Overview On Geothermal

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What is Geothermal ?

Is Geothermal renewable energy

source ?
– Renewable: capable of being replaced by natural cycles
• Naturally recharged/renewed in near future (short
• Unlimited
– Sustainable: The resource is limited, but can be used for generations
• Geothermal?
– Natural recharge takes > thousands of years
– Resource (reservoir) is limited  natural depletion

Ref: http://www.chem.tamu.edu/rgroup/djd/chem483/Projects/Sustainable%20vs%20Renewable.pdf
What is Geothermal
– Heat energy from the earth
• Heat from: original formation (20%) + Radioactive decay (80%)
• Transported from “heat source” to surface  Free convection of meteoric water
• Hot rocks (geothermal reservoir):
– ~ 5 km depth, 370 C

870 C

4000 C

5400 C

(Ref: Geothermal Energy in Indonesia Presentation, Dr. Pri Utami – UGM)

Ring of Fire

• Ref: http://geothermal.marin.org/Geopresentation/sld006.htm

Geothermal Energy Production

• Ref: http://www.economist.com/node/16909897 5
Geothermal Operation

• Ref: http://www.earthlyissues.com/geothermal.htm

Geothermal Energy Characteristic
• Engineering strategy to ensure sustainability
– Drilling, re-injection etc.
• It can only be directly utilized in place, and can not be transported elsewhere
before being converted into electricity.
• its supply is INDEPENDENT from season and energy market situation outside the
– Carbon Credit
• Geothermal operation can benefit from CDM

(Ref: Geothermal Energy in Indonesia Presentation, Dr. Pri Utami – UGM)

– 18th century – Italy, Larderello fields was invented
– 1900 – USA, hot springs piped to homes
– 1904 – Italy, first electric power plant
– 1922 – USA, The Geyser, Cal, 250 kW power plant
– 1958 – NZ, Wairakei power station
– 1960 – USA, The Geyser, 11 MW power plant
– 1970s to 80s – oil crises, 15%/yr generation increase
to 3,500 MW
– 1990s – Kyoto Protocol (GHG reduction, CDM), 16.7% increase generation from 1995s-2000s,
~7,900 MW
– 2013 – total installed worldwide ~11,700 MW (about 24 countries)

Ref: https://www1.eere.energy.gov/geothermal/history.html, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geothermal_electricity , http://www.geothermal-


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