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Module Topics Schedule

1 Introduction to Computing Systems Microprocessors 7th Jan – 15th Jan

• Introduction to Computing Systems
• Characteristics Of Microprocessor
• CPU Classification

2 8086-486 Programmer’s Model

• 80x86 Family
• 8086 Programmers Model
• EU
• Flag Registers

3 8086-486 Instruction Format

1. Instruction Format 16th Jan – 22nd Jan
• Addressing Modes – 16 & 32 bit
• Instruction Template
2. Addressing Modes -1
• Immediate Addressing
• Register Addressing
• Direct Addressing
3. Addressing Modes -2
• Register Indirect
• Base Plus Index
• Register Relative
• Base Relative Plus Index
• Scaled Index

4 8086-486 Instruction Set 23rd Jan –12th Feb

1. Introduction to ALP
• Instructions-
o Data Transfer
o Branch
• A Simple Program
2. Programming Example - 2
• Program storage in Memory
• Displacements
3. Programmer’s Model -2
• Register Indirect
• Base Plus Index
• Register Relative
• Base Relative Plus Index
• Scaled Index
4. Arithmetic Instructions
5. Assembler Directives
6. MASM Models
• Physical Vs Logical Segments
• Memory Models
• E.g. using Array Comparison
7. Logical Instructions
8. Programing Examples
9. String Instructions
10. Shift & Rotate Instructions
11. MUL & DIV
12. Branch Operations
• Unconditional & Conditional Branching
13. Stack Operations
14. Miscellaneous Instructions
15. Subroutines
16. Software Interrupts – The INT instructions
17. Macro

5 8086- Pin Out – Minimum Mode 13th Feb - 19th Feb

1. Clock
• Instruction Cycle
• Machine Cycle
• T states
2. Address, Data Control
• Multiplexed Buses
• System Bus
3. System Bus Operation
• Read, Write Cycles
• Wait States & Ready
4. Other Pins of 8086
5. Maximum Mode of Operation
6 Memory – Real & Protected Mode 20th Feb – 26th Feb
1. Accessing greater than 1 MB of memory
2. Segmentation
3. Paging

7 Memory interfacing 27th Feb – 19th Mar

1. Address Maps & System Bus Revisited
2. Memory Interfacing -8088
3. Memory Interfacing 8086 & 80286
4. Memory Interfacing with 80386 & 80486

8 80x86- Interfacing
1. Interrupts 20th Mar – 9th April
• Vectored,
• Non -Vectored Interrupts
2. I/O Interlacing
• Memory Mapped & Isolated I/O
3. 8255
• Pin But, block Diagram Basic Function
• BSR with Example

• Keyboard Interfacing

• Display Interfacing

4. ADC Interfacing
5. Timer
• Basic Block Diagram & Programming
• Mode 0
• Mode 1
• Mode 2
• Mode 3
• Mode 4
• Mode 5
6. Interrupts – 8259
7. Serial Interface – PCI
8. DMAC – 8237
9. Storage Devices – An Introduction

9 Buses 1 10th April – 16th April

1. 8-bit ISA, 16-bit ISA
2. USB
3. COM
4. LPT
5. PCI

10 80286-80486 A 17th April – 23rd April

1. 80286
2. 80386
3. OS & Task management
• User & kernel Space
• Process management
• Process Switch
• Simple Round Robin Schedule
• Threads
4. Bus Pipelining & Memory Management for 80286 &
5. Memory protection
6. 80486
7. Cache Memory – Organization

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