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I S B N 9 7 8 - 0 - 8 3 1 1 - 3 3 7 57

ot S-Axis

by KarloApro

Libraryof CongressCataloging-in-Publication Data
Apro, Karlo.
Secretsof s-Axis lvlachining/ Karlo Apro.
p. cm.
rsBN 978-0-8311-3375-7
1. l4achinetools--Numerical control.2. Machining.I. Title. IL Title:
Secretsof 5-AxisMachining.
TJ11B9.A68 20OB

989 Avenueof the Americas
New York,NY 10018


SponsoringEditor: lohn Carleo

lnteriorText and CoverDesign: PaulaApro
Developmental Editor: RobertE. Green
ProductionI\4anagen lanet Romano

Copyright O 2009 by Industrial PressInc., New York.

All rights reserved.This book, or any parts thereot may not be reproduced,stored in
a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form without the permissionof the publisher.
All trademarks and registeredtrademarks, including Mastercam@ and Vericuto, are
property of their respectiveowners. All rights reserved.

No liabilityis assumedby the author or publisherwith respectto use of information
contained herein, includingfor any loss of profit or other commercial,special, or
incidental damages.While every reasonableprecaution has been taken in preparing
this book,the author and pubiisherassumeno responsibility for errorsor omissions.
Publicationof any data in this book does not constitute a recommendationor
endorsementby the authoror publisherof any patent,proprietaryright, or product,

10 9 B 7 6 s 4 3 2

Printedby ThomsonPressIndiaLimited

Thisbookis dedicated,
in lovingmemory/to my motherPiroska.Shetaughtme
the meaningof hardworkandperseverance. Althoughshepassedawaybeforethe
of this book,her spiritcontinues
to livewith me.

for giving me the inspirationto write this

I wouldlike to thank Yavuzlvlurtezaoglu

A specialthanksto LauraNortonfor her humblinginsights.

And aboveall, I would like to thank PaulaApro, my hard-workingwife, friend,editot
designer,and manager.For without her this book would neverhave come to be.

All the imagesin this book, includingthe virtual machines,were modeledusing

f4astercamo (CNCSoftware,Inc.). The virtual machineswere broughtto life using
the machinesimulationcapabilitiesof 14achSim (l"loduleworks)

Formore informationon these productsor companiespleasecontactl

CNC Software/Mastercam Machsim/Moduleworks CGTech/VERICUT
671 Old Post Road ModuleworksGmbH 9000 ResearchDrive
Tolland,CT 06084 Ritterstr,12 a Irvine, California 92618
860.875.5006 52072Aachen,Germany 949.753.1050 +49.241.4006020

Formore informationon the author,Dleasevisit

Table of Contents

Introduction ... ....., . . .1

r : H i s t o r y o fs - A x i s M a c h i n e.s. . . . . . . 3
C o m m ol n4 i s c o n c e p .t .i o
. .n, s .... .......4
R e a s o nt o
s l J s eM u l t i a x li \s4 a c h i n e s . ,,,....,B

C h a p t e r 2 !K n o w Y o u r M a c h i n e . . . . . . , , , . , . . 1 3
l4ultiaxisl\4achineConfigurations .........74
T a b l e / T a b l e M u l t i a x i sf l44ai cl lhi ni nge s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 8
I \ 4 a c h i nReo t a r yZ e r oP o s i t i o(nl v l R Z P ) ......21
N e s t i nPgo s i t i o n s , ............26
RotaryTableDynamicFixtureOffset . . . , , , , , , , . . . . . 27
H e a d / T a b l e M u l tl i4ai xl liisnl vg l a c h i n e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1
H e a d / H eM
a du l t i a x i s l v l il l4l a
i ncgh i n e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 6
F i n d i ntgh e P i v o D
t istance ......37
4 - A x i ls\ 4 a c h i n e s .............3S
& Issuesfor 14ultiaxis
lYachines. . . 40
l4achinesWith Five-or l.4ore-Axes.
. . . . . . . . . . . 43

C h a p t e r 3C: u t t i n g S t r a t e g i e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5
Chapter4r Indexing MultiaxisToolpaths . . . , .49
i I n d e x i nl vgl e t h o d s ........,,.51
H o wC A D / C A |SVyI s t e m sH a n d l eI n d e x i n gW o r k . . . . . . . . 56

O*= MachineCoordinateSystems. .
Home Position . .
ActiveCoordinateSystem . . ,
RotaryCenterPoint , .
I\4achine 60
CAD/CAMSystemOrigin . . . 60
SynchronizinglYachineand CAD/CAMcoordinateSystems .

Chapter 5: SimultaneousMultiaxis Toolpaths. ,65

T h eO p t i m uW
m o r kE n v e l o p e ............70

Feedrates. .......,,72

I n v e r sTei m eF e e d r a,t.e .......,,,...74

P o sPt r o c e s s o r s . ....,........76

Chapter6: Commonsimultaneous Multiaxis cAM

ToofpathC o n t r o l s. ,.....79
C uP
t atterns. .......79
T o oAl x i sC o n t r o l . ............ 86

T o oTl i pC o n t r o l . .............90

C o l l i s iCoonn t r o l .............93

A d d i t i o nMaLl r l t i a x i s I s s u e s a n d C o n t r o l s . . . . . . . . . . . . , 9 8
D o v e tE
a fi lf e c t . ....,.......98

C u t t i nDgi r e c t i o n ..........100

I v l u l t i aRx o
i su g h i n g . ........101
C h a p t e r TM
r achineSimulation....,..,,..,1O3
G - c o d e S i m u l a t i o n V e r s u s C A M S i m u l a t i o n . .1. 0. ,5. . . . .
C o n f i g u r i n g V i r tM
Lar ac lh i n eFso r S i m u l a t i o n . . . . , . . . . 1 0 5
T h eS k e l e t o n .....106
C o m p o n e nv tss.l t 4 o d e. l.s. ...,......I07
M a c h i nSei m u l a t i Ionnt e r f a c e. s .........116
U s i nM
S ei m u l a t i .o, n. . ...,,....7I7

Chapter 8: Selecting The Right Machine For your

Application ...........119
Head/Head Machines (with long X or y - axis linear travel,
b u tl i m i t e d
r o t a r ya x e st r a v e l ). . ......,.I21
Head/Tablel4achines(with long X-axis travel) . . . . . . . I23
H e a d / T a bl l4ea c h i n e .s ,......126
y a b l e- T i l t i n gH e a dC o m b i n a t i o n. .s. . . , . . . . 1 2 8
R o t a rT
T a b l e / T a bl vl ei a c h i n e s . . ..,....I32
G a n t r yT y p eH e a d / H e aldv l a c h i n e s . . .,.... L34

Chapter 9! Choosing a CAD/CAM System For your

A p p fi c a t i o n . ..,,.,..,,,tg7
a lu r p o sSeo f t w a r .e. .. . ... ..,,.. f37
C A D / C AT Io4o l b o x . .,......,,139
MultiaxiscAD/CAlvlConsiderations .,..... 139
M u l t i a xCi sA f 4 . .,...I4O
l 4 u l t i a xCi sA D / C ATI 4. a i n i n.g. , , ....,,..I44
Behindthe Scenes:CAD/CAMSoftwareDevelopment. . 145

GeneralGuidelinesfor ResearchingCAD/CAMSoftware. . 146

Chapter 10: Putting ItAII Together, . , , . . . . .149
W h y U s e l 4 u l t i a x i s l v l a c h i n i n g T e c h. n
. .i.q. .u.e. .s. ? 152
W h a ti s a S t a n d a rsd- A x i sl \ 4 a c h i n e ? ......153
W h a t i s t h e S t a n d a r d A x i s C o n v e n t i o. .n. ?
. ........ 154
What are the ThreeMajor Multiaxisf4achineTypes?. . . 154
What are the l'.lajorBuildingBlocksof a CNCl4achine?. 1 5 6
What are the 14ostImportantPhysicalPositionsof a
[4ultiaxis14achine? 157
What Toolsare Neededto FindMRZP?.. . 159
of Indexing/Rotary
Work. . . . . . 1 5 9
Whal i5 a PostProccessor?. 159
of an Axis 160
Defininga Simultaneous
5-axisToolpath 160
Whatare the ThreeCommonSimultaneous
ToolpathConLrols. 161
MachineOffsels.. . 167
FindinglYachineRotaryZero Posilion.. . 162
Findingthe PivotDistance 164
I n d e x i n g / R o t a r y P o s i t i o n W o r k O v e r v i .e. w
. . .. .. . 166
Pickinga CAD/CAMSystem for Multiaxis Work . . . . . . . 166
Simulation. 167
Conclusion 767

Are you utilizing5-axismachining?Couldyour shop benefitfrom the efficiency

and powerthat 5-axismachiningoffers?The majorityof peoplenot embracingthis
technologylacka true understanding of 5-axispractices.Thereare many common
misconceptions on the subject,and the intent of this book is to demvstifv5-axis
machiningand bring it within the reachof anyoneinterestedin usingthe technology
to its full potential.The informationpresentedin this book was gatheredduring
30 yearsof hands-onexperiencein the metal-workingmanufacturingindustry-
bridgingcountries,continents,and multiplelanguages(both human and G-code.)
The authorworkedin Hungart Germany,Canada,and the USA,specializing in
multiaxissolutions,He spent many yearssettingup, programming,and reparnng
CNCequiprnent,and has used a number of different CAD/CA|Ysystems. He has
workedas a self-employed multiaxisconsultant,as well as djrecuyfor CGTech(the
makersof VERICUT@) and CNCSoftwareInc. (the makersof ttastercamo.)
The authorhas instructedcountlessmultiaxistrainingclassesover the past decade,
Theseclassescoveredtopicssuchas operatingCNCequipment,programming
CNCequipment,both manuallyand with CAD/CAMsystems,and bujldingvirtual
machineswith differentverificationsystems.Throughthe years,the author has met
many professionalsaroundthe world and has come to a realizationthat they atl
havethe same questions,misconceptions, and concerns,when it comesto 5-axis
machining.The needfor unbiasedinformationon the subjectbecameapparent.

Up to this point,the best way to get informationon 5-axismachiningwas to talk

to peersin the industry in the hopethat they would sharewhat thev had learned,
Visitingindustrialtrade showsand talkingto machinetool and CAD/CAI4 vendors
are other options- exceptthat these peopleall give their individualpointsof view
and will promotetheir own machineor solution.Everybodvclaimsto havethe best
mouse-trap,and it is left to the individualto choosethe right one.
This book is not a trainingmanualfor any particularmachineor CAD/CAMsystem.
Rather,it is an overviewof multiaxismachinetyDesand the commoncontrol
methodsthat CAD/CAMsystemsuse to drivethe machines.The book will guideyou
throughthis realm,from basicto complexconcepts,and will provideinformation
to helpyou choosethe right tools, includingthe machine,work-holdingmethod,
CAD/CAMsystem,and machinesimulationpackagethat will best suit your specific
application. The bookcontainsnumerousillustrations to help you to precisely
History of S-Axis Machines

LongbeforeCNCcontrollersappeared,4-5-6-12-and more-axismachines,referred
to as multiaxismachines,were beingused.Ihe individualaxeswere controlled
mechanically through leversridingon cam plates.Some machineshad more than 12
cam plates,controllingnot onJytool/tableand rotary motions,but also clamprngand
unclampingof work-holdingfixtures.Thesemachineswere cumbersomeano atme
consumingto set up, but they were perfecUysuitedfor mass production.

The first NC (numericalcontrolwithout internalmemory) machineswere

cumbersometo set up and operate,but they also were great for massproduction.At
first, only the most affluentand establishedshopscouldaffordthem. programm,ng
was a lengthy,error-proneprocess.Soon,machinebuildersaddedintern;l memory
to their controllers,then they addedthe abilityto executesimplebranchinglooping
logic,and to calJsubroutinesfrom other subroutines.It was possibleto us; these
macrolanguagesdirectlyon the machineand to quicklychangeset_Lrps, especially
for familytype parts. Differentmachinebuildersdevelopedvarioussoluiions,which
createda numberof CNC(computernumericalcontrolwith internalmemory)
programmrng tanguages.Companieswith familiarnameslike Fanuc,Acramatjc,
Heidenhein, Siemens,I\4azatrol,
etc., all developedtheir own languages,but
thesequicklybecamean issue.Some shopsran ten machineswiih eigfrtOifferent
languages.If a repeatjob came in, and the originallyprogrammedmichine was
bus, a new programwould haveto be re-writtin from sc-ratch becauseof the

first.rudimentaryCAD(ComputerAidedDesign)/CAM (ComputerAided
lYanLrfacturing)systemswere devejoped.At first, these softwaresoluiionswere
introducedby the same companiesthat developedthe controllers.Soonafter,
wrote their own CAD/CAI4 software.Thisjump in tecnnorogy
was huge becauseit allowedengineersto draw their parts in a CADprogram,
generatea toolpathin the CAMsystemt genericlanguage,and then translateit into
multipleG-Codelanguagesquickt, usingthe appropljatepost processor.

This progressmeantthat CNCmachineswere no longerthe exception,and tney

startedto becomethe norm. They were no longerusedonly for mass_production
they becameversatile,accurate,and affordable.

machineswent througha similarprocess,but becausethev were more
complicaled,this processlook longer.First,Ihe machineswere expensiveto
purchaseand maintain, and harder to program,Only large aerospacecompanies
had the need, the money,and the personnelto handle multiaxisapplications.Some
companieskept their own processescloselyguardedin order to gain an advantage,
Many softwarepackageswere born out of necessity- in order to solve specific
applicationchallenges.Software,in general,is alwayson the very leadingedge of
technology- pushingthe limits of softwarepossibilitiesand hardwarerestrictions.

Today,there are many machinebuildersofferinga variety of multiaxisequipment

in a wide range of configurations,quality,and price. Computershave becomevery
affordable,and CAD/CAMsystems now offer excellentmultiaxiscutting strategies
with great tool control and large post-processorlibraries.As a result, even smaller
shopscan, and do, implementmultiaxismachining.

Mostmachinebuildersare expandingproductionand embracingnew technology,

Many believethat it is imperativeto competein the global market, especially
againstcountrieswith abundantcheap labor.This attitude has resultedin increased
multiaxismachinesalesand some machinebuildersnow havewaitinglistsof
customersfor multiaxismachines,Multiaxismachiningis a constantlyexpanding
field,with almostendlesspossibilities.

Common Misconceptions
Most peopleassociatethe word "s-axis" with complicatedmotions such as those
for the inductionpump illustratedin Figures1-1 and 1-2, and the programming
techniquesneeded,This view is reinforcedby visits to any industrialtrade show
to see both machinebuildersand CAD/CAMvendorsshowinooff their most

Figures 7-7 Exampleof inductionpump set-up

Secretsof s-Axis Machining

Figure I-2 Exampleof induction pump design.
In reality,the majorityof s-axisusersdon,tevermakean impeller,or finish
portsfor cyrinderhead.Mostof them machineparisusingsimpre
3-axisdrilling,contouring, and pocketmillingroutines,whileroiatingthe-part'
occasionally in a rotaryindexingmechanism, as illustratedin Figurei1-3 and 1-4.
very elaboratepartscanarsobe machinedby apprying3D surfa-cing toorpathsand
engagingthe partfrom differentanglesby indexinga rotarytable.-

Figures t-g and l-4 Examptesof positioning work.

Usinga multiaxismachinewill greatly simplify the motions required,the
programmingeffort, and the amount of fixturing neededfor machiningcomplex
workpieces.other benefitsincludethe eliminati-onof multiple set-upsf increased
accuracy,and better surfacefinish.

Historyof s-AxisMachines
common MisconceptionrI don't ilo enough S-axis work to warrant
a S-axis machine.

Manyshopsare currentlymakingparts by movingthem manuallyto different

fixtures on 3-axis machines.Comparedwith this procedure,productioncan be
increasedgreatlywithoutmuch effort by usinga 4- or a 5-axismachine.If simplya
single-or dual-rotaryindexingtablewas added,only slighteditswould be needed
to the CNC-code files.ExamDlesare shownin Fiqures1-5 and 1-6.

Figures 7-5 and 7-6 Third-party rotary mechanisms.

Movingto multiaxismachiningrequiresthinkingin spaceinsteadof in a flat plane.

Dedicatedmultiaxismachineshave beendevelopedfor the kind of indexingwork
shownin the accompanyingFigures1-7 and 1-8, usingtombstonetype fixtures.

Figure 7-7 Example of tombstone fixture.

Secretsof s-Axis Machinino

Figure 7-8 Example of 4-axis positioning.

Onceyou enterthe multiaxisrealm,new doorswill be openedfor your shop.your

companywill quicklybecomemore adeptand ableto tacklemore comDlexwork.
Beforetoo long,your shopwill start takingon more and morejobs, and will need
to be exoanded.

Common Misconception: S-axis CAD/CAM is too expensive and is

hard to use,

The abovestatementswere true in the past, but not any more. If you currenfly
own a CAD/CAMsystem, there is a good chanceyou already have s-axis
positioning capabilities.
MostcAD/cAMsystemsincludethesecaDabilities in their
basepackage.Manytimes, it is just a matter of trainingthat is neededto get up
a n d r u nni n g .

When you are shoppingfor a CAD/CAMsystem, make sure to chooseone from a

reputablecompanywith a commitmentto trainingand localsupport.Remember
that a CAD/CAMsystem is just another tool in your tool belt. you can buy fancy
tools that are very capable,but they are worthlessif Vou don,t know how to use
them. Great localsupport may very well be the most important feature of vour new

Historvof s-AxisMachines
If you do a lot of simultaneousmultiaxiswork, the price of the CAD/CAMwill be
only a smallfactor.Moretrainingwill be needed,but you will be ableto charge
almostdoublefor your hourlymachinetime. The'hardto use'paft alwayscomes
down to training - was it easy to learn how to operateyour first CNCmachine?

Don'tenterthe multiaxisworld by startingwith a complex,simultaneous job. If

you alreadyown a 3-axismachine,start with a single-or dual-rotarytableand
apply indexingtechniques.You will make parts faster and more accurately,and you
will be ableto investin more equipment.Whenyou decideto buy new equipment,
see if you can bundlea CAD/CAMpurchasewith the machine'spurchaseorder.
This is also a good time to make sure your CAD/CAMsystem speaksyour specific
machine'slanguage- in other words, that it has the correct post processor.

Somecompaniesbuy equipmentwith a turn-keysolution,whichensuresthat their

specificjob will run on the machineupon deliveryfrom the manufacturer.Many
machinetool buildersemploycapableteamsof applications engineers,who in
turn, work closelywith CAD/CAMdevelopers,Together,the teams determinethe
most efficientway to machineany specificpart, basedon many factors such as;
material,quantity,tolerancerequirements, and toolingavailability.

Reasonsto Use Multiaxis Machines

Reduced Set Up work
One important reasonto use multiaxismachinesis to reduceset-up time for parts
such as those shown in Figures1-9 and 1-10. Extra custom fixturing for secondary
operationsis very costly and time-consuming.Most parts can be manufacturedin
one or two set-ups, eliminatingthe need for extra fixturing and time.

Figure 7-9 Example part requiring positioning multiaxis machining.

Secretsof s-Axis Machining

Figure 7-7O Part requires two separate set-ups for machining.

Everytime you move a workpiecefrom one fixture to another,there is a risk
of misalignment- either during the set-up itself or during operation.It is easy
to build up (stacked)errors betweenmachinedsurfaceswhen they are milled
in multipleset-ups.The use of indexingrotary tables, or dedicatedmultiaxis
machines,as shownin Figures1-11 and 1-12, allowsprecisemovementof short,
rigid, high speedcutters for the best cutting engagement.More aggressivecuts can
then be taken, with higher RPMand feed rates, while the highestlevelsof accuracy
are maintained.

Figurc 7-17 Dedicated dual-rotary machine set-up.

Historyof s-AxisMachines
Figure 7-72 Dedicated dual-rotary machine set-up.

Better Surface Finishes

Usingshortertoolswill causelesstool deflection,whichwill minimizevibrationand
producesmooth, precise,cuts. When using ball-nosecutters it ls recommended
that the contact point be moved away from the tip of the cutter that isn't spinning.
By tiltingthe tool, as shownin Figures1-13 and 1-14,the workpiececan be
engagedby a desiredcutter area, which will not only improvethe surfacefinish
and repeatability,but will also greatly improvetool life.

Figures 7-73 and 7-74 Machiningparts such as fhese requires simultaneous

cuttino motions.

10 Secretsof s-AxisMachining
Open New Possibilities
some partsare impossibreto cut on a 3-axismachine.other partswourdtake
too many set-upson a 3-axismachineto be profitable.Onceyour shopgets
comfortablewith indexingwork, you will be able to start machiningpart; suchas
thosein Figures1-15, 1-16, and 1-17, usingsimurtaneous murtiaxismotions,and
openyour buslnessto many new possibilities.

Figures 7-75, 7-76, and l-t7 More examples of parts that require simultaneous
cutting motions.

A word of caution: Simultaneousmultiaxiswork is inevitablyJess

accuratethan indexingwork becausethe machinemust be run in
a loose mode with the rotary drives unlocked.It is recommended
that all possibleroughingoperationsbe done by indexinqthe
rotariesto optimum angles,becausethe machinein lockld
mode is much more rigid.This type of work is also called2+3
machining.The two rotary axes are first positionedand locked into
the optimumattack position,then a standard3-axisprogramis

Historyof s-Axisl\ilachines 11
Know Your Machine

Whatdo you picturewhen you see the words"standards-axismachine?,, lvany

industrybuzzwordsare usedwhen describings-axismachines.Someof them
include:staggeredgulde-ways,constantdynamiccontrol,digitalAC servomotors
with pre-tensioned permanentpositioningmonitoringsystem,maximum
utilizationlayout,long-termaccuracy,and so on. To simplifythings,we will say that
thereare three major buildingblocksto thesetypesof machines.

