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Computers & Strucrures Vol. 34, No. 3. pp. 375-385, 1990 0045-7949/9ll s3.00 + 0.

Printed in Gnat Britain. 0 1990 Pergamon Press plc


TODD A. STONE,t Josh L. T. SANTost~ and EDWARD J. HAL@
TCenter for Simulation and Design Optimization, College of Engineering, The University of Iowa,
Iowa City, IA 52242, U.S.A.
SDepartamento de Engenharia Meclnica, Instituto Superior Tecnico, 1096 Lisboa, Portugal

(Received 5 January 1989)

Abstract-An interactive pre-processor for a Design Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization Workstation
(DSOW) is presented. The processes of design parameterization and performance characterization are
proposed as distinct design steps in the design process. These design parameterization steps enhance
interaction between the design, analysis, and manufacture engineering groups that make up the concurrent
engineering design team. By using computer graphics and structural modeling software to define the design
parameters that characterize the design of structural components, the DSOW provides a natural way of
defining acceptable classes of designs. Functions that a design workstation is required to support and
components of the workstation that execute these functions are identified. These functions include the
capability to launch software codes that are supported, to define design parameterizations and per-
formance requirements, to compute design sensitivity information, and to support interactive design

1.INTRODUCTION design sensitivity analysis, design variables and per-

formance requirements need to be defined.
The concept of a workstation based CAE system has In this paper, the processes of design parameteriz-
become practical, due to rapidly advancing micro- ation and performance characterization are proposed
processor technology, development of workstation as distinct design steps. While design parameteriz-
based compute servers, expanded networking facili- ation utilizes the geometric model provided by the
ties, and an influx of new workstation based software. CAD system as its central element, the basis of
Available workstation based software includes pro- performance characterization is the finite element
grams for computer aided design (CAD), computer model. Design variables are associated with line and
aided manufacturing (CAM), finite element analysis surface geometric primitives that are provided by the
(FEA), design sensitivity analysis (DSA), and opti- geometric modeler, rather then with the finite element
mization. Many of these software packages have the model. Performance requirements are defined using
same data requirements for the definition of geomet- finite element nodal displacements, element stresses,
ric and non-geometric engineering data. The current and eigenvalues. The method creates an ideal en-
trend is to integrate these computer aids into a global vironment for interaction between design, manu-
design workstation based system. This integration facturing, and engineering analysis. By tying the
will ultimately generate CAD/CAM/CAE work- individual stages of the design process together, a tool
stations [l-9]. Realization of this goal requires that is developed to support concurrent or simultaneous
steps in the design process be carefully identified and engineering. To support the two distinct design steps,
that workstation aids be created to provide infor- a menu-driven, multi-windowing pre-processor for
mation that enhances design decision making. In the Design Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization
mechanical CAE, traditional design steps are associ- Workstation (DSOW) is presented in this paper.
ated with creating a solid model, building a finite To retrieve the geometric and finite element data
element model, performing finite element structural required for design sensitivity analysis and optimiz-
analysis, and graphically displaying analysis results. ation from the CAD and FE databases and to store
With few exceptions, traditional methods fail to take it into the DSOW local database, interface software
advantage of finite element analysis results to com- has been implemented. Currently supported software
pute the design sensitivity information that is re- includes Patran Plus from PDA Engineering [12],
quired to assist the engineer in making improvements Ansys from Swanson Analysis, Inc. [13], and DSA
in design. Recent developments in design sensitivity developed in the University of Iowa for design sensi-
analysis methods have demonstrated that, with little tivity analysis [lo]. Through the use of networking
additional computational effort, design sensitivity facilities, it is possible to overcome the major weak-
information can be obtained by augmenting estab- ness of traditional workstation based environments
lished finite element analysis codes [lo, 111. For and to launch compute intensive software on different

