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Name: ___________________________________ Grade: _____ Due Date: Tuesday, January 16th

9 Honors Writer’s Notebook Checklist 2nd Quarter 2017

Key:  = Complete I = Incomplete (No Credit) M = Missing (No Credit) 1/2 = Not Fully Complete (½ Credit)

_____ #1: (1/4 through the book by 12/5) AIR – Setting: Describe the setting of your book and explain its significance. Consider the following: What
is the time and place of the setting? How does it compare or contrast to the setting in which you live? How does it shape the lives of the
characters in the book? How does it contribute to the conflict in the book?

_____ #2: (1/2 through the book by 12/12) AIR – Character & Conflict: Choose one character that had to tackle a conflict (difficult situation).
Consider the forces (personal, social and/or political) that created the situation and explain. Also, consider how the character chose to
handle the situation. Do you agree with the character’s choices and what was the impact of these choices? -OR-Choose one character in
your book that you strongly like or dislike. Explain what the character did (or did not do) to cause you to feel this way.

_____ #3: (3/4 through the book by 12/19) AIR – Significant Scene: Identify a significant scene/passage/quote that stands out either for form or
content. If you are highlighting a scene, summarize it and pull the most important words to quote. If you are highlighting a long passage,
paraphrase it and pull the most important words to quote. Explain the significance. You may highlight more than one
scene/passage/quote. Remember to include page numbers.
Signposts you might NOTE and NOTICE:
 Contrasts and  Tough Questions  Again and Again
Contradictions  Words of the Wiser  Memory Moment
 Aha Moment

_____#4. AIR – Opinion: Discuss your opinion of the book and whether or not you would recommend it to a friend. Consider the following:
 What you think the author’s goal was in writing the book and if she/he succeeded in doing so. Your analysis should mention
specific elements in the novel. “I don’t like the book because it was sad” is not an analytical statement. If the book seemed
gloomy, you might want to discuss the effectiveness (or not) of that tone or imagery in developing a dominant theme, revealing a
character, and/or influencing your response to the work.
 Were characters interesting and credible? Why?
 How did the plot hold or not hold your interest. What made the book an enjoyable or not so enjoyable read?
*Of course, a couple of quotes would support your analysis.

_____ #5: Gift: What is the best gift you have received and why? (The gift can be for a holiday, birthday, etc. or no occasion at all. It doesn’t
have to be a tangible gift.)

_____ #6: “The Flowers” Theme: Consider the following thematic from the story and choose one for commentary. (You may also use a different
theme if you have one.) You can make a text to self, text to text, and/or text to society connection.
 Innocence is lost with the discovery of evil in the world.
 Racism is a destructive force.

_____ #7: “The Lottery” Theme: Consider the following themes from the story and choose one for commentary. (You may also use a different
theme if you have one.) You can make a text to self, text to text, and/or text to society connection.
 Some traditions should be abandoned to reflect modern times.
 Traditions should not be blindly followed.
 The mob mentality encourages individuals to act out of character.
 People are often indifferent to hardhips/tragedy/cruelty until they are directly affected.

_____ #8: “The Necklace” Theme: Consider the following thematic ideas from the story and choose one for commentary. (You may also use a
different thematic idea if you have one.) Note that these are thematic ideas (central ideas); they are not complete theme statements. You
might want to write a theme statement. You can make a text to self, text to text, and/or text to society connection.
 Class Structure
 Appearance vs. Reality
 Materialism
 Excessive Pride

_____ #9: Free Entry: Use this entry to write about anything you want.

_____ #10: Free Entry: Use this entry to write about anything you want.

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