The physical properties of the machine

The physicalpropertiesof the machinedescribethe wav tne axes are
stacked,the rigidityand flexibilityof the iron,the horsepower,
and maximumRPMof the spindlemotor,the qualityand workmanshipof
the guides/slides,
and the rotary bearings.

The CNCdrive system

The drivesystemis the musclesor the components that makethe
machineslidesand spindlesmove.The systemincludesthe servo
motors,drivesystem,ball screws,the way positioningis controlledand
monitored,and the rapid-traverse
and feed capabilities.

CNCcontroller capabilities
The controlleris the brainof the machine.Data handling,availableon-
boardmemorysize,and dynamicrotarysynchronization controls,are
someof the thingscontrolledhere.

The perfectcombinationof the abovecharacteristics

will builda fast, accurate,easy-
to-programand operate,s-axisCNCmillingmachine.lvanymanufacturers have
spentmany yearstryingto come up with the perfectcombination, and as a result
there are manVvariationsand solutions.

The lllustrations
in Figure2-1 showsomeof the varietythat existsin the machines
that make up the CNCmanufacturing industry.

Figure 2-7 Typical arrangements of multiaxis CNCmachines.

Multiaxis Machine Configurations

The arrangementsshown in Figure2-1 are all very popularconfigurations,but
none of them is "standard."There is no such thing as a standardS-axis machine.
First, let's establishthe definitionof an axis. Any motion controlledby the NC
controller,either linear or rotationalis consideredan axis. For instance,in the
iflustration in Figure2-2, both the spindleheadand the quill are capableof moving
in the same direction,but are controlledby two separatecommands,Movementsof
the head are controlledby Z and those of the quill by W.

Figure 2-2 The spindle head and the spindle quill move along parallel axes.

14 Secretsof s-AxisMachinino
The terms multiaxisand s-axisare often usedinterchangeably and theseterms
can be confusing.The widelyrecognized term in the industryis 5-axis,but it is
misleadingbecauseg-axisstandardpossibilities exist - withoutaddingadditional
sub-systems.In addition,a 4-axismachineis alsoconsidered to be a multiaxis
machine.Despitethe title of this book,the more accurateterm multiaxiswill often
oe useo.

The followinglist providesthe industrystandardnomenclature

for the basicg-axis
designationsand directions.

XYZ are linearaxeswhereZ is alignedwith the spindleof the machine.

ABC are rotary axes rotating aroundXyZ respectively.

UVW are parallellinear axes along XyZ respectively.

KnowYourMachine 15
Unfortunately,different machinebuildersabide by this standardin differentways.
Some buildersallow the end user to changethe machine'srotationaldirections
or behavioron the fly. Third-party rotary devices,as shown in Figure2-3 and
elsewhere,can be purchasedand mounted on a machinein a variety of ways, The
end result of this flexibilitycan causetwo machines,of the same make and model,
to have completelydifferent S-axisbehavior.

Everymachineis a compromiseof some sort. Rotationaldirections,start positions,

and limits, will be differentfrom one machineto another.The effectivework
envelopeis greatly modifiedby changingthose variables,Some rotary axes can
rotate in both directions.Some axes will choosethe rotary directionbasedon the
existingposition- shortestdistanceversus clockwise(CW) or counter-clockwise
(CCW).Some machinesthat are equippedwith dynamic rotary fixture offset
mode will move the linear axis while rotating the rotary one basedon a rotary

To understandthese machinescompletely,it is necessaryto look at every machine

as a uniqueentity, to look under the skin and understandhow the skeletonis
constructed,You need to know where all the joints are, where the rotary axes are,
where the rotary zero positionsare, what makesthem move, and how the whole
unit functionsin unison.

Differentmanufacturersand CAD/CAMsystemshave many different namesfor the

same things. Let's establishsome commonterms that will be used in this book in
order to avoid assumptionsand confusion.

Machine Home Position (MHP) - Most machinistsrecognizethe home position

as the placeto whichall the axes movewhen you initiallyturn the machineon and
selectZero return.

Figure 2-3 Machineat Home PositionX0. Y0. 20. A0. 80.

16 Secretsof s-AxisMachining
MachineRotary Zero Position (MRZP)- On multiaxismachines, machinerotary
zeroshownin Figure2-4, is at the intersection
of the rotary/pivoting
pointmaybe unreachable by the machine.

Figure 2-4 Close-upshowing MachineRotary Zero position.

- programZeropositionis the part datumin the
lrogram Zero Position (PZP)

Figure 2-5 Another view showing the relationship between Machine

Rotary Zero Position and program Zero position.

KnowYourMachine 17
Whensettingup/ operating/and programmingmultiaxismachinesit is essentialto
maintainthe properrelationship
betweenthe machinezero position(MRZp) and
the programzero position(PZP).

If the machinedoesnot havespecialfeaturesthen the PZP must coincidewith the


millingmachinescan be organizedfurtherinto 3 major machinetypes:

Table/Table multiaxis machines execute the rotary motions by the

dual rotary table, The primary rotary table carries the secondary
rotary table, which in turn carries the fixture and the part.

Head/Table multiaxis machines execute the rotary motions by the

table, which carries the work piece, The spindle head articulates
the tool with tilting motions.

Head/Head multiaxis machines execute all rotary/pivotang motions

by articulating the spindle head of the machine, The work piece is

Keepin mind that the focusof this book is milling,althoughthe line betweenthe
mill and the latheis blurringmore and more everyyear.Thereis a new breedof
multi-taskingmachinesavailablethat can do millingand turning,and thoseare

Forthe sakeof simplicity,we will focusonly on multiaxismillingmachines.

Table/Table Multiaxis Milling Machines

Table/Table multiaxismillingmachinescan be vefticalor horizontal.All the
rotarymotionsexceptthe spindleare done by the tablesof these machines.The
main rotarytable carriesa secondrotarytable,as shownin Figure2-6, to whichis
fastenedthe fixtureand the Dartto be machined.

Toollengthoffsetswork the sameway hereas with anv conventional

machine.The tool lengthcan be changedwithoutthe needto re-postthe NCdata.

On thesemachines,the part is physicallyrotatedaroundthe tool. The machine's

rotarydevicesneedto be capableof handlingthe weightof the part and the
fixture,and this capabiiityis an impodantfactorwhen rapidmovementsare
considered.Anothervariationis seenin Figure2-7.

The examplesshownrepresentonly a smallfractionof the availableTable/Table

variations.Mostof thesemachineshaveminimumand maximumrotarv limitson

18 Secretsof s-AxisMachining
oneof the rotaryaxes.somewill haveunlimitedrotary motionon the otheraxis.
Someevenhavethe capabilityto spinthe work,as a lithe woutd.
Table/Table machinesare the mostcommontypesof murtiaxismachines.Most
peoplewill enterthe s-axisworldby purchasing-a
single-or dual-rotarydeviceand
boltit to their3-axismillingmachine

Figure 2-6 Simulation of a dual rotary mechanism fastened to the tabte of a

standard 3-axis CNC milting machine.

Figure 2-7 A third-partyrotary mechanismfastenedto the tabteof a standard

3-axis CNCmilling machine.

KnowYourMachine 19
Figure 2-8 Third-pafty single rotary mechanism and tailstock, fastened to the
table of a standard 3-axis CNC milling machine.

After machiningone side of the work piece it is possibleto index the rotary unit
to machinethe secondside, and so on. This type of work is called indexingor
positioningwork. Some manufacturersuse specializeddual rotary mechanisms.
such as the one shown in Figure2-9, which is designedfor machininginternal

Figure 2-9 Specializeddual rotary mechanismusedin enginemanufacture.

20 Secretsof s-Axis Machining

DedicatedTable/Table machinesare very capableof doingindexing/position
work and are equarrycapabreof simurtaneous
work. The inherentdiflerences
betweenthe two are worth mentioning.

The rndexing method hordsthe workpiecemuch more rigidrythan it is herdfor

simultaneous machiningwork becausethe rotaryaxesare-rocked when machining.
when rotatingan axis,the rotaryaxis must firsl be unrockedwith a designateJ -
M-code.The axis is then rotated,and it is rockedwith anotherM-Codeb-efore
machiningis resumed.This sequenceallowsmachiningto be done in the machine,s
most rigidstate.

when usingsimurtaneous mi||ingtechniques, aI the brakesmust be disengaged,

whichwill put the machinein its roosemode.Forthis reasonit is arwaysu g-ooi
ideato use (when possible)indexing/position
ing millingtechniques foi roujhing

Machine Rotary Zero position (MRZp)

Commonly,MRZP representsthe intersectionpoint of the rwo rorary axes,
althoughsometimesthe two rotaries may be offset by a specificdisfance.This
distancemust coincideor be relativeto the part datum pZp (program Zero
Point) of the CAMsystem.

To accuratelyset up, operate,and programthesemachines,it is necessary to

find the intersection
of the rotarycentersof the machineaxes.some. but not ali,
manufacturershave the varuesstampedon their rotary devices.However,those
numbersare not to be trusted,and must be recalibrated regularly.

Finding the precise center of rotation is the foundation of

accurate work.

will magnifyerrors.furtherawayfrom this machinerotary
zero point.

KnowYourl\.4achine 21
Here are the steps to be taken:

1. Level the table by "zeroing" the indicator on either side of the table, as
shown in Figures 2-1O and 2-11

Figures 2-7O and 2-77 Method of checking the level by dial-indicating both sides
of the workholding table

Figure 2-72 Setting the dial indicator to zero before checking the level of the

Secretsof s-AxisMachining
2. Find the XY zero, using the dial indicator, Zero xy and A at this point, as
shown in Figure 2-13,

Figure 2-73 ZeroingXY and A positionson the work-holdingtable.

3. RotateA+9O degrees and touch the OD of the table as shown in Flgure


Figure 2-74 After rotating the A axis through 90 degrees, touch the outside
diameter of the table with the dial indicator.

4. Rotate A-axis through 18Odegreesfrom the previous position and make
sure the indicator reads zero on the other side.

Figure 2-75 After rotating the A axis through-90 degrees,touch the outside
diameter of the table with the dial indicator'

5. Move the Z-axis in minus direction the radius of the rotary table and set
up a gage tower. The gage tower is used to set all the tool length offsets
to z=o.

Figure 2-76 A gage tower is built to represent the MRZPto allow tool length
offsetsto be set.

24 Secretsof s-AxisMachining
This location is the machine's rotary zero position (MRzp), as illustrated in
Figure 2-17,

Figure 2-77 The rotary zero position of the machine, as establishedby the
outlined procedure.

Note that the intersectionof the dual rotary center lines is abovethe table in
the examplegiven.This locationwill be differentfor every machine,even from
the same manufacturer.It is imperativethat this positionbe checkedregularry,
especiallyaftera heavyworkloador a crash,Smallmisalignments can causeiarqe
errors becausethe tool positionis measuredfrom this intersectionpoint.

All the Active coordinate systems also referredto as Nesting positions or

Locaf Coordinate Systems, for example G54 - Sg, are relativeto the Machine
Rotary zero Point (MRZP) position.It is good practiceto set one of the nesting
positionshere, so that it will be capturedin the Registry allowingit to be recalle-d
quickly,usingMDI (Manual Data Input).

F o re x a m p l ec: 9 0 c 5 4 x 0 . y 0 . A 0 . c 0 .

The PZP(Program Zero point) of the CAMsystemsmustbe set exac v

to the MachineRotary Zero point, as seenin Fiqure2-19.

Know Your Machine

Figure 2-78 Relationshipbetween the MRZPand the PZP.

Some CAMsystemscall this positionthe World Zero, Master Zero, or the Origin.
The main thing to remember is to draw the part in the same specificposition
relativeto this World Zero as it sits on the machine,relativeto Machine Rotary
Zero Point.

Nesting Positions
Nestingpositionsare widely used for positioningwork. These positions,shown in
Figure2-19, are temporaryActive Coordinate Systems and are typically set in
relationto different faces of the part or fixture face, tooling ball, or dowel pin.

Figure 2-19 Sketchshowingsomeofthe many localcoordinatesystemsusedin


Secretsof s-AxisMachining
The advantageof using these Locar.coordinate systems is that you can easiry
followthe programon the controller,s displaysc.eenbecausethe absojute
valuesshown there will reflectthe valuesrelativeto each locally-nestedposition.
Z+1.000,for examplewill be 1.000(inch)abovethe part face.

Despitethe fact that cAM systemsa use different naming conventionsfor their
coordinatesystems/they alr handrethe rocarcoordinatesystemin a simirarway.
Some.ofthe names used by_CAD/CAMsystems include:p'art Datum, Active
Coordinate System, Local Coordinate System, System View, and Tool plane
with an Origin.

The disadvantageof using a number of different rocarcoordinatesystems is the

potentiarfor misarignment when pickingup thesepositionsmanuairywith a dial
indicator.Many programmersus_eonly
usethe MachaneRotary zero point (MRzp)_onecoordinatesystem for S_axiswort<.itrey
as the pirt datum and ret either the
cAN4system or the machine'scontroler carcuratethe speciarrou"r"nt. nui"iruiy.
If a part is placedin the same positionin the cAM and in the machine,the ciM i;'
very capableof generatingthe correctcode.

The advantageof using a singrecoordinatesystem is that the part needsto be

indicatedonly once.The disadvantage is that it is harderto visuallvfollowthe
programon the controller'sdisplayscreen.The system will have to
be switched
over to Distance to Go for safer operation.

using a real s-axis machineas a verificationsystem is inefficient,cumbersome,

and very dangerous. Thereare many machinesimulationsoftwaiet;.k;&;
availablethat can savea rot of time and money,and theseare coveredin another

Rotary Table Dynamic Fixture Offset

The Problem
cAM generates,code for a given positionof the programzero point (pzp) rerative
to the centerof rotationmachinezero point, (MRZF). The machineoperito,.may
th: c.ogglater,on the night shift, at a differenttocationApZp (Actual part
Zero Point). He or she may not be able to placethe part exacflywhere the CAD/
cAM programmerintendedit to be. If the operatordoes not havethe accessor tire
abilityto make the change,then the job wiri haveto wait for a repostedcodeto be

ModernCAD/CAMsystemscan easilycalculatenew code if the part is moved.

But as previouslymentioned,the part will have to be moved to exacflythe same
positionin the cAM system and then the code wil have to be recarcurited.

The Solution
If the operatordoesn't have accessto the cAM system/ and is unableto match
the cAl4's part positionon the machine,an option on the machinewi[ be needed
to compensate for the discrepancy
betweenthe two positions.This optionis called

Rotary Table Dynamic Fixture Offset (RTDFO).

When the Rotary Table Dynamic Fixture Offset function is activatedon the
controller,the Program Zero Point (CAM datum) is offset to correspond
with the set fixture offset amount, as shown in Figure2-20. This offset is the
distancebetweenthe center of rotation (MRZP) and the Part Zero Point (PZP)
and it must also take into accountthe angle of the rotary table. This function is
convenientbecausemultiple-facemachiningcan be executedby setting one point
as the referencewhen machininga complexworkpiece.

Figure 2-2O Potentialproblems in establishingthe rotary table dynamic fixture

offset (RTDFO).

Thereare 2 wavsto use RTDFO:

1. Set the fixture offset amount manually on the Fixture Offset screen of
the machine,illustrated in Figure 2-21,

28 Secretsof s-Axis Machining

reyE (oFFSET)

Figure 2-21 A Fixture Offset Screenon a CNCmachine.

2. Specify the values in the machining program (G-Code).

The fixture offset amount is the distancebetweenthe rotationaicenter (MRZp)

and the workpiecezero point, used by the CAMprogram as the programZero

GlO L21 Pn X_Y_Z_B_C_

n Fixture offset number (1_g)
X_Y_Z_B_C_ Fixture offset amount for each axis

When usingthe c90 mode/the specifiedvaluesare set.

Whenusingthe G91 mode,the sums of the specifiedand the previousvaluesare


KnowYourlvlachine 29

G54,2 Pn; RTDFO- ON

n Fixture offset number (1-8)

The G-Codebelowshowsan examDle:

00001 { P,ROGT?Ar, ZERO ) 00001 { P.eoGr?Ai,- cLoNE2 )
( D]TE A2 ]i A7 TINE 07:22 ) ( DA?a - O2-i1-07 TIME - A7:22 )
c0 G17 G40 cac c90 G94 G9a G0 c17 G40 G80 G90 c94 G98

c28 XO. YO, BO,

I rooL 3) D.aa. oii. - 3.1 ,,rN_ 3) Dra. ( laoL 31 Dra. a!F. 3:L LEN- 31
( G13.4 G5 Pl0O00 ) ( c43.1 G5 P1A0O0 )
T3t T3t
M6 M6

c90 Go 2500. s0. co_ 090 60 2s00. B0. c0.

c 43 . 4 ! 3 1 2 2 s 0 . c 43 , 4 f l 3 1 2 2 5 0 .
G05 P10000
G54 G54

M69 M69

c90 G0 x13?.043 y3.53? C-31.266 818.001 St'ttat t\13 G 9 0 G 0 x l 3 7 . 0 S 3 v 3 . 5 3 7 c - e l . 2 6 6 8 1 E . 0 8 1 s L 0 a i : ; ar ' 1 3

2 1 8 8, 4 ? l
293.4 ,-1 2 9 ' . .j 4 1 1
G 1 5 3 3 . 4 r 7 F : ' : 0r . . . Gt 244.471 ?2n14.
, 1 3 5 . 3 4 6 y 3 . 2 5 3 2 8 3 , ? ? 6 C 3 1 . 6 4 A 1 3 . 2 0 9F ; 0 0 D . x135.846 y3.258 ZA3.??5C 41.64 814.209 Fri0trC_
" < t 3 4 . 6 3 9v 2 , 9 2 3 ? 8 9 - 0 3 ? C - € 1 . 9 9 ? 8 1 9 , 3 2 4 x , L 3 4 , 6 3 9y 2 . 9 2 3 2 8 ! . 0 3 ? C - e 1 , 9 9 7 B 1 8 , 3 2 3
x133.464 y2.526 289.:,!4 C-82.331 818.413 tt33.464 v2-526 2a9.244 C-32.331 B18.4!3
xt32.321 12.061 239-335 c 32-639 Bla.4t6 x l 3 2 . 3 2 1 y 2 . 0 6 1 z A 9 . i 3 s c 3 ? . 6 3 9B 1 3 . 4 7 6
x l 3 0 . 9 8 3 y l . 6 0 5 2 3 9 . ? 3 4C 3 2 - 9 4 6 8 1 8 . 6 5 2 x130.983 y1.606 ZA9.?33C 82.946 B13.652
r1,29.46y1-382 290.424 c 83.335 816.934 . A 1 2 9 . 4 61 7 , 3 4 2 2 9 0 . 4 2 4 C - 8 3 . 3 1 5 8 1 8 . 9 3 4
x!2).122 y7,54 ?91,324 C-83,869 319.316 xt21.722 r1.54 291,:24 C-83.869 819.31.
x125.t38y2.196!92-504C-!4.591B19,€?4 tL2a.73a v2.796 292,504 C-S1,591 B19,874
x124.06? y3.421 293,492 C-E5-439B20.334 tr24.061 v3-421 29t.492 C-45.439 824.334

Figure 2-22 Example of G-Code data for setting RTDFO.

If the machinedoesnot havethe optionmentionedabove,the CADgeometrywill

haveto be moved,and the G-Codere-postedin the CAMsystem.

Notethat the aboveexamDleis for Fanuccontrollers.

varietyof namesfor this and similarfunctions.

30 Secrets
of s-AxisMachining
Head/Table Multiaxis Milling Machines
As their name suggests,these machineshavea rotarytableand a tilting head.

Figures 2-23, 2-24, and 2-25 Example of Head/Table multiaxis milling machines,
which have rotary tables and tilting spindle heads.

Head/Table machinesare arguablythe most capableof the three groups
illustratedand can machinelarge,heavyparts.On some machines,the rotarvtable
can be supportedby a steady rest and it rotatesthe paft only around its own axis.
The pivotingspindleheadcarriesthe weightof the tool. It needsto be capableof
handlingthe cuttingpressuresas it is manipulating the tool.

Thesemachinesare also well suitedfor both indexingand simultaneous work.

Some havethe capabilityto calculateaxis substitutioninternally,enablingthe user
to programparts in the 2D flat planeand then wrap the planearounda specified
fourth-axis diameter,

How does axis substitution work?

Axis substitutionis shown in Figure2-26, and is effectedby the following

orocedu re.

lYeasurethe A-axisdiameterand multiplyit by pi to find the circumference.

Drawa rectanglewherethe Y side is the circumference and the X side is the
lengthof the part.
Createthe cuttinggeometryinsidethis rectangle.
Createa 3-axis toolpath, XYZ, and activateaxis substitutionby first defining
the A-axisdiameter.

On a Bostomaticcontroller,
for example,this resultis achievedby addingtwo lines
of code.

G25 A3.OOO A-axis diameter

G131 Axis substitution Y to A active

Figure 2-26 A part produced by means of axis substitution.

After these blocksare read, all Y-axismoves will be replacedby instructionsfor

A-axisrotarymotions.If the machinedoesn'thavethis capability, this same
processcan be achievedwith any modern CAD/CAMsystem.

The rotaryaxeson thesemachinesusuallyhaveunlimitedrotarymotion.Some

machinescan evenspin the workpieceas in a lathe.The secondarypivotingaxis
has an upperand lowerlimit. In orderto accuratelyset up, operate,and program

32 Secretsof s-Axis Machining

these machines,it is necessaryto find the intersectionof the rotary and the
pivotingaxes. Some examplesof machinesat the Zero positionare shown in
Figures 2-27, 2-28, and 2-29

Figures 2-27, 2-28, and 2-29 Examples of machines with spindles at the zero

Notethat withoutconsidering the tool, all these machinesalignthe spindleface

with the center of the rotary axis while the pivotingcenter point is some distance
away from center.This distanceis commonlycalledthe Pivot Distance. The Gage
Length is the distancefrom the spindleface to the tool tip.