376 T. A. STONEet al.

compute servers. This removes the computational of the previous menu. Other selections are used for
load from the workstation and places it either on a inputting the data necessary to perform design sensi-
network of workstations or on a powerful compute tivity analysis computations and interactive optimiz-
server, while retaining the power of the interactive ation. In setting up the menu system layout, Domain
graphics workstation based environment [l4]. Dialogue has been used [ 151. The Domain Graphics
Primitive Resource (GPR) has been utilized in devel-
opment of the graphics that are displayed in the menu
graphics area [16]. The DSOW has been implemented
in an Apollo workstation. The multi-windowing
A menu-driven pre-processor offers the designer environment that is provided is explored for running
the capability of making selections from a large the DSOW menu system in one window and graphics
number of predefined choices, with minima1 effort. codes in separate windows.
Selections can be made through the use of mouse The five DSOW branches provide access to
buttons and a keyboard. The mouse buttons are used major steps of the design process. These five major
to make selections from menus and icons and the branches are EXECUTE SOFTWARE, MODEL
keyboard is used to input character, integer and real DATABASE, DESIGN REQUIREMENTS, PER-
data. With the large number of choices that must be FORMANCE REQUIREMENTS, and 4-STEP
made by a designer in setting up a model for inter- INTERACTIVE DESIGN. Capita1 lettered text in
active design optimization, a menu-driven system is this paper corresponds to possible selections in the
easier to learn than a command driven system. How- DSOW. The main menu of the DSOW that displays
ever, a command driven system may be more efficient the five major branches is shown in Fig. 1.
in the hands of the experienced user and can be added The EXECUTE SOFTWARE branch is used to
as an alternative. The DSOW has been developed in launch all software that is supported by the DSOW.
a menu tree hierarchy, with the five main branches The MODEL DATABASE branch is used to retrieve
shown in Fig. 1 on top of the tree. Some selections from the geometric and finite element analysis data-
cause the next branch of the menu to pop up on top bases data that are required for interactive design
sensitivity analysis and optimization and to store
them into the DSOW database. The DESIGN
REQUIREMENTS branch is used to parameterize
the design. This includes defining the design variables
and the design variable linking. The PERFORM-
ANCE REQUIREMENTS branch is used to specify
performance requirements and constraints that con-
trol the design. Finally, the 4-STEP INTERACTIVE
DESIGN branch supports a design methodology that
consists of four complementary steps: (1) displaying
design sensitivity information; (2) carrying out
what-if studies; (3) making trade-off determinations;
and (4) executing interactive optimization [17, 181.
By providing access to the several steps of the
design process, the five main branches of the DSOW
create an environment for bringing together inter-
disciplinary contributors early in the design process.
This environment, commonly referred to as con-
current or simultaneous engineering, is illustrated in
Fig. 2. Since design parameterization and perfor-

mance definition are proposed as distinct design
steps, a mechanism of interaction is created between
development, analysis, and manufacturing engineer-
ing groups. By allowing for this interaction early in
the design process, decisions that significantly affect
the quality of the product can be made with input
from all members of the design team [5]. Each of the
groups is able to identify the types of design compo-
nents and parameterizations that they are able to use
in designing the product, as well as performance
characteristics that must be controlled.
DEDION8EWSIllVIlYAllALV8I8 The integrated environment supported by the
DSOW permits the design team to access individual
Fig. 1. The five branches of the menu system. discipline tools with ease, requiring only a menu
Structural design sensitivity analysis and optimization 371


Fig. 2. Concurrent engineering.

selection. Communication between discipline ori- geometric and finite element models. Figure 4 shows
ented applications software is established via a com- the DSOW menu used to create a new model. After
mon database [19]. The DSOW permits consideration all geometric and finite element data have been
of more than one design concept, the taking of each
design concept through the design process, and the
exploration of trade-offs among design concepts.


Creating a solid model, building a finite element

model, performing finite element analysis, and evalu-
ating structural performance are characteristic design
steps in the concept definition and concept evaluation
stages of the design process. The EXECUTE SOFT-
WARE branch of the DSOW provides access to
design tools that assist the engineer in these stages
of the design process. When this icon is selected, from
among the alternatives shown in Fig. 1, the EX-
ECUTE SOFTWARE menu shown in Fig. 3 appears.
The PATRAN branch is used to create the
solid/geometric model, generate the finite element
model, translate Patran data into Ansys format and
vice-versa, and post-process the finite element struc-
tural analysis results. By selecting PATRAN, a new
menu prompts the user for the function that needs to
be accessed. Two different functions are provided:
LATION. The first permits the engineer to create,
edit, and display a geometric or finite element model.
The second is used to translate Patran neutral file
data into Ansys input format and Ansys analysis
results data into Patran format for graphic display.
From within MODEL EDITING, the engineer can
easily access existing models or create new models. To
edit a model, Patran is started in a window next to DEIION 8ENSITIVITV ANALVIll
the DSOW window. In this window, the engineer
inputs all data that are necessary for creating the Fig. 3. The execute software menu.
318 T. A. STONEet al.


