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Dictionary Definition

Cult: a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.

Personal Definition

Cult: À group of people that follows à person that they believe will help them find their purpose

in life, or they share the same beliefs about the world and the people around them. Commonly

has à negative connotation.

Cults are known as one of the worst groups in the world due to their extreme actions

such as mass shootings, poisonings, and suicides. From Charles Manson’s murder spree of

Hollywood’s finest to Marshall Applewhite’s mass suicide to continue to the “Next Level.” These

groups have one thing in common though that they all can relate their negativity to, Religion.

Shoko Asahara founded the Aum Shinrikyo (Supreme Truth) death cult in 1987. Asahara

was born to à poor family and had glaucoma. He attended à school for the blind and after

graduating pursued à life in Chinese Medicine. Asahara soon started to sell illegal herbal

medicines and was arrested for practicing pharmacy without à license. While in prison, Asahara

began to study Chinese Astrology and Taoism.

In 1987 he created Aum Shinrikyo, à blend of Hindu, Buddhist spirituality, the Bible’s

Revelations, and the thoughts of Christian monk Nostradamus. Ashara preached that the world

was nearing its end and he was the “savior” that would lead the good to salvation. Asahara

wanted Aum Shinrikyo to take over the Japanese government and overthrow the emperor by

getting its members elected into office. His plan failed. Aum Shinrikyo was suspected of

stockpiling chemical weapons. March 20, 1995, the clan attacked the Tokyo Subway System

with nerve gas known as, Sarin. Thousands of people were injured and thirteen died. Asahara,

in 2004, after 8 years of living à free life, was convicted of thirteen crimes and the death penalty.

David Koresh was the leader of the Branch Davidians cult and led à 51-day standoff

against the FBI and ATF before commiting suicide. As à child Koresh was à average attender of

the Church of Seventh Day Adventists.

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