Pemphigus Vulgaris Complicated by Pregnancy: Thomas W. Mcelin, M.D. M.S. David W. Cromer, M.D

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Pemphigus vulgaris complicated by pregnancy


Ez•anston. Illinois

p E M P H I G U S V U L G A R I S lS a chronic placed on steroids and AC:TH with a good n·-

bullous skin disease which, if untreated, is sponsc. The disease was w!'!l controlled until
usually fatal.l It is an uncommon dermato- August, 1957, when an exacerbation followed the
reduction of steroid thrrapy. Hospitalization fot
logic entity, and the association with preg-
one month with increased steroids (prednison•·,
nancy is quite rare. In 1953, Samitz, Green-
40 mg. daily) and ACTH (+0 units wr•t•kly) !'1'-
berg, and Coletti~ presented a case of pem-
sultcd in marked irnprowrnrnt. "\ second major
phigus complicated by pregnancy and re- remission followed with the patient 011 continuous
viewed 10 previously published cases. In each steroid and intermittf•nt ACTH thnapy which
prior report, pemphigus appeared after the was adjusted as indicated during biwet·kly visit'
onset of pregnancy: however, in the case of tu the outpatient clinir.
Samitz, Greenberg, and Coletti~ the skin Th,· pati<'nt's past medical history was unre-
lesions were present 3 months prior to the \·caling <'xcept for the diagnosis and tr<'atmcnt of
onset of pregnancy. No additional case re- syphilis in 1ClJ<J. \Vithout recutT<'ll<"<' or residual
ports have been discovered in the English •·ffccts.
The past<'tri•·al historY includ•·d ;nt ttn-
literature, and only two articles from foreign
,.,.,.tltfnl tl'rlll pregnancy with tlw d<'livr·n nf "
journals (Belgium, 1960, Italy, 1962) were
viabk infant in 1945, and a spontaneous a!J<Jrtion
listed in the !rl(ic.\' Afcdicus.
at 3 months n·quiring a dilatation and r·urTttag•·
We report a patient who had pemphigus in 195-L
vulgaris and then became pregnant, The patir•nt 's skin condition l!'nt;rirwd s;ttisfa,·-
tory during tlw prcs<'nt prq:;nann·. ··xc•·pt for
Case report patcht·s of hypt'rpignwntation and liclwnificatinn,
A gravida iii, para i, Negro woman began her until tilt' fifth month. A r<'ctnT<'nt'<' nf '' ··r·pintl,
third pregnancy in May, 1959, at a,gc 38. Her infectr·d !•·~<ions, mainly in 1h·· axilla<' and utt 1h··
estimated date of confinement was the middle of tnmk. rl<'l'cssitated hospitalization on (kt. ~1.
February, 1960. At the orm•t of gestation she was I t).'j~) (Fig. l ! . This was her most ,,., <'n· qlisod•·
taking a corticosteroid (triamcinolone, 12 mg. sinn· the onset of tn'atnt<'nt. ACTIT had been
daily) and corticotropin ( ACTH, 20 units) twice discontinucd :.! months prior lo admission, hut it
a W('ek for pemphigus vulgaris. was no,,· reinstituted without rnuch n·spom•'. I tll-
Pemphigus was diagnosed in October, 1956, prnv<'!IH'nt began only aft<'r tiH' form of stnoid
3 wPeks after the onset of bullae and vesiclrs on was changed (prcdnisont', ~(I mg. daily. \\as 'ttb-
the buccal mucosa, shoulders, and arms. The stitutcd for triamcinolnnc). On l\'ov<'nther I !'i.
weeping lesions spr('ad over almost the entirr in- whilt' the patient was still in tfw hospital. Lt!so•
tegunwnt including thr scalp, nostrils, and extr·r- labor ensur•d and suhsidl'd aft<'r :.! days of int .. r-
nal genitals. Shr was hospitalized at that tim<' lw- lllitknt uterine contraction.s. Slw 1\"<1!-. discharged
rausc of srcondary bactt•rial inf('ctinn and was J),•n·mh<'r R. in n·mission, and <'XJWricnt cd no
further nttanenus rnmplicatiom durin.[( thf' prr·g-
From the Department of Obstetrics and nancy.
Gvnecology. Northwestern University Exc('pt for the brief cpisodt· of contractions,
Medical School, Chicago, Illinois, and
the Department of Obstetrics and the prPgnancy itself was uneventful until the pa-
Gynecology, The Evanston Hospital. tient entered the labor room Jan. 2+, Elf)()_ one


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