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Single-stage references USA

“The Genesis IV controller is a great feature. I like the S E R I E S

touch screen facility and all the available options.”

Jeff Beavers - Director of NC Live Operations

Siler City, North Carolina USA

A new expansion for this superb hatching

facility in North Carolina includes state-of-the-art
Avída single stage setters
Front cover:
Left to right, Lou Sharp, Chick Master Sales Manager
and Jeff Beavers, Director of NC Live Operations
Single-stage references USA

“I have said it before and I'll say it again,

hatchery and the farms to help us to do catch up a little. Trial #10 showed a 'must have' management tool”.
single stage produces a much better quality chick” understand exactly what factors, during difference of 160 grams in favor of
Jeff Beavers - Director of NC Live Operations the incubation process, influence chick single stage and a somewhat better When asked if they use the Chick Master
quality and grow-out performance. mortality. I will say, and not just because On-line Parts Ordering facility, Jeff
Quality Avida chicks remarked, “Yes, we have started using it
it is my hatchery, but we do run a really
“As far as the trials go we have seen a tight ship as far as recently and we really

Mountaire expands with definite and very noticeable difference

between single stage and multistage
chicks. I have said it before and I'll say it
sanitation is concerned
and we always stay on
top of our multi-stage
o u r
it. Jeffrey Saunders,

