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Employee Transfers and


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Effective 03/05/07 Page 1 of 18 Rev 1
Employee Transfers and Secondments
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Employee Transfers and Secondments

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Transfers and Secondments

Transfers and Secondments

Employees may require to move from one location to another, whether for career-development
reasons, or as part of the enterprise strategy. When such moves occur internationally, they
usually involve moving from a source business group to a destination business group.
Employees can transfer either permanently or temporarily (to support an immediate business
need, for example) to the destination business group. In the case of a temporary deployment,
the employee returns to the source business group at the end of the deployment period and
continues to be an employee in the source business group. Such transfers can require an
employee’s records to exist in multiple business groups.
Maintaining employee records in multiple business groups can be a time-consuming and error-
prone activity. By means of deployment proposals, the HRMS Global Deployments function
automatically creates or updates records as required when you move an employee between
business groups. This function supports both temporary deployments (known in HRMS as
secondments) and permanent transfers.

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Deployment Proposals

Deployment Proposals
A deployment proposal controls the secondment or transfer of an employee to a different
business group. The deployment proposal identifies the:
• Source and destination business groups
• Deployment type (whether it is permanent or temporary), the deployment dates, and the
reason for the deployment
• Employee to be deployed and any contacts accompanying the employee
• Details of the new assignment, including payroll information and work schedule
The HR Professional in the destination business group creates a deployment proposal using the
Global Deployments function.
Note: To create a deployment proposal, the HR Professional must have access to the
employee's record in the source business group. Depending on security settings, this access
may not be available. In this case, either the employee or an HR Professional in the source
business group can use the SSHR Release Information function to release the employee's
record to the HR Professional in the destination business group.
Refer to Instructor Demo – Transferring an Employee [LAB3BDFY]

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Initiating a Permanent Transfer

Initiating a Permanent Transfer

The HR professional can initiate a deployment by selecting Initiate Deployment for the
relevant deployment proposal on the Global Deployments page.
The deployment proposal is in Draft status until the deployment begins. When the HR
Professional initiates a permanent transfer, the status of the deployment proposal changes from
Draft to Complete.
In the source business group, HRMS terminates the employee record on the day before the
deployment start date and sets the status of all assignments to the default terminate-assignment
status. The person type is Ex-Employee from the deployment start date.
Note: HRMS does not automatically set the Final Process Date (FPD) in the source business
group. Setting FPD remains a manual task.
In the destination business group, HRMS creates or updates employee, assignment, and contact
records using information from the deployment proposal. The person type and assignment
status are those entered in the deployment proposal for the new assignment.
Note: The Global Deployments function does not automatically create or update application
records during a transfer (or secondment). You must enter the information manually. For

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Effective 03/05/07 Page 7 of 18 Rev 1
example, if you want to terminate the application record when the employee transfers
permanently to a different business group, you must perform the termination manually.

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Initiating a Temporary Secondment

Initiating a Temporary Secondment

When the HR Professional initiates a temporary secondment, the status of the deployment
proposal changes from Draft to Active.
In the source business group, HRMS:
• Changes the current assignment status to the default suspended-assignment status. The
effective date of the change is the start date of the deployment.
Note: If the default suspended-assignment status is not included in a payroll, but you want
to continue paying the employee in the source business group, you can change the
assignment status manually.
• Leaves the person type unaltered. However, you can update the person type manually to
indicate that the employee is on secondment, for example.
In the destination business group, HRMS creates or updates employee, assignment, and contact
records using information from the deployment proposal. The person type and assignment
status are those entered in the deployment proposal for the new assignment.
For both permanent transfers and temporary secondments, HRMS automatically sets key dates,
such as the period of service start date and the projected termination date, in the destination

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Effective 03/05/07 Page 9 of 18 Rev 1
business group. See Employee Transfers and Secondments in the online help for more

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Employee Records During Secondment

Employee Records During Secondment

During a secondment, the employee has records to maintain in both business groups. HRMS
provides a standard mechanism for maintaining employee data in multiple business groups.
HRMS can automatically synchronize person data that is considered to be global and that is
held in multiple business groups for the same employee, such as name, e-mail address, and
correspondence language. For example, the change of name from Lisa Ray to Lisa John in the
UK Business Group is copied automatically to the US Business Group because
synchronization is enabled. For more information, see Person Record Synchronization in the
online help.
Note: If you use the Global Deployments function to transfer employees automatically
between business groups, then you are recommended to set HR: Propagate Data Changes to
Yes at the site level. Otherwise, HRMS cannot synchronize data held for a single employee in
multiple business groups during a secondment.

