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Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1357 Ž1997.


Effect of extremely low frequency ž ELF/ magnetic field exposure on

morphological and biophysical properties of human lymphoid cell line
ž Raji/
N. Santoro a , A. Lisi a , D. Pozzi b, E. Pasquali c , A. Serafino a , S. Grimaldi a,)

Istituto di Medicina Sperimentale, CNR, Viale Marx 43, Rome, Italy
Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale e Patologia UniÕersita` La Sapienza, Rome, Italy
Istituto di Psicologia, CNR Rome, Italy
Received 28 January 1997; revised 27 February 1997; accepted 28 February 1997


Human B lymphoid cells ŽRaji. were exposed for 72 h to a 50 Hz sinusoidal magnetic field at a density of 2 milliTesla
Žrms.. The results of exposure showed a decrease in membrane fluidity as detected by Laurdan emission spectroscopy and
DPH fluorescence polarization. Field exposure also resulted in a reorganization of cytoskeletal components. Scanning
electron microscopy ŽSEM. revealed a loss of microvilli in the exposed cells. This change in plasma membrane morphology
was accompanied by a different actin distribution, as detected by phalloidin fluorescence. We also present evidence that
EMF exposure of Raji cells can interfere with protein phosphorylation. Our observations confirm the hypothesis that electric
and magnetic fields may modify the plasma membrane structure and interfere with the initiation of the signal cascade
pathways. q 1997 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

Keywords: EMF; ELF; Fluidity; Membrane

1. Introduction debated is the question of the epidemiological evi-

dence w4x of adverse effects of ELF fields generated
The possibility of negative effects on health from by 50–60 Hz high voltage power transmission lines,
exposure to radio frequency ŽRF. or extremely low video display terminals, electric blankets and other
frequency ŽELF. fields has stimulated the increase in home appliances. Reported ranges of exposure are:
recent years of publications on the biological effects magnetic flux density ŽB.: 0.1–1000 mT; and electric
of electric and magnetic fields w1–3x. Particularly field intensity: 0.01–100 Vrcm Žin air.. This value
of external field is reduced by about seven orders of
magnitude to the mVrcm range when air-capacity is
coupled to conductive organisms or tissues. An elec-
Abbreviations: rms, root mean square; EMF, electric and tric field may also be set up in tissues and cells by a
magnetic field; ELF, extremely low frequency; EBV, Epstein time-varying magnetic field according to Faraday’s
Barr Virus; DPH, diphenyl exatriene; SEM, scansion electron
microscopy; FITC, fluorescein isothiocyanate; mT, milli Tesla law. In humans, the peak values of this magnetically
Corresponding author. Fax: q396 86090332. E-mail: induced electrical field also fall in the mVrcm range for ambient values of mT w5,6x.

0167-4889r97r$17.00 q 1997 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PII S 0 1 6 7 - 4 8 8 9 Ž 9 7 . 0 0 0 3 2 - 3
282 N. Santoro et al.r Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1357 (1997) 281–290

