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Introduction to Political Science

The Other Social Sciences

Social sciences study how people interact with and relate to one another.
Political science, with its emphasis on political systems and the distribution of
power, falls into this larger academic category. A multidisciplinary field,
political science draws from some other social sciences, including sociology,
economics, psychology, and anthropology.


Sociology studies social life and human interactions, from how groups form to
how large organizations run to how people interact with one another. Political
scientists make use of sociological studies and methods when examining, for
example, how small group dynamics affect the decision-making process, how
people acquire and maintain power, and how political culture shapes our


Politics and economics often intersect. Studying government without also

studying economics, especially in free-market societies such as the United
States, is not possible. Political scientists examine such economic issues as
the effects government policy has on the economy, the role money plays in
campaigns, and how nations arrive at trade agreements.


Psychology studies the way the human mind works, helping us to understand
why people behave the way that they do. Political scientists sometimes use
the insights of psychology to analyze a president’s or voter’s behavior or to
explain why some people are more prone to supporting certain governments
and ideologies.


Anthropology examines cultures within a society and theorizes about how

those cultures affect society. Anthropologists explore how people acquire
cultural values. Because culture often has a strong effect on behavior, political
scientists rely on anthropological studies and methods.

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