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We are proud to announce our inaugural guest speaker programme, featuring

one guest per month, each with a mesmerising and inspiring story to tell.

They are:

26 January Leigh Timmis, round the world cyclist

In 2010, Leigh left the UK to cycle around the world, on his unique and
epic expedition of 44,000 miles over seven years, across 51 countries,
and on a budget of only £5 per day. Pushing the limits of cycling and
human endurance, he rode his bike - Dolly - in some of the most
inhospitable places on Earth but also to some of the most magnificent.

Leigh’s life changing experiences with the people of the world have
instilled within him a deep belief in the goodness and strength of
humanity. With a background in creative education facilitation, Leigh
brings his experiences to life in his presentation. Leigh is an
ambassador for the Derbyshire Children’s Holiday Centre and is
continues fundraising.

13 February Natalia Cohen, led her female team to row across the Pacific

With 15 years experience of living and working in over 60 countries,
Natalia Cohen has chosen to follow an unusual path and has a broad
range of professional experience within the travel industry.

This is not why she is best known, however.

Her understanding of team dynamics, the importance of a positive

mindset and the ability to live in the moment led her to become part
of the first all-female team to row unsupported across the Pacific

Natalia and the crew completed this challenge in January 2016 setting
two world records and gaining an international following. This was a
journey from San Francisco, USA, to Cairns, Australia in a 29ft ocean
rowing boat. The expedition was not only a challenge of extreme
conditions and perseverance but also a journey within to better
understand the strength of human spirit, the importance of being
aligned with your values, developing mental resilience, the diversity
within a team and enjoying the journey.

21 March Richard Holgarth, rock and roll star, and guitar tutor

Richard will be perhaps best known as lead guitarist for the legendary
John Otway and legendary rock group ‘Eddie and the Hotrods’, whose
‘Do Anything You Want to Do’ remains an all-time favourite.

Richard still plays with the ‘Rods, and is also a guest and session
guitarist, with over 60 performance, composition and video credits on
Wikipedia. Richard has recently issued a CD of his own work, ‘Finally…’.
But in addition, Richard was co-owner and major tutor of ‘The Square’
in Harlow, a development centre for new talent, and the starting place
for successful acts like George Ezra, Cornershop and Blur….

11 April Jon Porter, UN representative in the Gaza Strip

Having worked for a while as a policy analyst in No 10 Downing St, Jon

has subsequently worked for the UN in a number of world ‘hot-spots’
including Albania, Syria and (currently) the Gaza Strip. He will share his
experiences of ‘life on the front line’, and how, as the head of Learning
and Development in these places, he manages to work equally well
with UN staff and the local population…

15 May Sara Rowbotham, whistleblower in the ‘3 Girls’ case…

Sara was the sexual health worker in Rochdale whose determined

efforts to expose the sexual exploitation of children eventually led to
the exposure and conviction of the child sex ring. Her role was
memorably played by Maxine Peake in BBC’s 3-part drama, ‘3 Girls’.
We are lucky through our personal connections to have her contribute
to this inaugural guest speaker programme….

29 June Richard Lawton, Ultra Marathon Man…

Richard works as a senior finance officer in the NHS…but that is not

why he’s here as one of our guest speakers!

Richard is an ultra marathon runner – which means running non-stop

for two days and one night, to complete a 115 mile course, usually
over tough mountain terrain.

Richard is a brilliant, humorous speaker, and will tell you how, and in
particular, why he does what he does…and how he copes with failure,
as well as success…

12 July 1st team player from Tottenham Hotspur FC
At Epping Forest College we have a strong link with the Spurs
Academy, and through this link we are delighted to be able to provide
one of the club’s top players as a guest speaker. We don’t know who
yet, since much depends on the season they have, injuries and other
commitments, but whichever current 1st team player we have as a
guest, we are sure to get ‘the insider view’ of life at a world-famous
soccer club…

From 7.30 to 9.00pm at the Main Theatre, Epping Forest College (plenty of free
car parking on site)

The event is FREE – but seating is limited, so to confirm your place, please
email, and we will confirm back your place – or otherwise!

Each speaker has a charity they support, so you will be welcome to leave a
donation for that charity on the evening.

The speaker will be on stage promptly at 7.30, so please be punctual. We will

serve tea and coffee from 7pm onwards.

The talk will last for around 45 minutes, and will be followed by a Q&A session.
You will then have the opportunity to speak informally with the guest speaker
over light refreshments, before the event concludes at 9pm.

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