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in property

Stuart Zadel
© Copyright 2009 TGR Seminars Pty Ltd
This work is copyright. All rights reserved by the publisher. Apart from any use
as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic, digital, mechanical, photocopying, recorded or otherwise,
without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Requests and
inquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to: The
Publisher, Think and Grow Rich Seminars Pty Ltd, Think and Grow Rich in
Property, P.O. Box 903, Bathurst NSW 2795.

The information, strategies, comments, concepts, techniques and suggestions
within this book are of a general nature only and do not constitute professional
or individual advice in any way. You must seek your own independent
professional advice relating to your particular circumstances, goals and risk
profile if you intend to take any action as a result of reading this publication.
The publisher, authors and experts who participated in this project do not
accept any responsibility for any actions arising from their work. Every care has
been taken to ensure the accuracy of the material contained in the book.

National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry:

Zadel, Stuart.
Think and Grow Rich in Property / Stuart Zadel.

First published 2009

ISBN: 9780975601471 (pbk.)

1. Real estate investment.

2. Tax deductions.
3. Finance, Personal.



THINK AND GROW RICH® is the registered trademark and property in

Australia of TGR Seminars Pty Ltd.

This book/websites/products etc. were not prepared, approved, licensed or

endorsed by the Napoleon Hill Foundation or any associated entity. These
materials make many references to the classic 1937 book Think and Grow Rich
by Napoleon Hill. The references to the book title Think and Grow Rich are for
illustrative purposes only and are not authorised by, associated with, endorsed
by, or sponsored by the Napoleon Hill Foundation. Any reference to Think and
Grow Rich is by necessity in referring to the book title.
Preface 1

Introduction 5

Chapter 1
Stuart Zadel
Mind-Money Connection 9

Chapter 2
Stephen Tolle and Cherie Barber
Renovating For Profit 29

Chapter 3
Sam Saggers
Positive Cashflow Property 101

Chapter 4
Carly Crutchfield
Profitable Property Development 161

Chapter 5
Rick Otton
Creative Cashflow 207

Chapter 6
Mark Rolton
Property Options 261

Chapter 7
Adrian Hill
Minimise Tax, Maximise Protection 299

The Next Step… 373


“Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few

to be chewed and digested: that is, some books are to be read only in
parts, others to be read, but not curiously, and some few to be read
wholly, and with diligence and attention.”
Sir Francis Bacon, 1561-1626

In my late teens, I discovered a book called Think and Grow Rich

by Napoleon Hill. Since then, it’s fair to say I’ve nibbled, gnawed,
snacked on, picked at, tasted, chewed, munched, gorged and
completely devoured what has now become the world’s highest
selling wealth creation and personal achievement text!

When I read this book at the age of 19, it was the very first of
its kind I’d ever come across and it had a MASSIVE impact
upon my life. I’ve personally used the principles in this book to
build and run a successful health and fitness club for 11 years,
to travel the world several times, to compete at elite level sports,
to achieve a 2nd Dan black belt in martial arts, to win major
speech competitions, to become a professional speaker and
to reach many personal goals, including generating a massive
passive cashflow. So I think I can confidently say they work,
since I owe it all to this book.

So life-changing was Think and Grow Rich, so powerful its

philosophy, that I knew I just had to become its Australian
publisher all those years ago. I also established Think and Grow
Rich Seminars to share the powerful secrets of Napoleon Hill’s
1937 all-time classic.


Based on practical research into the secrets of the world’s

wealthiest people at the turn of the 20th century, this book has
been responsible for creating more millionaires than any other.
Now, we’re about to create some more…

You see, one of the 13 key principles of the original book is that
of acquiring “Specialised Knowledge”. Although this chapter
gave specific instructions on where and how to acquire such
knowledge, it didn’t provide the exact specialised knowledge one
needed, and quite frankly, most people are simply too busy to
dedicate the time necessary to gather this information... until

Enter Think and Grow Rich in Property – the most significant

development in Think and Grow Rich history. Think and Grow
Rich in Property brings together seven property millionaires and
five unique strategies to show anyone how to generate massive
profits and passive cashflows, often with very little exposure or

These proven, step-by-step strategies will work for anyone,

anywhere, in most countries where people are allowed to own
and trade property. My hand-picked mastermind group of rich
property entrepreneurs has made sure of it.

