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International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 2013, 35, 321–328 doi: 10.1111/ics.


Review Article
Methodology for assessing the performance of urine absorbing aids
in controlling malodour release

S. Sironi, L. Capelli, L. Dentoni and R. Del Rosso

Politecnico di Milano, Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering ‘Giulio Natta’, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133, Milano,

Received 28 June 2012, Accepted 08 December 2012

Keywords: hedonic tone, odour concentration, panel test, sensorial analysis, urine malodour

Abstract sensoriels de tout risque de contamination biologique. Des mesures

sensorielles ont ete realisees afin d’optimiser la similitude entre
The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of comparing l’urine artificielle et biologique, en particulier en ce qui concerne
the performance of different absorbent aids in terms of odour control la composition du composant volatil et donc des proprietes odoran-
by discussing a suitable methodology for product evaluation. To tes. L’evaluation de la performance des articles absorbant pour
overcome the problems of low test reproducibility owing to biological contr^oler les mauvaises odeurs d’urine comprend a  la fois la
urine variability, the first step of the work consisted of the identifica- concentration et la tonalite hedonique de l’odeur degagee par l’arti-
tion and the production of artificial urine having a constant and sta- cle lui-m^eme charge d’urine synthetique. Les analyses ont ete
ble composition over time, moreover preventing sensorial assessors effectuees sur des produits differents, qui peuvent ^etre regroupes en
from any risk of biological contamination. Sensorial measurements deux categories differentes: des absorbants avec ou sans la technol-
were performed to optimize the similarity between artificial and bio- ogie de contr^ ole des odeurs (OCT), respectivement. Les resultats
logical urine, especially as far as the composition of the volatile com- montrent qu’en depit de la presence ou de l’absence de la OCT sur
ponent and therefore of the odour properties are concerned. The les produits absorbants, les concentrations d’odeurs sont presque
assessment of absorbent articles performance to control urine mal- identiques, etant comprises entre 10 000 et 12 000 ouE m 3.
odour includes both the concentration and the hedonic tone of the Pour cette raison, il est evident que la concentration d’odeur ne
odour released by the article itself loaded with synthetic urine. Anal- convient pas comme seul parametre pour comparer des differents
yses were run on different products, which can be grouped into two produits absorbants. Au lieu de cela, le ton hedonique des odeurs
different classes: absorbing aids with or without odour control tech- (odeur agreable/desagreable?) pertinents aux differentes typologies
nology (OCT) respectively. Results show that, despite of the presence de produits (i.e. produits ‘avec et sans OCT) devrait ^etre utilise com-
or absence of OCT on absorbing products, their odour concentra- me un facteur supplementaire de discrimination pour ce genre de
tions are almost identical, being comprised between 10 000 and tests comparatifs.
12 000 ouE m 3. For this reason, it is evident that odour concentra-
tion is not suitable as the sole parameter for comparison of different Introduction
absorbing products. Instead, the hedonic odour tone (odour pleasant-
ness/unpleasantness) relevant to the different product typologies As the adult ages, the risk of urinary incontinence increases with
(that is products with and without OCT) should be used as an significant impact on the physical and emotional health of the
additional discriminating factor for this kind of comparative tests. patient. Risk factors include advancing age, female gender and it is
thus an important clinical and social problem in the elderly today,
expected to grow further. There are varying reports of the female
Re  population suffering from incontinence. In a survey conducted on
Le but de cette etude est d’etudier la possibilite de comparer la per- 2400 people, a prevalence of urinary incontinence of 48.4% is
formance des differentes aides absorbants en termes de contr^ ole des reported [1]. Malodour reduction is one of the most important fac-
odeurs, en decrivant une methodologie appropriee pour l’evaluation tors as the perception of urine malodour from the worn absorbent
des produits. Afin de surmonter les problemes de la faible reproduc- product by users or others has a significant impact on self-esteem
tibilite du test en raison de la variabilite biologique des urines, la and social interaction and might represent an additional psycho-
premiere etape du travail a consiste en l’identification et la produc- logical burden to the incontinence itself. Odour control is one of
tion d’urine artificielle, ayant une composition constante et stable the top unmet needs of the Adult Care Category; 94% of people
dans le temps, et par ailleurs permettant a prevenir les evaluateurs suffering from incontinence are looking for a specific product that
controls the malodour. To confirm the importance of the benefit,
Correspondence: Selena Sironi, Politecnico di Milano, Department of Odour control remains the 1° top claim of the new launches
Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering ‘Giulio Natta’, Piazza observed in 2011 equal to the 44% [2–8]. Absorbent articles are
Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano, Italy. Tel.: +390223993292; being developed to help managing urine loss and also decreasing
fax: +390223993291; e-mail: the social impact. Many types of urine absorbent products are