Using the continuum theory of design sensitivity

analysis, sizing and shape design sensitivity expres-
sions can be evaluated numerically, using only results
of finite element analysis [lo, 111. The MODEL
DATABASE branch of the DSOW is used for re-
trieval and storage of all data that are required for
design sensitivity analysis and optimization compu-
tations. These data come from three different sources:
(1) a menu-driven design pre-processor for input of
design and performance requirements; (2) the geo-
metric modeler database; and (3) the finite element
analysis code database. This permits computing
design sensitivity information with virtually any exist-
ing geometric modeler and finite element analysis
code. Interface software has been developed to read
data from the geometric modeler and finite element
analysis code databases and store them into the
DSOW central database. The branch may also be
used to delete all the data associated with a particular
model. By selecting MODEL DATABASE from the
menu shown in Fig. 1, the designer will have the
opportunity of creating a new database or simply
reading data from an existing database.
The NEW DATABASE menu, shown in Fig. 5, is
used to create a new database. It requires the model



Fig. 4. The editing model menu.

Enter modrl nmnr: sweptwlng

created in Patran, it is necessary to translate that data Enter noutr8l file nuncpatran.0ut.t

into Ansys input file format for finite element analy-

sis. This is accomplished by selecting the MODEL
TRANSLATION menu. Available analysis types are
static and eigenvalue. Patans [20] is used to convert
Patran data into Ansys executable input file format.
Anspat [20] is used to convert Ansys analysis results
data into Patran input format.
The ANSYS branch is used to launch an Ansys
structural finite element analysis. Data required for
Ansys execution are the model name, the Ansys
executable input file name, and the analysis type.
Networking tools have been implemented that permit
automatic assignment of the Ansys run to any
machine on the the network that supports the
code [14], transparent to the user. To run Ansys on a
particular machine, the engineer is only required to
select the correspondent icon from the DSOW menu.
By simplifying the task of the designer to selecting
the particular software package that needs to be
executed, from a set of menu choices, the DSOW
permits the design team to focus attention on the
design process. The DSOW assures, without designer
intervention, that the software package selected will MODEL AND ANALYSIS TYPE SPECIFIED
be launched in the appropriate directory, within the
model directory structure. Fig. 5. Loading a new database.
Structural design sensitivity analysis and optimization 319

name, the Patran neutral file name, and the analysis the several steps of the design process, the database
type. The Patran neutral file should correspond to the supports the integrated computing environment that
file used in creating the Ansys input data file. Creat- is provided by the DSOW for design sensitivity
ing a new database presumes that the design steps analysis and optimization of structural systems. The
associated with creating a geometric model, generat- task of supporting new geometric modelers and finite
ing a finite element model, and carrying out a finite element codes is simplified to developing the associ-
element analysis have been completed. A runstream ated interface software. This approach keeps the
will be executed that launches interface programs for DSOW independent of the specific software packages
retrieving the geometric and finite element data re- supported. By automating the process of data recov-
quired for design sensitivity analysis and optimiz- ery and manipulation, predefined runstreams permit
ation computations from the Patran neutral file and the design team to concentrate on design issues,
Ansys file Filel2.dat, respectively. Geometric data rather then on the data issues associated with the
that are necessary to parameterize the design consist computational environment.
of geometric primitive types, grid point i.d. entities,
grid point coordinates, and the mapping between
geometric primitives and the finite elements. Finite
element data that are necessary for performance Design component parameterization is the process
characterization and design sensitivity analysis con- by which the overall design is discretized into design
sist of finite element types, connectivity, material and components, which are characterized by design
geometric properties, nodal coordinates, nodal parameters that are meaningful for design sensitivity
forces, and nodal displacements. Numerical inte- analysis, design optimization, and manufacturing of
gration associated with continuum design sensitivity the component. Selecting the DESIGN REQUIRE-
computations requires displacement and stress infor- MENTS branch from the menu of Fig. 1 provides the
mation at Gauss points, as well as Jacobians of capability for developing design component par-
transformations. This information is obtained inside ameterizations of the structural system being de-
the interface program by post-processing finite el- signed. The available selections within this branch are
ement analysis results and is stored in a unified way shown in Fig. 6. By starting Patran from within the
in the database. Once all the required information is EXECUTE SOFTWARE branch of the DSOW,
stored in the database, design and performance re- the designer can display the geometric model while
quirements definition and design sensitivity analysis defining design requirements. A swept-wing model is
and optimization computations can be carried out, used as an example throughout this paper.
independent of the code that is used to generate it. Design parameterizations can be associated with
By providing for data communication between each design component. Components that are used in
established software packages that are used within developing the basic geometry are lines and surfaces.