That’s because they’re all what I call prosperity millionaires.

That means, they each have a prosperity mindset that has not
only created enough wealth for themselves and their families,
they now want to give something back by helping others achieve
financial freedom. Good news for you right?


One of our goals at Think and Grow Rich Seminars is to inspire

1,000 new prosperity millionaires in the next ten years that
do good with their new-found wealth. We’ve already helped
create several prosperity millionaires and to create even more, we
need the biggest opportunities and the absolute best strategies
we can find to make it a reality... and I’m certain we’ve found
them in this latest project.

I encourage you to read this book from cover to cover. In fact,

taste it, chew it, completely devour it! Now, before you even turn
the page to get started, I welcome you to register for your FREE
bonuses which you’ll find at Each
member of my mastermind team of rich property entrepreneurs
has offered you a unique special bonus to accelerate your

My personal gift to you is to warmly invite you to attend a Think

and Grow Rich event, to see me live and learn even more from my
mastermind group of experts. Recently, at an event in Brisbane,
Queensland, I met a middle-aged gentleman who’d bought and
read the original Think and Grow Rich in the 1970s. Even since,
he’d wondered about the real meaning of a particular line; in
less than 30 seconds I was able to explain what had puzzled him
for more than 30 years! The moral to this story is don’t leave
it another three decades before you get the full potential from
Think and Grow Rich or Think and Grow Rich in Property!


Finally, in order to transform your intention to create wealth

and develop a prosperity mindset into something tangible,
download our “Prosperity Millionaire Commitment” from Print it out, sign it and
place it wherever you’ll see it regularly; beside your bed, on the
bathroom mirror or on the fridge door – anywhere that will
remind you that you really can think and grow rich!

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy Think and Grow Rich in


Bon appetit!

Stuart Zadel
Stuart Zadel


Did you know that more millionaires make their fortunes through
property than by any other means?

Would you believe me if I told you there were people making

six-figure profits in months, weeks and even days, by simply
spotting opportunities for others, or controlling rather than owing

What about making enough money from just one renovation

project to fund the purchase of an entire new home? Or how
about buying a house for only $1?

Does it surprise you to know that the Tax Office can give you a
refund for creating wealth through property? Or that less than
one per cent of accountants are even aware of how to maximise
the laws?

Most importantly, did you know that there is a mind-money

connection that is so powerful that once you discover it, you’ll
agree with Napoleon Hill’s suggestion in the original Think and
Grow Rich: “When riches begin to come, they come so quickly,
in such great abundance, that one wonders where they have been
hiding all those lean years”?

If any of the above sounds too good to be true, the stuff of fantasy,
reserved for only the rich and the privileged, then you must read on.

In Think and Grow Rich in Property, you’ll meet seven property

entrepreneurs who make massive profits in their chosen niche.
What’s more, we’ll reveal to you five unique property strategies to
go from zero to financial freedom in five years or less.


You, too, can become a millionaire through property if you simply

learn the closely guarded secrets of these masters! It’s easier than
you think once you “crack-the-code” of their strategies. This is
what you have been waiting for...

In the first chapter, I’ll reveal to you, possibly for the first time
ever, your mind-money connection, the critical role it plays in
manifesting your results as well as why you’re not already where
you want to be financially. I’ll also share with you what to do
about it plus a couple of extremely powerful processes proven
by millions to create precisely the experiences in life you wish
to live out.

Next, Australia’s “Renovation King and Queen”, Cherie Barber

and Stephen Tolle, will let you in on how they regularly make
more than $400,000 per renovation. They’ll show you how
to add value in either a rising or falling market – all without
throwing a tool at a wall in frustration! Turn to chapter two for
their eight-step, high-value, low-risk strategy.