© 2012 Society of Cosmetic Scientists and the Societe Francßaise de Cosmetologie 321
Assessment of Urine Absorbing Aids to Odour control S. Sironi et al.

available on the market. They can have different shape, material, Materials and methods
technology or design. The International Standard ISO 15
621:2011 [9] reports how to evaluate different urine absorbing Analysis methodology
products. This International Standard supplies general guidelines
Odour concentration measurement:Dynamic olfactometry allows to
on evaluation of urine-absorbing aids, lists the most important fac-
determine the odour concentration (cod) of an odorous air sample,
tors for users and caregivers of absorbent incontinent products,
which is expressed in European odour units per cubic metre (ouE
gives guidance for how these factors can be evaluated, and finally
m 3), and represents the number of dilutions with neutral air that
gives an overview of testing methodologies and interpretation of
are necessary to bring the odorous sample to its odour detection
test results.
threshold concentration[11].
International Standard ISO 15 621:2011 specifies that a possible
The olfactometric method is based on the identification of the
way of evaluating malodour reduction is to use sensory analysis
so-called ‘odour detection threshold’, i.e. of the threshold at which
methods, as described in the International Standard ISO
an odour is perceived by 50% of the assessors (panel).
6658:1985 [10]. This Standard is a general introduction to the
To bring a sample to this threshold, a suitable dilution device
methodology of sensory analysis for odour evaluation. However, it
must be used, which allows to dilute the gas sample according to
does not specify the parameters to be assessed for odour character-
given ratios with neutral air, i.e. with air made odour- and humid-
ization and neither it refers to specific standards relevant to odour
ity-free by filtration through active carbon and silica gel. This
assessment. This study describes an approach to define the parame-
dilution device is called ‘olfactometer’.
ters to be considered to evaluate the odour released from different
Odour concentration measurements are carried out in a specific
urine absorbing products using an objective sensorial evaluation
room, called ‘olfactometric chamber’, at the Department of Chemis-
executed by expert sniffers.
try, Materials and Chemical Engineering ‘Giulio Natta’ at the Po-
Sensorial evaluations can be of different types and can be classi-
litecnico di Milano. The olfactometric chamber is specifically
fied into:
equipped and meets the requirements of the EN 13 725:2003. The
-Concentration measurements [11]; atmosphere inside the olfactometric chamber is controlled to mini-
-Intensity measurements [12]; mize the risk that undesired external factors may affect the mea-
-Hedonic tone measurements [13]. surement. Odours coming from the equipment and other materials
are eliminated and the room is ventilatedr to keep the environment
The assessment of absorbent articles performance to control
odour-free. The ventilation air is filtered through active carbon
urine malodour includes both the concentration and the hedonic
before introduction into the olfactometric chamber to be deodor-
tone of the odour released by the article itself loaded with syn-
ized. A minimum of 20 air exchanges/hour are guaranteed inside
thetic urine. Intensity measurements were not considered,
the olfactometric chamber. An olfactometer Ecoma Mod. TO8
because odour intensity is proved to be correlated to the concen-
equipped with four odour sniffing ports controlled by a PC was
tration by different relations, such as the Weber Fechner law or
used as a dilution device (Fig. 1).
the Steven law [14].
The measurement sessions start with a high dilution rate, as to
As mentioned above, International Standards (ISO
keep the first sample presentations below the odour threshold con-
15 621:2011 and ISO 6658:1985) do not include specific proce-
centration. The assessors smell the gas from a sniffing port and at
dures to perform odour assessment nor indications about the
each presentation, they shall indicate if they perceive an odour
panel selection. As panel selection is a crucial aspect of sensorial
analysis, it was executed according to the requirements of
another standard for the regulation of sensorial analyses, i.e. the
European Norm EN 13 725 [11, 15]. This European Standard
refers to the measurement of odour concentration of pure sub-
stances, defined mixtures and undefined mixtures of gaseous
odorants in air or nitrogen, using dynamic olfactometry with a
panel of human assessors being the sensor. The unit of measure-
ment is the European odour unit per cubic metre: ouE m 3. The
odour concentration is measured by determining the dilution fac-
tor required to reach the detection threshold. The odour concen-
tration at the detection threshold is by definition one ouE m 3.
The odour concentration is then expressed in terms of multiples
of the detection threshold.
Hedonic tone measurements were carried out according to the
German Guideline VDI 3882- part 2 [13], which specifies the
methodology to be used to evaluate the odour pleasantness or
The data presented in this study are averaged from a set of anal-
yses run on a large number of products, which can be grouped into
two different classes: absorbent aids with or without odour control
system respectively.
The proposed methodology may effectively be applied for the
comparison of single commercial products both for pair or multiple
evaluations. Figure 1 The olfactometer ECOMA TO8