A strong objection to the acceptance of reported noise threshold w7x and favour consistency and re-
weak field effects is that their intensity is many peatability of experiments. A list of reports using
orders of magnitude below the noise threshold w7x so 1–10 mT Žand 1–10 mVrcm. may be found in w17x.
that selective, cooperative or amplifying mechanisms, A flux density of 22 mT at 60 Hz was used by
briefly reviewed in w8x, must be postulated. The mini- Liburdy w19x to expose mitogen activated thymocytes
mum value of applied field to which a cell would placed in annular wells of different radii. With this
respond without any such mechanism has been calcu- method he was able to separate a directly magnetic
lated to be about 1 mVrcm for a large elongated cell from an electric effect providing evidence of an
and 20–40 mVrcm for a spherical cell w7,9x. On the increased effect on Ca2q influx from 1 to 1.7 mVrcm
other hand, it is known that some animals possess an electric field.
extreme sensitivity to electric field Ž0.005 mVrcm EMF exposure at 2.5 mT Ž 50 Hz. has been shown
for the shark. and to magnetic fields w10x. to modify the membrane surface as evidenced by
Much higher magnetic flux densities, pulsed or microscopy w20x, and to reduce the values of mem-
sinusoidal, in the 1–10 mT range Žinduced electric brane electrical characteristics Žconductivity and per-
fields: 1–10 mVrcm. are produced by some indus- mittivity. in K562 leukemic cells w21x and in chick
trial processes and by clinical Žgradient fields in embryo myoblast cultures exposed to 1–10 mT, 50
NMR imaging. and therapeutic procedures Ž healing Hz fields w22x. A maximum effect at 5 mT is reported
of wounds and bone fractures.. The efficacy of pulsed in this work. An increase in membrane negative
EMFs for the therapy of non-united bone fractures surface charge has also been described w23x.
w11x is often cited as evidence that EMFs can influ- In the present work we provide evidence that 50
ence physiological processes in organisms. Hz magnetic field exposure of human lymphoid cells
In general, a physiological framework for EMF ŽRaji. results in modifications of cell morphology,
effects has still to be established. This may be at- membrane fluidity and cytoskeleton organisation. A
tempted by studying the mechanisms by which EMFs point of experimental focus in EMF research is EMF
interact with cells under controlled laboratory condi- effect on signal transduction pathways. In relation to
tions and by correlating in vivo evidence with in vitro this our results indicate that EMF appears to modify
data. Reviews of related studies on tissues and cells the protein kinase activities in the exposed cells.
may be found in literature w12–14x.
In their pioneering work Bawin and Adey in the
middle 1970s w15x reported a 15% decrease of Ca2q 2. Materials and methods
efflux in chick and cat cerebral tissue after a 20 min
exposure to an electric field of 10 Vrm in air Ž in the 2.1. Cell cultures
ambient range.. Since then a great number of reports
have been dedicated to the effect of EMF exposure Raji cells were grown in RPMI Ž Gibco Laborato-
on intracellular Ca2q level with particular regard to ries, Scotland. supplemented with 10% Fetal Calf
cells of the immune system w16–18x. Serum ŽGibco Laboratories, Scotland. and antibiotics
It is generally accepted that the plasma membrane Ž110 IUrml of penicillin and 100 m grml of strepto-
surface is the site of interaction with EMFs and that mycin. at 378C, 5% CO 2 . Raji Žobtained from ATCC.
some of the effects are dependent on Ca2q regulation are EBV genome positive non producing human B-
w1,14x. cell line w24x.
The field of bioelectromagnetics as it emerges
from the literature is characterised by various non- 2.2. Exposure solenoid
linearities Žintensity, frequency and time windows.
and peculiarities Žcell type, age, treatment. so that Cells grown to confluency were divided into two
extrapolations or duplications among laboratories can samples Ž2 = 10 5rml cells in a total volume of 10
hardly be made w18x. However, for in vitro experi- ml. and placed in 25 cc Corning flasks. One sample
ments, a choice of high levels of exposure, compared was exposed to a sinusoidal 50 Hz magnetic field at a
to ambient values, is more likely to overcome the flux density of 2 mT Žrms. in a solenoid with a
N. Santoro et al.r Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1357 (1997) 281–290 283