It’s so simple yet so profound that you’ll wonder why you never
thought up Sam Sagger’s philosophy: “Profits are better than
wages.” In chapter three, Sam shares his fundamentals checklist
including where and when to invest to buy and trade real estate
for massive positive cashflow.

Then, you’ll be amazed by Carly Crutchfield’s journey

from 12-year-old school drop-out to self-made millionaire,
philanthropist, author, property developer and business owner.
Chapter four reveals her seven-step property development
strategy, already used to generate more than $200 million worth
of development projects.


Rick Otton is famous for buying houses for just $1! He introduced
creative financing techniques and super cashflow concepts to the
Australian market in 1990. If you don’t believe this is possible,
just wait until you get to chapter five.

In chapter six, Mark Rolton will take you on his journey from
young entrepreneur, to almost-bankrupt, to property options
guru. He’ll show you how his niche specialty generates enormous
profits in days and months with little risk.

Finally, what’s the point of creating wealth if you can’t keep and
use most of it? Adrian Hill will uncover what more than 99
per cent of accountants don’t know – how you can minimise
tax, maximise asset protection and make the taxman work up
a sweat! Chapter seven is not to be missed - it’ll make and save
you thousands.

So, there you have it. An introduction to my hand-picked

mastermind group of rich property entrepreneurs. Learn from
these masters and become one of our 1,000 new Prosperity

To your success!

Stuart Zadel
Stuart Zadel

Chapter 1


stuart zadel

stuart zadel
Stuart Zadel is the Australian publisher of Think and Grow Rich
and Director of Think and Grow Rich Seminars.

His purpose is to inspire Australians to raise their awareness,

find their purpose, and achieve financial freedom.

He’s on a mission to create 1,000 new Prosperity Millionaires in

10 years who are dedicated to giving back and doing good.

After finishing high school, Stuart entered a physiotherapy

degree while simultaneously working towards a professional
soccer career. Unlike a good fairytale, Stuart failed in his sports
dream but gained something far more powerful – an insight into
the all-powerful subconscious mind.

At 19, Stuart travelled to the United States to study leading

edge fitness training techniques, returning to revolutionise the
personal training industry in Australia. At 21, he opened and
ran his own fitness club for 12 years, training more than 10,000
people. Here he observed first-hand the only game in town – the
mind-body connection.

Combining entrepreneurship, skill, drive and his specialised

knowledge in the subconscious mind, Stuart now teaches more
than 10,000 people each year about the mind-money connection
and financial prosperity, personal leadership, sales success and
peak performance.

He is the co-author of three best selling books on leadership,

sales and public speaking.

His company publishes the highest selling wealth-creation book

of all time, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, as well as
other classics including As a Man Thinketh, Acres of Diamonds
and The Common Denominator of Success. Think and Grow Rich
in Property is his latest project.




“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can
Napoleon Hill

The personal story of Think and Grow Rich author Napoleon

Hill is a fascinating one.

Born into poverty in 1883, in a one-room log cabin in Virginia’s

Blue Ridge Mountains, Hill became a newspaper reporter while
still in his teens and began writing stories for more than a dozen
publications throughout the U.S. state. His original style soon
caught the attention of former Tennessee governor Robert
Taylor – owner of Bob Taylor’s Magazine – who hired Hill to
write success stories about famous men.

