54-07-07 (1) 10-05am Karl Robert Schuele

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Cleveland State University


Witness Statements Police Documents


54/07/07 (1) 10:05am, Karl Robert Schuele

Bay Village Police Department

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Bay Village Police Department, "54/07/07 (1) 10:05am, Karl Robert Schuele" (1954). Witness Statements. Paper 15.

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,..,, _,
~~ July 7, 1954.

The following is the statement of Karl Robert Schuele, White, Male,

28944 Lake Road, Age 47, with reference to the homicide of Marilyn
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My residence is immediately Sti-j+i-aiag the residence of Dr. Sam Sheppard .
.t.-:Sb~.-:-\lf:ae:t. I have known the Sheppards just since the time they moved
into their residence. My first knowledge of what had happened was when
Mayor Houk and Chief Eaton awakened Mrs. Schuele and I at about 7:00 A.M.
Sunday July 4th, 1954. Spen said "Marilyn has been murdered". They
both asked me whether we had heard anything, which we hadn't. Also
whether we had XlmX noticed anything unusual, which we hadn't. They
asked us as to the time we had · returned on Saturday night, We had gone
to the Avon Lake picture show. We did not care for the show so left in
the middle and came home and listened to the Ball game. Our children.;
both of them were together at Westwood, .....,.. returned at approximately ;f-",~
l:JO. They noticed nothing. During the questiam.ing the children had
come downstairs, listened but did not join in the conversation. We
went over to the Sheppard's lawn and stood there, during which time the
Faines arrived. There were s everal ears in the yard, and Mrs. Houk was
there when we arrived there. I do not recall that Mrs. Paine was there,
just Mr. Paine. We stood around a while then returned to our home.
After returning home Gretchen, my daughter, and I went up to the barn
which is our custom. She rode the horse in the field, then I took him
and rode through Metropolitan Park, but saw nothing which seemed to be
out of place. ~XIX~ Prior to going riding mY son Karl F., and
I went down our bank on to the bea,c h and walked East on the beach to
approximately Capt. Bryson's line, during W"lich time we noticed footprints
of a dog and man, both going East and West. We returned from the Beach
and were eating breakfast when I noticed Jay Huba,ch on the north side of
Sheppards residence, and decided to tell him about the footprints. He
saw me and said "Do you have some information'l". I then told him a.bout
having seen the footprints, and he stated that he had been on the beach
and that the dog had followed him. The dog being Coke. About 10:00
o'clock the phone rang and an invitation was extended from friends to
go away for the weekend. We le ft home at approximately 11 :00 A.M.
Q. How close was your relationship with Dr. Sam and Marilyn Sheppard?
A. We were very neighborly, but due to the age difference we did not
travel in the same social group, but we did enjoy water sports, and
occassional neighborhood get-togethers.
Q. How did Dr. Sam and Marilyn get along together?
A. My observa,tion was and has always been that the,ir association was of
the best.
Q. At approximately what time did you retire Saturday evening?
A. Probably about 10:00 P.M.
Q. Was the Sheppard dog "Coke'', normally kept outside or inside?
A. Of late he has been kept inside, except for letting him out to run.
Q.. Did Coke appear to be a good watch dog, and/or bark at strangers?
A. ~ !le was a po_or watch dog and easily cowed. --
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Q. At approximately what time did you first go on to the beach?
A. About 9:00 o'clock.
Q. Is there anything else you can add to this statement that would be
of benefit?
A. No, I don't know of anything. I had the greatest admiration for
both Dr. Sam and Marilyn.

Cuyahoga County Coroner's

Office t1 !rt<. c H / 9 91,
Case # 76629 A -3 .. ro

St~tement Karl Robert Schuele -2-

Q.. . ing statement, and is it true?

A. ~

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Statement taken by Esther Aldrich,

18:05 A.M. July 7th, 1954, at Bay
Village City Hall.

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