water-jacketed, temperature regulated, container sus- 2.4. Actin labeling and confocal microscopy
pended at its center. Temperature regulation was
37 " 0.58C and 5% CO 2 was provided. The sham Actin was labelled with FITC-Phalloidin after Bel-
exposed sample was placed under the same condi- lomo w29x with the following modifications.
tions in a solenoid with no field. Exposed and non exposed cells were attached to
The solenoid is placed with its axis vertical so that polylysine Ž0.01% for 30 min at room temperature.
the magnetic flux is perpendicular to the base of the treated glass cover slides. The cells were fixed in
Corning flasks. paraformaldehyde Ž2% 10 min. , washed twice again
The solenoid has a diameter of 20 cm and an with PBS, permeabilized with PBS containing BSA
height of 40 cm. It is made of 600 turns of 2 mm dia. 1% and triton X-100 Ž0.2% for 5 min., washed again,
copper wire wound in three layers in continuous incubated with FITC-Phalloidin Ž10 m grml. and fi-
forward-backward-forward fashion. It is driven from nally washed with PBS and BSA. The fluorescence
the 50 Hz power mains through a variable autotrans- was monitored using a LEICA TCS 4D confocal
former and generates a flux density of 2 mT Žrms. for scanning microscope, supplemented with Argonr
an applied voltage of 12 V Žrms.. Field density ŽB., Kripton laser and equipped with 40 = 1.00–0.5 and
measured with a calibrated Hall probe, is within 100 = 1.3–0.6 oil immersion lenses. Three experi-
y5% of center value inside the cylindrical exposure ments were performed analyzing in total 600 cells.
volume of 11 cm by 17 cm along the solenoid axis. Images were recorded employing pseudocolor repre-
The measured geomagnetic ambient field is 32 mT sentation.
Žvertical component. and 16 mT Žhorizontal compo-
nent.. Stray ambient ac fields are below 0.1 mT. 2.5. Laurdan labeling of cell membrane and laurdan
An often overlooked fact related to solenoids is the emission spectroscopy
presence of an almost homogeneous electric field
oriented parallel to the magnetic field w25x unless
Laurdan labeling procedure was done according to
adequate electric shielding is used w26x. An approxi-
Parasassi w30x. 1 = 10 6 cells were washed three times
mate estimate of this field may be obtained from the
with PBS, then resuspended in 2.5 ml of PBS. After
voltage across the extremes of the inner of the three
which 0.5 l of a 2.5 mM solution of Laurdan in
layers and its length: respectively, 4 volts and 40 cm
DMSO were added to the cell suspension under mild
giving a value of field strength in air of 0.1 Vrcm.
stirring. Incubation was carried out in the dark for 20
The corresponding field induced by capacity coupling
min at room temperature. Cells were then pelleted
in the culture medium will be in the order of 0.01
and washed with PBS, resuspended in 2.5 ml of PBS,
mVrcm w27x. For comparison the value of electric
equilibrated for 5 min in the fluorescence spectro-
field magnetically induced by the 2 mT field will go
fluorometer at 208C, then measured. Since Laurdan
from 0 Žat the centre. to a max. of about 80 mVrcm
can diffuse from the plasma membrane to intra-
along the sides of the 4.8 = 5.2 cm base of the
cellular membranes, each set of cells Ž50 to 70 cells.
Corning flask w28x.
were analyzed within 10 min. Laurdan emission fluo-
rescence has been continuously recorded from 400
2.3. Cell growth curÕes nm with a Perkin Elmer 650-40 fluorescence spectro-
photometer using 360 nm as excitation wavelength.
The experiment was repeated three times with the
Raji cells were exposed at 2 mT, 50 Hz in the
same results.
solenoid region were the field gradient was within
y5%. For each experiment cells were plated into 25
ml flasks Ž2.0 = 10 5rml cells in a total volume of 10 2.6. Fluorescence polarization measurements
ml.. The flasks were kept in the exposure system
continuously for 24, 48, 72 h. Cells were then counted 1,6-Diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene ŽDPH. ŽSigma. was
and viability determined by Tripan Blue dye exclu- used for monitoring the fluidity in the hydrocarbon
sion. The experiment has been repeated three times. core of the plasma membrane. Labeling of intact cells
284 N. Santoro et al.r Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1357 (1997) 281–290

Table 1 P, defined in the following equation, was then di-

Quantitation of the autoradiograph in Fig. 6 rectly recorded.
Protein number Phosphoroimager counts
P s Ž Iv y Ih . r Ž Iv q Ih .
Sham-exposed EMF exposed
Raji cells Raji cells where Iv and I h are the emission intensities when the
a1 4120"60 a
1185"12 polarizers are oriented vertically and horizontally,
a2 2411"30 1584"15 respectively. The experiment was repeated three times
a3 1329"12 975"9 with the same results.
a4 1001"10 625"4
a5 6400"80 3520"36
a6 3408"35 11319"120
2.7. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
a7 7737"91 8125"95
a8 n.d. 3639"30 Exposed and sham exposed cells were washed in
PBS, fixed with 2.5% glutheraldheide in 0.1 M Mil-
Incorporation of 32P was measured in labeled protein by phos-
lonig’s phosphate buffer for 1 h at 48C and, after
phoroimager analysis of the dried gels and expressed as phospho-
roimager counts. Points represent the mean of three different set
of experiments. Effect of EMF exposure on protein phosphoryla-