Hill’s plan was to use the magazine money to pay his way through
Georgetown University Law School. However, he was sent to
interview billionaire industrialist Andrew Carnegie – then the
world’s richest man – and his whole life changed. At the end of
their three-day interview, Carnegie had convinced Hill to create
the world’s first philosophy of individual achievement, based
on the principles of success he had used to accumulate his vast

stuart zadel

As a final test, Carnegie put a question to Hill and insisted he

answer it immediately. He said, “If I commission you to become
the author of this philosophy, and give you letters of introduction
to people whose help you will need, are you willing to devote 20
years to research - because that’s about how long it will take -
earning your own way as you go along, without any subsidy
from me? Yes or no?” Hill could think of many reasons why he
couldn’t do it: he didn’t have the education, the time, the money
or the influence – not to mention that he didn’t even know what
the word “philosophy” meant! There was something inside of
him, though, that just wanted to go for it so he answered, “Yes,
Mr Carnegie. I’ll accept the commission and you can depend
upon it, sir, that I will complete it”.

And he did. The subsequent and ongoing success of Think and

Grow Rich, the outcome of that irrevocable decision, demonstrates
just how one’s life can be created with new thinking. Carnegie
may have produced as many as two dozen millionaires but the
number of people Napoleon Hill continues to help become
wealthy is too many to be counted. “Truly, ‘thoughts are things’,”
was how Hill started Think and Grow Rich. He should have told
us “thoughts are everything!” because that’s where it all starts.

In this chapter, I’ll reveal to you the mind-money connection,

the critical role it plays in manifesting your results as well as why
you’re not already where you want to be financially. I’ll show
you two powerful and proven processes to create precisely the
experiences in life you wish to live out. And I’ll introduce you
to the second key principle of success: that of the mastermind

But first, we need to understand that just about everything we

were taught to think about money was wrong…

MIND-MONEY connection

“Money is a good servant but a poor master.”
Dominique Bouhours

Money is an idea. Understand it’s not the paper or plastic in

your wallet, the coins in your pocket or the numbers in your
bank account. These are all just representations of money, not
money itself. Why? Because money is an idea!

Money is neutral, neither good nor bad, just neutral. It has no

characteristics accept those we project onto it. It has no life, no
language…it’s neither dirty, evil, nor good nor… ?

Money is a tool. As such, like a hammer, it can be used to build

or destroy based on the intent of the user. The effectiveness of
its expression is totally dependant on the skill and belief of the
person using it.


“There is no such thing as something for nothing.”

Napoleon Hill

Always remember, money is a reward received for service

rendered. If you want more money you are going to have to
render more and better service. Presumably your purpose in
reading this book is to create a financial surplus for yourself and
your family, and the fact that we are using property to do this,
is incidental. If you want a million dollars, you need to render a
million dollars worth of service. That could mean one deal for
a one million dollar profit, or 100 deals at ten thousand dollars
profit. Your income and reward will be in direct proportion to
the quality, quantity and spirit in which you render service to
the market. An entrepreneur understands this. They simply
take something of a lower value and turn it into something of a
higher value according to the needs of the marketplace.

stuart zadel


“I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor, rich is better”.

Sophie Tucker

Prosperity Millionaires have a prosperous mindset and so attract

wealth and opportunity. They are entrepreneurial and come
from a space of abundance, good stewardship and common
sense. They are good money managers as they value, protect,
multiply and share a portion of every dollar that passes through
their hands. They always seek to add massive value and engage
only in transactions that benefit all (win/win). They continually
grow, learn and seek out specialised knowledge of how to make
more surplus to leave a legacy and increase the pie for all.

In contrast, Poverty Millionaires have a poverty mindset and

they come from a space of lack and limitation, believing the
supply of money to be restricted. This scarcity mentality causes
them to hold on tightly to every dollar they have for fear of
loss and lack of confidence in replacing it. Poverty millionaires
always seek to drive hard bargains, while advancing only their
own interests at the expense of others (win/lose).

So now that you can see that not all millionaires are created
equal, you will understand why the world is better off for the
presence of more Prosperity Millionaires. For me, inspiring 1,000
new Prosperity Millionaires in ten years who are dedicated to
contributing their wealth and energies to worthwhile projects is
a goal worth striving for. By doing so, we will achieve our vision
of raising the conscious and financial awareness of Australians.