Fig. 6. Design requirement menu.

380 T. A. STONEet al.

the geometric primitives that are created by the

designer with the Patran geometric modeler. Only
geometric primitives that have a finite element mesh
defined on them can be used in specifying the design
parameterization. The DSOW utilizes these geomet-
ric primitives as the base objects for design variable
definition. For finite element structural analysis,
COIlStant Linear
beam and bar elements are assigned to line design
Fig. 7. Circular cross-section parameterizations. components and membrane and plate elements are
assigned to surface design components. A given
These components are then assigned data that define design component can be modeled with any number
their cross-sectional shape and sizing design par- of finite elements. By assigning design variables to
ameters. The design is parameterized by specifying design components, rather than to finite elements, a
how the material distribution varies within a design natural method of associating design specifications to
component. Design variables can be defined among the geometric model is created. This approach separ-
the geometric design parameters that characterize ates design requirements from the finite element
cross-sectional properties or material thickness distri- model that is used for analysis. A practical conse-
bution for line and surface design components, re- quence of this is that much more realistic designs are
spectively. Currently supported parameterizations obtained with a reasonable number of design vari-
are constant and linear. More complex parameteriz- ables. By assigning design variables to the finite
ations can be included within the present framework. elements that make up the model, traditional struc-
Shown in Fig. 7 are the two allowable parameteriz- tural optimization software must resort to extensive
ations for a line design component with hollow design variable linking to decrease the overall number
circular cross-section. A constant parameterization of design variables and obtain acceptable parameter-
requires the radius to be constant from one end of the izations.
line component to the other, while a linear parameter- Two types of design variables are currently
ization allows the radius to vary linearly from one supported: GEOMETRIC VARIABLES and
end of the line to the other. MATERIAL VARIABLES. The GEOMETRIC
In providing for design parameterization, as a VARIABLES menu is used to enter design data that
distinct design step, a method has been developed to define geometric parameters that characterize the
bring together design, analysis, and manufacturing model. Selecting a line design component causes the
engineers. The process of concurrent engineering can cross-sectional menu to appear, as shown in Fig. 8.
be defined as a method by which all relevant compo- From this menu, the cross-sectional shape of the line
nents of the design, development, and manufacturing design component is selected. From the four different
process are integrated into the design process from groups of cross-sections shown in Fig. 8, only sym-
the start [21-231. Creating design parameterizations metric cross-sections are currently supported. Each
that are acceptable to all engineering groups that are cross-section is characterized by a well defined num-
involved in the design process, the product develop- ber of geometric parameters which can be selected as
ment process can proceed with the confidence that design variables. Predefined libraries of available
manufacturable designs will result. All designs in this components can be developed for use in parameter-
parameterized family will thus satisfy functional re- ization of the design for structural analysis. This
quirements, while being acceptable from a cost effec- library may include line and surface design compo-
tive manufacturing perspective. Drastic revisions in nents that have standard cross-sections and thickness
the design can be avoided if design, analysis, and variations, respectively. By using a library of stan-
manufacturing become involved in the design process dard components, with their associated design
at an early stage. This involvement will bring the parameters and geometric properties, the designer is
combined experience and knowledge from these able to develop realistic design parameterizations
groups into the design process, early enough to with little effort.
impact important decisions that influence product After a cross-section is selected, the menu used to
quality. Thus, possible problems pertaining to the input the data associated with a line design compo-
strength or manufacturability of the component can nent is activated. In this menu, the number of the line
be addressed early in the design process. primitives used in the PATRAN geometric model
The SYSTEM VARIABLES branch of the DSOW that is to be assigned the design variable data must
can be used to define the design parameterization be entered. When this number is entered, the cross-
associated with each individual component. Com- sectional shape of the design component is displayed
puter graphics and structural modeling software are in the graphics area of the menu, together with the
used to assist the designer in the design parameteriz- allowable design variables and end grid point num-
ation step. Two possible design component selections bers of the line component. Having selected a hollow
are provided, a line design component and a surface circular cross-section from Fig. 8 and entered line
component. These design components correspond to number 50, the menu appears as shown in Fig. 9. In
Structural design sensitivity analysis and optimization 381

