Lab Report #3 - Cellular Respiration in Yeast: 23 Degrees Celsius

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Lab Report #3 – Cellular Respiration in Yeast

1. Complete the Fermentation Data table. (5 marks)

Height of Foam (mL)

Room temp Warm water Hot water

(oC) (oC) (oC)
23 degrees 34 degrees 64 degrees
Celsius Celsius Celsius

Start (0)
0mL 0mL 0mL

1mL 10mL 65mL

4mL 16mL 184mL

4mL 40mL 202mL

4mL 66mL 240mL

2. Display lab findings on a properly labelled graph by plotting time on X-axis and volume on
the Y-axis. Use an appropriate scale, and use different lines for each temperature, and a
legend for the lines (i.e. Room Temp = Green Line). You can either insert an image of your
graph in the box below, or add it as an attachment with your lab submission. (5 marks)
3. What are the effects of temperature on yeast respiration? (2 marks)
The effects of temperature on yeast respiration is the higher the temperature the faster and
more carbon dioxide is produced, meaning there will be more bubbles formed

4. What was the optimum temperature for the fermentation process in your experiment?
(1 mark)
The optimum temperature for the fermentation process in the experiment was 240 degrees
celcius with hot water.

5. What waste product of yeast respiration is useful in make bread, and why? (1 mark)
Carbon dioxide is the waste product useful in making bead, it is useful because carbon
dioxide makes the dough rise.

6. What waste product of yeast respiration is useful in making beer/wine? (1 mark)

Ethanol is the waste product useful is making beer/wine, it is useful because ethanol is
7. Describe if the following changes to this experiment might increase, decrease or have no
effect on the rate of fermentation (5 × 0.5 marks). Make sure to explain your answer (5 × 0.5
marks). (5 marks total)
a. Not adding sugar to the cylinders.
b. Adding twice the amount of sugar to the cylinders.
c. Not shaking the cylinders after adding yeast and sugar.
d. Conducting the experiment in beakers rather than a graduated cylinders.
e. Doubling the amount of water in the cylinders.

a) not adding sugar might decrease the rate of fermentation because fermentation take
place when there is a lot of sugar present.
b)adding twice the amount of sugar might increase the rate of fermentation because
fermentation take place when there is a lot of sugar present.
c)Not shaking the cylinders after adding yeast and sugar might decrease the rate of
fermentation because they are not dissolving in the water fully.
d)Conducting the experiment in beakers instead of graduated cylinders will have no
effect on the rate of fermentation because yeast and sugar will ferment no matter what
container they are in.
e)Doubling the amount of water in the cylinders might increase the rate of fermentation
because fermentation is a process that works best in an environment that is anaerobic.

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