The sum of the Pivot Distance and the Gage Length is the Rotary Tool control
Point (RTCP), which has to be triangulatedfor every s-axis positionof the
toolpath.Figures2-30 and 2-31 show examplesof B90 rotation with and without

Figure 2-3O Example of 890 rotation without RTCP,and Figure 2-37 890 with

The machine'slinearaxesalso haveto movealongthe X and Z axes in orderto
keep the tool tip stationaryin spaceas it executesthe pivoting B90 motion. CAM
systemswill makethe necessarycalculations during"post processing.,,Some
machineshavethe abilityto calculatethe necessarymotionsautomatically, based
on the offsetsshownin Figure2-31, capturedin the machinecontroller,s reqistries.



Figure 2-32 Multiaxis offsets.


If the Rotary Tool Control Point (RTCP)function is used in the Fanuc

program,the spindlepositionis automaticallyadjusted in synchronywith
all rotations,as shown in Figure2-33 and the listed code lines beneaththe
figure. As a result, the relationshipbetweenthe tool center point and the
workpiecewill alwaysstay fixed.

34 Secretsof 5-Axis lvlachining

between the tool center point and the workpiece

stav constant,

G90 G54 c00 x0 Y0 B0 cot

G00 G43.4 Z_H_;

G43.4 . . . Toolcenter point function (Type 1) ON
x,l ,z, . . . (G90) The coordinatevalueof the end pointof the tool
center movement
(G91) The travel amount of the tool center
B,C . . (G90) The coordinatevalue of the rotary axes end point
(G91) The travel amount of the rotary axes
H . . . Tool length offset number
c49 . . Toolcenter point control function (Type 1) OFF
G90G00G54x0, Y0.80. C0.; . M o v e sX , t , B, C to PzP
G43. 4 zL . H01; . Activate RTCP. Positionsthe tool tip at Z+ 1.000
while Z axis positionis offset by offset data set for tool length
offset number 1.

Know Your l\y'achine

Some Head/Table machineswill use both RTCP(Rotary Tool Control Point)
and RTDFO(Rotary Tool Dynamic Fixture Offset) simultaneously.While RTCPis
offsettingthe tool positiona combineddistancefrom the head'srotary point (pivot
distance+ gage length), RPCP is compensatingfor the relativedistanceof the part
from the MRZP (Machine Rotary Zero Point) to the actual fixture position.

If the machinedoesn't have RTCP,to avoid repeatedre-postingwhen tools

are changed,it is common practiceto pre-set all tools to the same length when

Head/HeadMultiaxisMilling Machines
All the rotary/pivotinomotions are executedby the spindlehead of the machine.
These machinescan be both verticaland horizontal,and they have limited
motion. Some machinescan changeheads,not just tools. Headscan be straight,
g0-degree,nutating,or continuously indexing.Someexamplesare shownin Figure
z- 5+.

Figure 2-34 Examplesof Head/Head machines.

36 Secretsof s-Axis Machining

All Head/Head machineshavedifferentbehavior;basedon indlvidualinstallation
settings.Rotarydirections,limits,retractions,rotarywind-up,and handling
singularitiescan all be alteredfrom factory settings.The most impoftant basic
dimensionneededis the rotary/pivot center pointr which is measuredfrom the
spindlefaceto the head'srotaryposition.Machinemanufacturers sometimes
providea nominalvalue,but it is essentialthat the manufacturer's value be
double-checked/ especiallyif it is a nice roundnumber,for instance,10 inches.The
roundnessis a good lndicationthat the numberis not accurate.

"Close" is not good enough. Knowing the exact

is vital if precision work is to be done.

Finding the Pivot Distance

1. First,makesure that the machinehead is in a perfectverticalorientationby
touchingthe machine'stable with a dial indicatolthen rotatingthe indicator.
The indicatorshouldreadzeroaroundthe wholecircleas shownin Fioure

Figure 2-35 Indicating vertical position.

2, Placea 1.000diameterdowelpin into the mastertool holderwith a known

Gage Length (GL).

3. Touchthe dial indicatorplungeras shownin Figure2-36. A flat attachment

helpshere.Set the indicatorto zeroand recordthe Z valueon the controller's
screen.Let'scallthis valueZ maximum.

KnowYourl\,4achine 37
Figure 2-36 Touching the dial indicator plunger is eased by having a wide, flat
top on the plunger.

Do not move the machineon the X axis. Moveonly on the Y and Z axes. Move
to a safe point on the Z axis, and rotate the A axis through 90 degreesinto a
horizontalorientation.Next, move on the Y axis in the plus and on the Z axis
in the minusdirectionsuntil you get to the positionshownin Figure2-37.

Figure 2-37 Z minimum position.

Recordthis Z valueon vour controller's

screenand let'scall this Z minimum.

38 Secretsof s-AxisMachining
Youshouldhavethe followingvalueshandy:

Z maximum
Z minimum
GL - Gage Length
R - Dowel pin radius = .5OOO
Formula to calculate Pivot Distance:

This distance(PD). will be used by the post processor.Most CAMsystemswill

drive the Pivot Point and they will have to calculatethe tool tip locationfor every
programmedposition.The tool tip locationis the Pivot Distance plus the Gage
Length away from the Pivot Point at all times, and must be triangulatedbasedon
the rotary/pivotingangles.Evensmall discrepanciesin the Pivot Distance will be
magnifiedinto largetool positionerrorsin the final program.

4-Axis Machines
If a third-pafty,singlerotary mechanismis placedon a 3-axismillingmachine,it
becomesa 4-axismachine.The most oopulardedicated4-axismachinesare the
horizontaltypesshownin Figure2-38.

Figure 2-38 4-axis horizontal machining center.

Know Your Machine

Thesemachinesare mostlyusedfor tombstonework, wherepartsare clamped
to all sidesof the tombstonefixture and machinedby rotating them into different
positions, The chipsdon't collecton the work-piecebecausethey fall away by
gravity and are cleanedoff by strategically-placedcoolantnozzles.

The examplein Figure2-38 showsa palletchanger,whichis positionedoutsidethe

machine'senclosure,allowingthe operatorto loadworkpieces and unloadfinished
partsduringthe machinecycle.Elaboratepalletchangerassemblies are also
available,with multipletombstoneson whicha varietyof differentjobs can be pre-
loadedand made ready-to-run. This arrangementallowsfor quickchangeover to a
new job withoutstoppingthe machine.

General Maintenanceand Issues for Multiaxis Machines

It is recommended that all machinetoolsbe kept cleanand free of objectsthat
can causedamage,and this rule is even more importanton s-axisequipment.
Realigning routinesshouldbe done at regulartime intervals,and most certainly
after heavywork, overloads,or a crash,A log shouldbe kept of the machine'svital
statisticsand operatorsshouldbe instructedto listenfor any new soundscoming
from the spindle(s)or rotary mechanisms.


. Sometimesthe rotary brakeswill fail and they won't disengage,The rotary

mechanismwill then work extra hard to rotate from positionto position,and if
work is in hand,the unit will eventuallyfail.

. Somedual rotarytablecenterlinesdo not intersect.Someof theseapparent

discrepancies are by design,as shownin Figure2-39, and some are not. If the
apparenterror is by design,it is usuallya largenumberthat can be seenby
It must not be assumedthat
eye. If it is not by design,it won't be noticeable.
the centerlines are in line,and they must be checked,Misalignment can be
compensatedfor by inputtingthe relevantvalue into the post processor,

Figure 2-39 Example of rotary mechanismsplaced in offset positions by design.

40 Secretsof 5-Axis l\4achinino

Figure 2-4O These rotary mechanisms appear to be intersecting.

Some Head/Head types of machineswill not run true. To checkthis aspect,

arrangethe machinewith the secondaryaxis pointingdown verticallyas shown
in Figure2-41. Then, rotate the primary axis through 360 degrees.The dial
indicatorshould read zero throuqhoutthis motion.

KnowYourMachine 41
Figure 2-47 Indicating run-out.

The machinetypes describedin this chapter are built by many different machine
buildersin a variety of sizes,shapes,qualities,and prices.The quality of a machine
will be best highlightedwhen fast. simultaneous, multiaxismotionis beingused.
A good-qualitymachinewill executethese motions quickly and repeatedly,in a
smooth synchronizedway, without one rotary axis waiting for anothel and without
backlashor vibration.The rotarymechanisms will haveminimalrun-out,and the
rotary centerlineswill align precisely.Cheapermachinesmay execute positioning
movementswell, but will executesimultaneous motionspoorly.

Many manufacturerswill list "positionalrepeatability"in their specificationsbecause

it is a good measureof the machine'squality.One way to do a quick check of
repeatability is to set up an indicatoron the machinetable,engagingthe tool holder
at zero.Then a ten-minuteroutineinvolvingall the machineaxeswith multiple
rotationalmoves should be executed,terminatingwith returningto the start
Dosition.The indicator'sreadout retativeto zero is the measurementof the Dositional

It is not necessaryto buy the most expensivemachine,but only to take a good

look at current and potentialfuture needswhen consideringpurchaseof a multiaxis

42 Secretsof s-AxisMachining
Milling Machineswith Five or More Axes
lVostmachineswith more than five axes are built for specificmanufacturing
applications,Some examplesincludethose shown in Fioure2-42:

Figure 2-42 Some examples of more than s-axis machine designs,

It is possibleto assemblemultiple 9-axis subsystems,and some manufacturers

have built machineswith over 100 axes. Many of these axes are part of elaborate
work-holdingsystems,and have parts that need to be rotated out of the wav
of other machinecomponentsduring some manufacturingprocesses.Many
such machinesare controlledwith dedicatedM-codes,which activate pre-set

E A simpleexampleof sucha subroutineis an M06,whichcausesa tool change.
Observecloselywhat happenson any machinewith an automatictool-changer:
the machineslidestravel to pre-determinedlocations;the tool-changecarousel
advancesthe chosentool; a little trap door may open, dependingon the
machine;then a swing-armwill exchangethe tool betweenthe spindleand the
carousel. This whole choreographyis just one of many internal macros,ready
to be activatedby a simple code like M06. On multiaxis machines,many more of
these internal macrosare available.Most of the time, the macrosneed to work in

44 Secretsof s-Axis Machining

Cutting Strategies

If drawingsof the same multiaxispart were givento five differentCNC

programmers,chancesare good that they would come up with five different
methodsto machinethe part. This variabilityis a productof experience,available
multiaxisequipment,availableCAD/CA[4 systems,tooling,fixturing,material,and

What doesevery CNCprogrammerdo when askedto write a programfor a new

part? He or she will createa mental imageof the part, and basedon the above
factors,go througha varietyof differentscenariosto determinehow to machine
it. Thesedecisionswill includehow to hold the part, and whichsideto start on.
The programmerwill then mentallygo throughthe whole processof removingall
the excessmaterial from the starting stock in order to free the desired part from
within it. Mostprogrammerswill brainstormrepeatedlyand come up with multiple
solutions,eliminatingthe weakestones,addingnew ideas,and then makingthe
final decision.This whole processhappenslong beforethe creationof the actual
toolpath.This pre-workmeditationis the singlemost importantpart of the whole

The processdescribedaboveis the same,whether3-axisor multiaxiswork is

beingconsidered. The big differenceis usuallywith the fixturing.Work holdingis
amongthe first decisionsto be made when programminga 3-axismachine.Many
multiaxisprogrammerswill placethe part data on a virtual machine.This process
lets them levitatethe part in the air and simulatethe machine'smotions,without
a fixture present,to see if all motionsare possiblewithoutviolatingthe machine's
work envelopeboundaries. The part will be movedin spaceto achieveoptimized,
synchronized motions.Finalfixture placement,or design,might be one of the last

Of coursethis procedureis not alwayspossible,but when a fixture is

predetermined, additionaleffort will be neededto make sure there are no collisions
betweenthe fixture,tool, shank,arbor,or tool holder.Avoidingcollisionsis a big
part of multiaxisprogramming.Collisionscan occurnot only duringcutting,but
also duringtool changes,palletchanges,or manualretractionmovesafter an
abrupt programstop. Forexample,after a powerfailure,the tool couldbe in a
positionwherethe onlVsafe retractionmove is simultaneousmultiaxismotions.
The singlemost importantpart of mu tiaxis programmingis the initialtime that
is spenton decidinghow to tacklethe job. I\4achining
sequencesshouldbe kept
simple,not made complicated just becausethe shop has the latestequipment,the
most powerfu CAD/CA[4 system,or an unlimitedbudget.Hereare some questions
that needto be considered:

How many parts are needed?

How much time is available?

what is the material?

What machine is available?

How good is the CAD/CAM system?

How well do you know CAD/CAM?

what tooling is available?

Do you have to use existing fixtures or can you make your own?

Ar€ there any special requir€ments?

Limitationsapplyto every too in the shop.The trick is to work aroundthose

limitations.The differencebetweena good multiaxisprogrammerand an average
one is that the good one is industrious.If one approachdoesn'twork, anotherone
will be tried Lrntilthe best solLrtion of the CAD/CA|4systemin
use, many times extra geometrywi I haveto be createdto achievethe best resuts.

Do the Prep Work

The time investedin preparingthe work will be invaluabLe
in the ong run. once a
decisionhas been madeon how the job wil be handled,it is importantto organize
the work. Divideup the operationsin the CAD/CAMsystemand move necessary
geometryto easily-recognizablenamed layers/levels. This preparationwill make it
possibleto isolateindividLral
featuresand allow a focusedworkflow.

Make a Tool List

It is very importantto make a tool list for any job. Start by analyzingthe part
geometrydiligently.Findthe smallestfillets.Measurehow much room there is
betweenfeaturesto determinethe minimumand maximumtoo diametersthat can
be used.Checkwhat tools are readiy availablein the shop to see if any of them
can be used,especiallyif you are a readyfamiliarwith their performance.If you
must ordertools,do some researchon their performanceand availability.

46 Secrelsof 5 Axis Machining

Determine Fixturing
Checkon availablefixtures,vises,and clamps.Useexistingvisesand fixtures
wheneverpossible,to keepthe costsdown. The equipmentshouldbe modeledin
the CAD/CAMsystemand organizedinto librariesthat can be readilyaccessedand
loadedfor virtual simulationwhen checksare madefor possiblecollisions.

If more than one machineis availablefor the job, some comparisonsshouldbe
made.Amongessentialchecksare: work envelopelimitations,maximum RPIY,
feed-rates,and controllercapabilities.

Know Your Stock Options

stocksmust also be considered.If the materialis unfamiliar,some
researchwill be neededon differentcuttingcharacteristics. The originalform may
be a billet,a cylinder,a casting,or a forging,and may requiresome preparatory
work beforemachiningcan start.

Indexing Multiaxis Toolpaths

Set-upsusing indexingor indexedwork are rigid and precise.Other common names

usedfor such set-upsare 2+3 machiningor positioning,and fixed rotary work. With
indexingwork, the rotary/pivotingaxes are used only for positioning,and cutting
(machining) takes placewith only the three linearaxesmoving,Indexingwork is
the "bread and butter" of the multiaxismachiningindustry.Many parts are mass-
producedby this method, and it is the most basicmultiaxisconcept.It is an easy
transitionfrom multiple set-up, 3-axis work to a single set-up indexingone, The
graphicsin Figure4-1 show how one part can be cut from many differentangles
without being removedfrom the fixture.

Figure 4-7 Images showing how one part can be cut from many different angles,
without being removed from the fixture.

Figure 4-7a Images showing how one part can be cut from many different angles,
without being removed from the fixture.

Figure 4-2 Part of an aircraft landing gear machined

with an indexing set-up.

Secretsof s-AxisMachining
The conceptmay be simple, but it allows for the manufactureof very complex
parts with precision,like the samplesshown in Figures4-2 and 4-3.

Figure 4-3 An aerospacecomponent machined with an indexing set up.

Indexing Methods
There are many different indexingmethods,and they can pedormed with
equipmentas simple as a manually-operated,custom indexingfixture. Third-party
autonomousrotary devicesalso are available,which will executepre-programmed
indexingsequencesat every cycle.The cyclescan be activatedmanuallyor through
a dedicatedM-Code.If one of these methods is used, great care must be taken to
synchronizethe manual operationswith the Nc-code,Ample opportunitiesexist to
make a mistakewith these methods.

Figures4-4 and 4-5 show two examplesof custom indexingfixtures.

Figures 4-4 and 4-5 Two examples of custom-built, indexing fixtures.

IndexingMultiaxisToolpaths 5'l
The best method is to use fully-integrated. third-party, rotary devices,which will
executerotary commandsdirectly from the Nc-code.For these methods,the rotary
pivot center must be preciselylocated(as describedin Chapter2).

Figures4-6 and 4-7 show some examplesof dedicatedthird-party rotary


Figures 4-6 and 4-7 Examples of dedicated third-pafty rotary mechanisms.

The best approachis to use a dedicatedmultiaxismachine,if one is available.

Thesemachineshave brakeson their rotary/pivotingaxes, which provideextra
rigidity during cutting. Typically.these brakesare releasedwhile positioning
changesare made,but oncein position,they are re-engagedso that the machine
can stay in its most rigid state for cutting. Some machinesare not numerically
controlledbut are capableof indexingonly in certainincrements(for example,
1 degree),and they often operate by lifting away from a serrateddividing plate

52 Secretsof s-AxisMachinino
Figures4-8 and 4-9 show some examplesof dedicatedmultiaxismachine,rotary

Figures 4-8 and 4-9 Some examples of dedicated rotary machine components.

On some machines,spindleheadscan be changedrepeatedlybetweenoperations.

The examplesshown in Figure4-10 can be straight, set at a specificangle, or even
adjustedsteplesslyto variousangles.

Figure 4-7O Spindle heads on some machines are designed to be straight, set at a
specific angle, or even adjusted steplessly to various angles.

Othermachines,usedmainlyin the medicaland aerospaceindustries,are designed
to indexand hold the part with grippingaxeswhile machining.Examplesof these
types of machinesare shown in Figures4-LL and 4-I2.

Figures 4-77 and 4-12 Some machines are designed to index and hold the part
during machining.

Plainindexingis a very efficientway of moving parts into positionfor machining,

when it is combinedwith pallet-cha
especially nging.A palletchangercan be
as simpleas a singlerotaryindexingmechanism.It can also be as complexas
a multi-palletconveyer,with not just one, but multiplejobs, runningin a pre-
organizedsequence.Thesesystemsare so flexiblethat a brand new job can be
introducedinto the queue without stoppingthe machinesequence,as shown by the
examplesin Figures4-L3 and 4-L4.

54 Secretsof s-Axis Machining

Figures 4-73 and 4-74 Brand new jobs can be introduced into the queue without
stopping the sequence with these pallet-changing machine designs.

How CAD/CAMSystems Handle Indexing Work
BeforediscussingCAD/CAMsystem applications,it is importantto establishsome
of how CNCmachineswork.
core understanding

Priorto the inventionof CAD/CAMsystems,G-Codeneededto be generated"by

hand."Indexingwork was handledjust like any other programming job, the only
differencebeing that another one or two axes were sometimesadded to the mix.
Most machinecontrollershave the ability to work in multiple local coordinate
systems,also known as nestingpositions.These localcoordinatesystemswere,
and still are, usedin a varietyof ways,One of the simplestways is to placemultiple
fixtures and parts on the machine,establishthe part data for each individualpaft,
and assignindividuallocalcoordinatesystems,as shownin Figure4-15.


Figure 4-75 Positioning two fixtures with parts on a machine and assigning
individual local coordinate systems.

The aboveexampleshows only two positions.The part programswould be the same

for both, except that the local coordinatesystem designationwould be provided
at the beginningof the NC program (for example,G54 or G55 Fanuc).Different
controllersuse different designationsfor these nesting positions,but they all work on
the same principle.Dependingon the controller,numerousnesting positionscan be

This nestingconceptis one that many peoplestrugglewith, and its understanding

is key to multiaxismachiningand programmingpractices.There are a variety of
controllersand machinesavailablethat use this same concept,but they use different
terminologyto describeit,

56 Secretsof s-AxisMachining
Machine Coordinate Systems
Machine Home Position

Simplyput, Machine Home Position is the centerof the machine'suniverse.

Everyaxiswill travelto its Home (end of travel)positionand the machinewill stop
there.At this Home position,in the machine'sAbsolute Coordinate System, all
axesare reading/displayingzero. Everymovethe machineaxesmakefrom here
will be relativeto this zero. Everypositioncaptured,suchas a nestingposition,
will be a relativepositionin the Machine Coordinate System. Everytime a tool
is changed,the machinewill go to the pre-determined positionspecifiedin this
MachineCoordinate System.

To establishthe nestingpositions,the first vise is loadedand checkedto make

sure it is squareand securebeforeit is clampedin position.Thenthe workpieceis
placedin the vise and the vise is tightenedto holdthe workpiecein place.Using
an edgefinder,the centertop of the part is located,as shownin Figure4-15. The
machine's absolutepositiondisplayshouldnow show how far the axesare from
the Home position.This positionmust now be capturedand the machinemust
be madeto rememberthis location.Machinesrememberby storingthe relative
distances(from Home) in their registry.How nestingpositlonsare'captured'
dependson the type of machineand controllerin use.

Active Coordinate System

Nestingpositionson a multiaxismachinecan be movedand rotatedin one plane.

They can also be rotatedaboutthe machine'srotary/pivoting

The Machine Home Position is the center of the machine's universe.

IndexingMultiaxisToolpaths 57
Figure 4-76 Multiplenestingpositionson a tombstonefixture.

