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U n i v e r s i t y Tu n H u s s e i n O n n M a l a y s i a

Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

D e p a r t m e n t o f C i v i l E n g i n e e r i n g Te c h n o l o g y

Geomatics Laboratory

BFC 2111 Geomatics Practice

Practical 2 – Horizontal Control ( Travese )

Introduction :
Horizontal control is a form of a control survey that requires the establishment of a series
of stations that are linked together by angles and distances. The used of horizontal control
is very fundamental and has become one of the most common methods in civil
engineering work.

Objective :
To expose students in field work procedures of establishing horizontal control network.

Learning Outcome :
At the end of this practical, student are able to:
 Perform the field work procedures for horizontal control survey.
 Process the raw data to obtain the coordinate, the area of traverse and the class of
 Determine the nature of errors affecting the horizontal control survey.
 Produce a plan using surveying software.

Theory :
In survey, traverse is defined as the field operation of measuring the lengths and
directions of a series of straight lines connecting a series of points on the earth. Each of
these straight lines is called a traverse line, and each point is called a traverse station.
Traverse stations are commonly marked with wooden peg, stake, nail or iron pipe.
Traverse line are measured using total station. Traversing need to start from reference
datum (coordinate, bearing and distance are known). At each traverse station, a horizontal
angle is measured and used to determine the bearing of the next traverse line. These
measurements are used to compute the relative horizontal position of each unknown
traverse station. The main purposes of traverse are:
 Property surveys to locate and establish boundaries
 Supplementary horizontal control for topographic mapping surveys
 Location and construction layout surveys for highways, railways, and
other private or public works
Practice Equipments :
All groups will be issued with the following equipment :

No. Items Quantity

1 Total Station 1
2 Prisms 2
3 pegs -
4 Nails -
5 Tripod 3
6 Hammer 1

Fieldwork Procedures :
1. Planning and Reconnaissance: In the field, walk over the area and look for suitable
traverse   stations.   Plan   the   minimum   number   of   traverse   stations.   Consider   the
obstacles that may obstruct the survey work. 
2. Pegging traverse station: Consideration the line of sight of each control point and
its susceptibility to disturbance, since they will remain for the duration of the survey
3. Establish datum: The survey need to be start with three known control points.
Measure the distance to the nearest 10 mm and angle to the nearest 10”. If the
measurements differ by more than 30 mm / 20” repeat or find other control point.
4. There are several steps which should be followed and will lead to a smooth traverse.
a) First, setup the instrument over the station.
b) Level and centre the instrument.
c) Set the instrument to the required datum.
d) Record face left horizontal reading to backsight station (bearing & distance).
e) Turn the instrument and sight foresight station.
f) Record face left horizontal reading to foresight station (bearing & distance)
g) Transit the instrument (from Face Left to Face Right).
h) Set the required datum (bearing) to backsight station.
i) Record face left horizontal reading to backsight station (bearing & distance).
j) Turn instrument to face foresight station.
k) Record face left horizontal reading to foresight station.
l) Calculate the mean bearing foresight station.
m) Move the instrument to the next station (foresight station).
n) The next traverse line bearing are respect or correspond to the previous mean

Results and Calculations :

1) Record all the readings in a traverse sheet.
2) Check carefully all survey field notes and observations along with the sketch.
3) Apply the corrections for the traverse line adjustments.
4) Calculate the adjusted results of coordinates of control stations, the traverse
misclosure, and the traverse area.
Plotting :

1) Using the SDRMapping and Design or TRIMap surveying software to processing

the adjusted data.
2) Produce the plan for your project using ACAD software.
3) Produce a group report of your project according to the format given.

Cautions :
1) Never transport the total station while attached to the tripod. Always remove
the instrument and place it in the case when moving from one set-up point to the
2) Keep the instrument case closed when in the field to prevent dust and dirt.
3) Never remove a battery from an instrument while the instrument is on.
4) Always run batteries until they go dead.
5) At the end of the exercise, charge all dead batteries. The charging of batteries is
your responsibility. Ask for instructions on how to charger the batteries.

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