© 2012 Society of Cosmetic Scientists and the Societe Francßaise de Cosmetologie

322 International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 35, 321–328
Assessment of Urine Absorbing Aids to Odour control S. Sironi et al.

(‘yes/no’ method). After each round, the concentration of the sam- Panel selection: For odour concentration measurements, the panel
ple is increased by reducing the dilution ratio. A button shall be members are selected by means of specific sensitivity tests, in con-
pressed as soon as the sample odour is detected. The assessors are formity with the criteria of the EN 13 725 [11]. According to the
not asked to recognize or to describe the perceived odour, but just norm, the panel sensitivity must be tested towards a reference
to indicate the moment at which they perceive a difference from odorant (n-butanol) as to choose a panel representative of the pop-
neutral air. In some cases (at least 20%), reference air is presented ulation average sensitivity. The following requirements must be
instead of the sample (blanks), as to keep the assessors’ concentra- satisfied: the sensitivity towards n-butanol must be included within
tion high. The measurement finishes when all the panel members a given range; the standard deviation with respect to the reference
have answered ‘yes’ correctly for at least two consecutive times. value must not exceed a given value and no errors on ‘blanks’
Hedonic tone measurement: The hedonic tone (H.T.) describes the shall be committed. According to the EN 13 725, assessors having
pleasantness/unpleasantness of an odour sample on a 9-point scale, an odour threshold to n-butanol between 20 ppb and 80 ppb can
ranging from 4 (extremely unpleasant) to +4 (extremely pleasant) be accepted as examiners. At our Laboratory, as a higher quality
[13]. criterion, a narrower range is adopted, thus selecting as panel
Hedonic tone measurements are performed using the same dilu- members, only people having an odour threshold to n-butanol
tion apparatus used for the determination of the odour concentra- comprised between 30 ppb and 60 ppb.
tion, i.e. the olfactometer. For hedonic tone measurements, the panel member’s sensitivity
The range of concentrations that has to be presented to the (level of individual odour threshold) should not be a criterion for
panel members comprises six dilution steps, which differ by a factor panel selection, as it is the case for the determination of odour con-
of two, the lowest dilution step corresponding to the sample odour centration. The procedure for panel selection described in the Ger-
threshold concentration. For this reason, it is mandatory to know a man VDI, which was adopted by our Laboratory, provides to test
sample odour concentration before evaluating its hedonic tone. the assessors using specific reference odorants.
In the case of low odorant concentrations, a smaller number of The odorants employed for panel selection are vanillin (1 g to
dilution steps may be presented[13]. If necessary, the test may be 200 ml dipropylene glycol) and guaiacol (1 ll to 200 ml distilled
confined to the undiluted test gas. The presentation of odour stim- water), representing a pleasant and an unpleasant odour respec-
uli is done at random. Adaptation effects must, moreover, be mini- tively. More in detail, panel screening is done by offering each