this example, end one is located at grid point two and

end two is located at grid point 62. By using the
Patran model, the location and orientation of this line
with respect to the other line components can be
easily verified. Orientation of the line is necessary for
the definition of the initial cross-sectional properties,
since the data are based on the end points. A menu
similar to that of Fig. 9 is used to enter data that
define a surface design component.
The first two selections are used in assigning the
design parameterization to the line. The DESIGN
VARIABLE SELECTION option in Fig. 9 is used to
choose design variables from within the geometric
parameters that characterize the line design com-
ponent. It is possible to select independent and
proportional design variables, within each design
component. An independent design variable can
change independently from all other design variables
during the design process. A proportional design
variable changes in a predefined relation with an
independent design variable. For a line design com-
ponent, design variables correspond to cross-
sectional characteristic dimensions. For a surface
design component, design variables correspond to the
thickness at each corner of the component.
For a hollow circular cross-section, there are a
maximum of three independent design variables, the
outer radius and the wall thickness of the cross-
section at both ends of the line. To decrease the
number of design variables, or to satisfy manufactur-
ing requirements, proportionality relations between
the three variables may be defined. The proportional-
Fig. 8. Cross-sectional shapes for line components. ity constants are calculated based on the nominal


END2,GR 62

Fig. 9. Line design data menu.

382 T. A. STONE et al.


n n Y

(Q) @
END1.M 2
Fig. 10. Design variable selection.

design values that are input within the INITIAL are input to define the nominal design. Currently, the
X-SECTIONAL PROPERTIES menu. Geometric designer is responsible for entering initial geometric
parameters that are not selected as design variables properties that are consistent with those entered in
are kept constant during the design process. the geometric modeler for finite element analysis. For
Constant or linear parameterizations are a result of design parameterizations other than constant, the
the way design variables are defined and the initial task of defining the finite element nodal geometric
design values that are assigned. To see this, consider properties required by the analysis code can be very
the hollow circular cross-section of Fig. 10, where dvi tedious. To guarantee data consistency and allow the
stand for design variables and END1 and END2 designer to concentrate on design parameterization
denote ends one and two of the line. A constant issues, interface software is being implemented to
parameterization for outer radius can be obtained by automate the computation of finite element nodal
selecting dv 1-E 1 as independent and dv3-E2 as pro- geometric quantities, based on initial geometric prop-
portional design variables, respectively, and entering erties and design parameterizations that are defined.
the same nominal values for both. A different initial A command input file for the geometric modeler
value would result in a linear outer radius variation is automatically written, containing finite element
from end one to end two. A constant wall thickness nodal geometric properties that are required by the
parameterization is imposed by the present im- particular finite element code to be used.
plementation of the DSOW. Still, variation of the The GENERATION DATA menu is used to
wall thickness can be defined proportional to the replicate design variable data that have been assigned
outer radius at end one by selecting dv l-El as to a particular design component, to other design
independent and dv2 as proportional design vari- components. Design variables and initial cross-
ables. Constant and linear outer radius parameteriz- sectional properties that are entered for the design
ations can also result from design variable selections. component are used to generate the same design
For instance, selecting do l-El and dv3-E2 as variables and initial cross-sectional data for
independent would result in a linear parameterization design components that are specified within the
for the outer radius. GENERATION DATA branch. This is useful, since
After design variable selections are made, the it can be tedious to enter the same detailed design
designer enters the INITIAL X-SECTIONAL many times.
PROPERTIES menu. This branch is used to define The DESIGN VARIABLE LINKING branch is
the initial values of geometric parameters that charac- used to link design variables defined in distinct design
terize the cross-sectional geometry of a line design components. By specifying the ratio between different
component or the grid point thickness distribution of design variables, linking can be used to decrease the
a surface design component. The geometric ratios total number of independent design variables, e.g. to
between dependent and independent design variables retain a minimal set of design variables that may
are computed according to the geometric values that change independently during the design process. It
Structural design sensitivity analysis and optimization 383

