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Nombre: Cristian Arevalo Modulo: Noveno

Docente: Ing. Mario Espinoza Fecha: 08-05-2017

1. Each of the following is an advantage of using wireless data technology in education

a. instructors can carry their laptops into the classroom without connecting cables.
b. presentations can be transmitted wirelessly to projector systems.
c. students can access the school network from any location.
d. costs are increased by schools that use wireless technologies.
2. Which of the following is an advantage of wireless technology for a business?
a. Employees need a laptop or tablet computer.
b. Wireless data access in conference rooms provides employees with immediate access
to the data that they need while away from their desk.
c. The expense of a wireless network exceeds that of a wired network.
d. Wireless networks are always faster than wired networks.
3. Each of the following is true about the global positioning system (GPS) except:
a. it was originally developed by the U.S. military in the late 1970s as a navigation system.
b. it is used to provide precise location information.
c. a license must be obtained before using it.
d. devices communicate with earth-orbiting satellites in order to determine their location.
4. In a warehouse management system radio frequency identification (RFID)
tags .
a. emit a wireless data signal that contains an identification number
b. are only used when inventory leaves the warehouse
c. replace printed labels
d. are only found on storage racks and not on pallets
5. A is a specific geographic location that is served by a wireless
data system.
a. JWire
b. wireless tag
c. Wi-Fi Community (WFC)
d. hotspot
6. Which of the following is not an advantage of a municipal network?
a. Areas with municipal networks can become more attractive to businesses.
b. Local municipal employees can use the network to access information.
c. ISPs no longer have to provide Internet access.
d. Municipal networks provide high speed Internet access for free or at a reduced cost.
7. The refers to the connection that begins at a fast Internet service
provider, goes through the local neighborhood, and ends at the home or office.
a. last mile connection
b. first mile connection
c. backhaul connection
d. splice
8. are special high-speed circuits leased from a local carrier that can be
used to connect remote sites of a business.
a. Trunk-based leased lines
b. WISPs
c. Fronthaul connections
d. Fiber merge networks (FMN)
9. Each of the following is a limitation of wired networks that wireless networks over-
come except:
a. a user who shifts the computer on his or her desk may break one or more of the
wires in a patch cable.
b. a cable splice that is done incorrectly can cause problems that result in intermittent
errors that are very difficult to identify.
c. moisture can erode metallic conductors on a network connection.
d. wired networks require that all equipment be IEEE certified.
10. Which of the following is not a disadvantage of a wireless data network?
a. mobility
b. security
c. interference
d. coverage range
11. In a wireless personal area network (WPAN), the maximum distance between devices is
generally .
a. 33 feet
b. 175 feet
c. 3 city blocks
d. There is no maximum distance for a WPAN
12. Which of the following is true regarding Bluetooth?
a. It is a WWAN technology.
b. It was originally designed to replace wires with radio-based technology.
c. It cannot support ad hoc connections.
d. It consumes a large amount of power.
13. Typical transmissions speeds for WLANs do not exceed Mbps.
a. 11
b. 54
c. 108
d. 600
14. An example of a WMAN technology is .
b. LTE
c. 2G
15. is a cellular wireless data network technology through which a user
can access the Internet.
a. 4G
d. KRG
16. Which of the following wireless networks has a maximum speed of 350 Mbps and a
coverage area of 350 feet?
17. The is responsible for the global management of the radio frequency
a. International Standards Organization (ISO)
b. Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
c. International Telecommunication Union Radio Communication Sector (ITU-R)
d. Wireless Ethernet Compatability Alliance (WECA)
18. is the primary regulatory agency for wireless communications in the
United States and its territorial possessions.
a. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
b. Wi-Fi
c. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
19. The is an international body that sets industrial and commercial stan-
dards and is composed of representatives from national standards organizations.
a. International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
b. Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
c. Wireless Ethernet Compatability Alliance (WECA)
d. Occupational Standards Institute (OSI)
20. The Wi-Fi Alliance .
a. certifies that wireless products adhere to the IEEE standards to ensure product
b. has been replaced by the ISO
c. is a subgroup of the IEEE
d. only works with large enterprise businesses

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