Therearetwo popularwaysto use nestingpositions, the first of whichis shownin

Figure4-16, whichillustratesa tombstonefixturein use.Everypart datumon the
tombstonefixtureshownhasits own localcoordinate systemassignment. Many
programmers feelthat the arrangementshownin Figure4-16 is the bestway to

Theotherway is to assignjust one centralcoordinate

systemto the wholejob as
shownin Figure4-t7 .

58 Secretsof s-Axis Machining


Figure 4-77 Central coordinate system on a tombstone fixture.

Both methodsare correct and it is simply a matter of personalpreferenceas to

whichone is used.

When it comesto machininga singleworkpiece,a preferredmethod is to use

only one Active Coordinate System method, but this also is just a matter of

Figure 4-78 Central coordinate system on a single part.

Usinga singleActive Coordinate System requiresthat only one positionbe
indicatedon the machine.This approachsimplifiesthe processand lessensthe
possibilityof error.

Machine Rotary Center Point

So far it has been establishedthat every machinehas its own Home Position,
which is its center of the universe.Every localcoordinatesystem is a relative
locationin that universe.Also, the intersectionof the rotary axis, commonly known
as the Machine Rotary Center Point, is a relativelocationin that same universe.
and its positionis stored in the registry.

CAD/CAMSystem Origin
EveryCAD/CAMsystem also has its own universe.They all have a world zero,
Master Coordinate System, System Origin, and so on. Just like machinetools,
all these locationsare called by different names.One thing you can be sure of -
noneof them will havethe same Home Position as any other machine.The job of
a CAD/CAMuserand CNCmachineprogrammeris to alignthe worldsof both the
machinesand the CAD/CAMsystems.

If the One Zero method - where the local coordinatesystem on the machine,
which is the Machine Rotary Zero Point - is in use, it is possibleto simply
match the CAD/CAMSystem'sWorld Zero with that location.The part must then
sit in the same relative locationand orientationfrom the Machine Rotary Zero
Point of the systemand the machine,as seenin Figure4-19.

Figure 4-79 TheRotaryZero Pointis wherethe two rotary centerlines intersect.

60 Secretsof s-Axis Machining

It on the otherhand,the multiplenestingpositionmethodis preferred,new
Active CoordinateSystems must be createdin the CAD/CAM systemas shownin

Figure 4-2O The relationship of the part zero to the Machine Rotary Zero point.

SynchronizingMachine and CAD/CAMCoordinate

TheseActive Coordinate Systems are the equivalentof the nesting positions
(for exampleG54-59) on the machine.DifferentCAD/CAMsystemsestablishactive
coordinatesin difterentways. as shown in Fig. 4-2L. For the sake of simplicity,the
followingdescriptionwill be kept very general.

An Active Coordinate System can be establishedby choosingan entity, such as a

solid face, an arc, two lines, normal to a surface,normal along a line, or normal to
a ptane,

IndexingMultiaxisToolpaths 61



Figure 4-27 Multiple local coordinate systems.

one of the differences betweenprogramminga 3-axismachineand a multiaxis

machineis the determination of wherethe fixtureand part will be locatedon the
m a c h i n et a b l e .

On a multiaxismachlne,exact instructions must be givenas to wherethe part

shouldsit relativeto the Machine Rotary Zero Point. As always,a bit of pre-
planningwill go a long way.Avoidingcollisionsbetweentools,tool-holders, fixtures,
and machinecomponents, for example,will be one of the major preoccupations.
Creatingan accuratelibraryof the fixtureplates,vises,clamps,tools,and tool-
holdersin use in the plantwill help greatlyin avoidingthose potentialcollisions.
Findthe Machine Rotary Zero Point (describedin Chapter2) for every machine
in the shop,and placethe fixtureson thosevirtualmachinesin the CAD/CAIY
system.It is not necessary to modelthe wholemachine,but at leastthe machine's
tableshouldbe modeled.Extracareshouldbe taken that all the modelssit ln this
aligneduniverse(CAD/CAM and machine).

Secretsof 5-Axis[,4achining
Figure 4-22 Complete Machine Simulation.

Dependingon the CAD/CAMsoftwareselected,it is also possibleto model and

simulatethe whole machinelike those shown in Fiqwes 4-22 and 4-23.

Figure 4-23 Virtual -axis horizontal machine for simulation purposes.

It is vitallyimportantthat the "businessend" of the machinebe modeled

accurately, if any simulationis to be useful,By the businessend is meantthe head,
fixture, table - in other words, the parts that can actuallycollide.Simulationwill
be discussedin more detail in a later chaDter.

o4 Secretsof s-AxisMachining

f4anypeoplethink that simultaneous multiaxisis the true form of 5-axismachining,

when in fact, it is not necessaryfor all the machineaxes to move at the same time
for the machineto be considered s-axis.Evena simultaneous 2-axis,rotarycutting
motionmay be considered to be a multiaxistoolDath.

Simultaneous multiaxismachininqis also knownas Continuous s-axisor

True 5-axismachining.

The illustration
in Figure5-1 showsa 2-axismachinecuttinga patternonto a
bowlingball.This machineonly has a tilting B and a rotatingC-axis.Thereis no
Z axis. Instead,that motion is controlledby a softwareM code, which has an ON
and OFFstate - either loweringthe tool onto the part, or lifting it to its reference

Figure 5-7 Set-up on a 2-axis machine for engraving a bowling ball.

The examplein Figure5-2 alsoshowsa simplemultiaxismotion- so simplethat it

can be programmedby hand.The programcontainsthe followingcodes:

c01 22.0000 F90.

x - 5 . 5 A 2 8 8 0 . 0 0 0 F 5 0.


Figure 5-2 A simple multiaxis set-up.

Figure 5-3 Sketch of simultaneous cutting on a 4-axis machine -XYZA,

Secretsof s-Axis l\ilachining

Figure 5-4 A 4-axis machine set-up for cutting a variable-pitch thread on an
auger using motions on XYZ and A axes.

Simultaneous cuttingon a 4-axismachineis shownin Figure5-3, and a set-up

for cutting a variable-pitchthread on an auger using 4-axis motions XYZand A is
shown in Figure 5-4.

Figure5-5 illustratesa set-upon a similarmachine,combiningsimultaneous

motions,and using a flywheelto producea knee-jointcomponentusing the 4-axis
motionsXYZ and C.

Figure 5-5 The4-axis simultaneousmotionsXYZand C are showncutting a

knee-joint, using a fly-cutter.
Manypartswouldbe impossible to machinewithoutsimultaneous
In.theearlydaysof multiaxis manypartsweredesigned
machining, aroundmotion
insteadof as freeformCADmodels.

An exampleis the spiralbevelgear shownin Figure5-6, whichwould normallybe
producedon a specialgear-cuttingmachinein an automobileplant.

Figure 5-6 Spiral bevel gear produced on a s-axis CNCmachine.

Thisgearwas machinedwith the followingmanually-generated,

c 9 0 c 0 0 x - 3 . 7 5 Y 0 .2 2 5 . B - 3 5 . C 0.
T l M O6
c4323.5 H1
2 3. 2 5
G 1 z 2. 9 F 2 4 0.
M98 P3000 L30

x2.22-.1C60.85. (4-axis simultaneous motion)
x - 2 . 2 2 . 1 C - 6 0. B - 5 .

M98 P2000 i,3


Secretsof s-AxisMachining
This last exampleis very simplistic,but with somecreativeuse of branching/looping
logic.Someshopshave usedthis techniqueto producevery complexparts.

There has always been a separationbetweendesignand manufacturing.Typically,

paft designersare not CNCprogrammersor operators.As a result, many designs
don'ttake accountof cleantool motion,or theV includefeaturesthat are hard
to machineand requireadditionaloperations.In well-runshops,designersand
productionengineerswork in conjunction, from the designprocessthroughto
manufacturing. This is an idealsolution,but unfortunately
not the norm. Working
in conjunction,engineerscan savemany hoursof valuablemanufacturing time,
tooling,fixturedesignand building.

and, as a result,it is possibleto designand
ever-morecomplexparts like the examplesshownin Figure5-7.

Figure 5-7 Examplesof parts produced on multiaxis milling machines, including

turbine blades and rotors, impellers, pump components, brackets, and manifold

MultiaxisToolpaths 69
Figure 5-7 Examples of parts produced on multiaxis milling machines, including
turbine blades and rotors, impellers, pump components, brackets, and manifold

Developingcutting strategiesfor these multiaxis parts entails more than just

creatingtoolpaths.The strategy is all about control.The goal is to create a toolpath
that causesthe smoothest,most efficient,machinemotion insidethe machine's
"sweet spot" (the optimum work envelope),while avoidingnear-missesand
collisionsbetweenmachinetool components,fixtures and holders.

The Optimum Work Envelope

The optimum work envelopeis the spacein which the machine'srotary axes rotate
aboutthe same diameters.The followingis an example.

70 Secretsof s-Axis Machining

Figure 5-8 A vertical milling machine with a trunnion-type duat rotary tabte, set
up to machine a model of a human head.

Machiningof a modelof a human headon a trunnion-typedual rotarytable is

shown in Figure5-8. The head is high abovethe Machine Rotary Zero point,
measuredalong the Z-axis, but it is very closeto the C-axiscenter point of the
rotarytable, measuredalongthe X and Y axes.

In programmingsuch a job, it is best to avoid creatingsimultaneousrotary cutting

motionsinvolvingthe full rangeof the tilting B-rotaryaxis (-15 and +105 degrees)
while the C-axisis being rotated around its axis. Doing so will create uneven
motions betweenthe rotarv mechanisms.

Figure 5-9 Example of part being placed far away from MRZP.

MultiaxisToolDaths 71
In Figure5-9 it should be noted that the B-axis move is much longerthan the
C-axismove, even though the angularvaluesare the same. The reason,of course,
is that the circumferencesare widely differentfor the B and C motions. High-
quality machineshandlethese kinds of unevenrotary motions better than lower-
quality machinesbecausethey synchronizethe two rotariesto arrive at the same
point, while maintaininga constantfeedrate.CAD/CAMsystemscan also control
feedratesby using Inverse Time Feedrate output. A more detailedoverviewof
these controlsis includedin the Feedratessectionof this chapter.At this point, it
is sufficientto know that it will be much better to placethe workpiececloserto the
same rotarydiametersof the shownin Figure5-10, especially
if a third-partydual-rotarytable,or a lesserqualitymultiaxismachineare in use.

Figure 5-7O The part is placed close to the Rotary Zero Point of the machine.

Placingthe workpiececloseto the same rotary diametersof any particular

machine,as shownin Figure5-10, might not alwaysbe possible.But when it is,
take advantageof this simple techniqueto better control motion.

On a 3-axis (non-rotary) machine,there is no need to specifya feedratemode
becausethese machinesall operatein the units/time mode.

Forexample,if you designatea positionas G9L G1 x7 .07f07 Y7.07107 rl-0,

your machineslideswill move the workpiecein a coordinatedlinear motion from
destinationof x7.07107 Y7.07107 at 10
its currentDositionto an incremental
inchesa minute. The machinewill move the workDieceexactlv 10.000 inchesin a

72 Secretsof s-AxisMachining
Figure 5-77 A diagonal groove is machined by moving both tabte stides
simultaneously using linear interpolation,

With linear interpolation,the workpiecewon't get to 10 inches/perminute

instantlybecausethe slidesneed to acceleratefrom zero. Once a sDeedof 10
inchesa minuteis reached(if the machineis capable),it won,t instantlystop at
its destination.Instead,the slideswill decelerateto that position,but for this
example,those losttimes are negligible. We can calculatethe time of this 10.0000
inch movewith this equation:10 inches/minute = I minute.

Figure 5-72 Circular interpolation is used to move the workpiece in a circutar path.

A planarcirclecut usinga c3 r-5. F10. commandis illustratedin Figure5-12.
The resultingmotionappearsto be a true circle,but it is not. Any machinethat has
the standardthree XYZlinearaxescannotcut a true circle;only an approximate
one.The slideson these machinescan move only in straightlines.Therefore,in
orderto generatea circularpath,the controllerwill haveto interpolatea circular
move by breakingthe programmedcircleinto a numberof straight-line segments.
On most machines,the circulartolerancecan be set from insidethe control
parametersettings.The largerthe sizeof straight-line segments,the lessaccurate
the circleswill be. A smaliernumberwill resultin more accuratecircularcuts.

Changingthe circulartoleranceaffectsnot only the circularaccuracy,but alsothe

feedrateusedfor the cut. The machinewill haveto slow down in orderto maintain
the accuracyset, and the feedratewill changebasedon the sizeof the arc. Large
arcs can be cut with a faster feedratethan small ones.

Everyquadrantof an arc includesa peakerror area.whichconsistsof the points

where the linear axes intersectthe arc at 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees.As the
machineinterpolatesthe circle, it needsto reversethe slide motion of its linear
axisto travelin the oppositedirection.Evenif a high feedrateis programmed,the
machine'scontrollerwill limit the executedfeedratebasedon the circulartolerance
set in the controllerand the arc sizecurrentlybeingexecuted.Forthis reason,
calculating cycletimes is not an exactscience.

Multiaxismachineswork with two types of feedrates:

. Standard (G94 units/time),as describedabove
. Inverse Time feedrate(G93)

Inverse Time Feedrate

Duringsimultaneous multiaxisrotarymotions,both rotaryand pivotingaxes

must ideallyarriveat a specifiedrotarydestinationat the sametime. Otherwise,
movementon one axis will stoDto wait for the other rotarv axis to arrive. This
wait will causethe tool to dwell in one position,whichin turn, will changethe
cuttingpressureand deflection.In the best casescenario,this delaywill cause
an unwantedtool mark on the part surface.In the worst case scenario,the pause
can evengougethe part. CAMsystemshandlethis problemby linearization, which
breaksup these movesinto smallersegmentsand appliescontrolledInverse Time
feedratesto them.

The feed/minuteis specifiedwhen the tool needsto move at a specifiedfeedrate

to maintainthe necessaryfeed per tooth to cut the material consistently.To move
the tool with that feedrate,the rotary center points need to move much faster in
space,especially if longertoolsversusshorteronesare beingused.

The exampleshownin Figures5-13 and 5-14 has only one rotary motioncombined
with X and Z linearmoves.

74 Secretsof 5-Axis l\ilachining

Figure 5-73 The start position for machining a complex parc.

Figure 5-74 Destination of motion from start point in Figure S-13.

Lookingat the two illustrations in Figures5-13 and 5-14, it is possibleto observe
and imaginethe differencein travel distancesbetweenthe tool tip and the rotary
centerpoint of the head.To maintainthe programmedfeed/minuteon the tool tip,
the center of the rotary spindlehead needsto move very quickly.This scenario
can be comparedto runnerson a track. Runningin the insidelaneof the track
coverslessdistancethan runningon the outsidelaneof the track.The tool tip is
the runneron the insidelane,and the centerofthe rotaryis runningon the outside
t an e .

In short, the machineshould not be instructedto move from the current positionto
the destinationat X units per minute.Instead,it shouldbe told to movefrom start
to destination,in X amountof time, in a smoothinterpolated motion,on all the
axes involved.On Fanuctype controls,G93 signifiesthe staft of the inversetime
mode.Theremust be an F commandat the end of every line containinga G1, G2
and G3 code.The Inverse Time mode will not affect rapid G0 moves,

In Inverse Time Feedrate mode, an F signifiesthat the move betweenthe

currentpositionand the destinationshouldbe completedin (1 dividedby the F
number)minutes.For example,if the F numberis 2.0, the movewill be completed
in half a minute.

Inverse Time Feedrates were widely used in the early days of NC, but today
many modern CNCcontrollersare capableof parsingstandardfeedratesinto
inversetime and vice-versa.(A parseris a compileror interpreter).Usually,an
inversetime smoothingalgorithmis incorporated into this featureand it can be
enabled,or disabled,in the controller's

Post Processors
CAD/CAMsystemsgenerates-axis vector lines along 3D paths.The 3D paths
representthe tool motion as it followsthe pattern being cut. The vectors represent
the individualtool axis directions(IlK vectors)as the tool followsthe 3D (XYZ)
pattern. Everyvector is representedby a line of code, and during toolpath creation,
a resolutionof these vectors can be specified,either by definingthe minimum
angulardifferences,or the linear distancesbetweenvectors,This informationis
writtenin a genericlanguage.Depending on the CAD/CAMsystem,the language
may be calledAPT,CLS,NCI,and others.Machinetool controllersdo not speakor
understandthesegenericlanguages, howeverthey do understandmany different
languages and dialects.

The genericCAD/CAMcodemust be translatedinto a machine-readable language,

a processthat is called post processing.A post processorwill calculatethe axis
motions neededon a specificmachineto reproducethe CAMvector sequence.The
post processorincludesdetailedinformationaboutthe specificmachine'sphysical
and computingpropertiesthat allows it to generatethe requiredaccurateG-Code.
This code,in turn, will governthe axis movementsof the machinethat are needed

76 Secretsof s-AxisMachining
to machinethe part. A different post processorwill be neededfor every type of
multiaxismachinein the shoD.

Postprocessorshave built-in intelligencedesignedto detect rotary limits and

automaticallyretract and repositionmachineaxes. Rotary moves are treated with
a bias (not applyinga neutral point of view correctionto the process),basedon
the layout, as well as the primary and secondaryrotary axes of the
processorswill stay away, or warn of 5-axis instabilities,and they can output rotary
rapid motionsas programmedhigh feedratesto better control every aspectof a

There are alwaystwo possiblesolutionswhen a post processormaps a s-axis tool

orientationto a s-axis machinetool's kinematics.The post processorswill choose
the bestsolutionof the two. Considerthe exampleshownin Figure5-15.

The currentpositionis xyz A+80.000 BO.0O0.In theory.the tool couldalso

reachthis same positionat xyz A-80.000 8180.000, but that would be
impracticalbecausethe part would be hiddenfrom view and the oDeratorwould
see the back side of the rotary device.Also, there is not enoughy-axis travel
capabilityon this specificmachine.

Figure 5-75 Oneof the two possiblesolutionsfor a S-axisposition.

selectingthe bests-axispositionis the taskof the postprocessorwriter.Another
task of a postwriteris to solves-axisinstabilities,
alsoknownas polesingularities.
Thesefaultsoccurwhenthe tool is verticalor almostvertical.Mostoostswill
generateretractmovesalongthe tool axisin thesesituations.Goodpostswill avoid
erraticretractand largerepositioning movesby trackingthe possibleanglepairs,
anglechangelimits,andmachine mechanicaltravellimits.

lYanyCAMsystems handle safe motions betweentwo subsequent.toolpath
operationswith post processors.Thesecontrols retract the tool into a safe
area, and a s-axis machinerepositionsfrom one operationto the next.
Instead of simply retractingto the MachineHome Position,safety volumes
(box, hemisphere,cylinder)can be used for efficienttool retraction.Keepin
mind that an efficienttoolpath doesn't make erratic and unnecessarymotions
- it retractsthe workpieceonly to a minimum safe distance,and keepsthe
cutterengaged,while maintainingall machineaxesin optimumpositions..

EveryCAD/CAMdeveloperhas dedicateddepartmentsdevotedto writing and

supportingtheir post processors,and there are many consultantsmaking
a living doing the same work. There is a great need for post processors
becauseno two machinesor operatorsare the same' Postprocessorscan be
customized,not only to suit individualmachines,but alsoto suit the individual
user's preferences.If a companywishesto attempt to modify its own post
processor,most developerswill providetraining and documentation.

lot of effort,
Developinga post processorfor multiaxismachinestakes a "hackers"
talent, professionalism,and perseverance.There are many who are
managingto "make it work,"but a high-qualitypost processoris suppliedwith
detaileddocumentationand user-definedswitches.

An exceptionalpost processorwriter visits corporatemachinebuildersto get

informationdirectly,and then developsand tests the post processoron all the
machinetypes in use, The post processoris thus tried, tested, and certified
by both the CAD/CAMcompanyand the machinetool builder.

78 Secretsof s-Axis Machining

Common SimultaneousMultiaxis
Toolpath Controls
A good CAD/CAMsystem is one of the most importanttools in a modern machine
shop,and will provideenoughcontrolto confidentlydrive any multiaxisCNC
equipment.The three major thingsthat needto be controlledare:

Cut Pattern - Thispatternguidesthe tool'scuttlngdirections.

Tool Axis Control - The orientationof the tool'scenteraxisin 3D
spaceas it followsthe cut pattern.

Tool Tip Control - Thegeometrythat the tool tip is compensated


In additionto those three major controls,which are definedin more detail in this
chapter,good-quality CAD/CAN4 systemsalso provideadditionalcollision-avoida nce.
This insurance will recognizethe tool'scutteLshank,and holder.Differentavoidance
behaviorscan be invokedwhen any of thesecomponentscomesinto proximitywith
the work-pieceor a fixture. Differentnear-misstolerancescan be assignedto each of
these tool comDonents.

Cut Patterns
Cut Patterns guide the tool along specifiedpaths.These patternscan be simple 2D
or 3D wireframe,or solidprimitives(for example,box, cylinder,and sphere.)Cut
Patterns can also be complexmulti-surface grids.

Someexamplesof cut patternsare shownin Figures6-1 through6-17

Figure 6-7 Tool motion following a 3D curve projected on to the face of a workpiece.

Figure 6-2 Tool motion following the rib's bottom edge.

Figure 6-3 A Cut Pattern is selected to slice the part in any given plane, for
example, patterns 3 or 4.

Secretsof s-Axis Machining

Figure 6-4 Impeller floor surfaces that use a Cut Pattern that morphs between
the two blade surfaces.

Figure 6-5 Cut Pattern that is parallel to the bottom hub sutface, while cutting
individual blades.

Figure 6-6 The Cut Pattern for producing a cylindrical-spiral tool motion.

Common SimultaneousMultiaxisToolpathControls
Figure 6-7 Cut Pattern produced by morphing between the two edge curves of
the floor surface.