may also be used for imposing design symmetry or advantage of the multi-windowing environment that
design variable continuity across design components. is provided by workstation hardware to display the
Design symmetry can be imposed by linking design finite element model, while defining performance
variables from separate design components so that requirements. By starting Patran from within the
the design variables are the same. Design variable EXECUTE SOFTWARE branch of the DSOW, the
continuity can be imposed by linking design variables designer is able to display the finite element model in
at grid points that are common to two or more design a separate window of the workstation. Using Patran
components, so that they have the same value. graphics capabilities, displacement plots and stress
Finally, linking may be used as a means to define contours are shown to aid the designer in deciding
different design concepts for trade-off studies of where local performance requirements should be
manufacturing cost versus weight. Figure 11 shows assigned, e.g. regions of high stress or large
the linking menu that is used to create design com- deformation.
ponent parameterizations by generating and linking Stress performance characterizes the strength of
all design variables to the design variables in a parent the model at specific finite elements [24]. Stress sensi-
design component. tivity to design variation is calculated, for all per-
formance requirements specified, using the design
6. CHARACTERIZATION OF DESIGN PERFORMANCE parameterization selected in the design requirements
branch. The designer then obtains design sensitivity
The PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS information that allows him to decide on the best
branch is used to define performance characteristics modification of the design to decrease stress in the
that are to be controlled and to associate them with elements selected. Displacement performance is
finite element analysis solution quantities. A local associated with the displacement of specific finite
performance requirement is associated with a local element node points [24]. The designer specifies the
measure of performance, predicted by the finite el- nodal points and displacement degrees-of-freedom
ement model. Local performance measures can be that are of concern. Design sensitivities are then
finite element stress and nodal displacement require- calculated for the specified nodal displacements.
ments. The DSOW permits the engineer to take Selecting the STRESS icon causes the stress menu of
Fig. 12 to appear. From this menu, the designer is
required to enter the numbers of the finite elements
on which stress requirements are defined, the stress
criteria, and whether stress is to be considered at finite
element Gauss points or averaged over the finite
element domain.
the designer enters the number of the finite element
in which the stress criteria is defined and the load case
number. The load case number is required for multi-
loading conditions. Currently, the DSOW supports
three possible stress criteria: von Mises, maximum
ENTER LAST DES COMP NUMBER:~l shear, and principal stress. Three principal stresses
can be specified; maximum, intermediate, and mini-
mum principal stress. It is possible to define more
than one criteria on each finite element. Stress criteria
can be defined at finite Gauss points or averaged over
the finite element domain.
Selection of the DISPLACEMENT requirement
icon causes the displacement menu to appear, as
shown in Fig. 13. In the nodal generation data area,
the designer is prompted to enter node numbers at
which a displacement requirement is to be defined
and the load case number. As for the stress func-
tional, it is possible to use incremental and/or
non-incremental data generation. Six possible
degrees-of-freedom can be defined at each nodal
point; displacement in the x-, y-, and z-directions
and rotation about the x-, y-, and z-axes.
Within the global performance branch, the de-
signer is able to select four types of global perform-
ance requirements; COMPLIANCE, WEIGHT,
Fig. 11. Design variable linking menu. EIGENVALUE, and VOLUME, as shown in
384 T. A. STONEet al.





Fig. 12. Stress sensitivity menu.

Fig. 14. COMPLIANCE characterizes the external structural model. For structures that are made up of
work done by the applied forces. Structural compli- only one material, WEIGHT performance may be
ance can be defined for one or more loading con- replaced by a VOLUME performance.
ditions. EIGENVALUE performance characterizes The multi-window environment permits use of
the natural vibration behavior of the structure. Eigen- Patran graphics capabilities to display and interpret
value requirements can be specified on any number analysis results while, at the same time, using the
of eigenvalues. WEIGHT performance provides a PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS branch of
measure of the total or partial weight of the structure. the DSOW to define those performance measures
Weight can be defined on any sub-region of the identified as critical. An important benefit of this


Fig. 13. Displacement requirement menu.

Structural design sensitivity analysis and optimization 385


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