MIND-MONEY connection


“Tell the world what you intend to do, but first show it”.
Napoleon Hill

Just about everything we were taught about money is wrong.

It doesn’t take money to make money.

It doesn’t take a university degree to make money.
It doesn’t take high intelligence to make money.
It doesn’t take good grades, good looks or even good ideas.
You don’t need a good job. In fact, you don’t need a job at all.
You don’t need friends of influence and to be “connected”.
You don’t need to come from a wealthy family.

None of these things matter. But you know what does? A

decision. Yes, that’s right. The only thing that matters is that
you make an irrevocable decision to commit and see it through,
no matter what. That’s it.

So right now, before we even start, just as Carnegie did with Hill,
I’m asking you to commit. I’m asking you to become one of our
1,000 new Prosperity Millionaires. Yes or No? The moment you
make your decision and commit it to writing you will have made
it tangible. Now make that commitment by signing here:

Think and Grow Rich Prosperity Millionaire Commitment

I ____________________________________ (name) hereby make

an irrevocable commitment to becoming a Think and Grow Rich Prosperity Millionaire,

so that I can attain total financial freedom, serve, inspire
and share my success with others and live a full life.


________/________/ 20______

stuart zadel

Next I want you to go to and

download your free Think and Grow Rich Prosperity Millionaire
Certificate. Print out several copies, fill them in and place them
where you’ll see them around your home or workplace many
times a day.

As Napoleon Hill wrote, “Somewhere in your make up (perhaps

in the cells of your brain) there lies sleeping, the seed of
achievement, which if aroused and put into action, would carry
you to heights, such as you may never have hoped to attain”.

That seed has now been planted. It has begun…


“The highest reward for a person’s toil in not what they get for it,
but what they become by it”.
John Ruskin

Congratulations! I’m so glad you’ve decided to join us. Let’s get


For some inexplicable reason, I have always wanted to be a

Prosperity Millionaire. Ever since I can remember, I wanted
to have influence so that I could make a difference and inspire
others. The ideal and only way I thought to achieve that when I
was young was to become a professional soccer player. I figured
the fame would give me influence so people would listen and the
money would give me the means to do good. So I trained hard,
played hard and showed enormous potential in my early teens. I
even earned the nickname there for a while of “Franz”, after the
legendary German soccer player, Franz Beckenbauer.

As the years went by, I trained harder and harder yet didn’t seem
to progress; if anything, I may have gone backwards. So…I

MIND-MONEY connection

trained harder. I even went to the lengths of getting my own

Olympic running coach, working in a gym part-time to get
stronger, and dropping out of university to spend more time
training and, so I thought, following my dream.

Against the odds and in record time, I overcame what surgeons

thought was a career-ending knee injury. Again, I did it by
working hard and letting my obsession push my body, all the
while missing the messages life was sending me. Despite playing
a few more seasons, my dream to be a professional soccer player
never came true. What annoyed me most when it was all over
was that I didn’t know why I didn’t make it, especially when I
was prepared to give everything for the chance.

Years later, I finally discovered the answer to my question:

willpower, no matter how strong, will never overcome

Let’s start to understand why.

There are only three things you need to be successful in any


1. Skill
2. Fitness
3. The right mindset/psychology.

As a soccer player, my skill level was average; I was neither the

best, nor the worst. My fitness, however, was definitely superior.
I was one of the fittest athletes in the league, if not the country at
the time. The third and final element came down to my personal
mindset and psychology. And that’s where I let myself down.
Outwardly you couldn’t pick it, but inside something wasn’t
right. Later I would learn that in any field of achievement, experts

stuart zadel

unanimously agree that 80 per cent or more of a person’s success

comes down to their mental attitude, mindset and thoughts.
This became evident to me when I opened my first business…


“No problem can stand the assault of sustained thinking”.


Shortly after my departure from the soccer field, I redirected

that drive, energy and my desire to help people into establishing
my own fitness club. Through my part time-work as a fitness
instructor, I found I really enjoyed helping people improve
their lives. I noticed when they started to get their act together
physically, many other areas of their lives improved as well.