Figure 6-8 This Cut Pattern is shown by the red 3D curve projected on to multiple

Figure 6-9 Floor sufface being cut by morphing between two 3D curves formed
by the floor's outer edge curves,

Secretsof s-AxisMachinino
Figure 6-7O Cut Pattern parallel to the floor surface as it spirals down each

Figure 6-77 Racing engine intake and exhaust ports machined with a spiraling
Cut Pattern.

Common Simultaneousl\4ultiaxisToolpathControls

Figure 5-72 Path following a spherical Cut Pattern.

Figure 6-73 Path following a box-shaped Cut Pattern.

Secretsof s-AxisMachining
Figure 6-74 Axial Cut Pattern on a Figure 6-75 Radial Cut Pattern
turbine blade. on a turbine blade.

Figurc 6-76 Turbine blade's foot sufface cut by morphing the Cut Pattern
between the outer edge of the foot sufface and the blade surface.

Common SimultaneousMultiaxisToolDathControls
Figure 6-77 Cut Pattern following the natural flow of the surface - the grid lines.

Tool Axis Control

The examplesshown in Figures6-1 through 6-17 were designedto illustrate
the results producedby tool motions on variousparts. It is necessaryto control
the directionof the tool axis as the tool followsthe Cut Pattern. The Tool Axis
Control allows orientationof the tool's center axis to be manipulatedas it follows
the Cut Pattern. The sketchesin Figures6-18 through 5-25 illustratethese

Figure 6-78 The Tool Axis can be locked Figure 6-79 The Tool Axiscan be
normal to a plane. In this example, the lockedso that it always intersectsany
Tool Axis will be maintained normal to definedDointon the holderside.
the bottom floor surface of each
individual inseft Docket,

Secretsof s-Axis Machining

Figure 6-20 The Tool Axis can be
Iocked so that it is always aligned with
a defined point at any distance as it
follows the Cut Pattern.

Figure 6-27 The Tool Axis can be forced to

remain normal to one sur-faceor to multiDle

Figure 6-22 The Tool Axis can be forced to fo ow a chain, while spiraling
down an intake or exhaust channel.

Common SimultaneousMultiaxisToolpathControls
6-23 The Tool Axis is controlled by the curves of the top
and bottom surface edqes.

Figure 5-25 A Tool Axis can be forced to

rotate about anv other axis.
Figure 6-24 Lines can be drawn that
will guide the Tool Axis as it follows a
Cut Pattern.

Secretsof s-Axis Machining

In additionto the previouslydescribedTool Axis Control Methods, more controls
are availablethat allow the tool to be rotated around its tip by specifyinglead, lag,
and sidetilt angles,as shownin Figures6-26 through6-30.

Figure 6-26 Tool axis normal Figure 5-27 Tool axis at a lead angle.
to a surface.

Figure 6-28 Tool axis at a lag angle. Figure 6-29 Tool with side-tilt angle.

Common SimultaneousMultiaxisToolDathControls
Newersystemseven allowdynamicchangesto be madeto the side tilt, or the
lead/lagangles,whilecutting.The examplein Figure6-30 showsturbineblade
machiningin whichthe Tool Axis is dynamically controlled.With this control,the
tool can be providedwith optimum accessto all the featureson the blade in all
staoesof the cut.

Figure 6-30 Dynamic side-tilt angle changes.

Tool Tip Control

In summarywhenCAD/CAM
systemscreates-axistoolpaths,they will:
. Firstgeneratea numberof tool positionsalongthe user'schosencut Pattern
as shownin Fioure6-31.

90 Secretsof s-Axisl\4achining
Figure 6-37 Generating tool positions on the cut pattern.

The systemsthen assigntool vectorsto every one of those positions,basedon

the Tool Axis Control method chosenby the usen as shown in Fiqure6-32.

Figure 6-32 The generated tool axis vectors.

Next, they will move the tool to a desireddepth along the ToolAxis, basedon
the Tip Compensation method.

Forexample,surfacesgeneratedto controla toolpathfor the humanheadshownin
Figure 6-33.

Figure 6-33 Human head sculpted under computer numerical control.

The surfaceswere generatedby a scanner,and thereforethey are not the best

quality.The file may havegonethrougha few translations. The modelmay have
beenscannedinitiallyand savedas an IGESfile, then sent to someonewho saved
it as a STEPfile. Next,it couldhavegoneto anothershopwhereit was saved
again as an IGESfile. Everytime a file gets translatedbetweendifferentCAD/CAM
systemsthere is a toleranceissue.It is very easy for errors to be compoundedand
producea poor qualityCADmodel.The modelmay consistof thousandsof surfaces
and there may be gapsbetweenthem. The Tool Axis wouldflip radicallyif it tried
to stay normalto all the surfacesas it traveled.Fixingthe gapswould be very
time-consuming. A good,cleanmodelwill alwaysproducea nicerCut Pattern,
stabletool axis orientatlon,and cleanercuts.

A handy5-axistrick is to createa cleancore underthe poorqualitysurfaces.

This clean core is used to generateboth the Cut Pattern and the Tool Axis
Control. Then,compensation is appliedto the tool tip in cuttingthe outer-
skin surfaces.followinothe cleanoattern.

92 Secretsof s-Axis l\y'achining

Figure 6-34 A clean core was created under the poor-quality surfaces and the
tool was moved to positions at the set depth.

Figure 6-35 The clean core was used to generate the Cut pattern.

It is a giventhat collisions
or gougesare alwaysto be avoided,so why is collision
control needed?Why aren't all CAD/CAN4 Systemsdesignedto avoid them

That first sentenceabove is not alwaystrue. In some instances,there is a need

to gougethe drivesurface!Whenwouldthis applicationbe useful?Enginehead-
porting is a good example.The shapesof the intake and exhaust ports are very
complex.Traditionallytheseshapeswere carvedby hand,with carvingtoolssimilar
to the instrumentsused by dentists. Reproducingthese complexshapeshas always
beena challenoe.

The CNCprocessis very good at reproducingshapesand comes in handy for this
application.The challengeis getting these hand-carvedshapesinto the CAD/
CAMsystem. Probingis a common method usedto reproduceports, A probe is a
sphericalinstrumentthat is used to touch the part and record a point in space,
Touchingmany pointswill recordwhat is knownas a pointcloudwhichis a group
of pointsthat roughly representsthe part's shape.If a probe of the same diameter
as the tool to be used is employed,the tool can be guided along the points in this
point cloud to cut the part. An exampleof a shapeto be reproducedis shown in
Figure.5-36, and a close-upof the probe in contactwith the surfacesin Figure

Figure 6-36 Probe being used to generate points over the part's surfaces.

Figure 6-37 Close-upshowing contact of the probe with the partb surface.

94 Secretsof s-AxisMachining
In some instances,it may be advisableto use a tighter cutting grid to obtain
a better finish, or to use a different size of tool. In these conditions,it may be
necessaryto transform the point clouds into workablesurfaces.Thesesurfaces
would exist relativeto the center of the probe and, in this situation,it would be
necessaryto lead the tool center on the surface,(the same place where the probe
center was) thus gougingthe surface.

Figure 6-38 Theseport surfaces were generated on the probe's centerline. The
tool center is led on to the surfaces,

Most engine builderstoday use either a more sophisticatedscanningmethod that

compensatesautomaticallyfor the probe diameter,or laserscanners/as shown in
Figure6-39, that read the exact shapesof the ports,

ToolpathControls vc
Figure 6-39 This probe sutface was generated with a laser scanner that can
represent the true shape of the port,

Collisionavoidancemust be usedwhen cuttingthesecomplexsurfaces.Collision

control permits monitoringof the cutter'sengagementwith the sudace, while
ensuringthat noneof the other featuresof the tool (shank,holdeqetc.) come in
contactwith any surfaces.Better CAMsystemsallow a choiceof ways to avoid
collisions,and even permit "near-miss"distancesto be set for different parts of the

The impellerexampleshownin Figure5-40 has twistedand warpedblades,

whichwouldbe impossible to cut with the side of a tool. TheseshaDesneedto be
generatedby steppingdown on each individualbladewith a ball-nosecutter.The
bottomfillet is smallcomparedto the bladeheight,and althougha long and skinny
ball nose cutter is needed,it is not practical.A tapered-shankball-nosecutter is
preferred,Becausethere is very little room betweenthe blades,there is great
dangerof gouging,both the bladebeingcut, and the neighboringblade.Cautionis
also neededat the hub surfaceto ensurethat it doesn't qet violated bv the nose of
the cutter.

96 Secretsof s-Axisl\rachining
Figure 6-40 A warped impeller.

Some CAD/CAMsystems providecontrol by allowingmultipleavoidancestrategies

to be specifiedin the same path. For instance,in the aboveexampleit is possible

. Specifycutting with multiple, spiralingcuts.

. Specifythat cuts should start from the top and work down toward the bottom
of eachblade.

. Specifyuse of a tapered-shankball-nosecutter.

. Specifythe sidetilt anglethat is to be maintained.

. If the cutter's shank comes within a certain distancefrom the blade,the tool is
instructedto tilt away, either in the lead/lag,or the side tilt directions.

. If the tool nosecomes in contact with (or within a near-missdistance)of the

hub surface,it is instructedto retract along the tool's axis.

o If the tool holder comes within a near-missdistancefrom the toD surfacesof

the blades,the machineis stoppedso that the tool can be moved out from the
holder(longertool is needed).

This level of control allowscreationof a clean,smooth cut with a rigid tapered-

shankball-nosecutter,as shownin Figure6-41.

Common Simultaneousl\ilultiaxisTooloathControls
Figure 6-47 A Clean Cut Pattern with dynamic tool axis control.

Not all CAD/CAMsystems providethis amount of control. Some will only allow the
definitionof check surfacesto be avoided,but will not orovidethe meansto avoid
them. Keepin mind that thesecontrolsfocuson collisionsbetweentools.holders,
fixturing,and work-pieces.They will not avoidpotentialcollisionson the machine.
To avoid collisionsbetweenmachinecomponents,like rotary headsor tables.
machinesimulationis needed.That subiectwill be coveredin the next chaoter.

Additional Multiaxis Issues and Controls

Dovetail Effect

Even4-axis,and especiallys-axis,motionwill introducesome uniquechallenges.

Forexample,if a straighttool is plungedinto the centerline of a cylinderand then
the cylinderis rotated, a dovetailshapewill be left betweenthe start and end
positionsof the tool, as shown in Figure6-42.

Secretsof s-AxisMachining

Figure 6-42 The dovetail effect.

If the intentionis to cut a spline with parallelwalls, the tool should be moved off
center,as illustratedin Figure6-43.

Figure 6-43 For cutting a spiral sptine, the tool must be moved off center.

The offset amount must changefor each side of the spline,and the offset amount
will dependon the pitch of the spline. Note also that the bottom center of the tool
face cannot be in contact with the minor diameter.

Cutting Direction
lYostcutters are very sensitiveto the cutting direction.In the 3-axis world, it is
easy to see and define cuts that are conventionalor climbing,but this is not true
when cuttinga multiaxispart.

Figure 6-44 lllustration of Lead Lag in milling operations.

Whentakinga light cut, simplychangingthe lead/lagangleof the tool changesthe

cutting directionat the tool contact point, as illustratedin Figure6-44.

The tool engagementareaalsochangesdrasticallyin deepor heavycuts, suchas

thoseusingleadand lag cut engagementshownin Figures6-45 and 6-46.

100 Secretsof s-Axis Machining

Figure 6-45 Lead cut engagement in

Figure 6-46 Lag cut engagement in


The examplesin Figures6-45 and 6-46 show differentengagementsduring

the samecut, but changingthe leadangleto a lag angle.The tool contactarea
changesfrom the side to the bottom of the tool, Extra attention must be paid to
this aspect,especiallyif inserted,hollow-center,non-bottomcutting tools are in

Multiaxis Roughing

There are many instanceswhere it is necessaryto use long tools for roughing,as
seen in Figure6-47. This is usuallydictated by the part features.Impellersare
a good exampleof this problem.Tall bladeswith small gaps betweenthem force
the use of a long cutter, and these cutters don't perform well with side-cutting
pressures,As the side-loadincreases,these tools will deflect,causingvibration,
chatter,poor surfacefinish, and drasticallyshorter tool life. Multiaxisplunge
roughingis a good way to remove material in these circumsrances.

Common SimultaneousMultiaxisToolDathControls 101

Figure 6-47 Plunge roughing

Plungecuts should not be made to the final depth all at once. Instead, it is best
to plungeonly to a manageabledepth, plungeout one layer,then pick away on
the next one. The cutting pressurewill be along the tool axis. This procedurewill
eliminatetool deflectionand all its negativeside effects.A typicaljob produced
with this procedureis shown in Figure6-48.

Some CAD/CAMsystems also have the ability to look at the shapeof the stock
model and eliminateall air-cutsfrom the toolpath.This ability,combinedwith
plungeroughing,can shaveoff hoursfrom high-volumeroughingoperations.
Plungeroughing is not a simultaneousmultiaxiscut and therefore is a more rigid

Figure 6-48 This part was cut out of "green ceramic" which gets fired after
milling. The finished component is resistant to abrasive chemicals in high-
temDerature environments.

102 Secretsof s-AxisMachining


Machinesimulationis the safestand most cost-effectiveway to prove out multiaxis

toolpaths.Usinga multiaxismachineto proveout programsis time-consuming and
dangerous,both for the machineand for the operator!Runningprogramsblindly
on a real machine,basedon a wireframebackplotin a CAD/CAMsystem, is just as

WhenCAD/CAMprogrammersconverseabout programminga multiaxismachine,

they typicallyuse a specialsign languageinvolvingrotatingarms and torsos,while
holdingup two fingersand a thumb, signifyingthe right-handcoordinatesystem
in all kindsof differentorientations.
They visualizethe part and the machineas it
performsan imaginarychoreography. This visualization
is not easyto do, especially
there are many different machinetypes in the shop,

Wireframebackplotsportray the tool motion as it moves around a stationarypart.

This movementis later post-processedinto machinemotion and is differentfor every
differenttype of machine.The CD includedwith this bookcontainsa numberof
examplesshowingthe same part beingcut on will be clearthat
eventhoughthe CAD/CAMbackplotmotionsare the same,the machinemotionsare

With machinesimulation,a machine'svirtualreplicacan be shownon the comDuter

screenwhere the cutting processcan be simulatedsafely.This try-out will ensure
that the programcontainsthe most effectivecut, the part is locatedin the
machine's"sweet spot". and no fixtures, tools, or any machinecomponentswill meet

It must not be assumedthat machinesimulationis only to be usedfor prove-outs

with the soleaim of findingerrorsin the code.Instead,it must be lookedat as an
additionaltool to help make clean,efficient,and accurateprogramsevery time.
With simulation,differentapproachesand differentcutting strategiescan be tested
on different machines,without leavingthe desk. And there is no need to tie down a
machinefor prove-outs.Nobodylikesto see an expensives-axismachinesittingidle
whileprogramsare beingtested,

Peoplemake mistakesunderpressure.Evensmallmistakeson multiaxisequipment

can quickly add up to catastrophicproportions.Damageto the part, machine,down-
time for repairs,repaircosts,and penaltiescan reallyruin a business.Running

a newrunproven/5-axisprogramblindlyon a machine,is Iike playingRussian
roulettewith the gun chambersfully loaded.UsingmultiaxisCNCequipmentas a
verificationsystemdoesn'tmake sense,and is much more expensivethan using
simulation.But with that said,nothingcan substitutefor the real thing, Evenafter
simulationtests,the first run will alwaysbe exciting.The sights,the sounds,the
feel of the cuts are irreplaceable.Machinesimulationis not a magicbullet,but used
properly,it is an extremely helpfultool.

Old School Samulation

Manv shopsstill cut foam or wax for prove-outs.Some will even replacethe
cuttingtool with a flexiblepipecleaner,and run the programon a finishedpart to
see if there are any interferences.They will slow down, overrideboth the rapid
movementsand the feedrates,and keepa closeeye on all possiblecollisions.
If there are any closecallsthey will stop, makechangesin the program,either
manuallyor in a CAD/CAM, and repeatthe process.On a complexpart, this
processcan take days.On a complex,state-of-the-art, multiaxismachine,this
prove-out process couldcostthousandsof dollarsin downtimealone.Only a
highly-qualifiedoperator/programmershould attempt this type of prove-out,even
if it costs more in wages.

Evenwith today'sadvancesin CAD/CAMcapability, many peoplestill manuallyedit
the code created by their CAMsystem.There are various reasonsfor this and some
of those reasonsincludethe followinq:

Post processors are not configured properly' For example,during rotary

positioningmoves,the rotary brakesshouldbe disengaged, and engagedagain
duringcutting.This brakeapplicationis governedby M codesthat vary with
different machines.If the post processoris not configuredproperly,these M
codeswill needto be insertedmanually.

A repeating pattern on the part can be called up, using subroutines.

For example, an impeller has repeatingfeatures.Instead of letting the CAD/
CAMwrite long extensivecode, it is sometimeseasierto take the CAM-created
code for one feature and repeat it using subroutinelogic.This procedureis
particularlyuseful when there is a lack of memory in the machine'scontroller.
No matterwhat the reasonis for usingthis method,you will find that this
more efficientprogram is alwayseasierto prove out.

Manually-programmed probing routines are introduced' For example,

a branching/loopingprobing routine using system or user-definedvariables
might checkthe part for alignmentat the beginning,or betweentool changes.
Then, basedon the results,the probing routine would adjust the NC code to
alignwith the part.

Experiencedprogrammerstend to do more G-codeediting than new programmers,

New programmerstend to embraceand trust the technologymore, and many are
As was established
unfamiliarwith G-codelanguages. in earlierchapters,CAM

104 Secretsof s-Axis l\.4achining

systemsfirst generategenericintermediatecode (APl NCI, CLS)and then post
processthat code into the machines'specific
G-codelanguage.All NC machines
understandG-code,and when they readthat code,they translateit into machine
motions.Everyword in that code, regardlessof where it comesfrom - the CAM
systemor manualediting- will be recognized withoutdiscrimination.
The most
commonquestionis whetherto simulatethe intermediatecodeor the G-code.

G-code Simulation Versus CAM Simulation

Onlya handfulof CAMsystemshaveintegratedmachinesimulation.Mostof those
only simulate postedtoolpath code (XYZABC),not the postedG-code.Some have
post processorsthat will post two streamsof code at once - a simplifiedone for
simulationand the controllingG-codefor the machine.If these post processors are
configuredcorrectly,the virtual machineand the real one will behaveexactlvthe

Thereis currentlyonly one machinesimulationsoftwareprogramthat can run

true G-codeand that is Vericut@ by CGTech.This programhas multiplemachine
controllersavailable,and can be configuredto realistically
simulateall known
G-codelanguages, includinglooping/branch
ing logic,probingroutines,and G and
lY codes.If configuredproperly,the program'svirtual machineswill behaveexactly
like the real ones.Notethat both methodswill only work if they are properly

If the shopis programmingmanually,or doesmassiveeditsto the postedcode,

it will needsimulationthat is properlyconfiguredto simulatereal G-code.On the
other hand, if the CAMt post processoris properlyconfiguredto drive an on-board
simulation,no other simulationis needed.

In eitherinstance,the questionto ask is "Who will do this configuration?,,

Configuring multiaxismachinesimulationrequiresan intimateknowledgeof each
machine,the simulationsoftware,and the post processor.

ConfiguringVirtual MachinesFor Simulation

Softwarecompanieshave teams of dedicatedprofessionalswho spendall their time
testing and applyingthe software. EveryCAMdeveloperhas a post department
whichwritestranslators(post processors) for every machines'language. The
departmentis constantlymonitoringnew developments in the machine-building
industryand is in closecontactwith the machinebuilder'sapplications teams.
Togetherthe teams developfactory-approvedpost processors.Without the efforts
of the post writers, all CAMsoftwarewould be useless.The ultimate end Droduct
of CAMsoftwareis not creatinggreat toolpathson a computer screen,but creating
codethat will govern the movementson specificCNCmachines.

MachineSimulation 105
If true G-codemachinesimulationis the goal,Vericutby CGTech, is the best
solutionbecausetheir apDlicationsteam has hundreds of years of combinedhands-
on G-codeexperience and is capableof configuringany type of CNC machine,
even entiremachiningcells. The company specializes in reverse-post processing,
meaningthat they start with G-codeand convertit to machine movements, just
like a machine'sCNCcontrollerwould.

SomeCAMsoftwarepackagesoffer multiplemachinesimulationinterfaces.
A few havedirectinterfaceswith Vericut.Anotherpopularchoiceis Machsim
by Moduleworks.The equally-capable Moduleworks in post
team specializes
processorsconfiguredto produce both the simulationand the G-codeoutput.

EveryCAlvland simulationsoftwarecompanyprovidespost processingtraining

and/orvirtualmachinebuilding.Thesecoursesare typicallya few days long.
Companies can opt to sendemployeesto one of thosecoursesor just leavethe
configurationwork to the professionals.

The followingis an overviewof the generalstepsin virtualmachinebuilding.

Virtual MachineBuilding
It is not necessaryto virtuallybuildan entiremachineincludingthe chip conveyor,
NC controller,coolanttank, and so on. Sucha processmakesfor slicksimulation,
but the only crucialpart that needsto exactlyresemblethe real machineis the
area nearthe workingenvelope.Thesemotionsmust exactlyreplicatethe real
machine.The remainderof this chapterwill coverthe processinvolvedto virtually
buildall the major machinesthat were coveredin Chapter2. The stepsare very
similar,regardlessof the simulationsoftwarebeingused.

The Skeleton

The first step is to buildthe skeletonof the machine.The skeleton,or kinematic

structureof the machine,describeshow the machine'slinearand rotary/pivoting
axesare connected.Everymachinewill havea BASE,TOOL, and STOCK
component.The best way to see the skeletonof the machineis to stand by the
machineand jog everyaxis.Try to imaginethe machinenaked,withoutthe covers.
Observethe examplein Figure7-1.

