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Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology

ELSEVIER 5 (1995) 41-43

Case report
Pemphigus vulgaris during pregnancy -
a multistep triggered disease
Joseph Ophir, Anat Bialy-Golan, Ronnie Wolf, Sarah Brenner *
Department of Dermatology, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Ichilov Hospital, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University,
Tel Aviv, Israel


Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) during pregnancy is exceedingly rare. Only 16 cases have been reported in
the English literature. Some of the etiologic fact,ors that may induce pemphigus are well known while
others are only suspected or unknown. We present a patient with pemphigus during her second
pregnancy and in whom several factors might have induced the disease.

Keywords: Pemphigus vulgaris; Pemphigus vulgaris during pregnancy

1. Introduction oral steroids; the disease disappeared after one

year and treatment was stopped. In 1990 she
Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) during pregnancy is became pregnant and remained disease-free
exceedingly rare [l]. It may occur for the first throughout the pregnancy and for 7 months post-
time or flare during pregnancy [2], as in our partum, at which time lesions began to appear
patient. The etiologic factors for the flare-up in intermittently, limited to the vulva. They were
the second pregnancy are discussed. treated topically only and did not require sys-
temic steroid treatment. A lesion developed in
1992 two months after dental treatment. In Au-
2. Case report gust 1992 an atypical nevus was excised from her
back under local anesthesia with lidocaine, and in
A 30-year-old Jewish Israeli pregnant woman September 1992 she was treated with
of Bulgarian-Turkish origin was admitted to hos- cephalosporines for an upper respiratory tract
pital with lesions on the scalp, face, chest, back, infection. Three weeks later there was exacerba-
limbs and oral mucosa. She had been diagnosed tion of the lesions in the vulva, which lasted for
with pemphigus vegetans in 1988 and treated with one year until September 1993 and for which she
was treated with topical steroids. She became
* Corresponding author. Department of Dermatology, Tel pregnant a second time in July 1993, and in
Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, 6 Weizman Street, Tel Aviv September the lesions spread to the scalp, face,
64239, Israel. Tel.: 972-3-6973356; Fax: 972-3-6979580. chest, back, limbs and oral muccosa.

0926-9959/95/$09.50 0 1995 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

SSDZ 0926-9959(95)00032-l
42 J. Ophir et al. /J. Eur. Acad. Dematol. Venereol. 5 (1995) 41-43

Physical examination revealed no abnormality developed pemphigus following cosmetic proce-

and blood chemistry was within normal limits. dures [24].
The lesions consisted of flaccid bullae which broke Factors that might have evoked or exacerbated
rapidly, leaving erosions and crusts. Histological PV in our patient include pregnancy, cephalo-
examination showed intraepidermal split above sporines drug treatment, excision of an atypical
the basement membrane with acantholytic cells. nevus, and dental treatment. Any one or combi-
Direct immunofluorescence and indirect im- nation of these factors could have played a role in
munofluoresence demonstrated intracellular de- the development of the disease.
posits of IgG and C, in the epidermis in the titer Induced pemphigus is a well-known phe-
of 1:400. Fetal ultrasound was normal. HLA alle- nomenon. We have presented a rare case of
les included DQWl, DRl, All, A28, B14, B35, pemphigus in pregnancy in which several factors
CW4 and BW6. are suspected of inducing or exacerbating the
disease in a multistep fashion.

3. Discussion
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