But the results were inconsistent. Why was it that some excelled
while others were mediocre at best? How is it that two people
start out with the same information, the same equipment, the
same experience level, similar circumstances and environment,
yet one achieves and the other doesn’t? What makes the difference
between success and failure?

Again, I found that success in the gym came down to just three

1. Exercise
2. Nutrition
3. The right mindset/psychology.

Are you starting to see a pattern here? I did. At best, most

people only focus on the physical components of any success
equation, such as skill plus fitness or exercise plus nutrition

MIND-MONEY connection

or intelligence plus application. What they lack is the most

important component of all – the understanding that success
and achievement in any field of endeavour starts and ends with
the mind.


“There’s a big difference between wishing for a thing and being

ready to receive it. No one is ready for something until they believe
they can acquire it. The state of mind must be belief and not mere
hope or wish.”
Napoleon Hill



Mindset Invisible


Values Beliefs Self Image

Take a look at the diagram above. You’ll notice the word results
is at the top of the hierarchy. Results are the name of the game
and this applies to any area of your life, be that wealth, health,
relationships or happiness. It’s both normal and natural for every
human being to seek more in life and to grow.

Now notice that results are created by behaviour. For example,

Arnold Schwarzenegger pushes weights. Clearly that behaviour
produces a certain result.

stuart zadel

Beyond your behaviour however is where all the magic happens.

Here is where we now cross over from the visible world into
the invisible world, from the tangible world into the intangible
world, from the physical world into the metaphysical world. You
see, it’s your underlying and prevailing mindset that motivates
your behaviour on a moment by moment basis.

Your mindset is like the weather in that it can change at any

moment and frequently does. For example, how often have you
told yourself you should go for a run in the morning, but when
morning comes your mindset has changed? Hmmm…Isn’t that

Now for the really tricky part. What creates your mindset?
Refer to the previous diagram once more and you’ll discover
it. The ultimate influence on your mindset, and therefore your
behaviour and results, is your conditioning. Conditioning refers
broadly to what you have been brought up to think and believe
about the world you live in and yourself. In consists of three key
elements: values, beliefs and self image.

According to psychologists, an estimated 90% of your

conditioning and indeed, your personality, is formed by the age of
seven. This could be good or bad depending on your experience
in those first seven years. Secondly, most of this conditioning
is below your level of awareness, or what we call subconscious,
much like the majority of an iceberg is hidden below the surface
of the water. It is invisible and intangible.

So if this was all formed so long ago, and it’s invisible, and
you’re not aware of it - yet it controls all your behaviour and is
responsible for all your results - the million dollar questions have
got to be: How do you know what you have been conditioned
with and how do you change it?

MIND-MONEY connection

“By their fruits ye shall know them”.

Matthew 7:15

The answer to the first question is simple – just look at your

results. Your results broadcast loud and clear to the world your
conditioning. It can be no other way. Just like a river that has
been dammed momentarily can, and will, find a way around it
to the sea, so too your values, beliefs, and self image will always
find their natural expression.

So if you want to see what you have been conditioned to believe

about money, just check your bank statement. The amount of
money you earn each year is, in fact, what you feel you are worth,
and not a cent more or a cent less. Take a look at your health and
your relationships while you’re at it. The state of each will tell
you exactly what you have been conditioned to believe.

Since you’re presumably reading this book to make financial

improvements, let’s drill down to see how values, beliefs and self
image relate to money.

Values - Everyone has a hierarchy of values. When it comes to

finances, you will recognise your values by how you earn your
money, how much of it you have and what you do with it. Make

Beliefs - Recognise that your beliefs are not necessarily fact or

even true. They are simply what they are, and can broadly be split
into two categories: limiting beliefs and empowering beliefs.

Some limiting beliefs might be:

• t he money supply is limited. For me to get more, others have

to go without;

stuart zadel

• money is the root of all evil;

• if this really worked, somebody would have already done it.

