I. Write These Verb With - S or - Es - /5

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Escuela Base el Bosque

English Department
Teacher: Tamara Miranda Larraín


7th Grade


Date: _________________, MARCH 2018 Score__________/47


- Completan con uso de verbos en presente simple.

-Identifican referencias a animales y su descripción

-Usan vocabulario temático en diferentes contextos.

I. Write these verb with –s or –es _____/5
Escuela Base el Bosque
English Department
Teacher: Tamara Miranda Larraín
1. (read)

she___reads____ 3. (fly) it_________________

2. (think) he ____________ 4. (dance) he_____________ 5. (have) she______________
6. (finish) it______________
Escuela Base el Bosque
English Department
Tamara Miranda Larraín

II. Write sentences from these words. Use the right form of the verb. _____/12
1. (always/ early / Sue / arrive)
_________________________Sue always arrives early.______________________________
2. (to the cinema / never / I / go)
3. (work / Martina / hard / always)
4. (like / chocolate /children /usually)
Escuela Base el Bosque
English Department
Tamara Miranda Larraín

III. Look the following list and match each picture with their correct information____/16

Country Name of the attraction

The United States Brazil Big Ben The Great Wall

The Eiffel Tower Mount Fuji
France Australia England The Grand Palace Niagara Falls
The Sydney Opera House
Thailand Japan China
The Statue of Liberty

Country Name of the atracction





Escuela Base el Bosque
English Department
Tamara Miranda Larraín




IV. Choose the negative form of the following sentences, circle the correct alternative.____/5

1. I play the piano very well

A) I don’t play the piano very well
B) B) I not play the piano very well
2. Jane plays the piano very well
A) Jane don’t play the piano very well
B) B) Jane doesn’t play the piano very well
3. They know my phone number
A) They doesn´t know my phone number
B) B) They don’t know my phone number
Escuela Base el Bosque
English Department
Tamara Miranda Larraín

4. We work very hard

A) We don’t work very hard
B) B) We doesn´t work very hard
5. He has a bath every day
A) He doesn’t has a bath every day
B) B) He doesn’t have a bath every day
V. Read the story and fill in the blanks with the correct word ____/9


This is an_______________. They are very big animals and have a long memory, and a very long nose called a trunk. They
make a trumpet sound

This is the _________________. It is the king of the jungle and goes ROAR!

This is a __________________. They spend a lot of time up in trees and like to eat fruits. This one has a banana. They go

This is the ______________________from Australia. It bounces and bounces anywhere it wants to go.

This is the_______________________. It has a very long neck to reach the tender leaves up high on a tree. They are very
tall and very quiet animals.

This is the__________________. It is a big cat that hunts in the jungle. Be careful not to run into one of these big cats in
the jungle!. It goes GRRRRRR.......

This is an____________________. They have a lot of teeth and spend most of the time in the water. Don't go near these
big creatures. They rumbleRRRRRR.....RRRRRRR!

This is the_________________. It is a big beautiful bird. They are very noisy and goSQUAK...SQUAK...!

This is the_________________. He is a big animal and has a horn on his head. They go snort, snort

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