mized by ensuring that an above-threshold odour stimulus is not panel member reference odorants in bottled and asking him or her
presented for longer than 15 s, with an allowance of an additional to evaluate them according to the above-mentioned scale (Fig. 2),
decision time of 5 s. The minimum break between two different and the mean value of the results obtained from the entire panel
stimuli should be at least 1 m. To check possible contamination of must lie within a given range, i.e. between +1.9 and +2.9 for van-
the olfactometer or to minimize possible guessing tendencies on the illin (pleasant) and 0.8 and 2.0 for guaiacol (unpleasant)) [13].
part of the panel members, the presentations are interspersed with Measurement sessions: For the odour concentration evaluation,
blank samples (neutral air samples). three consecutive measures for each sample have to be performed,
A series of measurements must not commence either with a with a minimum of four panellists for each measure, as a mini-
blank sample or with a maximum stimulus. mum of 12 individual detection thresholds are necessary to obtain
For every sample presentation at the different dilution steps, the the odour concentration of each analysed sample [11]. The geo-
panel members shall evaluate the hedonic tone of the perceived concen- metric mean of these 12 individual detection thresholds is calcu-
tration in accordance with the above-mentioned 9-point scale (Fig. 2). lated at the end of each test session. If one of the values obtained
by one panellist is too far from the geometrical mean (according to
EN 13 725, the ratio between an individual threshold estimate and
the geometrical mean of all individual threshold estimates in a
measurement should be between +5 and 5), the data from that
+4 panellist are excluded, and the geometric mean is recalculated
using only the remaining measures [11].
+3 For hedonic tone evaluation, the panel has to consist of at least
15 persons on account of the interindividual differences which may
occur [13]. The hedonic odour tone is expressed as the arithmetic
mean of the hedonic odour tone values evaluated by each of the
15 panel members at the six different concentrations, thus repre-
+1 senting the average of 90 assessments. This procedure is not
Neither pleasant reported in the above-mentioned German guideline, which limits
nor unpleasant the presentation of the hedonic tone measurements to a graphical
representation of the panel responses with a statistical evaluation
of their dispersion. We considered this procedure not to be suitable
for comparing the odour pleasantness/unpleasantness released from
different products, whereby the use of an averaged value, supported
by suitable statistical analysis, is more significant.
All statistical analyses were conduced applying the Z-test
Extremely method, considering a confidence interval of 95%. In general, the
unpleasant Z-test compares two groups of values (A and B) to determine if
there is a significant difference between them [16]. The Null
Figure 2 Scale for the hedonic odour tone evaluation [13] Hypothesis considered is that the difference between A and B is not

© 2012 Society of Cosmetic Scientists and the Societe Francßaise de Cosmetologie

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Assessment of Urine Absorbing Aids to Odour control S. Sironi et al.