Some empowering beliefs might be:

• m
 oney is abundant. The more I create the more there is to
• the lack of money is the root of all evil;
• if it’s working for them, it’ll work for me.

Self Image - Scientists have determined the overriding cause

of success or failure in life to be our invisible self image. This
invisible force works much the same as a thermostat on a
heater. Let’s say the thermostat is set at 20 degrees. When the
temperature of the surrounding air drops below this set point,
the thermostat reacts to the drop and sends a message to the
heater to heat the room; if the temperature of the surrounding
air rises above the set point, the thermostat reacts to the increase
and sends a message to the heater to switch off. Your self image
works in the same way.

Anyone who has ever struggled with a weight problem will be

familiar with this process. Dieting may shed pounds for a while
but eventually the set point mechanism reacts to the dropping
weight, causing the dieter to change the way they feel, change
the way they behave and, ultimately, return to their pre-diet
weight, or more.

How about financially? Do you think you have a set point there
as well? You’d better believe it! The amount of money you earn
is a direct reflection of what you feel you are worth. This is
why somewhere between 70 and 95 per cent of major lottery
winners squander their sudden fortunes in two years or less. The
unexpected windfall is far in excess of their conditioned financial
set point, causing them to subconsciously repel it.

MIND-MONEY connection

To raise your financial and other set points you not only have to
take the right actions in the physical world, but you also need
to adjust your in-built thermostat. Both need to be congruent:
the visible and the invisible, the tangible and the intangible. You
must repeatedly now see yourself as a highly prosperous person.
You must create a new set point. Here’s a powerful process and
exercise that will help you…


“Any idea that is held in mind, that is emphasized, that is Feared

of Revered will begin at once to clothe itself in the most convenient
and appropriate form that is available”.
Andrew Carnegie

First, put yourself in a completely relaxed state. Next, choose a

goal that you would like to achieve, such as becoming a property
entrepreneur. Then, create a short mental movie of yourself
enjoying your goal NOW. Be sure you are fully in the picture,
the star of the show! Allow yourself to feel the feelings you would
expect if you were living out this goal for real. Imagine what this
would be like in exact detail. Repeat this mind movie several
times a day.


On a 3cm x 5cm card write an abbreviated version of your
mental movie, commencing with the words: “I am so happy and
grateful now that…” An example might be: “I am so happy and
grateful now that I earn a passive income of $10,000 per month
as a property entrepreneur.” This is your Think and Grow Rich
Goal Card. Carry your goal card in your pocket or purse so that
whenever you touch it from now on, the image of your mental
movie will flash onto the screen of your mind.

stuart zadel

Think and Grow Rich Goal Card

I am so happy and grateful now that….

The Mind Movie process and the Goal Card exercise really work.
Just as a seed is planted into the soil and begins to attract all
things necessary for the fulfillment of its growth and potential,
so too your goal has now been planted into the deep resources
of your subconscious mind where it has begun to germinate and
attract to you all that is required for the accomplishment of your


The next big idea I’d like to share with you is that of the
mastermind team. Although generous in content, Think and
Grow Rich can actually be distilled to just three key principles:

1. A Dream
2. A Theme
3. A Team.

I’m going to assume that you have a dream in mind, perhaps

to become one of our 1,000 new Prosperity Millionaires? And,
given you are reading this book, your theme is likely to be that
of property. So, the one thing we need to discuss now is your

MIND-MONEY connection

The business of property and wealth-creation are team sports.

In the following chapters, you’ll hear time and time again the
experts talk about assembling a team. This has been the secret of
my success and the key principle behind this very book. Carnegie
himself put his entire success down to just two key principles in
Think and Grow Rich, one being that of the mastermind team.
He even wrote an epitaph for his grave that read, “Here lies one
who knew how to get around him men cleverer than himself ”.
Carnegie was renowned for working with the very best people.
Here’s how he picked them, as passed on to Napoleon Hill.