and Don went
again, single stage produces a much

Avída single stage systems machines as far as to the Chick Master

better quality chick”, Jeff Beavers maintenance is Open House in Medina
explained further, “The trials have concerned. This is the OH last October where
definitely proven four main quality reason why we are not we saw it in action and
B efore I visited North Carolina I did a
little research on what I might see as I
back in 1914 with a feed business in
Arkansas. The Mountaire Corporation
sanitize the machine and it's ready for
the next set”. Jeff continued, “The
factors: (One) - Chick Weight, we have
seen on average a difference of 2 to 3
seeing such a marked
difference in mortality.
they registered us
immediately. We also
traveled through this attractive South was formed in 1971 and has since important factor is that with single stage grams heavier chicks from the Avida We are seeing single signed up for your e-
Eastern State. I learned about the State's expanded to become the 6th largest you have the opportunity to modify flock machines over an extensive twelve flock stage chicks, from older News, we really like the
best-known scenic attraction, the Great poultry producer in the US, producing p ro f i l e s t o m a n a g e t h e h a t c h trial. (Two) - Hatchability, we have seen, f l o c k s e s p e c i a l l y, articles especially the
Smoky Mountains, and I read the local high quality wholesale and export individually for all breeds and flock on average, a 0.25% to 0.5% better reaching their target
“Galaxy is a 'must “Ask the Eggsperts”
folklore that warned that the nefarious products as well as value-added retail ages. We feel that we are on the cutting hatch and often 2% or better on some weights 2 or 3 days have' management questions to your
young and old flocks”. Jeff continued, David Marsh and
pirate Blackbeard's headless ghost can products for supermarkets. They edge with the single stage process.
“(Three), we have seen a 0.25%
earlier. Everything is tool”
sometimes be seen and heard when the employ over six thousand people in There are no averages here. With very competitive in the Angel Salazar.
Don Cagel
wind is blowing inland off Ocracoke three complexes that also include feed multistage you know what you decrease in culls over a very large poultry industry, we Assistant Hatchery Manager
sam ple, and finally, (Four), As I was leaving Jeff
Island to the east. I didn’t see either of mills, slaughter processing plants, and are going to have some new ideas
chick appearance, we reflected on the long journey he has
these wonders but I was lucky enough to wastewater treatment plants. get, the set that are showing good initial results. We
see a much more alert made in the ten years that he has been the
behold the points are the are working with Dr. Mike Wineland and
In 2006 chick that lacks any sign Hatchery Manager at this impressive
wonderful same and as he will be running trials to find averages
Mountaire of dehydration on the facility. “There has been many 'bumps in
sight of the long as you over even larger samples” Jeff
made the farm”. Don Cagel, the the road' over the years. This new
recently maintain good concluded.
decision to Assistant Hatcher refurbishment was no
expanded sanitation and
purchase Manager also added, Jeff and Don make full different but Chick
Mountaire maintenance
33 Avida “The hatch window use of their Chick Master stayed with it
broiler y o u c a n
A18 single from the Avida's is also Master Galaxy and there are no
hatchery at u s u a l l y
s t a g e much tighter. As Jeff was hatchery control and complaints here. A
Siler City, maximize your
s y s t e ms saying, the chicks are monitoring system. year and a half in and
nestling in performance.
e a c h heavier and their weights are Jeff commented, “The we have a few things
the beautiful With single stage,
s e t t i n g more consistent and uniform. in the hatchery that we
N o r t h once we shut those Galaxy is a very useful
93,312 We have done a lot of work with still would like to
Carolina doors we can make tool, especially on our
eggs along Chick Master's Technical change when we have
countryside Mountaire, Siler City, Setter room with 33 Avida A18-54 setters daily changes for trials. We can monitor
w i t h Support Manager, David the capital but overall
just 45 miles young, prime and old CO 2 and humidity
eighteen C192 stainless steel hatchers Marsh on chick uniformity and we have we are very satisfied”.
southwest of Raleigh. flocks, and different b r e e d s , levels and use the data
as part of an extensive expansion looking for the profile that some day will consistently observed a weight range of to change our stage As I said my
The hatchery building looks very program. They were one of the first US give us an even greater advantage over 12-13 grams from the lightest to heaviest programs. Looking at goodbyes and made
impressive. Inside the first thing you broiler hatcheries to join the 'single- our competition”. chick from the single stage machines the graphs I can see if my way to the
notice as you tour this 38 year old facility stage revolution'. Director of NC Live and a 16-18 gram difference in our
we are running the parking lot, the
is that the rooms and the machines are Operations, Jeff Beavers, explained, The hatchery has also 58 older, but multi-stage chicks”. Beavers added,
humidity too high on a light was fading
extremely clean and well maintained “Before we decided to purchase our extremely well maintained, Classic 576 “The ability to keep the temperature so
certain stage or if the A busy Mountaire transfer using the Chick Master 54 egg flat and the warm
with exceptionally high levels of bio Avida single stage systems we visited multistage setters, making this even throughout the machine helps
CO2 was creeping back up. We can even e v e n i n g z e p h y r s w e re o d d l y
security and sanitation hygiene. Siler Robert Pemberton at Goldkist (now installation ideally suited for prevent a 'draggy hatch'. This is
start the stage programs all at the same murmuring as they strengthened
City is one of three hatcheries owned by Pilgrims Pride) down in South Carolina conducting research to compare the especially important with the less fertile
time from my office. I really like to see from the east. My mind returned to
Mountaire that set over six million eggs and Doug Host at Gold’N Plump up in differences between the effects of the older flocks”.
three different set points on one graph, the nefarious pirate Blackbeard and
per week in total. Since the expansion the Minnesota. We wanted to be sure we single and multi-stage process on the
On the grow-out farm trials, Jeff three things going on simultaneously, the North Carolina folklore that I
NC Hatchery is ranked as one of the 5 were going down the right path with developing embryos. Their goal is to
Beavers commented, “We have and how changing one set point affects had been reading on my long
largest hatcheries in the US. The NC this, but when we saw their machines understand how each process affects the
conducted at least 15 trials with Dr. o t h e r v a l u e s - re a l l y u s e f u l journey here. I couldn't be sure but I
Hatchery facility has the capacity to set and chick quality, we wanted that here. birds growth out on farm. Dr. Mike
Mike Wineland. What we are seeing is information”. Don confirmed, “Even if thought that I heard a ghostly groan
over 2.8 million eggs per week and We felt it was the path to the future. We Wineland and his team from NC State
that single stage, initially, is ahead, but you don't have single stage, whatever that sounded something like…
produce over 2.4 million chicks per liked the idea of shutting the doors for University have been invited to perform
after three weeks the multi-stage birds CM equipment you have, Galaxy is a 'Where is my head, where is my head?
week. The company's roots were planted 18/19 days, opening them up, clean and a number of wide ranging trials at the

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