significant, whereas the Alternative Hypothesis is that the two vidually. This procedure aimed to obtain a reasonable representation
mean values are significantly different. Using data of each group of of inter- and intra-individuals variability of urine composition.
values, the variances are calculated. Successively, relevant ‘z’ value The samples to be analysed were prepared by storing a known
is calculated. The obtained ‘z’ value is compared with the critical quantity of fluid into special sampling bags at a fixed temperature.
‘z’ value relevant to the confidence interval chosen (95%) to estab- In more detail, 200 ml of fluid was used for each sample, and
lish if the Null Hypothesis has to be rejected or not. If the Null stored at a temperature of 37°C, this being the body temperature.
Hypothesis has to be rejected, the Alternative Hypothesis is proved The sampling bags are in Nalophane, with a Teflon inlet tube and
and the two mean values (A and B) are significantly different. a volume of about 6 litres (Fig. 3).
Moreover, the uncertainty related with the averaged data was The olfactometric evaluations were run on the gaseous phase
calculated considering a confidence interval of 95%. Calculated above the liquid (headspace).
uncertainties are reported on graphs as error bars. The analyses for the determination of both the odour concentra-
tion and the hedonic tone were repeated at different time intervals
after sample preparation, to account for the variability of urine
Synthetic urine
over time. The first test was performed at 15 min after sample
Biological urine is proved to have extremely variable composition preparation, then at 6 h and finally at 24 h.
[17–21]. Urine composition may be affected by several different fac- These time intervals were chosen as to account for three differ-
tors, such as the studied subject (sex, age), its diet and health con- ent moments of the use of urine absorbing products: urination
ditions (e.g. infections or other pathologies), and the hour of the (time ‘0’, 15 min was left as to allow the realization of equilibrium
day (typically, the first morning urine is the most concentrated, conditions between liquid and gas phase), change (6 h wearing)
then concentration decreases during the day). and final disposal (24 h).
Such variability is in contrast with the requirement of reproduc-
ibility of the tests for the sensorial evaluation of the products to be
Tests for the comparison of different urine absorbing products
tested. This requirement can be fulfilled by the use of a reproduc-
ible synthetic urine-like fluid having a constant and stable composi- As previously explained, the sensorial tests for the comparison of
tion over time. For this reason, the first step of the work consisted different urine are performed using synthetic urine.
of the identification and the production of artificial urine, which, The absorbent articles are prepared flat on the bench and loaded
besides being stable, shall also be similar to real urine from the with an amount of synthetic urine that is representative of the
point of view of olfactory perception. average loading of urine that can be present in urine absorbent
The identification of a synthetic urine-like fluid to be used for products of a specified size. For instance, for products used for light
the tests is also necessary to prevent the sensorial assessors (panel) incontinence, usual loading is below 30 mL of urine, for products
from any risk of biological contamination. specific for severe incontinence, it is common that the users load
The preparation of artificial urine was based on a wide biblio- for each product is around 300 mL.
graphical research focused on the scientific studies describing the The chosen amount of synthetic urine is loaded in the centre of
volatile and odorous substances contained in biological urine [22– each product sample. Each sample is then positioned into a sam-
24]. The recipe of artificial urine was thus identified as a mixture pling bag in Nalophane and in contact with 6 L of neutral air.
of volatile compounds to be added to a solution of water and salts. Also in this case, it is important to fix suitable storage conditions,
Moreover, microbiological activity occurring in the biological i.e. time and temperature, to simulate the conditions of use of the
fluid was simulated by addition of an enzyme (urease) to the products to be tested.
mixture. For this reason, a storage temperature representative of the body
The enzyme is added to the liquid solution just before the pad temperature (37°C) was chosen, and a storage time in a range
loading, so that the enzymatic reaction starts as soon as the prod- between 4 and 8 h, which is estimated to be the average usage
ucts are filled with the artificial urine. time of the products.
Sensorial measurements were performed to optimize the similar-
ity between artificial and biological urine, especially as far as the
odour properties are concerned.
The dosage of the single substances is therefore a crucial aspect
associated with the preparation of artificial urine for sensorial
odour testing. The artificial urine used for this study was prepared
as to be comparable, from the point of view of the emitted odour
(quality and quantity), to biological urine after 24 h ageing. This
time interval was chosen as it may reasonably represent the
worst-case scenario for the final disposal of an absorbent pad.

Tests for the comparison of synthetic urine vs. biological urine

The comparison of synthetic vs. biological urine was based on sen-
sorial measurements of both odour concentration and hedonic
Biological urine was collected from 20 healthy individuals, aged in
a range between 50 and 90 years, over a 24-h period. Samples were
combined from each person over a 24-h collection and analysed indi- Figure 3 Sampling bags

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324 International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 35, 321–328
Assessment of Urine Absorbing Aids to Odour control S. Sironi et al.