The six characteristics of top mastermind team members

1. Honesty and loyalty

Hill placed both honesty and loyalty at the very top of his
list for a good reason. Honesty and loyalty breed trust,
and trust is the foundation upon which people do their
best work. Specifically, Hill said, “If a person doesn’t show
loyalty to those that are entitled to it, I want no part of
them”. Of course, loyalty is not an automatic right and is
not something you should ever take for granted. You have to
earn the loyalty of your team members by proving to them
that you’re somebody who is worthy of it.

2. Dependability
This comes in at number two, although dependability,
honesty and loyalty are pretty much equal. After all, what
good is a loyal person if you can’t depend on them? The
whole point of developing a team is so you can step back
into more of a management role and allow those with the
specialised skills you’ve chosen to do the hands-on work. It’s
a system that can only function correctly if you are able to
assign a task and know that it’s going to be done to a standard
that will meet your requirements. If somebody comes back

stuart zadel

to you with a half-finished job and a list of excuses, they’re

the wrong person for your team.

3. Ability to do the job

This is probably the easiest one to detect but that doesn’t
make it any less important. It’s absolutely essential that you
surround yourself with people who actually know how to do
what it is that you need them to do. It might seem reasonable
to assume that a real estate agent would know everything
necessary to successfully complete a property transaction or
that a qualified tax accountant will be able to pick up all the
deductions you’re entitled to but experience has shown these
things can’t be taken for granted. Still, it’s interesting that
Hill placed this quality in third place behind honesty, loyalty
and dependability.

4. Positive mental attitude

Speaking very broadly, there are just two types of people in
life: optimists and pessimists. It’s been my experience that
optimists have, by far, the better end of the deal. They are
positive, encourage others and always look for the opportunity
in adversity. Attempting anything in life above mediocrity
is going to attract both adversity and criticism, often from
those who are close to you. Therefore, it’s important to
surround yourself with positive people who will be able to
encourage and support you. I find the “can do” attitude of
optimistic people means they’re far more motivated and are
always keener to get going, which is good for business and
excellent for customer service.

5. Willingness to go the extra mile

You’ll know you’ve got a truly excellent team member

MIND-MONEY connection

when you find somebody who not only does the job that is
required of them but goes that extra distance to make sure
it’s done to the absolute highest standard possible. This type
of person is incredibly hard to find and well worth holding
onto once you have them. I’m talking about the kind of
person who will do extra jobs for you, whether or not they
are stipulated in their contract, and who will spend their
weekend feverishly working on a project they’ve been given
at short notice without any complaint. It’s very hard to find
such people but by no means impossible. I know this because
I have a number of them in my own team.

6. Applied faith
Let me start by saying this has nothing at all to do with
religion. It’s about individual minds discovering themselves
and establishing a working relationship with the lawful power
of the universe, known in this case as infinite intelligence.
There’s a very important distinction that needs to be made
here, between applied faith and mere belief. Simply believing
in something is far too passive and no more potent than
daydreaming when it comes to achieving your goals. Applied
faith is all about action. The more action, the better, not only
on your part but that of your mastermind allies as well.

When you’ve found someone with all six Carnegie characteristics,

you’re in the presence of royalty. And if they are lacking in just
one, you’ll need to be careful. Your job from here is to maintain
perfect harmony between your team members and discover how
to utilise them for maximum effect. Learn the strengths and
weaknesses of each member in your team so you can help them
reach their potential and, in doing so, achieve your own.

stuart zadel


“If a person advances confidently in the direction of their dream,

and endeavours to live the life they have imagined, they will meet
with success unexpected in common hours”.

We’ve now covered two of the most important keys to financial

prosperity: the mind-money connection and the mastermind
team. This chapter has been deliberately placed at the beginning
of the book because understanding both concepts will propel
you towards your goals faster than any other.

So, with that firmly in mind, let’s discover the five unique
property strategies to go from zero to financial freedom in five
years or less...

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