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Initiating a Return from Secondment

Initiating a Return from Secondment

To end a secondment, the HR Professional selects Initiate Return for the relevant deployment
proposal on the Global Deployments page and enters the end date, which is the final day of the
deployment. This date can differ from the deployment end date recorded in the deployment
proposal. The status of the deployment proposal changes from Active to Complete when you
initiate the return, regardless of how far in the future the end date occurs.
Note: As you cannot update a complete proposal, do not initiate the return until the end date is
In the destination business group, HRMS:
• Terminates the employee record and sets assignments to the default terminate-assignment
status on the deployment end date
• Sets the termination reason and person type to values specified on the Initiate Return page.
The person type is effective from the day following the deployment end date.
• Sets relevant dates to the deployment end date
In the source business group, HRMS changes the status of assignments suspended at the start
of the secondment to Active Assignment. The effective date of these changes is the day
following the deployment end date.

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Updating Deployment Proposals

Updating Deployment Proposals

The changes that you can make to a deployment proposal depend on the proposal status. While
the deployment proposal is in Draft status, you can update it as often as necessary. You can
update any part of the proposal except:
• The name of the employee to be deployed
• The deployment type
• The name of the destination business group, which sets the context for all other
information in the proposal
You cannot update a deployment proposal that has a status of Complete. To change the dates of
a permanent transfer, you must:
• In the source business group, manually reverse the employment termination and terminate
the employment again on the revised date.
• In the destination business group, change the employee's start date.
You can delete Draft and Complete deployment proposals.
Note: When you initiate a permanent transfer, HRMS terminates the employee's record in the
source business group. The employee's manager in the destination business group can view this

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Effective 03/05/07 Page 13 of 18 Rev 1
terminated record using the SSHR My Employee Information function only if the deployment
proposal is available. Therefore, although you can delete proposals for completed deployments,
Oracle recommends that you do not delete those for permanent transfers.

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Updating Active Deployment Proposals

Updating Active Deployment Proposals

Once a deployment proposal for a secondment is Active, you can change its start and end dates.
If you change the start date of a secondment, HRMS updates:
• All date fields containing the deployment start date in the destination business group
• The date of the assignment-status change in the source business group
Note: If the new start date is in the past, and you have made other changes to the employee
records since then, DateTrack rules may prevent HRMS from updating these dates.
If you change the end date of a secondment, HRMS updates:
• The Projected Assignment End Date in the destination business group
This change is effective on the date that you make the change.
• The Projected Termination Date of the period of service in the destination business group
You cannot delete an Active deployment proposal.

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Employee Numbering

Employee Numbering
In the case when the application allocates a new number, HRMS allocates the employee
number using the numbering scheme in effect in the destination business group when you
initiate the deployment.

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Completing Initial Setup of Employee Records

Completing Initial Setup of Employee Records

The deployment proposal contains sufficient information for HRMS to create employee
records in the destination business group and supply key data. However, you may need to enter
additional information manually. For example:
• The application creates basic assignment information. You are recommended to review the
assignment record and complete it as required.
• Other than assigning the employee to any payroll that you identify in the deployment
proposal, the Global Deployments function has no effect on payroll and benefits setup.
You may need to supply additional pay and benefits information for the employee.
• The application does not create optional records, such as the competency profile and
qualifications records. You must create these records manually if you intend to maintain
these records in the destination business group. For example, you may want to perform an
appraisal or record additional competencies achieved during a secondment.
• In the U.S., you cannot assign an employee to a payroll unless you also enter the
employee's primary address. As the deployment proposal does not contain address data,
you must leave the Payroll field blank if the destination business group is in the U.S. and
you use Oracle Payroll. After you initiate the deployment, you can log on to the

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destination business group to complete payroll setup and enter the employee's primary

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