Everymachinewill have a BASE,TOOL, and STOCKcomponent.

106 Secretsof s-AxisMachining

C "€,tor,,-.
a z _E MoDELS

Figure 7-7 Kinematic component tree.

The baseof the machinein Figure7-1 is hidden,to allowa betterview of the

"business-end"of the machine,
The kinematiccomponenttree (shownto the left
in Figure7-1) describesthe machine(shownto the right in Figure7-1). The BASE
is the first component.The Z-linear axis is attachedto the BASE,The B-rotary axis
is connectedto Z. The indentationsignifiesthe axis priority,meaningthat if you
move the Z-axis, the B-axis will move with it, becauseit is carried by the same
slide.The last componenton this branchis the TOOL. carriedby, or attachedto,
the B-axis.

The secondbranchis also attachedto the BASE' starting with the y-linear axis
component.Observethat Y is at the same indentationas Z. The y-axis is carrying
the x-linear axis component.X is carryingthe A-rotary axis component,which
in turn is carryingthe STOCK,or workpiece.This kinematiccomponenttree is
the most basicdescriptionof a machine,and is a stripped-downskeletonof the
machine.There are no modelsattachedto this skeleton,but you can tell by a
glancewhich bonesare connectedtogether.

Manyother componenttypescan be attachedto this basicstructureincluding,

fixture, tool changer,pallet changer,and robots.

Components vs Models

Dependingon whichsimulationsoftwareis in use, multiplemodelscan be attached

to every one of the main components.This ability to attach modelsenables

MachineSimulation 107
different propertiesto be assignedto each of the models.Uniquetolerancevalues,
colors,translucency,visibility,and reflectivitycan be assignedto each model,
and individualmodelscan also be includedor excludedon the collision-detection

Most machinesimulationsoftware uses STL modelsas a default,and some can also

use solid primitives(block, cylinder,cone, sphere,or torus). Other softwarecan
use its native solid models,or a mixture of all the above models.

Somepopularmachineexamplesare illustratedin Figures7-2 through7-10.


a srocK

$ rool

Figure 7-2 Horizontal 4-axis machining center,

The horizontal4-axis machiningcenter configurationshown in Figure7-2 is

very popularfor high-volumetom bstone-fixture type manufacturing,Note the
pallet changer,which can be adaptedto servicean entire pallet center.With this
capability,multiple differentjobs can be introducedinto the manufacturingprocess
withoutstoppingthe machine.

108 Secretsof s-AxisMachining


Figure 7-3 Vertical 3-axis machine, converted to s-axis with a third-party dual
rotary device.

The modifications shownin Figure7-3 can be adaptedto sult most 3-axisvertical

machiningcenters.The dual rotary device bolts to the machine'stable, instantly
transformingit into a 5-axismachine.Some room will be lost in the Z-axisworkinq
envelope,but the multiaxiscapabilitywill be gained.

MachineSimulation 109

Figure 7-4 Verticat s-axis machine with a dual, rotary, nutating table'

The machinein Figure7-4 is a dedicateds-axis Table/Table vertical machining

."nt"r- f,lot" the rigid machinebase. Such a machinecan handle heavy work with
Drecisionand confidence'

110 Secretsof s-AxisMachining


Figure 7-S Vertical s-axis machine with a trunnion-type dual rotary table.

Trunnion-typedual rotary configurations,as shown in Figure7-5, are very popular in

the industry.This may be becausethey are competitivelypricedand easy to set up
and ooerate,

a srocK
Figure 7-6 Vertical s-axis machine with a dedicateddual rotary table.

Figure7-6 showsanotherexampleof a sturdy,dual-rotary,s-axisvertical

machining center.
Thismachine alsohasthe abilityto spinthe C-axisas a spindle,
for turningworkto be done.

Secretsof s-AxisMachinino

Figure 7-7 Horizontal/vertical s-axis Head/Table machining center.

The machinein Figure7-7 is calledVH - Verticaland Horizontal.It is a s-axis

Head/Table machine,and its design allowsfor exceptionalflexibility in additionto

o srocK

Figure 7-8 Vertical s-axis Head/Table machining center.

The vertical S-axis,Head/Table machinein Figure7-8 providesan amazing

combinationof speedand precision.

114 Secretsof s-Axis Machinino

a srocK

Figurc 7-9 Vertical s-axis profiler, with a dual rotary head.

Many manufacturersoffer variationson the type of Head/Head configuration

shown in Figurc7-9, commonlyknown as a profiler.Typicallythese machineshave
limited rotary range combinedwith long bed travel.

Simulation 115

a sroc

Figure 7-7O Vertical s-axis laser machine, with a dual rotary head.

The verticals-axis machineshownin Figure7-10 is usedfor laser-machining, but

this kind of Head/Head configurationis also very popularfor milling and water-jet

Machine Simulation Interfaces

A GUI (GraphicalUser Interface), or form of text file, can be used to build virtual
machines.With such a program, models,or whole componentbranches,can
be manipulatedindividually. For example,the virtualmachinecan be usedto
translate,rotate, or set dependencies,translucencies,or reflectivity.

Oncethe virtualmachineis built,all its axescan be movedindividually with MDI

(ManualData Input) commands,or slider bars, to check if the correct modelsare
assignedto the correct axes. Thesecommandscan also be used to check if the
positiveand negativemotions are correct. Rememberthat all simulationsoftware
is uselessif it is not emulatingthe movementsof the real machine.The models
representingthe real machinemust be accuratein relationto the businessend
of the machine.This area is nearthe work envelopeand includesthe spindle,
fixturing, and rotary devices.

Oncethe physicalmodel of the machineis built, the virtual controllermust be

configured.In a CAMsystem this work is done with the post processor.In Vericut,
configurationis achievedwith a reversepost processor.This configurationprocess
is criticalin emulatinothe behaviorof the real machines.

116 Secretsof s-AxisMachining

Using MachineSimulation
Thesedays, very few peopleprogram exclusivelyby hand. Most peopleuse a CAD/
CAlvlsystem to generatecode.The palt is typicallyeither designedor imported,
and then toolpathsare generatedusingtoolsfrom an internalor an external
library.Machinesimulationcan be run at any time duringor at the end of this
process,providedthe groundworkhas beenlaid down and the machineshavebeen
b uilt.

The processof settingup machinesimulationis very similarto settingup a real

machine.The part must be placedon the machinein the correctorientationand
then the Local Coordinate System needsto be set relativeto the Machine
Rotary Zero Position. The tools then need to be loadedinto the magazineand
the Tool Length Offsets must be set correctly.This work can be time-consuming
if there is no direct interfacebetweenthe CAD/CAMand the simulationprograms.
If there is a well-configuredinterface,or if the simulationis an intricate part of the
CAD/CAM, then settingup will take only a few secondsof processing time.

NativeCAD/CAMsimulationloadstools from its libraries.Vericutuses its own tool

managerfor it will builda tool libraryautomaticallyif it is integratedwith a CAM
system.Oncethe part, tools,and toolpathsare loaded,the simulationis ready
to be run, eitheras singleblocks,or continuously. The simulationcan be slowed
down or sped,and the modelcan be dynamicallyrotated.Somesystemsallow
movementsforward or backwardat any time, but others don't offer this option.
Somesystemswill show materialremovalwith simulation,and somewill permit
analysisand measurementof the virtualpart. Mostsystemswill signalif there is a
near-missor collisionbetweenany configuredcomponents. They will also display
an alarm if the limit switchesare hit by over-travellingon any of the motionaxes.
Operatorsare ableto see throughmodelsby makingthem invisible,whichallows
examinationof the cuttingprocessin waysthat are not possibleon a real machine.

Thereare many benefitsto machinesimulation,whichallowsdifferentideasto be

tested out without pressure.Estimatedprogram cycletimes can be accessed,to
helpdeterminethe bestone. Crashinga machineon the computerscreenis not a
big concern,whereascrashinga real one is a catastrophe. But not usinga multiaxis
machineto its full Dotentialis a shame.Simulationallowsthe best ideasfrom
different cutting strategies,and the most efficientmotion for any specificmachine
to be combined.

The processof setting up machinesimulationis very similar to setting up

a real machine.The part must be placedon the machinein the correct
orientationand then the Local Coordinate System needsto be set relative
to the Machine Rotary Zero Position.

SelectingThe Right Machine
For Your Application
Makinga multiaxisequipmentchoicedecisionis similarto choosinga car make
and model.The decisionneedsto be basedon the intendeduse, budget,and
alongwith many other considerations. The multiaxis\\garage"includes
the equivalentsof racecars,all-terrainvehicles,buses,and luxuryvehicles.There
are general-purpose machinesand there are machinesmadefor specificapplications.
This chapter may help narrow the searchbasedon the specificparts being

Mostsmallshopsenterthe multiaxisarenaby addinga single-or dual-rotaryunit to

their existing3-axisverticalmachiningcenter.The additionof the single-or dual-
rotary unit allows pafts to be manufacturedmore quickly and makes it possibleto
machinemore complexpartsthat were previouslyout of reach.Thisadvancemay
causea chain reaction.When shops get better at producingcomplexparts, they start
to chargemore for those parts. They then seek out even more challengingwork to
make more money.In turn, these ventureswill stretch the limits of capabilityof the
equipment,promptingconsideration of purchasingmore new equipment.

The availablebudgetis alwaysthe big consideration. The priceof any machinewill

reflect its quality, but as with cars, the price may also be affectedby the name
brand. However,budgetaryconsiderationsare outsidethe scopeof this book.

Machinemanufacturers spenda great deal of time developingmachines.They also

spendtime on their salesand marketingefforts. Reputablemanufacturershave
teamswho installnew equipment,train new customers,and provide
ongoingtechnicalsuppoft.They alsoemploydedicatedapplications specialists
can preparebenchmarks,or turnkey solutions,for prospectsand customers.

Regardlessof the specificmachinetype under consideration,it is smart to research

the reputationearned by the support servicesprovidedby different manufacturers.
MostCNCequipmentis sold by a dealernetwork.Not all dealerswill maintain
the same quality of service.It is wise to visit local shopsthat have different
CNCequipmentand talk to them abouttheir experiences. Ask them how their
equipmentis performing,what the serviceis like when there is a problem,and if
the manufacturerprovidedgoodtraining.It may also be wiseto ask if the suppliers
deliveredon all their Dromises.

tr Selecta machinemanufacturerthat suitsthe applications criteria,and then take a
good look at the variety of pafts currently being manufacturedin your plant. Also
considerthe partsyou intendto manufacturein the future.Considerthe following

How many parts are typically run after each set-up?

If your shop produces500,000of the same parts per year,it would be wiseto look
for a dedicatedmachineor machinesto producethat part. Investigatethe possibility
of a turnkeysolutionfrom the machinebuilder.Sucha solutionmay includea
completemachiningcell,possiblywith multitaskingmachinesand roboticloaders.

Does your shop/company thrive on challenging jobs and have a reputation

for producing complex work?
Some shoos like to take on work that others considerto be too difficult.These
companieslearn from every challengeand becomebetter and better with every
job. Takingon difficultjobs may be risky, but it can pay great dividends.Before
contractingfor suchdemandingjobs, ensurethat your multiaxisequipmentis
flexible, and adaptableenoughfor the challenge.

Are your existing CNC machines waiting for programs, or are your CNC
programmers waiting for a free machine?
If existingequipmentsits idle waiting for programs,then the workflow,CAD/
CAMsystem capability,and programmers'andoperators'proficienciesneed to be
scrutinized.If programmersare waitingfor free machines,it is againa good idea
to checkthe CAD/CAMsystem'scapability.Couldthe cutting strategy be improved?
Are the right tools beingused?Imaginerunningold style high-speedsteeltools on
a modernCNCmachinecapableof 40,000 RPMand 1500 IPM - the limitationsof
cheaptoolingcouldhold backa very capableand very expensivemachine.In the
same way, if your CAD/CAMsystem is obsolete,you won't be able to use your CNC
equipmentto its full potential.

Are you happy with the performance of your CAD/CAM system, and are you
using it to its full potential?
Makesure that your CNCprogrammers are up-to-datewith their trainingon your
CAD/CAMsystem to ensure it is being used to its full potential.It is much cheaper
and easierto get organized,trained, becomeefficient,and promote teamwork, than
it is to buy a brandnew machineand put it into production.

Is your shop/company dedicated to a single manufacturing field, for

instance automotive, aerospace, mold & die, medical or oil?
The manufacturing field you are workingin will alsoaffectyour choiceof machine
type. There are differenttorque, speed,and precisionrequirementsin every field.

120 Secrets
of s-AxisMachining
New Possibilities
After determiningthat your shop is runningfull out and needsadditional
equipment,it is time to considernew possibilities. The first obvious
consideration is the physicalsizeof the machine,and that is dictatedsimply
by the sizeof the partsthat will be machinedand the sizeof your shopfloor.
The next consideration is the materialthat will be used,whichwiil determine
the rigidityneeded.The qualityrequirements of the machinewill be affected
by the expectedtolerancesyou want to hold, and budgetaryrestraintsmust
also be kept in mind. Asidefrom theseproperties,keepin mind that some
multiaxisequipment is better suited for certain types of work than others,

Head/Head Machines (with long X- or Y-axis linear

travel, but limited rotary axis travel)
The manufactureof airplanewingsand fuselagepanelsis a goodfit for Head/
Head machines.The panelsare designedfor strength,but are kept as light as
Thereare severaltapered-wallpocketingmachinesthat are perfectly
suitedfor swarf-typetoolpaths.Typicallythesepartsare madefrom solidbilletst n
two set-ups,as shownin FigureB-1.

Figure 8-7 A vertical mill set-up for machining an aerospacepanel.

SelectingThe RightMachineFor YourApplication '12'l

An airplanewing stringeris a goodexampleof a part that is long,but very slim.
Partslike this are typically machinedfrom specialextrusions,which can be over
40 feet long.Typically, parts likethesewere madeon machinessimilarto the ones
shownin Figures8-2 and 8-3, usingmultipleset-upsand elaboratefixturing.

Figure 8-2 Gantry-type Head/Head machine.

Figure 8-3 Bridge-type Head/Head machine.

The Dartswould tend to deform betweenset-ups becausematerialwould be

removedunevenly,first from one side, then from the other, in a secondsetup,The
machineshownin Figure8-4 solvesthis problem.

Secretsof s-AxisMachining
Figure 8-4 Dedicated extrusion milling machine.

The machinein Figure8-4 is well suitedfor machininglong extrusions.It is a

s-axis machinewith X, U, Y, Z and A-axes.The U-axismoves parallelwith the
X-axisand it has two sets of rotary jaws that are usedto clamp and traversethe
extrusionpast the cutting tool. Cutting takes place in a narrow but rigid corridor in
successivesections,The overall lengthsof the parts are limited only by the support
systemsat eitherside of the machine.

Head/Table Machines (with long X-axis travel)

Long parts, similar to the examplesshown in Figure8-5, requiresevererotary
motions in the primary axis and limited rotary motions in the secondarvaxis.

Figure 8-5 Typicalrotary parts.

SelectingThe RightMachineForYourApplication 123

These Dartswould be best manufacturedon the Head/Table machine
configurationshown in Figure8-6.

Figure 8-6 Head/Table type milling machine'

The rotary pivotingconfigurationshown in Figure8-6 is very suitablefor

manufacturinglong rotary parts. The weight of the part is supportedby a tail
stock, and the part is rotated around its center of mass. Ineftia is an important
consideration when usingmultiaxismachines'Considerthe configuration for
engine head porting shown in Figure8-7, and imagine the differences in machine
movementswhen comparedwith Figure8-8.

124 Secretsof s-AxisMachining

Figure 8-7 Head/Table engine head-port milling.

Figure 8-8 Dedicated Table/Table port milling dual rotary attachment.

SelectingThe Right MachineFor YourApplication 125

The machinepicturedin Figure8-7 is designedto rotate the head around its center
of mass without generating unwantedcenfrifugalforces' The machinein Figure8-8
"nock-and-Roll" dual-rotarydevice.It is designedespecially
nas sometningcitted a
for machining-portson engine heads.The entire fixture holdingthe part is rocked
una |.ori"athioughout thelutting processto presentthe work to the cutter.These
fixtures need to be carefullybalancedto ensuresmooth motion'

Head/Table Machines
Head/Table configurations suchas thoseshownin Figures8-9, 8-10' and 8-11' are
urnon6tn" most virsatile choicesfor a variety of other multiaxisapplications.This
""rr"t]f ii'l"ri"es from the fact that the steady rest can easily be removedand the
built to suit specialjobs.

Figures 8'9.and 8-7O Additionat versatility using multiple fixtures'

Figure 8-77 Machining an auger feed spira! for an injection molding machine'

126 Secretsoi s-AxisMachining

Figure 8-72 Machining a rotary windmill unit.

Figure 8-73 An impeller.

Figures8-12 and 8-13 representexamplesof veftical machineswith long X-axis

travels,but Head/Table machinesare built in many forms and shapes.

SelectingThe RightMachineForYourAppllcation 127

Rotary Table- Tilting Head Combinations
Theexampleshownin Figure8-14 blursthe linesomewhatbetweenthe vertical
and horizontaldefinitions.

Figure 8-74 This Head/Table machine is available in both vertical and horizontal

The rotary-tableand tilting-headconfigurationsshown in Figures8-15 through

8-18 are not suitablefor long parts, but can readily be adaptedfor a variety of

Secretsof s-AxisMachining
Figures 8-75 and 8-76 Head/Table aerospacetand Head/Table automotive

Figures 8-77 and 8-78 Two Nutating Head/Table configurations.

SelectingThe Right Machine For YourApplication 129

All rotary-table,tilting-headmachinestend to rotate the workpiecesaround their
centersof mass while maintainingthe capabilityto reachall their featuresby tilting
the head.Thesemachinesare built in many sizesand are widelyusedin many
different industries,from manufacturingsmall medicalparts (Figure8-19) where
precisionand speedare the main manufacturinglarge earth-
movingequipmentparts (Figure8-20), whererigidityand horsepower are the

Figures 8-79 and 8-2O Typical medical part, and heavy equipment component

In the mold and die industry,most of the roughingoperationsare done on 3-axis,

verticalor horizontalmachiningcenters.In this manufacturing field,one of the
challenges is cuttingdeep cavitiesor tall cores,The deep cavitiesare designed
with steepsidewalls,usuallyat anglesof 1 or 2 degrees,and often requireuneven
floors with small fillets along the intersectionof the wall and floor surfaces,as
shownin Figure8-21. Cuttingthesefilletson a 3-axismachinewould requirelong,
ball-nosecutters. Small steps need to be taken, causinglong cycletimes. The tool
is often deflectedby the high cutting forces,causingvibration, excessivecutter
weaq and poorsurfacefinish.

130 Secretsof s-AxisMachinino

Figure 8-27 Typical plastics-mold cavity.

Usinga s-axis machineallowstapered ball-nosecutters to be used for this work.

The taperedconfigurationmakes the ball-nosetool much more rigid for the same
diameter,and the ability to tilt the tool also allows use of a shorter cuttet as shown
in Figure8-22. More aggressivecuts can then be taken, shorteningthe cycletime.
Deflectionof the rigid tool is less, and vibration is eliminateddue to the reduced
deflection.Tool life is increased,and a precise.good-qualitysurfacefinish is

Figure 8-22 Multiaxis machining allows for the use of shorter, tapered cutters,

SelectingThe RightMachineForYourApplication 131

Table/Table Machines
Figures8-23 and 8-24 show the most commonconfigurationsof Table/Table
machines,The partsto be machinedare clampedto a dual-rotarytable and
are rotated around the tool, Inertia is a consideration.The dual-rotarytable is
either mounted on the machinetable or is a dedicateddual-rotarycomponentof
the machine.These machinesare not suited for manufacturinglong parts' The
work envelopeis fairly limited, especiallywhen some tool changerlimitationsare
considered,Despitethe limitations,this configurationis very popular.

Figure 8-23 A populartrunniontype setup.

Figure 8-24 A dual rotary "rock and roll" fixture.

132 Secretsof s-AxisMachining

Table-mountedunits are not completelyrigid, but dedicateddual rotariescan be
both agile and rigid. They are equally well suited for 3+2 indexingwork, and for
simultaneousmultiaxiswork. Some applicationsare shown in Figures8-25 through

Figures 8-25 and 8-25 Machiningan aerospace bracket, and a fixture component.

Figures 8-27 and 8-28 Machining rotor blades, and machining a medical

SelectingThe Right MachineFor YourApplication I,5J

Gantry Type Head/Head Machines
cantry type Head/Head machines,as shown in Figure8-29, arc used for large
parts, mostly in the aerospace,oil, and wood industries,This configurationpermits
long lineartravels.Some machinesare designedto allowchangesof heads
in additionto tools. Rigidityand precisionmay not be the strong suit of these
machines,but long reach capabilityis.

Figure 8-29 Water-jet/milling combination machine.

Some more machinevariationsare shown in Figures8-30 through 8-33. However'

it is impossibleto describeall the different machineconfigurationsthat are
available,especiallybecausethis is a constantlyevolvingfield.

134 Secretsof s-AxisMachining

Figure 8-3O A s-axis laser cuttinq machine.

Figure 8-37 This machine presentsa good compromise between lonq

reach and rioiditv.

SelectingThe Right MachineFor YourApptication 135

Figures 8-32 and 8-33 A 6-axisindustrialrobot, and a 7-axisindustrialrobot.