After storage, the bags are wrapped into additional black bags to One important advantage of synthetic urine is that the fact of
prevent prejudice against the products and proceed to the olfacto- using a fluid with a stable odour concentration over time makes
metric analyses for the evaluation of both the odour concentration olfactometric tests more reproducible.
and the hedonic tone [11, 13]. Figure 5 reports the results of the hedonic odour tone measure-
Also in this case, the tests were repeated on three different sam- ments run, in analogy with the odour concentration measure-
ples prepared in triplicate and stored for three different times: ments, at 15 min, 6 h and 24 h after sample preparation
15 min, 6 h and 24 h after sample preparation, for the same respectively. In this case, the ordinate reports the hedonic tone
reasons discussed above. (H.T.) values in a scale from 4 (extremely unpleasant) to +4
(extremely pleasant), as indicated by the German VDI [13].
As previously explained, each reported hedonic odour tone value
Results and discussion
represents the arithmetic mean of the single values evaluated by
the 15 panel members at six different concentrations, thus repre-
Comparison of synthetic urine vs. biological urine
senting the average of 90 assessments.
As previously mentioned, both odour concentration measure- The results obtained show synthetic and biological urine to have
ments and hedonic tone measurements were performed for the very similar hedonic odour tones, except for the test run shortly
comparison of the samples of biological and synthetic urine after sample preparation (15 min). As previously discussed for the
respectively. odour concentration, for olfactometric evaluations on urine absorb-
Figure 4 shows the results of the odour concentration determi- ing aids, it is important for the synthetic urine to be representative
nations performed in accordance with the European Standard EN of the biological urine aged 24 h, which is the time interval for the
13 725. pad final disposal.
The numbers in abscissa indicate the time after sample prepara- The combination of odour concentration and hedonic odour tone
tion at which the sensorial analysis was run, whereby ‘0’ stands measurements thus proved the identified synthetic urine to be suit-
for the first test, which was run 15 min after sample preparation, able for the setup of olfactometric evaluations for the comparison
as to leave a minimum time to allow the realization of equilibrium of different pads.
conditions between the liquid and the gas phase at the chosen tem-
perature (37°C). The ordinate reports the odour concentration
Olfactometric tests on urine absorbing aids
values in ouE m 3.
The results shown in Figure 4 allow formulating some interest- Odour concentration measurements: Odour concentration analyses
ing considerations. The odour concentration of synthetic urine is were run on different products, which can be grouped into two dif-
almost constant over time, with values ranging from about ferent classes: absorbing aids with or without odour control tech-
40 000 ouE m 3 to 60 000 ouE m 3. In contrast, the odour con- nology (OCT) respectively.
centration of biological urine increases with time, from an initial Figure 6 shows the results of the odour concentration measure-
value of about 10 000 ouE m 3 to a final value of about ments on the tested product typologies at the different time inter-
40 000 ouE m 3, this increase being attributable to the microbio- vals after sample preparation.
logical ageing processes occurring in biological urine. Some considerations can be extrapolated from these results. Even
Synthetic and biological urine are proven to have comparable though for several other applications, the comparison of odour con-
odour concentrations at 24 h after sample preparation. Synthetic centrations is the best way for the comparative evaluation of odour
urine is representative of 24-h aged biological urine, thus repre- control systems, this is not sufficient in this case. The results show
senting the worst-case scenario of an absorbent pad at the that, despite of the presence or absence of OCT on absorbing prod-
moment of its final disposal, which may occur up to 24 h after ucts, their odour concentrations do not present significant varia-
wearing (especially as far as the use in hospitals or rest homes is tions, thus showing almost identical values in all the different tests
considered). (10 000–12 000 ouE m 3). It can be observed that the odour con-

Odour Concentration - Biological urine vs Synthetic urine

100 000
Biological Synthetic
90 000

80 000

70 000
cod (ouE m–3)

60 000
58 000
50 000
49 000 41 000
40 000

30 000

20 000

10 000

0 6 12 18 24
Time (h)

Figure 4 Results of the odour concentration determinations on biological and synthetic urine

© 2012 Society of Cosmetic Scientists and the Societe Francßaise de Cosmetologie

International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 35, 321–328 325
Assessment of Urine Absorbing Aids to Odour control S. Sironi et al.

