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Chapter 1.

Read and understand

A. what sound do these make? Tick (√ ) the correct answers.

1. a. Whirr whirr! _____ b. Ping-ping! ______

2. a. Wheeee-wheeee! _____ b. Wai...ine! ______

3. a. Whirr whirr! _____ b. Wai...ine! ______

4. a. Shh...hiss! _____ b. Whirr whirr! _____

5. a. Whirr whirr! _____ b. Wheee-wheee! _____

B. Who said these words? Write Nalini, Amma or Appa.

1. Ah, it is Amma’s alarm ringing. __________________________

2. I am feeling scared! __________________________

3. It’s the new washing machine! __________________________

4. It’s time for breakfast. __________________________

C. Write True or False.

1. Amma’s alarm woke Nalini. __________________________

2. Nalini heard the electric kettle whistle. __________________________

3. Amma was making lunch. __________________________

4. Nalini was scared of the washing machine sound. __________________________

5. Appa made sandwiches for breakfast. __________________________

D. Say these words loud.

city race mice dance ice

cake cup cook cow cane

E. Match the words in the two columns to make new words.

1. break a. Bow

2. sun b. Room

3. butter c. Light

4. rain d. Fast

5. bed e. Fly

F. Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. I ( like / wish ) my new school bag.

2. ( Have / Has ) you ever seen a dinosaur?

3. ( Do / does ) you have a music period every day?

4. I have invited ( all / every ) my friends for my birthday party.

5. Will you take me to Granny’s house ( if / and ) I finish my lunch quickly?

G. Match the animals with the sounds the make.

1. Ducks a. Cluck

2. Lions b. Mew

3. Hens c. Chirp

4. Cats d. Quack

5. Birds e. Roar

H. Tick (√ ) the group of words that are complete sentences.

1. a. Listen carefully ____ b. Nalini listens carefully ____

2. a. The electric kettle screams. ____ b. The electric ____

3. a. Amma is making breakfast ____ b. Amma is ____

4. a. A sound ____ b. Nalini hears a sound. ____

5. a. It is the washing machine. ____ b. The washing ____

I. Rearrange these words to make sentences.

1. sun / is / the / sky / the / in

2. Nalini / at / beach / is / the

3. has / made / she / a / sandcastle

4. is / wearing / a / she / hat

5. a / is / by / her / teddy / side

6. is / happy / she

J. Word meaning

1. cosy _____________________________________________________

2. blanket _____________________________________________________


3. Scared _____________________________________________________

4. Forget _____________________________________________________

K. Make sentences:

1. Lunch: _______________________________________________________________________


2. breakfast: _____________________________________________________________________
3. Sound: ________________________________________________________________________
L. Question -Answer

Q. 1: Who was making breakfast?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________



Q. 2: What Nalini’s mother has cooked for her lunch?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________



Q. 3:
Chapter Two (The Fly)
A. Who said these words? Tick (√) the correct answers.
1. Who am I?
a. the calf _____ b. The tiny animals ______

2. How could you forget your name?

a. the cow _____ b. The woman ______

3. Ask the water in the river.

a. the woman _____ b. The grass ______

4. Ask the tall tree.

a. The grass _____ b. The water in the river ______

I don’t know. I only know how to fly.

a. The tree _____ b. The bird ______

B. Write True or False.

1. The tiny animal could fly. _____________________

2. The tiny animal looked up and asked the stars. _____________________

3. The tiny animal looked down and saw a school. _____________________

4. The cow didn’t know the name of the tiny animal. _____________________

5. The tiny animal finally remembered its name. _____________________

C. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the brackets.

1. _____________________ morning, a tiny animal forgot its name. (won / one)

2. _____________________ is today’s newspaper. (Here / Hear)

3. I am _____________________ years old. (Eight / ate)

4. My favourite colour is _____________________. (Blue / Blew)

5. The _____________________ is blue. (See / Sea)

6. The _____________________ is in the sky. (Son / Sun)

7. Ships _____________________ on the sea. ( Sale / Sail)

8. I have _____________________ pencils. ( To / Two)

D. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the brackets.

