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PO Box 412
Brownfield, Maine 04010

Burnt Meadow Snowmobile Club Inc.

Dear Members,

Great News we have lots of snow, like a good base of 12 inches. The
trails are still being worked on as we got that ice storm and all the birches
are leaning over and the tops have frozen into the trails. We have lots of trail
work that needs to be done, please volunteer to do a part of a trail that is
close to your home. All volunteers are welcome, questions call the trail
master, Keith and he can help. 207-441-7983

Our next meeting is Jan 13th 2018, this Saturday night at The Depot
Diner. Our big topic is our Rally which is Jan 28, 2018 rain or shine. We will
need help manning the kitchen, manning the check points, running the raffle
tables, manning the registration table, cooking and donating food to sell, and
collecting donations. We again are asking everyone to help in some way
please. You can text me at 207-461-1149 if you cannot make the meeting
but will able to work at the Rally.

Our Rally will start at the Brownfield Community Center, workers

should arrive by 8:15 am and registration will start at 9 AM until 12 PM. If you
want you can buy a hand at the door verses riding if weather is not ideal. We
try to start drawing winners for the raffles at 3 PM and should be all done
3:30 PM.

Hope to see you at the meeting.

Diane Burnell

Doris Burnell, Presdient

Diane Burnell, Sec & Treasurer
Courtney Sparks, Member chair
Al McKinney, Vice President
September 12, 2015
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Keith Dubreuil, Trailmaster

Ride right in Maine

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