Hedonic Tone - Biological urine vs Synthetic urine

Biological Synthetic

H.T. 1

–1 –1.1

–2.1 –2.2
–2.2 –2.2
–3 –2.6

0 6 12 18 24
Time (h)

Figure 5 Results of the hedonic odour tone determinations on biological and synthetic urine

Odour concentration - Synthetic urine on different urine absorbing

30 000
25 000

20 000
cod (ouE m–3)

15 000
12 000 12 000
10 000
10 000 12 000
11 000


0 6 12 18 24
Time (h)

Figure 6 Results of the odour concentration determinations on absorbing products with and without OCT respectively

centration values measured in the samples containing the absorb- Hedonic tone values relevant to products without OCT range
ing pads loaded with urine are much lower than the odour concen- from 1.9 to 1.3, thus indicating the presence of an unpleasant
trations of urine alone (10 000 ouE m 3 vs. 40 000 ouE m 3), odour (malodour) over the whole-product life cycle. These values
thus indicating that the presence of the absorbing pad already pro- are still higher than those of urine alone (below 2), indicating
duces a reduction of the emitted odour. that also odour pleasantness is slightly improved by the sole pres-
Still, given the similarity of the odour concentrations relevant to ence of the absorbing material.
the different product typologies, it is evident that the sole odour Instead, hedonic tone values of products with OCT are much
concentration is not a suitable parameter for the comparison of dif- higher, i.e. close to neutrality (zero value representing a neither
ferent absorbing products. pleasant nor unpleasant odour), ranging from 1.2 at 15 min
However, even though the odour concentration is not directly from sample preparation to +0.2 at 24 h. The increase in the hedo-
affected by the OCT, a modification of the odour quality in the pres- nic tone values is owing to the time required by the OCT to exploit
ence of the OCT may be noticed. For this reason, hedonic odour its odour control action.
tone measurements seem to be more appropriate for product com- These results show the hedonic tone measurement suitability for
parison. discriminating the effectiveness of the different products tested in
Hedonic tone measurements: Figure 7 shows the results of the reducing urine malodour.
hedonic odour tone measurements on the tested product typologies
at the different times.
Unlike for odour concentration, the hedonic tone values relevant
to the different product typologies (with and without OCT) are sig- This paper proposes an effective test methodology to evaluate the
nificantly different. efficacy of different absorbent products in reducing urine malodour.

© 2012 Society of Cosmetic Scientists and the Societe Francßaise de Cosmetologie

326 International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 35, 321–328
Assessment of Urine Absorbing Aids to Odour control S. Sironi et al.

Hedonic Tone - Synthetic urine on different urine absorbing



–1.6 –1.3

0 6 12 18 24
Time (h)

Figure 7 Results of the hedonic odour tone determinations on absorbing products with and without OCT respectively

To make sensorial tests reproducible and free from any biological On the contrary, hedonic odour tone (odour pleasantness/
risk for expert sniffers, preliminary studies were conducted to iden- unpleasantness) turned out to be more suitable for this pur-
tify an artificial urine-like fluid with odour properties (odour con- pose, allowing to effectively discriminate different absorbing
centration and hedonic tone) similar to those of biological urine. products.
The proposed method provides the evaluation of both odour con-
centration and hedonic tone to discriminate between different
absorbing products. The similarity of the odour concentrations rele-
vant to the different product typologies (with and without odour con- The study was carried out at and founded by the Olfactometric
trol system) proves the sole odour concentration not to be a suitable Laboratory of Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical
parameter for the comparison of different absorbing products. Engineering ‘Giulio Natta’, Politecnico di Milano, Italy.

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impact on quality of life. J. Clin. Nurs. 16, Verein Deutscher Ingenieure. Determination of
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Pemberton, J.H., Lieber, M.M. and Talley, N.J. 7. Grandstaff, M. and Lyons, D. Impact of a Deutscher Ingenieure e. V. VDI Guidelines
Prevalence of combined fecal and urinary continence training program on patient Department, Dusseldorf, Germany (2008).
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