1. A mouse _____________________ a lion in a net. ( Saw / Was)

2. _____________________ did the lion say to the mouse? (What / Who)

3. _____________________ is running up my nose? (What / Who)

4. Look! The mouse _____________________ set the lion free. (When / Who)

5. The cloud is _____________________ up in the sky. (My / High)

E. Circle the naming words in these sentences.

1. The squirrel lives on a tree.

2. The bird is in the nest.

3. Many children are in the park.

4. The baby wants milk.

5. The clock is on the wall.

F. Circle the naming words in these sentences.

1. The squirrel lives on a tree.

2. The bird is in the nest.

3. Many children are in the park.

4. The baby wants milk.

5. The clock is on the wall.

G. Underline the special names in these sentences. Rewrite the sentences in your notebook
using capital letters.
1. kiran lives in patna.

2. asha and aruna are sisters.

3. piya is reading a book.

4. pongal falls in the month of january.

5. The taj mahal is in agra.

H. Guess these special names. Write the names on the blanks. Begin each name with a capital
1. I am the world’s highest mountain peak. __________________________

2. i am the capital of India. __________________________

3. I am called the festival of lights. __________________________

4. I am the third month of the year. __________________________

5. I am the day after Monday. __________________________

I. Words Meaning:

1. Tiny _______________________________________________________

2. Calf _______________________________________________________

3. Spread _______________________________________________________

4. Pretty _______________________________________________________

5. Joy _______________________________________________________

J. Make sentences.

1. Tall : ___________________________________________________________________

2. Tiny ___________________________________________________________________

3. Pretty ___________________________________________________________________

4. Forget ___________________________________________________________________

K. Match it.

1. Lion a. Chirp

2. Cat b. Mew

3. Birds c. Roar

4. Duck d. Cluck

5. Hens e. Quack

L. Question & Answer

Q. 1: Who spread its wings and looked around?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________



Q. 2: What was the name of that tiny animal?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________


Chapter:3 - I Promise

A. Who said these words? Write Fairy, Liza or Mother.

1. Why are you crying, little girl? __________________________

2. I don’t like this brown garden. __________________________

3. Other people like to see them too. __________________________

4. I promise, I promise ............. __________________________

5. Get up. It’s morning. __________________________

6. Let’s go to the park. __________________________

B. Answer these questions.

1. What was written on the signboard in the park?



2. Why was the fairy sad?



3. What did Liza promise?



4. What did Liza and her mother see in the garden the next day?



C. Fill in the blanks with is, am or are.

1. Liza and Ann ____________ sisters.

2. My aunt ____________ a pilot.

3. The car ____________ blue.

4. I ____________ six years old.

5. The fruits ____________ in the basket.

D. Fill in the blanks with was or were.

1. It ____________ lunchtime.

2. The children ________________ in the playground.

3. Some children ________________ on the side.

4. Some children ________________ running around.

5. Liza ________________ wearing her new school uniform.

6. She ________________ very happy.

E. Fill in the blanks with never or always to show that you care for the environment.

1. I ________________ turn the tap off when I brush my teeth.

2. I ________________ spoil the wall of my home.

3. I ________________ play music loudly when someone is studying.

4. I ________________ harm plants or trees.

5. I ________________ switch off the fan before leaving the room.

G. Word meaning.

a. Pluck: ________________________________________________________________________



b. Basket: _______________________________________________________________________



c. suddenly: ______________________________________________________________________



H. Make sentences.

1. Pluck: ________________________________________________________________________


2. Garden: ______________________________________________________________________



3. Basket: ______________________________________________________________________



4. Sad: ________________________________________________________________________


Chapter: 4 Helping and Sharing

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the bracktes.