was performed by adding 2 m l of 1 mM DPH in

tetrahydrofuran to 40 m g of proteinrml at room
temperature. Then incubated in the dark at 48C for 60
min. Fluorescence polarization was measured using a
Perkin Elmer 650-40 spectrofluorometer using 360
and 450 nm as excitation and emission wavelengths,
respectively. The degree of fluorescence polarization

Fig. 1. Cell’s growth. The reported curves represents cell viabil-

ity of sham exposed Žq. and 50 Hz 2 mT exposed Ž). Raji cells.
For each curve cells were plated as described in Section 2. Fig. 2. Scanning electromicroscopy ŽSEM. of Raji cells: sham
Growth curves represent the average of three different set of exposed ŽA. and exposed to a 2 mT 50 Hz magnetic field ŽB..
experiments. Micrograph has been taken after 72 h at 378C.
N. Santoro et al.r Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1357 (1997) 281–290 285

three washes in the same buffer, seeded on polyly- post-fixed in 1% OsO4 in Millonig’s buffer, dehy-
sine-coated coverslips for 30 min, to allow adhesion drated through a graded acetone series and critical
to the glass surface. After washing, samples were point dried with CO 2 in a Balzers CPD 030 critical

Fig. 3. Actin microfilament organization using confocal microscopy. Cells were exposed for 72 h at 378C to the field, then the sham
exposed ŽA. and exposed cells ŽB. were stained with FITC-phalloidin. Each micrograph represents a focus series from the top Župper left
corner. to the bottom Žlower right corner. of cells.
286 N. Santoro et al.r Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1357 (1997) 281–290

point drier. Specimens were coated with gold in a 3. Results

Balzers SCD 050 sputter instrument and observed on
a Cambridge S240 scanning electron microscope. 3.1. Growth curÕes

