculate the heat of formation of ethyl alcohol.

Ans. -64.1kcal

Determine the ΔH of the reaction

C(s)+ 2H2(g) = CH4(g) from the ff
C(s)+O2(g) = CO2(g) ΔH= -393.7kJ
H2(g) ½ O2(g) = H2O(l) ΔH= -285.7kJ
CH4(g) + 2O2(g) = CO2(g) + 2H2O(l) ΔH= -890.3kJ

Ans. -74.8kJ
Given that energies for H-H, O=O and O-H bonds are 104,118 and
111kcal/mol respectively, calculate the heat of the reaction H2(g) +
½O2(g) = H2O(g)

Ans. -59kcal/mol

Calculate the bond energy of HCl, given that H-H bond energy is
433kJ/mol, Cl-Cl bond energy is 242kJ/mol and ΔHf for HCl is

Ans. 428.5kJ

Urea hydrolyses in the presence of water to produce ammonia and carbon

dioxide CO(NH2)2(aq) + H2O(l) = CO2(g) + 2NH3(g). CO(NH2)2, H2O, CO2
and NH3 entropies are 41.55, 16.72, 51.06, 46.01 cal/molK.

Ans. 84.81cal/K

Calculate the standard entropy of formation ΔSf, of CO2(g) given the

standard entropies of CO2(g), C(s), O2(g) which are 213.6, 5.74 and
205J/K respectively.

Ans. 2.86J/K

An engine operating between 150C and 25C takes 500J heat from a high
reservoir. Assuming that there are no frictional losses, calculate the
work that can be done by this engine.

Ans. w= 147.75J

The boiling point of water at a pressure of 50atm is 265C. compare

the theoretical efficiencies of a steam engine operating between the
boiling point of water at a) 1 atm b) 50 atm, assuming the temperature
of the sink to be 35C in each case.

Ans. a) 0.174 b) 0.428

If a carnot engine operating between two heat reservoir at 227C and

27C absorbs 1000calories from the 227C reservoir and how much work is
done per cycle? What is the efficiency of the cycle?

Ans. a) 600cal b) 0.4eff

Calculate the entropy change in the evaporation of 1mol of water at

100C. latent heat of evaporation of water is 9650cal/mol.

Ans. ΔS= 25.87cal/molK

Calculate the entropy change involved in thermodynamic expansion of
2mol of a gas from a volume of 5L to a volume of 50L at 303K

Ans. ΔS= 38.29J/K

Calculate the entropy change when 2mol of an ideal gas are allowed to
expand isothermally at 293K from a pressure of 10atm to a pressure of

Ans. ΔS= 26.76J/K

Calculate the entropy change when 1mol of ethanol is evaporated at

351K. the molar heat of vaporization of ethanol is 39.84kJ/mol

Ans. ΔS= 113.5J/mol K

30.4kJ is required to melt one mol of sodium chloride. The entropy

change during melting is 28.4J/mol K. calculate the melting point of
sodium chloride

Ans. T= 1070.4K

4 mol of an ideal gas expand isothermally from 1L to 10L at 300K.

calculate the change in free energy of the gas

Ans. ΔG= -22.9765kJ

2mol of an ideal gas are allowed to expand reversibly and isothermally

at 300K from a pressure of 1atm to a pressure of 0.1atm. what is the
change in Gibbs free energy?

Ans. ΔG= -11.4882kJ

For the reaction H2(g) + ½ O2(g) = H2O(l). the values of enthalpy

change and free energy are -68.32 and -56.69kcal at 25C respectively.
Calculate the value of free energy change at 30C

Ans. ΔG= -56.503kcal

For the reaction, N2(g) + 3H2(g) = 2NH3(g). the free energy changes at
25C and 35C are -33.089 and -28.018 kJ respectively. Calculate the
heat of reaction

Ans. ΔH= 184.174kJ

If the vapour pressure of water at 95C and 100C are 634 and 760mm
respectively, calculate the latent heat of vaporization per mol.