1. Appu loves carrot ________________ . (seeds / halwa)

2. He gets some carrot ________________ . (seeds / plants)

3. He ________________ the seeds. (plants / eats)

4. He ________________ them every day. (pulls / waters)

5. One seed grows into huge ________________ . (tree / carrot)

6. The children ________________ the carrot to Grandma. (pull / carry)

B. Answer these questions.

1. Why did Appu want to grow carrots?

Answer: _________________________________________________________________________


2. What did the seeds grow into?

Answer: _________________________________________________________________________


3. Which carrots was pulled out by the children?

Answer: _________________________________________________________________________


4. Who made the carrot halwa?

Answer: _________________________________________________________________________


C. Write the yesterday words for these words. Use word from the box.
Drew Came Sang Ate Blew Flew

1. eat _________________ 4. blow _________________

2. draw _________________ 5. come _________________

3. fly _________________ 6. sing _________________

D. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the brackets.

1. Jall is ____________________ . (sleep / sleeping)

2. The bird _________________ . (fly / flew)

3. Mother is _________________ . (knit / knitting)

4. Grandma _________________ (make / makes) tasty carrot halwa.

5. The children are _________________ (swim / swimming) in the pool.

E. Read the names of vegetables in the box. Discuss with your partner and write the names in
the correct baskets.

Onion Beans Cauliflower Potato Carrot Tomato Beetroot Peas

Vegetables that grow below the ground Vegetables that grow above the ground

F. Word – meaning.

1. Think ______________________________________________________________

2. Grow ______________________________________________________________

3. Share ______________________________________________________________

4. Tasty ______________________________________________________________

5. Carry ______________________________________________________________

G. Make sentences.

1. Carrot: ______________________________________________________________


2. Tasty ______________________________________________________________


3. Together ______________________________________________________________
Chapter: 5 The Golden Bucket

A. Tick (✔) the correct answers.

1. The old man and John met each other one day in _________________ .

a. Summer b. Winter

2. John was collecting berries __________________________________ .

a. In a jungle b. At home

3. John was a _________________ boy.

a. greedy b. Kind

4. The old man had __________________________________________________ .

a. a bucket full of berries b. An empty bucket

5. John was collecting the berries to _________________ them.

a. sell b. Store

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the brackets.

1. John’s bucket was _________________ . (empty / full)

2. The old man’s bucket was _________________ . (new / old)

3. The old man wanted to _________________ . (rest / dance)

4. The old man changed into a _________________ . (magician / fairy)

C. Answer these question.

1. Why do John go to jungle?

Answer: _________________________________________________________________________


2. Why was the old man’s bucket empty?

Answer: _________________________________________________________________________


3. How did John help the old man?

Answer: _________________________________________________________________________
4. Why couldn’t the old man walk any further?

Answer: _________________________________________________________________________


5. Why did John’s mother want money?

Answer: _________________________________________________________________________


D. We say a flock of birds. Circle the words that go the words in capital letters. There are two
in each row.

1. A BUNDLE OF sticks grapes clothes

2. A BUNCH OF apples grapes keys

3. A PAIR OF shoes leather eyes

4. A PIECE OF cheese cake clothes

5. A BOX OF matchsticks water crayons

E. Make smaller words from these words.


F. What do these people do? Match the columns to make correct sentences.

1. A florist a. Bakes cakes and biscuits

2. A carpenter b. Cuts hair.

3. A baker c. Treats the sick.

4. A barber d. Sells flowers.

5. A doctor e. Makes furniture.

G. Find the rhyming pairs of words on this wall. Colour the bricks of the rhyming words with
the same colour.

Near Leather Bright Wife

Door Floor Hide Needy Find
Shop Weather Night Dear
Wide Life Kind Greedy Flop

H. Fill in the blanks with words from the box.

He We You She They

1. Have ____________________ seen my new storybook?

2. Ravi is my brother. ____________________ is ten years old.

3. look at that lady in the yellow saree. ____________________ is my aunt.