2.8. In Õitro phosphorylation Standard growth curves were obtained for a quanti-
tative evaluation of the effect of 50 Hz 2 mT EMF on
Labeling was carried out following the procedure Raji cells. The increase in cell number as a function
of Eboli w31x. Raji cells Ž5 = 10 6 . , were rinsed with of time for up to 72 h for the exposed and sham
Locke’s solution Ž154 mM NaCl, 5.6 mM KCl, 3.6 exposed cells is illustrated in Fig. 1. No significant
mM NaHCO 3 , 2.3 mM CaCl 2 , 5.6 mM glucose, 5 differences between exposed and sham exposed Raji
mM Hepes, pH 7.4. containing 1 mM MgCl 2 . After cells could be detected.
washing cells were suspended in 100 ml Locke’s
solution containing 0.4 mM MgCl 2 and 0.3 mCirml 3.2. SEM analysis
w 32 Px orthophosphate for 45 min at room temperature
Electron microscopy was performed on three dif-
on a rocker. Cells were then briefly rinsed with
Ž2 = 0.5 ml. Locke’s solution and collected with ferent experiments on both sham exposed cells and
Ž3 = 0.25 ml. chilled cell lysis buffer Ž1 mM MgCl 2 , cells exposed for 72 h to a 2 mT fields. Sham-ex-
posed Raji cells appeared with a round shape show-
0.5 mM EGTA, 0.5 mM dithiothreitol ŽDTT. , 2%
ing a plasma membrane fully covered by microvilli.
pyrophosphate, 5 mM Tris-Cl, pH 7.4.. Ice-cold tri-
ŽFig. 2, panel A. . By comparison the EMF exposed
chloroacetic acid Ž TCA. was quickly added to the
cells showed morphological alterations of the plasma
lysates Ž20% wrv final. and after incubation on ice
membrane such as a complete loss of microvilli Ž Fig.
for 30 min, precipitates were collected by centrifuga-
2, panel B. and in some case a more elliptical shape
tion. Pellets were resuspended in 50 m l of SDS
Ždata not shown.. The number of cells with these
sample buffer Ž9 M Urea, 0.14 M b-mercaptoethanol,
injuries represent 82% of the total. No broken mi-
0.04 M DTT, 2% SDS, 0.075 M Tris-Cl, pH 8.0. and
crovilli could be detected in the frame.
boiled for 5 min.
3.3. Actin distribution
2.9. Electrophoresis
The distribution of actin filaments through the
SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis ŽSDS- whole cell volume in sham exposed and exposed Raji
PAGE. was carried out according to Laemmli w32x.
Sample volumes of 20 m l corresponding to 1 = 10 6
cells were loaded. Two-dimensional gel electrophore-
sis was carried out according to Eboli w31x. Equal
volumes of samples Ž11 m lrwell. were loaded. The
first dimension, non equilibrium isoelectric focusing
gel, Ž1.8 = 75 mm. containing a 3% total carrier
ampholytes mixture composed of 75% pH 3.5–9.5,
25% pH 5.0–8.0, 9 M Urea, 0.5% Nonidet P-40,
1.6% 3-Ž 3-cholamidopropyl. -dimethylammonio-1-
propanesulphonate ŽChaps. and 5% acrylamide were
run for 1500 Vh; the second dimension was carried
out on 6–14% SDS polyacrylamide gradient gel.
Incorporation of 32 P-label was revealed by auto-
radiography and, in two dimensional gels, quantitated
with a Phosphorimages Densitometer Ž Molecular Dy- Fig. 4. Laurdan emission spectra of sham exposed Žy. and 2 mT
namics. ŽTable 1.. exposed Raji cells Ž PPP .. Spectra were recorded using 360 nm as
The experiment has been repeated three times. excitation wavelength.
N. Santoro et al.r Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1357 (1997) 281–290 287

bution of actin filaments within the cells. Exposure

for 72 h to the 2 mT field causes a rearranging of
actin microfilaments in 78% of the total cells, with
depolymerization and marginalization from the center
towards the cell membrane ŽFig. 3B.. This difference
in actin filament distribution for sham exposed and
field exposed cells was obtained each time the exper-
iment was repeated Žthree times..
3.4. Membrane fluidity
We utilized the sensitivity of two fluorescent
membrane probes, DPH and Laurdan, to study ELF
magnetic field effect on plasma membrane fluidity.
DPH estimate of membrane fluidity is based on
Fig. 5. DPH fluorescence polarization of sham-exposed Ž=. and fluorescence depolarization measurements w33x, while
2-mT exposed Raji cells Ž).. Fluorescence polarization were
Laurdan is known to be sensitive to the polarity of
recorded using 360 and 450 nm as excitation and emission
wavelengths respectively. Depicted is the Arrrenius plot of DPH the environment, displaying a large red shift of the
polarization between 48C and 408C. Data point represent the emission in polar solvent compared to non polar
average of three separate experiments with duplicate readings at solvents w34x. Laurdan emission from exposed Raji
each temperature. cells Ž72 h. produced a spectra with a peak Ž430 nm.
blue shifted from that obtained by sham exposed cells
cells is illustrated in Fig. 3 which represent a focus Ž450 nm. ŽFig. 4.. This situation is typical of the
series: the first frame on the upper left corner shows probe in a more rigid membrane Žgel phospholipids
the top and the lower right corner shows the bottom phase. . This experiment was repeated up to three
of cells. Confocal microscope analysis of sham ex- times, showing the same blue shift in the emission
posed cells ŽFig. 3A. revealed an homogenous distri- spectra of the field exposed cells.