Ans. ΔH= 9886cal/mol

At what temperature will water boil under a pressure of 787mm? the
latent heat of vaporization is 536cal/g

Ans. T= 374K

What is the value of f(T) for a sample of gas whose volume is 2.97L
and pressure is 0.0553atm?what would the volume of the gas be if the
pressure were increased to 1atm?

Ans. f(T)= 0.164L-atm, V= 0.164L

If the joule-thomson coefficient for carbon dioxide, CO2, is

0.6375K/atm, estimate the final temperature of carbon dioxide at 20atm
and 100C that is forced through a barrier to a final pressure of 1atm

Ans. T= 88C

Evaluate ΔU for 1mol of oxygen O2, going from -20C to 37C at constant
volume, in the ff cases

a) It is an ideal gas
b) It is a real gas wit Cv= 21.6 + 4.18x10^-3T- 1.67x10^5/T2

Ans. a) 1184J b) 1176.8J

Consider 1mol of an ideal gas at an initial pressure of 1atm and

initial temperature of 273.15K. assume it expands adiabatically
against a pressure of 0.435atm until its volume doubles. Calculate the
work, the final temperature and the ΔU of the process

Ans. ΔU= -987J, T= 194K

A sample of gas changes in volume from 4L to 6L against an external

pressure of 1.5atm, and simultaneously absorbs 1000J of heat. What is
the change in the internal energy of the system?

Ans. ΔU= 696J

For an adiabatic reversible change in 1mol of an inert monoatomic gas,

the pressure changes from 2.44atm to 0.338atm. if the initial
temperature is 339K, what is the final temperature?

Ans. T= 154K

Calculate q, w, ΔE, ΔH for the vaporization of 1g of H2O at 100C and

1atm pressure. The ΔHvap of H2O is 2260 J/g. assume ideal gas
behaviour. The density of H2O at 100C is 0.9588g/cm3

Ans. ΔH= q= 2260J, w= -172J, ΔU= 2088J

The oxidation of glucose, C6H12O6 is a basic metabolic process in all
life. In cells, it is performed by a complex series of enzyme-
catalyzed reactions.
C6H12O6(s) + 6O2(g) = 6CO2(g) + 6H2O(l)
If the standard enthalpy of formation of glucose is -1277kJ/mol, what
is the ΔH for this process?

Ans. ΔH= -2799kJ

Calculate the work done when 50g of iron reacts with hydrochloric acid
in a) closed vessel of fixed volume b) open beaker at 25C

Ans. a)w=0 b) w= -2.2kJ

A sample of 2mol CH3OH(g) is condensed isothermally and reversibly to

liquid at 64C. the standard enthalpy of vaporization of methanol at
64C is 35.3kJ/mol. Find w,q, ΔU and ΔH for this process.

Ans. ΔH= q= -70.6 kJ, w= 5.6x10^3 J, ΔU = -65kJ

A container is divided into two equal compartments. One contains 3mol

H2 at 25C, the other contains 1mol N2 at 25C. calculate the gibbs
energy when the partition is removed. Assume perfect behaviour.

Ans. ΔG= -6.9kJ

A solid X is added to a mixture of benzene and water. After shaking

well and allowing to stand, 10mL of the benzene layer was found to
contain 0.13g of X and100mL of water layer contained 0.22g of X.
calculate the value of distribution coefficient.

Ans. 5.9

An aqueous solution of succinic acid at 15C containing 0.07g in 10mL

is in equilibrium with an ethereal solution which has 0.013g in 10mL.
the acid has its normal molecular weight in both the solvents. What is
the concentration of the ethereal solution which is in equilibrium
with an aqueous solution containing 0.024g in 10mL?

Ans 0.00044g/mL

At 25C an aqueous solution of iodine containing 0.0516g/L is in

equilibrium with CCl4 solution containing 4.412g/L. the solubility of
iodine in water at 25C is 0.34g/L. find the solubility of iodine in

Ans. 29.07g/L

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