4. Aliya is my sister. ____________________ are twins.

5. Asha and Roma are in the park. ____________________ are playing on the slide.

I. Write the actions that these animals can do?

Animals Action

1. Dog ---------------------------------------------------

2. Cat ---------------------------------------------------

3. Fish ---------------------------------------------------

4. Frog ---------------------------------------------------

5. Horse ---------------------------------------------------

6. Lamb ---------------------------------------------------

J. Word – meaning.

1. Glad ______________________________________________________________
2. Tired ____________________________________________________________________

3. Rest ____________________________________________________________________

4. Magic ____________________________________________________________________

K. Make sentences.

1. Brush ____________________________________________________________________


2. Jungle ____________________________________________________________________


3. Gold ___________________________________________________________________


4. Magic ____________________________________________________________________

Model Test Paper (SA 1)

A. Who said these words? Circle the correct answers.

1. Ah, it is Amma’s alarm rining. (Appa / Nalini)

2. Oh, how could you forget your name? (Cow / Fly)

3. Liza, get up. It’s morning. (Fairy / Mother)

4. Mini, do help us pull this carrot out. (Tina / Appu)

5. I Can walk no further. I am very tired. (John / Old man)

B. Answer these questions.

1. What noise wakes up Nalini?

Answer: _________________________________________________________________________


2. What is the name of the tiny animal that forgot its name?

Answer: _________________________________________________________________________


3. What does Liza love?

Answer: _________________________________________________________________________


4. What does Appu’s grandma make?

Answer: _________________________________________________________________________


5. What did the man turn into?

Answer: _________________________________________________________________________


C. Fill in the blanks with words from the box.

Cold White Sweet Red Round Green

1. as ________________ as snow. 4. as ________________ as honey.

2. as ________________ as ice. 5. as ________________ as a circle.

3. as ________________ as grass. 6. as ________________ as a cherry.

D. Circle the correct words to complete these sentences.

1. Nalini heard ( some / sum ) sound.

2. The tiny animal flew ( too / to ) the cow.

3. The trees, ( flours / flowers ) and leaves are all brown.

4. I have not ( seen / scene ) a berry today.

5. The old man was sitting ( here / hear ).

E. Rearrange these words to make sentences. Remember to begin with a capital letterand end
with a full stop.

1. Nalini flying kite a is


2. tiny animal had the eys big


3. Mother watering the plants is


4. carrot halwa Appu loves


5. John picking up is berries


F. Fill in the blanks with is, am or are.

Hello! I ________________ Vikas. He __________________ Ali. We _________________ friends.

We __________ in the same class. We __________________ from Dibrugarh.

G. Write five sentences on My school.

H. Read the passage and tick (✔) the correct answers.

Marry and her sister were in the garden.

They were playing with a ball.
A bird flew to the tree.
Then it flew down to the ground.
It picked up bits of grass and twigs.
Then it flew back to the tree.
Mary said the bird was making a nest.

1. Mary and her were in the __________________

a. School b. Garden

2. They were playing with a __________________

a. Ball b. Doll

3. They saw a __________________

a. Butterfly b. Bird

4. The bird picked up __________________ from the ground.

a. Grass b. Flowers

5. The bird wanted to __________________ with grass an twigs.

a. Feed he chicks b. Make a nest

Chapter: 6 Christmas Song

A. Who said these words? Write their names on the blanks.

1. I’ll show you the pretty green muffler around my neck. __________________

2. I don’t want to see the spot on your tail. __________________

3. I’ll give you some crumbs. __________________

4. I’m flying straight to the king. __________________

5. we can find him a friend. __________________

6. Let us find out from our helpers. __________________

B. Answer these questions.

1. Why did Robin Redbreast want to go to the king?

Answer: _________________________________________________________________________


2. What did Sly Fox want to show Robin Redbreast?

Answer: _________________________________________________________________________


3. What did the king ask his helpers to do?

Answer: _________________________________________________________________________


4. What did the king ask his helpers to do?

Answer: _________________________________________________________________________

C. Fill in the blanks with words from the box.

Are See Up Not They

1. Grey Cat looked _________________ and saw Robin Redbreast sitting on a branch.

2. “Where _________________ you going?” she asked.

3. “Can you _________________ the spot on my tail?” asked Sly Fox.

4. “I do _________________ want your crumbs.” said Robin.

The king and queen asked what _________________ could do to reward Robin Redbreast.
D. Fill in the blanks with he and she words from the box.

Horse Lioness Boy Mare Prince Tiger Cock

Nephew Niece Lion Aunt Uncle Hen Princess Girl

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

E. Circle the names of eight vegetables in this wordshearch.


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