Thischapterhasonly coveredthe mostpopulardesigns,and somesuggested

basedon experience.
applications It is recommended spend
that engineers
sometime on initialresearchwhenchoosinga machine,researchnot only of the
machine, but alsothe intended

136 Secretsof s-AxisMachining

Choosinga CAD/CAMSystem For
Your Application
Choosingthe appropriateCAD/CAMsystem is as important, if not more important,
than choosingthe most suitablemultiaxismachine.Thereare many specialized
machinesthat are dedicatedto specifictypes of work, howeverone CAD/CAMsystem
will driveall the CNCequipmentin the shoD.

It is importantto make sure that the selectedsystem can handlenot only all the
differenttypes of work the shop does now, but will also be capableof taking on

CAD (ComputerAided Design)/CAM(ComputerAided Manufacturing)is always

referredto as one combinedsystem becausemost CAD/CAMsystemsoffer both
designand manufacturingcapabilities.Be aware, however,that very few excel in
both CADand CAM.

Systemswith heavy CAD emphasishave their roots in CAD and are better at solid
modelingso that they can handle large assemblieswith ease.Thesesystems have
associativitybetweenall the componentsso that when a changeis made to one
feature on one part in an assembly,it will propagatethroughoutthe entire assembly.
Thesesystemsare very good at managingCAD data, but their CAMcapabilitymay
have been added later and it often does not have the same deDth.

Systemswith heavy CAMemphasisare good at everythingrelatedto toolpath

creation,from simple2D drilling,contouring,and pocketingto multi-surface and
multiaxismachining.Toolpathscan be generatedfor all kindsof CNCequipment
includingwire- and other- EDM,water-jets, lasers,lathes, mills, and multitasking
machines.These systemshave intelligenttool librarieswith associatedfeeds and
speedsfor different materialsand cutter types. Instead of heavy CADcapability,
these systemsare very good at importing CADdata from any system, with the main
goal of generatinga toolpath from that data.

Special Purpose Software

Many specializedCAD/CAMsystems have been designedfor specificpurposes.For
example,some shops in the mold and die industry use CAMsvstemsthat have
virtually no CADcapability,but they can import large, complex,multisurfacefiles
quickly.The user only needsto choosethe tools and selectfrom a short list of

automatedcuttingstrategies. A toolpathis soongenerated,posted,and ready-
to-go.The trade-offfor this speedand easeis realizedwhen engineeringchanges
are necessary,Those changesneed to be made on a separateCAD system and
imported back into the CAMsoftware.Also, these specializedCAIYsystemswill
not suppoftany other kind of CNCmachines(lathe,EDM,plasma,waterjet,etc,)
and many won't even supportsimplecontour,drill, or pocketroutines.Thistype
of specialpurposeCAMsoftwareonly makessensefor shopsthat are machining
largemold cavitiesday in and day out. It may be necessaryto purchasea separate
programmingseat of CAD,and maybeeven anotherseat of generalpurposeCAl4.

Softwarethat can dynamicallychangethe feedratethroughoutthe cutting process

is anothergood exampleof a specialized CAMfeature.Thisfeaturemimicsan
operatorstandingat the machineand overridingthe programmedfeedratesby
manuallymanipulating the feedrateoverridedial. In mold and die manufacturing,
largeamountsof materialneedto be removed.The topographyof multisurface
moldsis often so complexthat it is impossible to maintaina constantstep-over,or
even a constantdepth of cut. Cuttingforceson the tool vary greatlythroughoutthe
processof machininglargemoldsand dies,and the work can take hours,days,and
evenweeks.It would be impossible to standby the machineand anticipateevery
motion of the axes, and overridethe correspondingfeedrates,but with feedrate
optimization, This optimizationtakes
the softwarewill vary the rate automatically.
place before any cutting is done, basedon constantsfor volume removal rate, chip-
load, surfacespeed, and other factors. Feedrateoptimizationproducesconstant
cutting forcesthat are designedto lengthentool life, increaseaccuracy,and
dramatically shoftencycletime.

Softwarethat is specificallydesignedto generatetoolpathsfor lathes is one more

exampleof specialized CAD/CAM. ThissoftwareofferslimitedCADcapabilityand
only turning-specifictoolpaths.The softwareis often built in to the controllers
on certainmachines,and only generatestoolpathsspecificto that machine's
conversationallanguage.With this type of softwarethere is no need for a post
processor.The approachis very direct, and that can be an advantage.Howevet it
can also be a disadvantage becausethesetoolpathscannotbe transferredto any
other machines.Grinders,lasers,water-jets,plasmacutters,and other specialized
machinescan all operatein this samefashion.

In additionto CAD/CAMsystems,othertoolsare availablethat can closethe loop

betweendesignand manufacturing. Simulationsoftwarepackagescan help check
and optimize the results generatedby CAMsoftware,and are a very importantlink
betweenthe virtualand physicalworlds.Ensuringthat toolpathsare bulletproof
in the virtualworld will savethe shoptime and moneyin the long run. Thesetools
shouldnot be overlookedwhen the shoo is beinooutfittedfor multiaxiswork.

138 Secretsof s-Axis Machining

CAD/CAM Toolbox
Buyinga CAD/CAN4 system is like buying a fully stockedtoolbox, but care must
be takento ensurethat it containsthe right toolsfor the job. All tradesmenhave
their own ideaof the perfectset of tools.A perfectset of sharp,high-qualitychisels
wouldbe uselessto an electrician. At the sametime, it would be cumbersometo
usea SwissArmy knifeas a screwdriverall day long.

Very few CAD/CAMsystems can do everythingwell. They all have their strengths
and weaknesses. On the other hand,very few companiesneedall the power
affordedto them by a modern CAD/CAMsoftwaresystem.The trick is findinq the
right balance.

Some CAD/CAMcompaniesprovidefor the capabilitiesof their softwareto be

increased as the companygrowsand demandsmore functionaiitv. Mostfirst time
CAD/CAI4userswill start off with softwarethat can perform only simple 2D drilling,
contouring,and pocketingtoolpaths.Oncethe users becomeproficient,they can
take on more complex,3D, multi-surface machining,or multiaxis3+2 indexing
work. Fromthat point,userscan move into complex,simultaneous, multiaxis
milling,or evenoperationof multi-taskingmilling/turning machines.

Multiaxis CAD/CAMConsiderations
Multiaxismanufacturingrequiressoftwarethat is very strong in CAlv.CAD
capabllityis needed,but mostlyto import CADfilesfrom all the major CAD
systems,in all the popularCADdata formats.On top of that requirement,
additionalCADcapabilityis neededto createsuppoftinggeometryfor tool axis
control,fixturedesign,or virtualmachinebuilding.

High-endCAD/CAMsystemsare fully associative. If a designchangeis made,the

changewill propagatethroughthe entiredatabaseand will modifythe necessary
movementsin the toolpath.This featureis helpfulif one softwarepackageis used
for the entiredesign-to-manufacturingprocess.If a single,all-encom passing
packageis not used, then extra cost is being incurredfor associativitythat cannot
be used. Unfortunately,most geometry associativityonly works with native

Most multiaxisshops import files from a variety of customers.Thesefiles could

havebeendesignedin any numberof CADsystems,so it is crucialto be able to
readand write in multipleCAD/CAMlanguages. Oncethe modelis imported,it
is criticalto havegoodanalysistoolsto analyzeit and then separateits major
featuresinto organizedlayersor levels.

After the modelhas beenanalyzedand organized,someadditionalgeometry

creationmay be needed.This geometrycouldincludeadditionalwireframe,edge
curves,lines,arcs,points,non-trimmingsurfaces,or evensomesolidmodel
creation.This work will requirelight-dutyCADcapability.

Choosinga CAD/CAMSystem For YourApplication '139

Multiaxis CAM
The categoryof 3+2 indexingwork requiresthe ability to quicklyand easilychange
the work planes,which are alwaysperpendicularto the spindle/toolaxis. The
creationand manipulationof these work planes,also known as Active Coordinate
Systems, should be intuitive and easy-to-use'Some systemswork interactively
by allowingthe user to simply pick a solid face, an arc, two lines,three points, and
such. to definethe orientationof a new Active Coordinate System. This selection
is a light-duty capabilityfor most CAMsoftware.

Heavy-dutyCAMcapabilityis neededfor tacklingsimultaneousmultiaxis

applications.This capabilityhas to be a delicatebalancebetweencontrol,flexibility,
and ease of use, A shotgun approachdoesn't work well here - the precisionof a
rifle is needed.

consider mold and die work as an example.This work is one of the most
demandingand accuratefields in manufacturing.Moldscannot be mass-produced
but are made one or two at a time, and they have predictablefeatures,either a
core, or a cavity,or a little of both. A good 3-axis roughingstrategy will always
work well here. Some CAMsystemscan quickly and automaticallyanalyzethe
featuresand then automaticallygeneratea toolpath to machinethem' In this
shotgun approach,a wide field of targets can be coveredwith one shot.

Precisecontrol is neededwhen it comes to driving simultaneousmultiaxis

machines.The followingis a list of must-havetools from a well-rounded,multiaxis,
CAMsoftwaretoolbox. Pleaserefer to Chapter6 for detailedexamples.

Cut Pattern Control

It is important to have a variety of ways to define and control the pattern that
will be followed by the cutting tool. These patterns can be anythingfrom a
simple wireframeto complexsurfacepatternssuch as that shown in Figure

Figure 9-7 Spiraling cut pattern on a turbine blade.

140 Secretsof s-AxisMachining

Tool Axis Control
Toolaxis control providesthe ability to set and manipulatethe center axis
alignmentof the tool duringthe cuttingprocess,as illustratedin Figure9-2.
Thesecontrolscan be dynamic or static, but it is essentialthat they work in a
predictable,stable way.

Figure 9-2 Positions of tool axis controlled by lines.

Tool Tip Control

The tool tip control targets the precisearea of the tool tip's engagementwith
the part, as shownin Figure9-3.

Figure 9-3 Tool tip compensated to follow the outer surfaces of the work.

Choosinga CAD/CAMSystem For YourApplication 141

Collision Avoidance Measures
Care must be taken to avoid potentialcollisionsbetweenmoving components/
and betweenmoving and stationarymachinepads when multiaxistoolpaths
are being generated,As illustratedin Figure9-4, this particularcontrol focuses
on meansto avoid collisions,particularlybetweenthe cutter,arbor, holder,and
the workDiecefixture assembly.

Figure 9-4 Dynamic shank collision avoidance.

Stock Recognition Roughing Strategies

Stockrecognition duringroughingwill savetime. Illustratedin Figure9-5,
stock recognitiontrims the toolpath to the stock size.This stock can be
the initial CAD data or the in-processmaterialcreated by previousmilling
operations.Multiaxisroughingcan be a time-consumingaffair and this feature
is a must-havein creatingefficientroughingtoolpaths.

Figure 9-5 Plungeroughing,usingstock recognition.

142 Secretsof s-AxisMachining

Machine Simulation
Machinesimulationeliminatesthe guessworkand the needto prove-outnew
machiningprocesseson real machines,Usinga real machineto prove-outa
toolpath wastesvaluableproductiontime and risks potentialcollisions.User-
friendly and powerfulvirtual machinesimulations,as shown in Figure9-6, can
improve productivitytremendously,but care must be taken to configurethem
properlyfor each machine.Pleaserefer to Chapter7 for detailedexamples.

Figure 9-6 Properly configured virtual s-axis machines emulate the movements of
real machines,

Post Processor
A good post processor is the most important part of any multiaxis
CAD/CAM software. Without post processing,parts can be cut only in the
virtual world and not on real machines.The role of anv CAMsoftwareis to
generatecode that will drive the movementsof the axes on a CNCmachineso
that a part can be machined,The native CAMlanguagemust be translatedto
matchwith eachmachinet specificlanguage.Customized multiaxispostsare
usuallyan extra charge,It is importantto find out if they are availablefor each
specificmachineand how much they will cost. A professionalpost processoris
usuallydeliveredwith supportingdocumentationthat explainsits featuresand
all the availableswitchesto activatethem. CAMsoftwaretypicallycomes with
a set of genericpost processors,which are user-configurable. Ask if post-
developmenttrainingis available.

Choosinga CAD/CAIVSystem For YourApplication 143

Multiaxis CAD/CAM Training
Becauseof the complexityof multiaxismachining,it is not recommended that
multiaxisprogrammersbe self-taught.Trainingis a very important part of
getting the most out of the softwarepurchase,and the best training is hands-on
throughoutthe entire process.Trainingshould includeimportinggeometry,creating
toolpaths,post processing, and simulatingthesetoolpathson a virtualmachine,
Thesesteps representhalf the job. The next step is to learn how to set up a real
machine,find the machine'sRotary zero Point, set the tool locations,load the
toolpath into the machine'scontrollel and then cut the real part. Nothingcan
replacethe feeling of excitementassociatedwith running a new programon a real

It is essentialto find out if this kind of programmingtraining is offered by the

CAD/CAMcompanythat respondsto your requestto quote. Many programmers
take three- to five-day,cannedtraining courses,which use pre-arrangedtraining
sessionsand step-by-stepinstructions.It is possibleto completethese training
coursesby simplyfollowingthe carefullylaid-outsteps,but there is no requirement
for the user to retain any insight into why they are followingthose steps.These
user/traineeswill get back to work and not know where to start. Very specific
questionsneed to be asked about the training optionsoffered.

On-linetrainingcoursesare alsoan option.Someof thesecoursesare very good,

offering narratedvideos, and hands-ontraining sessions.The appealof these
coursesis that users can take them at home at their convenience.

CAD/CAMcompaniesalso offer on-site training,This arrangementensuresthat the

focus is on the operationand the parts for which the programswill be used. The
dangerwith on-sitetrainingis interruptions. Caremust be takento stay on course
at all times.

What happensafter training?The chosenCAD/CAM companyshouldprovide

applicationssupport after training is complete.It is very helpfulto have that
support availableas a safety net for at least the first few jobs.

How about update training?As mentionedearlier,CAD/CAMsoftwareis constantly

evolving,and it is important to keep up with these changesby attending periodic
updatetrainingsessions.Userforumsare alsoa very goodway of keepingup with
changesand a good way to exchangeideaswith peers.

144 Secretsof s-Axis Machining

Behind the Scenes: CAD/CAMSoftware Development
The softwarethat is ultimately chosenwill have a profoundeffect on the business.
Not only will the shopget the softwarefunctionality to run its machines,it will
also be allying itself with a companythat can provideyears of experienceand
invaluable support.Considerable thoughtshouldbe givento the companybehind
the software.A well-established,reputable,companycan becomea valuableasset
and partnerto the operation.

Understandingthe developmentcycle of modern CAD/CAN4 systemscan be helpful

when softwarecompaniesare being researched.The followingbehind-the-scenes
look at the developmentcyclewill illustratewhy it is importantto selecta large,
well-esta blishedcompanyas opposedto a fly-by-nightbusiness.

CAD/CAMdevelopmentis a very dynamic process.A successfulCAD/CAMcompany

consistsof many teamsof individuals workingtowardthe samecommongoal.The
individualsall strive to make powerful,flexible,and user-friendlysoftwarefor the
end-user.This task is difficult becausethe more adaptiveand powerfulthe software
is, the more complex it becomes.Complexityand ease-of-useoften conflictwith
each other,and writers of good softwarestrive to find a balancebetweenthe two.

Imaginationis a very important and fundamentalpart of CAD/CAMdevelopment,

but it can be tricky becauseit must be tempered with todayt (and tomorrow,s)
hardwarelimitations.Theoreticalpossibilitiesare always restrictedbV current
hardwarelimitations.CAD/CAMdesignis a long-term,ongoingproject,and
hardwareadvancesmust be correctlyanticipatedand implementedinto the

Softwaredevelopmentplanningis done by mixedgroupsof individuals who

includesoftwareengineers,mechanical engineers,applicationsengineers,sales,
and marketingpeople.Thesegroupsare also heavilyinfluencedby feedbackfrom
existing users. Existingusers help these groups make up the "wish list,,of new
tools, as well as the recommendedimprovementsslotted for the next software
release.The softwaredeveloperstake a close look at the.'wish list.,and determine
what can be done,when,and how.

Oncethe softwaredevelopmentteam has producedthe first usableproduct,

they will make it availableto the rest of their teams,includingqualitycontrol,
applications,and post development. All thesegroupswill conducttheir own
usabilitytests and providefeedback.The developerswill use this feedbackto fix
bugs,improvethe interaction, and make performance enhancements. This cvcleis
repeatedcontinuously, until a stable,predictable, user-friendly
softwareis created.

The Betaversionis distributedto a specialgroupof end-userswho will conduct

their own tests. At the same time, the softwaremanufacturer,sapDlications
departmentwill conduct more tests by cutting real parts on real machines.

Choosinga CAD/CAMSystem For YourApplication 145

Throughoutthis developmentprocess,everythingis carefullydocumented.
The technicaldocumentation groupwritesHelpfiles,and trainingmanualsare
developedand tested for each product.

At the very end of this planning,development,

testing,and documentation process,
a new versionof the softwareis launchedand monitoredat every step. At that
point,a dedicatedtechnicalsupportteam is readyto assistcustomerswith any
issuesthat may a rise.

But this point is not the end of the developmentprocess.The planninggroupkeeps

on dreamingand makingnew plans.The softwaredevelopment team staysbusy
workingon those plans,and so on. A goodsoftwarecompanyhas largeteams
of professionals in orderto be ableto continuallydevelopnew and improved
softwaretools.The work is neverdone becauseit is literallyon the leadingedge of

General Guidelines for Researching CAD/CAM Software

Start CAD/CAMresearchonline.This approachcan be a greatway to comparethe
featuresand benefitsof severaldifferentsoftwarepackages.Many sites include
demo video files, which can providea good feel for the software'sinterfaceand
will often illustratethe software'snewestfeatures.The web site will also indicate
detailsof any localresellerin your area.

Conversations with peersor with companieswith whom the shopwill work are
usefulto learn what kind of softwarethey are using and why. Ask peopleif they
are happywith the localsupport,and was the softwareeasyor hardto learn?Can
filesfrom outsidesourcesbe importedand exportedeasily?Werethere any hidden
costs?Is the local resellerreDutable?Wouldthev recommendthe softwarethev are

Visitsto tradeshowsare stronglyrecommended. Tradeshow demonstrations are

short and are gearedto show off the latest hot featuresof the software.Visiting
softwarecompaniesat tradeshowsalso providesthe opportunityto talk directlyto
their corporatestaff, and the staff can includepeoplefrom all the different groups
responsible for the softwaredevelopment. Chancesare that the localresellermight
also be on handto explainspecificfeaturesand services.Suchvisitsare a prime
opportunityto learnwhetheryou would like workingwith the firm's employees,and
to see if they are genuinelytrying to helpyou or just trying to make a sale.

lvlostof today's modern CAD/CAMpackageshave very similar features,making

it extremelydifficultto comparethem with each other.Another problem is that
the packagesare alwayssubject to development,and thereforeare constantly
changing.Bewareof anyonewho makescomparisons betweencompetingCAD/
CAIYsystems,and bewareeven more of peoplewho are trying to make a sale by
puttingothersdown.A tradeshowis a great opportunityto meet the peoplewho
developand supportthe software.In additionto lookingat the latesthot features

146 Secretsof s-AxisMachining

of the software,take the time to assessthe peopleyou wouldbe workingwith if you
decidedto purchasethe software.Are they enthusiastic abouttheir product?Are
they behavinglike a team, or are they shifty.disinterested
and unhelpful?

The following are among important questions that should be asked

when visiting software companies:

. Can you start smalland then increasefunctionalityas your business

grows?Many softwarecompaniesoffer different levelsof the software,
Findout if you can buy only the functionality
you needtoday,and add to it
lateras the businessdeveloos.

. Findout whereyour localreselleris located,and try to meet someone

from the company.Ask questionsregardingtraining,support,post pro-
cessors/and other aspectsof purchase.Makesure you are comfortable
with the resellerbecausethe supportyou receivecan make or breakyour

How establishedis the softwaremanufacturer?It is a good idea to find a

reputablecompanywith a largeuser-baseand supportnetwork.Findout
how many programmingseatsare usedworldwide.Is use of the particular
softwareat which you are lookingtaught at trade schoolsor colleges?You
may want to considerhow easy or difficult it may be to find employees
that already know how to operateyour softwareof choice

The next importantstep is to set up a demonstration at your plant.The localsales

representative shouldvisit your shop,Iookat your operation,and basedon what
kind of work you do, evaluatewhetherthe softwareis the right fit for you. If it is, he/
she can also recommendthe propersoftwarefunctionality you need.Bewareof sales
representatives who start with "Do I havea solutionfor you!" even beforethey see
the type of work you do.

Choosinga CAD/CAMSystemForYourApplication
Putting It AII Together

By now, readersshouldhavea good graspof the multiaxismachiningprocess,with a

clearunderstanding of the differenttypes of machines,multiaxistoolpathtypesand
machiningtechniques,multiaxisCAD/CA|Y controls,simula on options,and how they
all fit together.To test your new knowledge,try to answerthe followingquestions.
Answeringthe questionssuccessfully meansthat you are readyto bre;k lnto the fast

AIIquestionswill be answeredon subsequentpages.and rneseanswerscan serveas

a quickreferenceguidefor the most importantlessonslearnedin this book.

1.) Name three benefits to using multiaxis machining techniques,


2.) Describe a standard s-axis machine?

3,) which of the following is the standard axis convention?


4.) what are the three major multiaxis machine types?



5.) what are the three major building blocks of a cNc machine? (Circlethree.)
. Machinetable servo drive system . CNCcontrollercapabilities
. SpindleRPMand horsepower . CNCdrive system
. Physicalpropeftiesof the machine . Lineartable limit switches

. Chipconveyorunit

150 Secretsof s-Axis Machining

i 6,) What are the most important physical positions of a multiaxis machine?

. Centerof gravity, Home Base

ProgramHome Base,IncrementalZero Position,Spindletype

. MachineHome Position,MachineZero Position,ProgramZero Position

7.) What tools are needed to find the Machine Rotary Zero Position (MRZP)?
(Circle two.)

