Monitoring - Support Issues II

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Support Issues



PROBLEM: Load Failed in Process Chain - Controlling Weekly Load.


SOLUTION: Failed due to System Downtime. And called Basis to raise P1 (Be aware of System Down

Support Issues


Kill the Job in SM50 as shown below

Support Issues

Kill the job in SM37 as shown below



PROBLEM: tRFC piled up - Controlling transaction Data due to huge data by full update

SOLUTION: To avoid the tRFC pile up, the Infopackage (ZPAK_4EMJQLEUPMZKV2X2AU3IV4N82) has
been changed from full load to delta load through routine as shown below.


No Routine.


data: l_idx like sy-tabix.

Data: t_start_date like sy-datum.

t_start_date = sy-datum - 10.

read table l_t_range with key

fieldname = 'AEDAT'.
l_idx = sy-tabix.

Support Issues

l_t_range-low = t_start_date.
l_t_range-high = '99991231'.
l_t_range-sign = 'I'.
l_t_range-option = 'BT'.

modify l_t_range index l_idx.

p_subrc = 0.


PROBLEM: Master Data chain running long time in the level of -

Supply Chain Master Data – Attribute  Process Monitor Attribute Chang Run

Support Issues

Status show there is 4 objects completed out of 10 objects. And stuck up in 4 th object and running
more than 2 hrs.

And running long time as checked in SM50 as shown below,

Due to that – Delete Indexes got fail for the following process chains:

1. APO Process Chain

2. Controlling
3. SD Analytics

Support Issues

Delete Indexes failed in SD Analytics Transaction Data:

Delete Indexes failed in APO Daily Process Chain:

Delete Indexes failed in Controlling Transactional Data Process Chain:

Support Issues



Generally attribute change run is used when there is any change in the master data. it is used
for realignment of the master data.

Attribute change run is nothing but adjusting the master data after its been loaded from time
to time so that it can change or generate or adjust the SID's so that u may not have any
problem when loading the transaction data in to data targets.

The detail explanation about Attribute change run. The hierarchy/attribute change run which
activates hierarchy and attribute changes and adjusts the corresponding aggregates is divided,
Into 4 phases:

1. Finding all affected aggregates

2. Set up all affected aggregates again and write the result in the new aggregate table.

3. Activating attributes and hierarchies

4. Rename the new aggregate table. When renaming, it is not possible to execute queries.

In some databases, which cannot rename the indexes, the indexes are also created in this


1. When a master data is changed/updated it gets loaded into the master data table as version
"M"(modified). It is only after a attribute change run that the master data becomes activated i.e.
version "A".
2. Master data attributes and hierarchies are used in cube aggregates also. So to do update the
latest master data attributes values in the aggregates attribute change run need to be performed.


We shall be killing the existing run and then deactivate the DP aggregate which is taking a long
time. After which we should restart the change run, which should help in allowing the COPA
reports for reporting.

Support Issues

Cancel Job in SM37: According to the above notes, the Attribute Change Run Job in Master
Data PC has been killed in SM37 as shown in the screen shot below. And first kill which is
started late (in this case Duration 14,529).

Cancel Job in SM50: Still if the job is running in SM50, kill as shown in the screen shot below.

Deactivate the Aggregate:

Deactivate the Aggregation for ZAPODP001 (process locked and was running long time).

Support Issues

REPEAT: And Repeated the Job Again

Once this Attribute Change Run job has been completed, the failed Delete Indexes Job has been
repeated as shown in the screen shot below:

Controlling PC: Once Master Data PC-Attribute Change Run job has been completed, REPEAT -
Delete Indexes

APO PC: Once Master Data PC-Attribute Change Run job has been completed, REPEAT - Delete

Support Issues

SD Analytics Transaction Data PC: Once Master Data PC-Attribute Change Run job has been
completed, REPEAT - Delete Indexes

Once the Request in Infocube (Delete overlapping load request) is over, activate the Aggregate

Activate the Aggregate: Activate the Aggregate again for ZAPODP001 one by one as shown below


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Support Issues

- Once the DTP-APO DP Two Future Years Future Load completed, we can start activating the
Aggregate for ZAPODP001 (No need to wait for completing whole process chain).
- First activate Product Level and then Product & Org Level.

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While Master Data PC-Attribute Change Run job in the process you will not be able to delete
Indexes Manually.

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Support Issues



PROBLEM: Infopackage: 9ADS_Z_DP_PA_001 - Rolling Two Future Years

(ZPAK_48NWOMQIH7Q8JM3EPO3VUSTLL) failed due to the Routine written for week 053 which is
not available for year 2010 & 2011 (Only week 052).

Note: This Infopackage is same for WSR and APO Process Chain.

ERROR: The following Error occurred in the Process Monitor.

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PROBLEM: Failed due to the routine in the following Process Chain.

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Tep_WSR_053 (ZPAK_4GAO8B6XII8D3883CW22M12Z1)

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Support Issues

S.NO – 26

Step 1 – Creation of New Process Chain

Step 2 – Creation of Start function

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Step 3

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Step 4

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Step 5 – Creation of DTP

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Creation of Delete Indexes

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Transport Request for New Infopackage Creation

Creating New Infopackage, need to create Transport Request and forward to Basis Team to get
load/impact from D system to U system.

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Support Issues

Give the Description and Save as shown below,

Verify the Package and Save

Create the new Request as shown below screenshot.

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The new Infopackage has been created and verify the required selection in Each Tab.

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Support Issues

Then go toSE09 and check the Job with below selection.

Find the request below, which has been created for Infopackage creation.

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Support Issues

First you release the Sub Job.

Then you Release the Main Job.

Finally send mail to Basis mentioning the Main Job to update to the U System.

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Support Issues


Delete the setup table in LBWG as shown below.

To confirm the deletion of set up table, check in RSA3 as explained below.

The above RSA3 confirm the data deleted in the Setup table.

Fill the Setup table T-code OLI (A) BW or

T-code: SBIW->Business Information Warehouse->Settings for Application-Specific DataSources(PI)

->Logistics->Managing Extract Structures->Initialization->Filling in the Setup Table->Application-
Specific Setup of Statistical Data->

Select the required the Application (E.g.-

below is SD-Sales Orders-Perform Setup)

NOTE: Do you have experience in

enhancing datasource for Glbal client ? If
you have done enhancing the datasource
for a global client ( who runs business all
24/7 around the clock, in many
countries) how will go about for outage
(to fill the setup table) ?

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Support Issues

->You need to take down time and load the data to setup tables. No other option. On holiday lock
the ECC server for 6 to 12 hours and do it.

After filling Setup table check the number of record in RSA3 (Extractor Checker) as shown in the
following screen.

Aggregate Fill up as shown below.

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LO Data Extraction – T-code LBWE ->Select (Double Click) the name of the Datasource as shown

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Support Issues

SM37 – Job View

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Support Issues

T-Code LBWQ for Monitor

Reference Site -


Test - Compression

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Support Issues


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Support Issues

SD Analytics Transaction Data

Check List: Check the PSA table for how many records it is giving invalid records.

Solution: Delete the requests from both the targets and then go to PSA edit the erroneous records,
Save them. Then go to Data source in RSA1 and go to manage tab for that particular infopackage and
there will be error requests for today then select the Update with scheduler at the bottom then
activate the targets all the updated records will move from PSA to targets.

Note: If we forget to activate targets then it shows DSO activation got failed find the below screen.

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