BJC - January Meeting 09.01.18 Minutes

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Bristol Junior Chamber

Minutes – Tuesday 9th January 2018 – 6pm – Engine Shed

Members - 27. Guests – 7. Speaker – 1. Total – 35. These numbers are taken
from the name badges picked up at the beginning of the event.
Charlie Chami – Welcome from President and introduce Eric Armstrong.
Eric Armstrong – Presentation on negotiation skills. How to negotiate and how to
present. Importance of body language. Importance of not giving away too much.
Q – Signs saying no offers on negotiation – Always challenge it, always ask. Don’t ask for
discount, but say can you help me? Can I speak to your manager?
Q – Is there anywhere you wouldn’t ask/not appropriate? – Don’t think so… Japan; they
frown on negotiation.
------- Move to general BJC meeting
Alice Peacock – Honorary Secretary – We will be sending out emails to update on data
we hold on you; address and job details.
BJC Annual Dinner – Friday 3rd March, sponsorship packages available. Tickets released
Ashton Court – Business West are trying to put together a trust to rescue it, looking for
board members – specifically an accountant.
Kirsty Swan - 39ers lunch – Information on the weekly email, please let us know if you
can come. A good way to stay in touch once you hit 40.
Emma Custance-Baker - Social Media & Marketing – New website is up and
running! Have a look and any feedback/comments let Emma know.
Ben Pean – Charity & Social Economy – Two opportunities on the weekly email; free
course and volunteering – take a look!
Adjourn at 20.00.

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