. level

. edgefinder

. dial indicator

. maintenance

. hammer

8.) Describe indexing/rotary positioning work,

9.) What is a post processor?

Puttinglt All Together
1,) Why use multiaxis machining techniques?
. Multiaxismachiningtechniquesare usedto manufacture partsmoreefficiently
and accurately
by eliminatingextraset-upsand fixturing.
. Standardshortertoolingcan be used,whichresultsin the abilityto rough
moreaggressively,whileincreasingtool life.
. A moreprecisesurfacefinishcan be achievedby avoidingcontactwith the
deadcenterof the tool.

Secretsof +Axis Machining
Figure 7O-7 Multiaxis machining manufacturesparts more efficiently, increases
tool life, and producesa more precise surface finish,

2.) What is a standard S-axis machine?

This is a trick question!Thereis no suchthing as a standards-axismachine.

Multiaxismachinesare availablein many shapesand forms. Figure10-2 shows
examplesof the varioustypes of s-axis machines.

Figure 7O-2 Examplesof the varioustypes

of 5-axis machines.

Putting lt All Together 153

3.) What is the standard axis convention?

Figure lO-3 The standard axis convention,

The X, Y Z linear axes shown in Figure10-3, representingthe Cartesiancoordinate

system,move in straightlines,in plusand minusdirections. The A, B, and C rotary
axes rotate about the X, Y and Z axes respectively.The U, V and W axes move in
straight lines, parallelwith the X, Y and Z axes respectively.

4,) What are the three major multiaxis machine types?


154 Secretsof s-Axis Machining

Table/Table Multiaxis Machines

Figure 7O-4 Table/Tablemachines can be configured vertically or horizontally.

Table/Table multiaxis machinescan be configuredverticallyor horizontally,as

shown in Figure 10-4. The rotary motions are executedby the dual rotary table of
the machine.The rotary table carriesanother rotary table, which in turn carriesthe
fixture and the part. With these machinetypes, the part is physicallyrotated around
the tool. The weight of the part and fixture need to be handledby the machine's
rotary devices,so inertia will be a factor when consideringfast movements.

Head/Table Multiaxis Machines

Figure 7O-5 Head/Table machines are very capable and versatile.

Puttinglt All Together 155

Head/Table machinesare arguablythe most capableof the three groups.They
can machinelarge, heavy parts. On some Head/Table machines,the work piece
is held by a rotarytable and is supportedby a tailstock,as shownin Figure10-5.
The work piece rotates around its own axis. The pivoting head only carriesthe
weight of the tool and it handlesthe cutting pressuresgeneratedas it articulates
aroundthe work Diece.

The rotary axis on these machinesusuallyhas unlimitedrotary motion, Some can

even spin the rotary as a lathe would. The secondarypivotingaxis has an upper
and lower rotary/pivotinglimit,

Head/Head Multiaxis Machines

Figure 70-6 Head/Head machines can be both vertical and horizontal.

On Head/Head machines,an exampleof whichus shownin Figure10-6, all

rotary/pivotingmotions are executedby the head of the machine.Head/Head
machinescan be both vertical and horizontal,where one axis has limited motion.
Somecan changeheadsin additionto tools.Headscan be straight,90 degree,
nutating,or continuously articulating.In additionto milling,these machinescan
also be outfitted to manipulatea water-jet or a laser.

5.) What are the three major building blocks of a CNC machine?

1. The physical properties of the machine

The physicalpropertiesof the machineare representedby the machine'sskeleton.
Everymachineis built on a uniquebase.The qualityof the iron givesthe machine
its rigidity.The linear and rotary axes are stackedfirst onto the base,then onto
eachother.The qualityof the linearslidesand rotarybearingsgive the machine

156 Secretsof s-AxisMachining

its flexibilityand potentialaccuracy.The spindlemotor'storque and horsepower
further definethe characterof the physicalmachine.

2. The CNC drive system

The CNCdrive system representsthe muscles of the machine.The CNCdrive
system consistsof componentsdesignedto move the machine'slinear and rotary
axes. These componentsincludethe servo motors. drive system, and ball screws,
which are responsiblefor moving the machine'slinear and rotary componentsin a
smooth, preciserand rapid manner,

3. CNC controller capabilities

The CNCcontrolleris the brain of the machine.Data handling,availableon-board
memory size, and dynamic rotary synchronizationcontrols,are some of the things

6.) What are the most important physical positions of a multiaxis


Machine Home Position - Most machinistsrecognizethis positionas the placeto

which all the axes move when the machineis initiallyturned on and Zero return is
selected,as shown in Figure 10-7.

Figure 7O-7 Machine at Home Position.

Puttinglt All Together 157

Machine Rotary Zero Position - MachineZero Positionis the intersectionof the
rotary/pivotingaxes shown in Figure 10-8. This point may be unreachableby the

Figure 7O-8 Machine Rotary Zero Position.

Program Zero Position - This position,shown in Figure10-9, is also the part

datum locationin the CAMsvstem.

Figure 7O-9 ProgramZero Position.

158 Secretsof s-AxisMachining

7.) What tools are needed to find the Machine Rotary Zero position

The tools neededto find MRZPare a level and a dial indicator.

8,) Description of indexing/rotary positioning work

Most CAD/CAMsystems let the user define multipleActive Coordinate Systems

in space,and then create toolpathsusing the orientationof each individual
coordinatesystem.As shown in Figure10-10, the Z-axesof these coordinate
systemswill align with the spindle,signalingthe post processorto output rotary
indexingcommandsinto the NCcode.

Figure 7O-7O Multiple Active Coordinate Sysfe/.ns.

9,) What is a Post Processor?

CAD/CAMsystemsgenerates-axis vector lines along 3D paths.The 3D paths

representthe tool motion as it followsthe cut pattern. The vectorsrepresentthe
tool axis direction(IJK vectors) as the tool followsthe 3D (XyZ) pattern. Every
vector representsa line of code,This informationis written in a genericlanguage.

The genericCAD/CAMcode must be translatedinto a machine-readable language.

This processis called post processing.A post processorwill calculatemotions
neededon a specificmachineto reproducethe CAMvector model, which will
govern the machine'smotions in order to cut the part. A different post processoris
neededfor every type of multiaxismachine.

Puttinglt All Together 159

1O.) Definition of an axis

Any motion controlledby the NC controller,either Iinearand/or rotational

consideredan axis.

Figure to-t7 In this examplethe spindleheadand the quill move in the same
direction,but are controlledby two separatecommands,z and W respectively.

11,) Defining a simultaneous S-axistoolpath

False.Mostpeoplebelievethat simultaneous multiaxistoolpathsmust moveall 5
whilecutting,whenin fact a singlerotary
axesof the machinetool continuously
andlinearcombinationis consideredto be simultaneous cuttingmotion.
simultaneous multiaxistoolpathsareillustratedin Figures
10-12 and 10-13.

Figures 70-72 and 7O-73 Examplesof simultaneous multiaxis toolpath motions'

Secretsof s-AxisMachining
12,) What are the three common simultaneous multiaxis CAM toolpath

1. Cut Pattern - Guidesthe tool along cutting directions.

2. Tool Axis Control - Controlsthe orientationof the tool's center axis as it

followsthe Cut Pattern.

3. Tool Tip Control - Controlsthe geometryto which the tool tip is compensat-

In additionto the abovethree major controls,quality CAD/CAMsystemsalso offer

additionalcollisioncontrol. Even near-misscollisionavoidanceof the cutter, shank,
and holder can be checkedagainst any part of the workpiece,fixture, or machine

Pleaserefer to Chapter6 for more detail.

More in Review: Multiaxis Machine Offsets



Figure 70-74 In addition to Tool Length compensation,multiaxis machinesuse

other offsetsincludingGageLengthand RotaryPivotDistance.TheRotaryTool
ControlPointDistanceis the sum of Pivot Distanceplus GageLengthOffset.

PuttingltAll Together 161

Quick Reference:How to Find Machine Rotary Zero Position
For Table/Table Machines:

Figure 7O-75 Step 1: Level the A-axis. Figure 1O-16 Step2: Findx,Y center.

Figure 70-77 Step 3: RotateA+90 and set dial indicator to Zero.

162 Secretsof s-AxisMachining

Figure 70-78 Step 4: RotateA-90. Dial indicator should read Zero

Figure 70-79 Step5: log Z minus the radiusofthe rotary table diameter,and
adjust gage tower height to match.

PuttingltAllTogether 163
Finding the Pivot Distance
For Head/Table and Head/Head Machines:

First,makesurethat the machineheadis in a perfectverticalorientationand that

the spindleis runningtrue.

Figure 7O-2O Step 1: Use Figure 7O-27 Step2: Checkif spindleis

a dial indicatorto checkfor runningtrue.

164 Secretsof s-AxisMachining

Figure 70-22 Step 3: Record Z max. Figure 70-23 Step 4: Record Z min.

Z max
Z min
GL - Gage Length
R - Dowel pin radius = .5OOO
Formula to calculate Pivot Distance:

ltAllTogether 165
Indexing/Rotary Positioning Work Overview
Also known as 3+2 machining,indexing/rotarypositioningwork, illustratedin
Figure 10-24, is the most basicmultiaxisconcept.The rotary/pivotingaxes are
used only for positioning,and the cutting takes placewith only the three linear
axes moving.Indexingwork is rigidand precise,It is recommended that all
possibleroughingoperationsbe performedin this rigid state.

Figure 70-24 Indexing/rotary positioning work is the most basic multiaxis


Picking a CAD/CAMSystem For Multiaxis Work

When selectinga CAD/CAMsystem for multiaxiswork, make sure it is CAM
oriented,and has a powerfulCADtranslator.The CADtranslatoris very important
becauseit's likely that files will be receivedfrom many different sources.Makesure
the CAMsystemhas all the multiaxiscontrols,pluscollisionchecking.Havingan
onboard,easy-to-use.machinesimulationis a big plus, especiallywhen project
planning.Machinework envelopeand machinecomponentcollisioncheckingare

In additionto the abovefeatures, it is also very important to researchthe CAD/

CAMsystem developerand the local dealer.Do they providequality training and
support, and do they have post processorsfor your machine?

Pleaserefer to ChaDter9 for more detail.

Secretsof s-AxisMachining
Machine Simulation
Do not assumethat machinesimulationis usedonly for prove-outswith the sole
aim of findingerrorsin the code.Instead,machinesimulationshouldbe regarded
as an additionaltool to help make clean,efficient,and accurateprogramsevery
time. Machinesimulationpermitstesting of differentapproaches,differentcutting
strategieson different machines,without leavingthe desk. There is also no need to
tie down a machinefor VourDrove-outs.

Machinesimulationiets you builda replicavirtualmachineon the computer

screen,where cutting processescan safely be simulatedto make sure that the
most effectivecut has been created,that the part is locatedin the machine's
"sweetspot,"and that no fixtures,toolsor any machinecomponents are meeting

In Conclusion

Congratulations on the commitmentto becomemore informedaboutmultiaxis

machining!Multiaxismachiningis a dynamic,constantly-evolving field,full of
machinetoolswill becomemore complexand capable,and
CAD/CAM systemswill developadditionalcapabilities to controlthem. Userswill
continuallylook for more capability,
combinedwith easeof use,and this demand
will pressurethe machinebuildersand CAD/CAlvl developersto combinetheir
effoftsin buildingmachine/controller combinations with built-inintelligence. As
pasttrendsshow,thesedevelopments will open yet more possibilities,

Creativitydoesnot fit into a box, but knowingthe basicconceptswill allow

engineersto think outsidethe box. Hopefullythis book has demystified this
field and inspiredyou to take the next step in training yourselfto becomemore
proficientand competitivewith all the toolsavailable. The best measureof
competencyin any field is mastery of the availabletools. Mere possession of
more powerful tools doesn't make one more capable, but knowledge does.

The manufacturing industryin general,and multiaxismachiningln padicular,is

bestsuitedfor thosewho can think outsidethe box.Thereare alwaysmultiple
ways to solve any problemand that solutionalwaysstarts with oneself.The biggest
secretof s-axismachiningis the realizationthat all the expensiveCNCmachinery,
CAD/CAM, and simulationsoftwareare meretools.Withoutthe knowledgeto use
them properly,nothingcan be accomplished. With the availabletoolsand the right
knowledge,all you haveto do is imagine- by applyingyourself,your imagination
will becomea realitv.

Puttinglt All Together 167

A Cuttnrg
ABC lineara{es.l5
Absolutecoordinatesystem.5? dircciion,l00
45.70. 103,117,138.167
Activecoordnrabsystems,25 2'7, 57,59-61, 140 variablepitchthread,67
Acturl part zeropoint, 27
Aligneduniversc,62 D
Avoidingcollisions.45 Dedicated
multiaxismachnrcs.9, 10
Automaticlool changing,16.423 Designations of multiaxismachine

dcfined,l4 Dovetail effecl. 98
substitution,32 Dynanic
contol of tool axis,90,98
B robry fixtureoffset.16.27-8,36
Bettersurfacelinishes.l0 E
Effectivcwork envelope.16
(- Engagingdesiredcutterarea,l0
CAD/CAMsystems, 3,7. 27, Extrusionmillingmachine.123
I 39 F
origin,60 Fanucprogritn,34
selecting,137 Fcedrate,T2
softwaredevelopmcnt, 145 dynanicchanges. 138
rcsearching,146 inversetime,74 6
tmining,l4,l optimizaiion,l3S
Calculating pivotdisiance(PD),33,37-8,169 standardlime. 74
CAM, multiaxis,139 Findingthe
Can-operated multiaxismachines,3 ccnterofrotation.21.27'8
Changeable spindleheads, 53 pivotdistance,33,36-9.l6l. l6,l
Checkingpositioning repeatibjlity.'12 XYzero,23
Circular 5'axis
interpolation, nachineierms,13
CNC nachines,39
controllers. 3, 76 positioning,T
drivesystems, l3
Collisionavoidance (seeAvoidingcollisioDs) G
Common misconccptions, 4, 6. 7 Gage
Complexity of rvork, 120 length(GL),36-9. 161
Computernunericalcontrol,3, 92 tower,24,163
Crashirg,I I 7 Ganrrytypehead/head 122,134
Cutpattem,79,86 94, 140,161 G codes,29.30.56, 104'106

sinulntion.105 M
G 90code.29.30 Machine
G-91code.29.30 aclivccoordirrte
system.257.57 61.140,15'
ll6 1136,116-7,139.1,13
bxildingvirtual,64, 4, 167
H coordinatesystems,257,56-7.61'2.1,10.
Head/head 18.367. ll5 6.
nrultiaxismachines. homeposidon, 16,57.60.78. 157
l2l 2. 13,t.156,i64 slstcns,25,26. 6l
bridgeiype. 122
lasercuttingmichnre,116.135 hone positior(MRHP),l7
warcrjer miling machnre.ll6. 134 zeropoint,21,25-7,36.60 2,1 1 2, 1M
Headltablenrultiaxisnrachnrcs, zeroposition (MRZP).I 6 '7,21,25.21.36,
123,1.155 1 1 7 , 1 5 8 ,r96.2
aerospace, automotive 129,133
applications, simulrtion,27,63-4,98. 1036. 143.1657
millingenginchcadports,125 graphicaluserinlefaccs.I l6
nilling longrotarypafts.124 using.tl7
mdd anddic applications, 130 Machirlnlg
nuiatingheadconbinations,129 centcrconJigul"tion. 108 I l0
rotafylxble,rilthg head.12830 complexworRpicccs,5
variousconligurations,1249 cngnrccomponents.20
with longX'axis tavel. 123 profiling. ll5
Ho\vCNCmachines work,56 progrrn,29
Historyof 5 axismachining.3 routines.5. 104.138
spnd bevelgears.68
Maintenance issues.40
I n d e x n r g , 2 l , 4 4 , 5 11
, 5353.
coordinalc system,60
wirh rotar)devices.52
Milling nachineswith nvc or moreaxes.4:l
Indusrrial robots.135
\ 4 o , r e l i n2-r. ., ' 1 . u l . l l ' . I n - P l l 6 l 1 - - r )
Multiaxis machines.3 6. 8, 17-9,40,7,1. 124.153
camtype.3. 140
Inversetnncleedrate, 72-4.76
dedicated,6. 9 10.21.39,52-3,110,l2l)
designilions anddirections.l5
L physicalpropeties,13.156
rorghing. 21.101.130,1402, 166
Leadandlag jn milling.100 Multiplenestnrg, 58. 61
.txis,14 6,34.,19.74,
25.26,56 8, 61
Localcoordinate systems.257.56 8.61 2,117
Nunbersof parts,

170 Secrets
of s-Axlsl\,4achining
Nunerical conlrol. 3 R
Rcpcating pxltcrns,l0,l
o Rotary
Old schoolsimulatifl. 104 andpivotingaxcs,32.74
One zero meihod,60 axis,16,21,33.,, 107.i21, 156
Optimum rvork envelope.70 d c v i c c1
s ,6 , 1 8 . 2 1 . 521, l l 6 . 1 5 5
Odgin,26,60 xrdexingnechanisns,5, 54
mcchanisns. 6, 19,20.39.403. 52 3. 7l
P tool cortrolpoint(RTCP).33'4.36.l6l
40, 54, 107-8
8.9. 18,21,278.31 2. 130-2.
datum,17,21.27,58,158 r 5 56 .r 6 3
zeropoirt (PZP),27 8 brakes,21,.10, 52.l0,l
Plungeroughing,101-2,142 d e v i c e1s 6. ,1 89 , 2 1 , 5 12 . 7 7 .1 0 9 1. 1 6 ,1 2 61. 5 5
dynxnicfixlurcoft.\cl(RTDFO).16,27 8.36
Probesandprobing,94-5,103',1 sinsleanddual. 6, 8. 18.39.ll9
Roughnrg. 11,21,101'2,130,140'2,152,166
of5-axismachines, 13 Routnrcs,5.40,42, 1045
distance.33 S
point,379 Secondrotart table,18
Pivonngspindleheads,18,32-6,38. 124.156.lbo Selecfirgnachnlcs,I l9
Pockct nrilling.5.86,l2l, ll7 9 Selectingsoftware.137
Positioning$ork. 5, 7, 8. 13,20-l, 26. 42,49,52, Stullrlaftrn,
19,27,47.63 4.98.10317.I38,1667
r 5 9r,6 6
processing,,40,76 8. 103-6,138, millingte.hniques.2l
1 4 37 , 1 5 9 r, 6 6 muhiaxistoolpathconirols,79,101,152.161
processor,3,4, 8,39,40,769. 10zl6, I16,138. toolpaths. 103,105,107.l2l
1 4 3 1, 4 7 , 1 5 9 Special-puryosesoftlvare,137
Probingroutines.1045 Spindle heads.changeable. 31.53
Program Spil"l splines,99
nnnurleditnrg. 104
subloutines. 9, ,13-4. 10.1 Standard multiaxisnomenclature.
zcroposition (PZP).l6 8, Slock(natcrial)option1.47.102
P r o g r d m n r i l gq...118 . 2 4/ 5
. 6 .5 4 . 6 ) . l . l 0 : . rccognition,1,12
105.138,144.147 Subroutines.3.43. 104
.onsiderations, 46 Surlacelinishes.better,5,10
limitrtions.46 origin.60
Qucstbnsandanswers, 46. I 44. I 41. 119 T
physicalpositions,151,157 Txblc/lxblc multiaxis machnrcs,
l8 9.24.I10.125,
axisconvention. 150.154 1 3 2 1, 5 5 . 1 6 2
wjth port-nillingaftachment, 125

honnionandrock andro11Iixtules,71. 111,I32
variousapplications. 133
3D surfacing toolpaths, 5
Tombstone lixtures,6, 40, 58-9,108
axiscontrol,79,86,89,91-2,98, 139,l4l, 161,
lengrhoffsets,18, 24, I 17

for lathes.138
planewith odgin,27
tip control,79,90-91,l4l
2 + 3 positioning,49

UsingmotionsXYZ andC,67
Unlockedrotary drives, 11
U\r!V linear axes,15

Vericutsoftware,1,95, 106,116-117
Verilication system,27, 104
Visitingsoftwarecompanies, 1, 146-7
components andmodels,107
configudngfor simulation,105
kinematiccomponenttlee, 107

wire franes,79,103,139-40

XYZ linearaxes,15.32,66

Zeroingthe indicator,22
Zeroposition, 17,21,117.158,162

172 secrclsof s-Axislrachining

Virtual MachiningCD
Allthe imageson this CD, includingthe virtualmachines,were modeledusinglvlastercam@
(CNCSoftware,Inc.). The virtualmachineswere broughtto life usingthe machinesimulation
capabilitiesof l4achsim (lYoduleworks)and VERICUT6(CGTech).

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run feature does not work. please use File I\4anagerto navigateto the CD. Find the file called
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Virtual Machining CD Contents:

. over 25 Interactive Machine simulations - self-extractingexecutablefiles launch
interactivemachinesimulationsessions.Take control of all aspectsof the simulation,
includingview manipulation,simulationspeed,and individualaxis control.Lookat the
machiningprocessfrom various views impossibleto see on a real machjne.This offers a
uniquevisualizationto helpunderstanda varietyof multiaxismachiningconcepts,

. Real Machining videos - watch a real s-axis machine pefform several different
multiaxiscuttingroutineson complexsimulLaneous 5-axisparts,

. virtual Machine Siniulation Videos - WatchVERICUT in action;F it elecutesmachine

on over a halfdozendifferentexamplesof complexmultiaxis
simulationand verification

. Printable PDF Files - Quick Referenceguidesfor the most important aspectsof setting
up a s-axismachineand commonmultiaxisconceptsall availableas easyprint-outs,

. Image Gallery - See full colorexamplesof many of the partsand machinesfound

throughoutthe book.

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