Geo Shit

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Generally, geology is the scientific study of earth structure and its history that tells which and how it is

made, tells about the structure of those materials that earth was made of and the processes acting upon
them. The better we can understand the erath`s history the better they can foresee how events and
processes of the past might influence the future. Also, it studies the organism that inhabited in the
planet. The most important is that it study how the materials, structure , processes and organism
governing the Earth changed over time.

Geology is very important and plays an important role in civil engineering. It provides knowledge about
materials used for a construcyion, the knowledge in htis branch of science is helpful in river control and
shipping of work,it is helpful for constructing dams, geothecnical engineers needs knowledge about this
subject for digging works, it governs foundation faults, it plays an important role in designing roads and
highways, for construction of tunnels and many other things. So in general, geology is very important in
civil engineering.

Uniformitarianism in geology is a doctrine suggesting that earths geologic processes acted in the same
manner and with essential the same intensity in the past as they do in the present and that such
uniformity is sufficient to account for all geologic change. The principle is fundamental to geologic
thinking and underlies the whole development of the science of geology.

Catastrophism is the idea that many of Earth’s crustal features (strata layers, erosion, polystrate fossils,
etc) formed as a result of past cataclysmic activity. In other words, the Earth’s surface has been scarred
by catastrophic natural disasters.

There are a whole lot of people out there asking, "What tools do geologists use?" While this question
has many possible answers, I think that there are some basic tools that almost all geologists use.

There are a whole lot of people out there asking, "What tools do geologists use?" While this question
has many possible answers, I think that there are some basic tools that almost all geologists use. Here's
a list of the most common tools among geologists:

Rock Hammer

Hand Lens

Field Notebooks


Pencil Magnet

1oz Acid Bottle and holder(typically filled with HCl)

Retractable knife (or Mohs Hardness Testing Kit)

Pocket Scriber

An assortment of scales and reference materials

Field Vest

Compass or Transit

Handheld GPS

Geology is very important in our everyday life, since in general it studies about the Earth, it plays an
important role. Geology is very important to our economy, it govern the sustainmet of our mineral
resources that each one of us uses everyday. Also, geology prevent us form hazards. It gives us
knowledge about geohazards such us earthquake, volcanic eruptions, landslides and tsunami continue
to have devastating effects on populations but having knowledge about this hazards, we can be
preventive. In addition geology plays an important role when it comes to energy which we are using in
our everyday life. Lastly and the most important, is the safety of the water we drink everyday. The need
for transition to a low-carbon economy is urgent. However, as we manage this change, we will continue
to be dependent for many more years on fossil fuels. Geoscience skills are essential at every step of the
energy cycle, from location of energy sources through to their safe, reliable extraction, use and
subsequent disposal or recycling.


The code of ethics for engineers states that all enegineers must exhibit their highest standards of
honesty and integrity. They must implement fairness , equity , impartiality and honesty for all the
services they conduct pertaining on their profession that promotes the public health, safety and welfare.

Having the code of ethics for engineers is a great way to guide engineers on their work and on their
services since that they must ensure not just the quality of their jobs but the safety of the projects they
made for their clients. In this case, having this code of ethics, engineers is ensure to have productive
projects that benefits our country’s economy.

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