Fig. 6. Effect of EMF on total protein phosphorylation. Sham exposed cells ŽA. and 2 mT exposed cells ŽB.. Cells homogenate were
separated by charge in the first dimension and in SDS-PAGE in the second dimension. Autoradiograph of the gel shows labelled spots
Žarrow. corresponding to protein with a variation in 32 P incorporation.
288 N. Santoro et al.r Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1357 (1997) 281–290

To investigate in further detail whether Raji cells toid cell line. Raji cells are latently infected by the
exposure to EMF could generate differences in cell Epstein Barr Virus ŽEBV. genome. Furthermore,
membrane fluidity, as suggested by Laurdan emission when the latent EBV genome is expressed and the
spectroscopy, we analyzed membrane fluidity by first viral antigens are produced, they can provide a
steady-state DPH fluorescence polarization. Polariza- useful tool in the search for the potential neoplastic
tion values for exposed cells Ž72 h. were higher than effect of EMFs, because it is known that EBV repli-
those from control cells. This indicates that the mem- cation can be associated with appearance of malig-
branes of field exposed Raji cells are significantly nancies w37x.
less fluid than those of sham exposed cells Ž Fig. 5.. SEM analysis of exposed cells clearly indicates a
morphological effect of the field on the organization
3.5. Effect of EMF exposure on protein phosphoryla- of the plasma membrane. Compared to sham exposed
tion cells, magnetic field exposure resulted in a loss of
microvilli. These data are in accord with previous
A typical autoradiograph from Raji cells lysate results of Paradisi and coworkers w20x that demon-
Žcontrol cells. of the electrophoretic analysis of the strated absence of microvilli after exposure to a 50
phosphorylated species resolved in two dimensional Hz field of human erytroleukemia K562 cells. Mi-
gels is given in Fig. 6A. Cell membrane exposure to crovilli are known to be very important in lympho-
EMF resulted in a different modulation in the incor- cyte migration and traffic into sites of inflammation
poration of 32 P in phosphoprotein Ž Fig. 6B.: some of and are mainly composed by cytoskeletal components
these proteins are more phosphorylated Žsee spots such as actin filaments. As a consequence of cell
number 6, 7 and 8. when the field was present, while EMF exposure, we could also monitor by confocal
in others the incorporation of 32 P seems to be inhib- microscopy a rearrangement in actin filament distri-
ited Ž spots number 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.. The experiment bution within the cytoplasmic department. Since actin
was repeated three times with no variability in the polymerization is one of the mechanisms regulating
electrophoretic pattern. microvilli formation in the mature lymphocytes it is
possible to argue that the loss of microvilli following
EMF exposure could be related to actin depolymeri-
4. Discussion zation.
We also attempted to quantify membrane viscosity
It is unlikely that 50 Hz EMF is able to transfer a in the absence or presence of the EMFs using two
significant amount of energy to cells. Recently, how- fluorophores, Laurdan and DPH. Such probes moni-
ever, concern has emerged about the possibility that tor membrane fluidity through their sensitivity to the
EMF exposure from residentially proximate power microenvironment. Laurdan is susceptible to changes
lines, household electrical wiring and appliances may in fluidity through changes in its emission spectra,
contribute to elevate the risk of some types of cancer while DPH monitors membrane fluidity through its
and in particular the risk of childhood acute lympho- sensitivity to the polarized light. Both probes showed
blastic leukemia w35x. The molecular mechanism by a change in their spectral properties after 50 Hz EMF
which EMF exposure could induce cell proliferation exposure: the Laurdan emission spectra was shifted
and development of malignancy has not been deci- towards the blue, this spectral region is typical of
phered. An important work of Liburdy and colleagues Laurdan in a rigid membrane; while the increase in
w36x demonstrated an interaction between EMF and DPH polarization suggested greater hindrance of the
the cell’s signal transduction cascade. They found an probe mobility in the 50 Hz exposed Raji cell’s
increase in the susceptibility of mitogen activated plasma membrane.
lymphocytes in the calcium uptake and in c-MYC These last results are consistent with changes both
m-RNA transcript when the cells were exposed to 60 in morphology and in actin filament distribution,
Hz EMF. In our study, we investigated the effects of since changes in the interaction between cytoskeletal
exposure at 2 mT, 50 Hz magnetic field on physical component and membrane proteins can results in a
and biochemical properties of the Raji lymphoblas- different phospholipid organization. Our finding of
N. Santoro et al.r Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1357 (1997) 281–290 289

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